Svetlana Spiegel - biography, personal life, photo, news, children, daughter Nina, wife Baskov 2021



Svetlana Spiegel is the daughter of the Russian State Worker of Boris Spiegel, the ex-wife of the star of the Estrada Nikolai Baskov. At one time she tried strength in the produce, later settled by the editor of the glossy publication. Today in the priority of the businesswoman - the family and education of children.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana was born in November 1981 in Moscow. Her father is a former member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and the entrepreneur Boris Isaakovich Spiegel, the mother of Evgeny Grigorievna - the financial director of a large enterprise. Girl's parents never hid their nationality. In the family of honor, the traditions of Judaism.

Since childhood, Svetlana showed interest in study, read a lot, studied foreign languages. In 1993, a year went to study at the International English College. After graduating from school, the graduate went to receive a higher education at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow State University.

Personal life

In the early 2000s, Boris Spiegel became interested in the work of the young artist Nikolai Basque and caught fire the idea of ​​becoming a producer of the singer. The first projects began to make a profit, and with the daughter of producer Nikolai, romantic relationships began. Slender girl (Svetlana growth - 175 cm, weight - 58 kg) attracted the attention of the novice artist. The pair legalized the relationship on January 27, 2001.

5 years after the marriage of Svetlana and Nikolai for the first time became parents. The spouses had a son who gave the name Bronislav in honor of the grandmother Svetlana in the father's line. The surname grandchildren grandfather preferred to leave the double - Basque Spiegel.

In 2007, Svetlana and Nikolai divorced. The cause of parting has become frequent husbands of her husband and his non-fulfillment of parental duties. The businesswoman interrupted the chat with his father.

The true reason for the divorce remained is not clear. After parting the spouses, their son Bronislave was left only the maternal surname. According to one version, Svetlana became the initiator, on the other - the son of Baskova himself wanted to get rid of the memory of the father.

Spiegel long lived alone. Soon after the divorce, Vyacheslav Sobolev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine, a close friend of the former president of Viktor Yanukovych, appeared. A young businessman lived at that time in Kiev, but it did not prevent in love to legitimize the relationship in 2011.

Svetlana became his wife for the second time. The wedding took place in the "Metropol" restaurant. At the celebration, the stars of the Jewish pop, as well as Lev Leshchenko, Philip Kirkorov, the Artists of the Khora Turkish, Vika Tsyganova and the Domisolka group.

Sergey Svetlakova and Mikhail Galustan were invited as leading evenings. The event was also attended by the chief rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, who blessed the family for a happy marriage.

Together with the new test, Vyacheslav planned to develop a business with the support of the local Jewish diaspora. In addition, Spiegel helped the son-in-law to take free loan at $ 75 thousand from Prominvestbank, the subsurface enterprise "Vneshtorgbank". In April 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter Nina, and Bronislav began to call the father's stepfather.

But Svetlana's personal life is not long played with rainbow paints. In connection with the change in the political situation in Ukraine, Sobolev decided to break ties with Russia, so in a rush divorced, refused children and settled in Kiev. Vyacheslav joined the part of Peter Poroshenko "Solidarity" and became a friend of the new president.

In 2016, an unequivocal photo of the second husband Svetlana began to appear in Instagram and Internet media, surrounded by Handsaws in the famous Spanish gay club. The submool reputation of Sobolev did not even save the fact that the businessman already as 2 years was painted with Inna Willchin. After the second divorce Svetlana, along with children moved to Israel. With former husbands, she stopped communication.

After all the peripetia in life, Spiegel interest in her biography in the media is a bit. This contributes to a secluded life together with relatives in Israel and rare appearances in Russia. In the suburbs, the business woman family owns luxury real estate. Svetlana enjoys the joys of motherhood. There is no information about the personal life of the daughter of the producer.


Being already married to the singer Nikolai Baskov, the daughter of producer herself decided to try himself in business. She opened a PR agency "Success", which has been promoting people of creative professions. Among the customers of the company Svetlana Spiegel were also the famous figures of show business, such as Philip Kirkorov.

Svetlana Spiegel now

The former wife of Nikolai Baskov still manages to hide his life from paparazzi. And for journalists now it is really of interest in connection with the commercial activities of her father. But in October 2020, the daughter of a businessman managed to light up at the Teffi Children's Award Ceremony. The event was held in Moscow. Svetlana appeared on stage in order to congratulate the winners and give them a reward.

The audience noted that the figure of the business lady with age practically did not change. Spiegel appeared in a small black dress, with laying curly hair.

The name of the Father, the businesswoman appeared in the news in March 2021 due to the loud business of the governor of the Penza region Ivan Belozerev. The official was accused of obtaining bribes in the amount of 31 million rubles. From Boris Spiegel, who heads the Biotek group. The pharmaceutical company, in turn, was ensured by a competitive advantage at the conclusion of state contracts for the supply of medicines and medical devices in the region's clinics.

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