Kozma rods - biography, aphorisms and quotes


Character History

The great philosopher, the writer and withers of the goat rods were loved by the readers of the XIX century from the first publication in the press. His "Parents" noted the main qualities of the hero - the limitless diligence and the utterness of a sense of humor.

Goat rods

Kozma Pantsuu belongs to the authorship of the whole place of the famous statements and aphorisms. The pearls who came out of the feather of the writer at first glance seem to be nonsense, but at the near future, truth and deep meaning are clearly visible. For example, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the splitting of a person from the bottom, and not on top - quite a logical phenomenon, because two supports are more reliable than one.

History of creation

Goat rods - a collective alias of several writers and poets at once. Alexey Tolstoy, his cousins, Vladimir, Alexey and Alexander Peluzhnikov, hide under the literary mask. The poet Petr Ershov was put on the creation of collections of sayings, aphorisms and Basen, and the scenic image of the rods owes Lero Pearls.

Alexey Tolstoy

The history of the creation of a brilliant mystification of the Russian satire began with summer evenings of 1851, when the village of Pavlovka gathered at the Vacation of Alexey Tolstoy and his cousins. Ishind and jokers Cornney clocks for pellery and ridicule over contemporaries and life phenomena.

Everyone commanded his elements: Tolstoy became fascinated by Epistolar tip, Alexey Peluzhnikov came up with comic scenarios for the home theater, Alexander was brilliant to enjoy ridiculous stories in Basni, and Vladimir had a gift of a parody. This was born on the light of the first fable Prutkov Prutkov "Forget-me-not-and-stake," and after the chain of moral stories was reached - "Heron and running tracks", "Conductor and Tarantul" and others. The brothers were so carried away that by the end of the summer, a dozen satirical works accumulated.

Alexey Phemchuzhnikov

Vladimir in a letter to a friend noted that comic work was invented as evidence of "Ferry praise" - Basni is obtained from other people no worse. And also added:

"... Upon returning to our St. Petersburg ... With Brother Alexei and Graph A. Tolstoy came to the thoughts to write from one person capable of all types of creativity."

Born randomly rods later turned out the qualities already consciously. In the mid-50s, Peter Ershov joined the authors' balancy, with whom Vladimir met when he served in Tobolsk. Together with the creator of the "skate-Gorboon", they showed the world a comical operetta "Castle, siren phrenologist". This work then came to the reader under the authorship of the father of Kozma Prutkov. So the invented character received a pedigree.

Vladimir Pemchuzhnikov

The name of Parduts was presented by Verkhevnikov, who, however, was called Kuzma. Later, "U" changed to "O" with the light hand of Alexander's pursuit. At about the same time, a new resident of the literary Olympus "received" a profession and rank, married, acquired offspring.

The works of the fictional writer came to readers in 1854. On the pages of the application to the magazine "Contemporary", the humorous publication "Literary Yelash" broke off "leisure of Kozma Prutkov", and after five years, the public laughed over the creation of "Pooh and feathers. For leisure officers Kozma Prutkov. "

Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov

For the completeness of the picture, the authors published "thoughts and aphorisms", as well as the anecdotes "from the notes of my grandfather" in the magazine "Spark". Completed the literary career of the fictional hero of the publication in the "whistle" dated 1863.

All the books of Prurtkov to the revolution were withstanding more than 10 publications, and in the 20th century, the shelves of bookstores were enriched with the "full collection of the writings of Kozma Prutkov."


The biography of Kuzma Petrovich began either in 1801, or 1803 - the authors did not decide. But for the birthday, they set the exact date - April 11. There was a future eyelids and a philosopher in the village of Tenthelian Vologda province in a family of poor, but respected nobles. The main historical heritage of Prukov got from Grandfy Fyodor Kuzmich: "Histoic materials", although they are written by the "impossible" language and syllable, but are valuable in witty thoughts.

The image of the Kozma Prutkova

In the Zenith of Glory, the grandson will publish the pearls of his grandfather and proudly declares about the involvement in the literature of the whole genus, which will then prove the father's edition of Tobolsk operetta. According to the treatment of goats, the work is highly appreciated by Derzhavin, Khmelnitsky and even Sumarokov himself.

