Heydar Aliyev - biography, photo, personal life, president's wife and monument



This bright policy, 30 years of giving the country, is evaluated in different ways. The third President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev jumped twice to the presidency and managed to bring the republic, shaken by political and economic turmoil, to a stable life. For compatriots, he is a national hero, although Aliyev's critics and opponents have enough during life, and after death.

Portrait of Heydar Aliyev

The scale of the personality of Heydar Aliyevich Aliyev is such that today the department has been operating in the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences called "aliaum scientific research". Employees are studying Aliyev's biography and are convinced that he is the largest figure of the Caucasus region.

Childhood and youth

Heydar Aliyev is the fourth of eight children in the Muslim-Shiite family, was born in May 1923. Parents of the future president - Some of the villages of Jomartley (now TanAt), but Heydar appeared in Nakhichevan, where the family moved to the birth of a fourth child. The head of the family is a worker on the railway. Parents worked around the clock to give education to five sons and three daughters.

The family of Heydar Aliyev

Heydar Aliyev in childhood mastered the Arab, Turkish and Persian languages. In 1939, graduating from Nakhichevan Pedagogical Technical School, Aliyev went to Baku with the intention to become a student of the Industrial Institute. He entered and chose the faculty of architecture, but he did not have time to get a diploma: the war began.

18-year-old Heydar Aliyev was not sent to the front, but to the Republican NKVD, where they were entrusted to lead the department. A young guy managed to work in the Council of People's Commissars and in state security bodies.


In 1945, Heydar Aliyev graduated from the course of retraining schools under the USSR Ministry of State Security and entered the ACP (b) ranks. The young managers has established relations with the party functionaries of the highest level of Nakhichevan.

Heydar Aliyev in youth

In 1950, Heydar Aliyev graduated from the Leningrad school of retraining of the operational and governing staff of the MGB, and after 7 years he was awarded a diploma of the Azerbaijan State Institute, where Aliyev studied at the Faculty of Stories. In the 50s, knowledge of languages ​​was useful to Aliyevich: he served in the ranks of counterintelligence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.

In 1960, Heydar Aliyev became the head of the Division of Counterintelligence Committee of the State Security Committee of Azerbaijan, and after 4 years, the deputy chairman of the KGB of the Republic was appointed. The career growth of counterintelligence is rapidly: in 1967, Major Aliyev General headed the KGB of the Republic.

Colonel KGB Heydar Aliyev

In 1969, the fight against corruption in Azerbaijan gained momentum. After removing the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Republic, Akhundov Post took Heydar Aliyev. He made a prison sentence for hundreds of unclean on the hand of middle-level chiefs who held senior posts in enterprises and in collective farms by introducing the death penalty for these charges. For 5 years, Heydar Aliyev thoroughly "cleaned" the party leadership of the republic, replacing two thirds of the top of the ministries.

Azerbaijan thoroughly cleared of corrupt officials and made economic jerk.

First President of Azerbaijan

Accepting the leadership of the country in 1969, Heydar Aliyev created the conditions for the development of the industry, the agricultural industry and the heyday of the culture of Azerbaijan.

In 1982, Aliyev was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and moves to Moscow. Heydar Alievich oversees the industries, transport, light industry and education. The deputy was found in a number of main curators for the construction of the Baikal Amur highway.

President Heydar Aliyev

After the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev, Heydar Aliyev came to the disgrace of the Secretary General, although I supported Mikhail Sergeevich's candidacy. For the criticism of the housing course taken by Gorbachev at the restructuring of Aliyev, attacks close to the first person of the functionaries and resigned. He was forbidden to leave the capital, which was equated with home arrest. The experiences were undermined by Heydar Aliyevich's health: he was diagnosed with the first heart attack.

Two years before the 1990s, Heydar Aliyev - Pensioner. He stays in Moscow and dreams of returning to politics and home. After the destruction of the Soviet Union, Aliyev left the ranks of the Communist Party and returned to Nakhichevan. In 1991, he headed the Supreme Council of the Nakhichevan ASSR, but soon Geidar Aliyev was chosen by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan.

Heydar Aliyev and Mikhail Gorbachev

The state coup and the conclusion of Russian troops in 1993 complicated the situation in the state. Heydar Aliyev headed the analogue of the State Duma - Milli Majlis, participated in resolving the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. In the fall of 1993, Heydar Alirz Ogly Aliyev was elected by the President, having received a difficult inheritance in the form of a destroyed economy and an unstable situation within the country.

Heydar Aliyev did everything possible to stop hostilities. Then came the queue of reforms in the agrarian sector and the development of petroleum fields. Budget deficit 11.5% in 1994 decreased to 2.7% in 1999.

Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 90s

Inside the country, the president suppressed several attempts by the state version and separatist meters, settled conflicts between clans. The opposition announced the introduction of authoritarianism and dictatorships in Azerbaijan, but supporters of Aliyev pointed to the establishment of stability and stopping the decline in the economy, which is not achieved without authoritarian methods.

In November 1995, after a nationwide referendum, a new Constitution of the Republic was adopted, and after 3 years, the death penalty was abolished in Azerbaijan. Macroeconomic stability is achieved by creating Heydar Aliyev and its supporters of a favorable climate for Western investors in the oil refining industry. But the standard of living of people remained low: in 2001, the average income of Azerbaijanis was from 50 to $ 100. With corruption, shadow market and inflation, failed to finally spread.

Heydar Aliyev and Vladimir Putin

In October 1998, Heydar Aliyev re-elected President of Azerbaijan, receiving convincing 76.1% of the votes of compatriots.

Next year, the head of state is diagnosed with heart attack. In the same 1999, Aliyev made an operation: an aortocortonary shunting of the heart. In 2000, Cataract was removed in Baltimore, and in 2002, in the clinic, Cleveland operated the prostate gland.

In January 2002, the oppositionists of Azerbaijan united to achieve the removal of the weakened president from power, saying that he turned the country "in a huge swamp".

Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev

In April 2003, Heydar Aliyev, speaking in the Palace of the Republic, had a heart attack. The guards helped Aliyev to leave the scene. After 10 minutes, the president returned to complete the speech, but lost consciousness. In May, the head of state was examined at the Military Hospital of Turkey: he critically reduced blood pressure. In July, Heydar Aliyev was for treatment and did not appear in public. But participation in the elections that began in the country adopted: the president and his son Ilham Aliyev registered candidates for the presidency.

In early August 2003, Heydar Aliyev, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, was urgently delivered to the Cleveland's clinic, and on October 2, Aliyev appealed to the people of Azerbaijan on state television channels, declaring his candidacy for the son of Ilham. On October 15, Aliyev Jr. became the new president of the country.

Personal life

In 1948, Heydar Aliyev was headed by one of the departments of the MGB of the Republic. This year, he met the future wife - Zarrya, an ophthalmologist from Dagestan Derbent. The father of Zariffs - SingoMiller Heydar Aliyev Aziz Aliyev - worked as the first secretary of the Commandment of the Party in Dagestan. In the same year, the pair legalized the relationship.

In 1955, Aliyev was born daughter Seville, and after 6 years, Son Ilham appeared.

Heydar Aliyev with his wife and children

Brothers and sisters Heydar Aliyev are not related to politics. Brothers Hasan, Aguil, Jalal and Rafig sister - scientists. The elder brother Huseyn Aliyev is a national artist of Azerbaijan. Two more sisters - Shaffig and Sura - chose pedagogy and journalism.

In the summer of 1994, Heydar Aliyev, the first of the Azerbaijani leaders made a Hajj to Mecca, leaving a memorable inscription in the book of honored guests at the burial site of the Prophet Mohammed - in the mosque of Medina.


Heydar Aliyev died on December 12, 2003 in American Cleveland. Specrais the body was taken to Baku Airport, from there in the Tzenpir mosque. The third president was buried on an alley of the honorary burial in Baku, next to the grave of his wife. Later, Muslim Magomayev missed nearby.

At the farewell ceremony with Aliyev, the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey were present. The ex-president of Georgia Edward Shevardnadze arrived, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov and Joseph Kobzon.

Grave Heydar Aliyev

A year later, the Heydar Aliyev and the airport of his name appeared in Azerbaijan.

The Cultural Center of Heydar Aliyev is widely known - an architectural miracle, in 2014 recognized as the best in the world. Exhibitions and cultural events are held here, Aliyev Museum is equipped.

Cultural Center Heydar Aliyev

The monuments of the third Azerbaijani president appeared in Aliyev's life. After death, they were erected massively, including abroad, which was not always welcomed by the local population, considered the head of Azerbaijan by a dictator. In the summer of 2012, the monument to Heydar Aliyev appeared on the Boulevard in Mexico City. Due to the wave of indignation, the power was dismantled. The same fate overtook the bust of Aliyev in the Canadian city of Niagara-Os-Ze Lake.

Monument Heydar Aliyev

The 12-meter pedestal of the ex-president from granite was built in Baku opposite the Palace named after Heydar Aliyev, in the square. The opening of the monument was timed to the 82nd birthday of the former head of state.

The wax figure of the Eastern Leader is in Madame Tussaco Museum in London.

Bust Heydar Aliyev

In all cities of the country, central streets and avenues are named Aliyev, and the number of Museums Heydar Aliyevich according to official data reached 60.

Starting from zero in Baku, in the park named after Aliyev, the festival "Flower holiday" takes place annually. It lasts a few days, but begins on May 10, on the birthday of Heydar Aliyev.

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