Vasil Bulls - biography, photos, personal life, books



Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov is often called a man who survived. But it is worth saying that he did not just survive, participating in battles on the fields of the Great Patriotic War, but also remained in the memory of many literature lovers as the immortal author of heroic works. The stories and stories of Vasil Bykov are impregnated with the cruel truth of those troubled years, he was not afraid to move away from ideological labels, for which he was persecuted and injury. But the writer's works were held through many years and were fused by the famous directors.

Childhood and youth

Vasil Vladimirovich Bykov was born in the north of Belarus on June 19, 1924 in a small village of bugs, which in the Ushach district of the Vitebsk region. The boy grew in the peasant large family: besides him, Antonina sisters were brought up (died at 15), Valentina and Brother Nicholas.

Writer Vasil Bykov

His father Vladimir Fedorovich earlier went to earnings in Latvia, and also served in the royal army in Grodno. Then, the Senior Bulls with the beginning of the First World War was demobilized, then he was captured and found himself in Germany, where Bower worked. Vladimir Fedorovich told the five-year-old chad about how he fought in the Civil War and as the Germans fell in Eastern Prussia, and Vasil listened to every word, and asked curious questions.

The writer Anna Grigorievna's mother came from a simple family who lived in the village of Valyok, located in Poland. Unlike the head of the family, whom the children were afraid, Anna was a woman with soft and kind. Vasily's parents lived poorly and barely reduced ends with ends, so a satisfying lunch or a delicious dinner was a big rarity, besides the future writer sometimes there was nothing to wear, since his wardrobe did not differ in abundance of clothes.

Vasil Bulls in youth

Therefore, the only welcome for a small boy was nature and books. He adored to spend his free time (if it was, because Vasil from early childhood knew what it was - to make a hard work for bread) on the street, enjoying the singing of birds and fresh air. But in particular, the little boy adored Lake Belyakovskoye, where he bought, caught fish and crayfish.

"I remember, wait for the torch, and the crayfish attracted by the light will crash, and so much that they even become scary," Vasil Vladimirovich recalled in his autobiographical book.

Or he read some classical literature that dipped him with his head into unprecedented adventures invented by writers. The first to read the work was the fairy tale about the princess frog, which the boy received from the teacher. Also Vasyl drew well: he wrote the masterfully with a pencil on paper what was born in his imagination. Perhaps the bulls would become an outstanding artist as Rembrandt, Vrubel or Levitan, but fate voted this talented person a completely different way.

Vasil Bykov

It is known that Vasil visited not on one school bench: he studied in his native village, then he moved to the Slobodka yard, and then went to school in Kulibichi. Next, the bulls continued to study, enrolling in the Vitebsk Art School on the branch of the sculpture. Unfortunately, a young man had to leave this educational institution due to the abolition of the payment of scholarship: the young man had to get a job. But after all, he was educated at the factory-factory training school and passed the exams for the tenth grade external in 1941.

Vasil Bulls in the Army

On June 22, 1941, Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov on behalf of Joseph Stalin officially informed compatriots about the attack of Nazi troops. It is worth saying that the leadership of the Soviet Union, despite the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant, was ready for the actions of Adolf Hitler, however, for many residents of the USSR, the onset of the German army turned out to be a complete surprise. The war found Vasil Bykov in Ukraine - there he participated in defensive works.

The future writer turned out to be in the hairs of death: during the retreat in Belgorod, he was behind his comrades and was arrested. Vasily found the German spy and almost shot. But the bull managed to convince the invaders in the fact that he is a USSR citizen. It is also known that in winter from 1941 to 1942 a young man lived at the Saltykovka railway station and in the city of Atkarsk, which is in the Saratov region.

Portrait of Vasil Bykov

After graduating from the Saratov infantry school, the author of the Alpine Balley was called up to the service in the army, where he served to the title of younger Lieutenant. Bulls showed himself as a brave and courageous man, participated in the battles for Krivoy Rog, Alexandria and Znamenka. In early 1944, the bulls were in the hospital for three months, and when his physical condition came to normal, he began to fight for his homeland: he was a senior lieutenant, the commander of the regimental and army artillery, participated in numerous operations, performed with the current armies of Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Austria.