The sciences of the rods were studied at home, where the priest acted as a teacher. The literary talent was already glanced at an early age, because the assessment in Russian literature was treated as "assessed," Life roads are traced in his aphorisms. For example, in his youth Kozma understood the truth:

"If you want to be beautiful, go to hussars."

Therefore, in 1820 in UNCERS. It was able to hold out in the hussar shelf, the hero was able to two years, but then a terrible event happened, which later became the object of his biographers's close attention, - the general was dreamed of the general, on which only the epolutes were from the clothes.

Wooden Bust Goat Prutkova

The young goat Petrovich was welcomed in the St. Petersburg Ministry of Finance on a solid rank of the Table Chamber, where he made a dizzying career, coming to the steering wheel of the Chamber and having received the Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree. It is worth noting, success has achieved without dating, exclusively thanks to its own zeal. The glorious official turned out to be a competent leader than he himself was proud, not forgetting to mention:

"My mind and undoubted tranquits, supported by infinitely freeness, constituted my protection."

Having lived a quarter of a century, the goats of the rods married Antonide to the punishetant and nodied a bunch of children, however, only ten remained alive.

Caricature on Kozma Prutkova and its authors

In the middle of the 20th century, the character received a pass to the youth circle, which was included by the pearl brothers and Graph Alexei Tolstoy. Up to this point, the rods did not even think about literary activities, but comrades convinced a new friend in his exceptional writer's abilities. Painted by such support, Kozma wrote a comedy "Fantasy". The work even put in the Alexandria theater, but immediately it fell into opal in the authorities and was prohibited.

Then the newly-made writer began for writing Bassen, and a year later, a year was going to publish a collection of works with his own portrait, but censorship again inserted sticks into the wheels. Nevertheless, a smart author with pleasure printed satirical magazines.

I lived Kozma Petrovich 60 years. On January 13, 1863, the heart of the Great Writer stopped during work on the next verses.

Statements and aphorisms

The goat rods perfectly owned a variety of literary genres. The sharp pen was not afraid of lyrics and comedies, drams and fables, epigrams and water waters. And what kind of controversy the writer unfolded in journalistic articles! His creativity presented the world of paint aphorisms, and the quotes became covered phrases:We live, the age of learning. "Eggs do not seek two times. If you have a fountain, shutting it; Give a rest and fountain. Lib! Zries in the root! What do others say about you, if you yourself can not say anything about yourself? No one will do it imparable. If you want to be happy, be named in the sun, squeeze your eyes, and you Boldly see the stains in it. If you are asked: what is more useful, sun or month? - Discover: month. For the sun shines during the day when it is without that light; And the month is at night. Where the beginning ended the beginning? Better say there is little, but good. Heon love at least on the door, she will fly out the window. For one person, it is passionately - tolerates another Tokmo on the settlement. It is difficult to finish: a) to eat good food; b) Talking with a friend returning from the campaign and c) to scratch where itches.

Interesting Facts

  • The phenomenon of Kozma Prutkova is marked in monuments. Bronze sculpting of a fictional writer decorates Prospect Chumbarova-Lucinsky in Arkhangelsk. Of course, the sculpture was denoted by the "homeland" of Prutkov - the bust is installed on the turn of the village of Vidaze (Lipetsk region). In the vicinity of this settlement was located the estate where his "parents" gathered. And the pride of the literary museum in Bryansk is the "Prutkovsky Hall", in which visitors get acquainted with the creativity of the author Bass and Plays.
  • The cinema also did not pass by the literary mystics. From the phrase about the Fountain of Kozma Prutkova begins the comedy "Fountain" (1988) director Yuri Mine.
Monument to Kozma Prukovu
  • At the end of the 90s of the last century, the first Prurtkov festival was held, which marked the beginning of the feast of satire and humor. The motto of events, of course, borrowed from the writer: "Looking at the world, it is impossible not to be surprised."
  • In honor of the 200th anniversary of the character, a premium for parodirs "Casting Kozma" appeared.
  • Since 2004, full collections of essays are waiting for the reader on a specially created site, which is dedicated to Parduts.

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