Sergey Friendly - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Show, YouTube 2021



Sergey Friendly - actor, musician, director and TV presenter, who remembered the audience as a permanent leader and the creator of a mystical show on the TNT channel "inexplicable, but fact." A few years after the closing of the transfer, Sergey acquired popularity on the network: Internet users thought the phrases of the leading funny, and began to call the "live meme" friendly.

Leading and blogger Sergey Friend

In 2017, the actor decided to change the role and become a blogger: the first edition of the "friendly show" on the YouTube channel in less than a month scored 10 million views, which is a video hosting record.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on November 3, 1969 in the Kazakh Uralsk. He graduated from secondary school No. 17 in his hometown, but moved to St. Petersburg, in order to enter the military school - the Academy of Mozhaisk.

In the future, it decides to bring fate with creative activities and submits documents to Ligitmik - Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. There, the future actor visits the workshop of the theater teacher of Alexander Nikolayevich Kunitsyn.

Sergey friendly in youth

However, in the university, Sergey managed to relieve only a year: the guy has reached a call age and went home to the city of Baikonur. Staying in the army, the young man distinguished himself by courage, courage and courage and was awarded the Order of the Silver Star "For Excellent Military Service" - the highest award, which was awarded to soldiers in unauthorized time.

After the army, it was recovered at once again at the 4th course of Lirtmika and continued the creative way: his diploma projects on the stage of the theater of Shakespeare "Twelfth night, or anything?" and Chekhov comedy "Cherry Garden". Before teachers showed himself together as a person who has uncomfortable acting abilities.

Carier start

In 1990, Sergey received a diploma of the actor and went to England, but a year later decided to return to his homeland.

Who would have thought that the future TV host initially tried herself in the role of DJ on the radio, he worked in the forensic medical service and organized theatrical performances.

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In 1991, he sneaked into the non-making sphere - business. Then some time a 22-year-old guy managed a network of stores specializing in fashionable clothing. But in parallel with this, Sergey Evgenievich was engaged in musical projects and performed at events with solo bard songs.

In 1999, he decided to continue his studies and entered the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography - one of the most sought-after universities of the country. There, Sergey attended Lohskaya's workshop, where there was no-free artistic abilities and received a diploma of the film director.

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During his studies, he also managed to work at the film clocks: the film of Leo Tsutsulkovsky "Third Oakl" (1992), where Sergey flashed in an episodic role, became the debut work of the guy in front of the director's chambers.

Also in 1999, he appeared in the most discerning TV series "Streets of broken lamps-2", and in the 2000s played a gangster in the "Devoloi strength".


It is known that Sergey for a short time worked with the TV channel "Ren TV" and conducted the show "Fantastic stories", as well as a series of transfers "TV-3 leads to an investigation."

In 2005, a roller movement occurs in the creative biography of friendly: he becomes the author and the leading program "inexplicable, but fact, which was broadcast on TV channel from March 3, 2005 to July 19, 2008.

TV presenter Sergey friendship

Sergey traveled on the Red Jeep Wrangler in the cities and villages of Russia in search of paranormal activity. He personally investigated mystical phenomena, who met in real life, and also talked with experts to confirm or disprove various guesses.

The transfer had high ratings among the viewers, although some critics believed that the plot lines on the mysterious show were fictional.

He said friendly that an accident was the reason for the creation of the transfer, which occurred with the actor in Elbrushe: during skiing on the TV host, avalanche collapsed. A man under a thick layer of snow is not able to remain in consciousness for a long time, so this natural disaster is often called "white death." But Sergey miraculously managed to survive, he found rescuers. In the midbumature, a man seemed that there was a mysterious ritual over him and make a mysterious ritual - after that, the actor began to pull to the paranormal things.

Video Blog

After the closure, "inexplicable, but the fact" Sergey acquired popularity on the network. In 2016, the TV presenter's replica began to spread in VKontakte as "memes for all occasions", for example: "It sounds good", "a strong statement, I will, of course, I will not" honestly, I don't want to comment on this situation ", etc.

Mem in Sergey friendly

On April 23, 2017, the actor released the first video on YouTube with the name "Friendly Show" - this is the transfer of a new format in which Sergey and Ironia talks about life on the Internet and not against laugh at himself, continuing the tendency of short and memorable phrases.

Despite the high height (186 cm), Sergey looks harmoniously in the frame, and Evgeny Bazhenov (Badcomedian), who visited the TV presenter program, admitted that he had the impression of a professional actor, who knows his business.

Personal life

Sergey does not like to advertise his personal life and is not divided by family photos in Instagram, laying out information on the page with dates of the following releases "Friendly Show".

It is known that the actor is married to Actress Olga Chursina, and they grow a little son Plato, born in 2014. Spouses often work together, for example, carry out health tours to Indonesia, which help to cleanse from "negative and false programs".

Sergey friendly with his wife

Explorers Olga and Sergey promise travel participants to show wonderful "power places", where the concentration of energy flows is maximal.

Also, the TV presenter has a second child from a relationship with the marina girl - a year 2006 Birthday.

Sergey friendly now

In 2017, he continues to develop the channel on YouTube, his videos overlook the frequency once a week.

Sergey friendly in 2017

So far, Sergei's affairs go to the mountain: due to charismaticness and acting skills, the number of subscribers and views is growing every day.


  • "Child" (1992);
  • "Third Oakl" (1992);
  • "Streets of broken lamps-2" (1999);
  • "Killer Strength-1" (2000);
  • "Black Crow" (2001-2004);
  • "Fireburs" (2003);
  • "Classic Head" (2005);
  • "Russian translation" (2006);
  • "Commandment" (2009);
  • "Wolf Island" (2012);
  • "The case of investigator Nikitina" (2012);
  • "Hello, I am your dad!" (2013);
  • "Forester" (2014).

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