It is not surprising that the works of Vasil Bykov are impregnated with the smell of war. Events from 1941 to 1945 left the mark in the heart of the writer, reflected in his life and memory. Fragments of memories flooded in the head of Vasil Vladimirovich all the time, the proof of this can serve as the book "Long road home", written in 2002. He had to observe blood, hunger and death, which constantly Vitala in the air.

Writer Vasil Bykov

Since 1947, after demobilization, Master Feather lived in a Grodno - city, which is referred to as the cultural capital of Belarus. At the same time, Vasil Vladimirovich began to be printed, in parallel working in various workshops and in the editorial office of the local newspaper. Since 1959, his creative biography begins: Vasil Bykov presents the work of the readers the work of the "Crane Creek" on the court, and in 1961, the story "The Third Rocket", which brought a writ of words recognition and glory to the master.

Books of Vasil Bykov

This work is dipping literature lovers during the time of war and in human characters that are revealed at the time of mortal danger. Two years after the release of the story, the director Richard Viktorov sets the same film on the work, where the main roles were performed by Stanislav Lyutishin, Georgy Zhzhev, Nadezhda Semytsova and other famous actors.

Vasil Bulls and Alesa Adamovich

In the fall of 1965, readers first met the work "dead", which published Maladosts magazine. The story of the story takes place in 1944 during the Kirovograd operation, in which Vasil Vladimirovich participated in person: was injured in his stomach and leg, but miraculously remained alive, although it is worth noting that the young soldier initially was mistakenly listed as the deceased.

Vasil Bykov

In 1974, a talented writer was awarded the USSR state award for the works of Obelisk (1971) and "to live to dawn" (1972). In 1976, the Tale of Obelisk was fused by the same director - Richard Viktorov. This time, the main roles went to Evgeny Karelian, Igor Ohlupin, Eduard Martsevich and Valery Roste.

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Generally, there are about twenty film filmed based on the works of Vasil Vladimirovich, for example: "climbing" (1976), "Frusa" (1981), "Kregogan Bridge" (1989), "Go and not return" (1992), "In Tuman "(2012), etc.

In 1982, Vasil Bulls becomes the author of the story of the "badge of trouble", which has become a significant work in the literature of the Soviet space. For this creation, the writer was awarded the prestigious Leninist Prize. Also, bulls are known for the works of "Centulties" (1970), "Career" (1985), "Clicks" (1988), "Wolf Yama" (1998), "Boloto" (2001) and many other remarkable work.

Personal life

Vasil Vladimirovich was married twice. The first elected writer became some hope Kulagin, who taught Russian and literature at school. For a long joint life, Nadezhda presented the lover two sons.

Vasil Bulls with Irina wife

But after thirty years of marriage, Kulagin and Bykov's roads were separated, and the Word Wizard married the second time in Irina Suvorova. It is known that the talented writer was not afraid to express his opinion, for example, Vasil Vladimirovich repeatedly criticized the actions of Alexander Lukashenko.


Since the end of 1997, Vasil Bulls lived abroad: originally in Finland, then in Germany and the Czech Republic. He arrived in the native edges only a month before his own death.

Monument on the grave of Vasil Bykov

The Great Writer and the author of the cult military works died on June 22, 2003 from the gastric cancer. Vasil Vladimirovich died in the department of the oncological hospital located near the capital of Belarus. The grave of the genius of literature is located on the Eastern Cemetery (Minsk).


  • 1959 - "Crane Creek"
  • 1963 - "Alpine Ballad"
  • 1965 - "dead does not hurt"
  • 1970 - "Sotnikov"
  • 1971 - "Obelisk"
  • 1972 - "Caider to Dawn"
  • 1978 - "Go and not return"
  • 1982 - "badge of trouble"
  • 1986 - "Career"
  • 1992 - "On the cocks"
  • 1996 - "Love me, soldier ..."
  • 1998 - "Krysa Shlyakh"
  • 1999 - "Wolf Yama"
  • 2001 - "Boloto"
  • 2002 - "Long road home"

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