Count Monte Cristo (character) - photo, biography, actor, revenge, movies, Alexander Duma


Character History

Count Monte Cristo - the character of Roman Alexandra Duma, who shown an example of the unturning power of the Spirit. Love and revenge, betrayal and thirst for life, sharp collisions and detective intrigues - the French writer created an exceptional masterpiece of world literature.

History of character creation

At the beginning of the 1940s of the XIX century, Alexander Duma proudly wore the title of the author of historical adventure novels, parallel to the new newspaper genre - Faketon. In those days, the feels were called works that flow from the room in the room with the mark "Continued".

For a long time, the writer was firmly sitting on the throne of the main fechelonist thanks to the "Three Musketeers", but once a colleague according to Peru Eugene Xu managed to surpass the author of historical works. The success of his novel "Paris Secrets" attracted readers to the plot placed in modern living conditions. The public gladly met the opportunity to "pry to the keyhole" for the life of representatives of the highest sections of society.

Alexander Duma immediately decided the reason for the popularity of a competitor's creativity and also plunged into the search for the idea of ​​the work, where events from the life of contemporaries will be described. A newspaper article from a police chronicle popped up in memory - a history worthy of a whole book. The prototype of the future Count Monte Cristo was called Francois Pico. A honest and meek shoemaker who came to the capital of France from the provincial town of Him, wrapped his girlfriend from a wealthy family named Margarita Vigor. Parents prepared daughters in the amount of 100 thousand francs.

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Friends enviously wrote a false bonuse to the French authorities about the espionage of a young man in favor of England, and Picika landed for seven years in prison docks, not even guessing the causes of arrest. It was in this amazing story and a subcople to the neighboring chamber, and the acquaintance of the main character with a sick priest, and the mystery of treasures hidden in Italy. When the imperial power fell, Francois came out of prison rich. Under the fictional name, a man returned to the capital of France, a decade to devoted to the obstacle to unimustal friends.

Dumas grabbed the events not so long past days, reworing and enriching the painting characters the plot of the adventures of the chief hero called Edmon Dantez. The second name - Count Monte Cristo - he appeared after the writer's trip in 1942 on the island of Elba with the young nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. Here the writer admired the beauty and legends of Montecristo Island, and the name itself caused delight. Over the two-volume novers, Dumas worked in 1844-1845, at the same time readers were dosed received a product in a magazine format.

Biography and image of Count Monte Cristo

Edmond Dantes is a young sailor, furrowing endless water expanses on the ship "Pharaoh". The description of the appearance of the hero The author almost does not pay attention: a glimpse is mentioned that it is good, not very high growth, "with small hands and legs, like everyone else." At the end of February 1815, he stands to the post of deceased in the path of the captain of the vessel and, fulfilling the last will of the deadman, swims on Elba Island to transfer the secret package Marshal Berran. In return, Dantes receive a letter to be brought to the capital of France and give Mr. Naurge, a member of the conspiracy in returning to the throne of the overshoe emperor.

Meanwhile, the owner of the ship offered Edmond to officially stand at the steering wheel "Pharaoh", but the plans are not destined to come true. The main character was already acquired by enemies - this is an envious accountant of the ship company Danglar, Fisherman Fernand Mondogo, having views of his beloved, beauty Mercedes, and a tailor cadrush, who ruined his father Edmon.

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The Trinity met in the tavern, where Douglar wrote anonymous anonymous with his left hand, addressed to the prosecutor Wilfor - in the message tested the Dantes trip to Elbe. The case could not get a move, because the composition of the crime was not. But at the interrogation, the prosecutor, reading the letter received on the Elbe, is horrified: the conspirator of Noryatier is his native father.

In order not to get involved in a dangerous game that threatens the prosecutor by imprisonment and the ability to marry, Vilor decides not only to burn a message, but also to get rid of Dantes. So innocent sailor is for all life in imprisonment, in prison for political prisoners - in the castle of IF, which is built in the middle of the sea.

Five years later, the desperate Edmon Dantes is going to die, refusing food, but once hears the sounds of a grincling because of the wall and understands that not alone in his conclusion - someone is trying to make a subpople. The rimperation of days passes in the works, and, finally, the neighbors met. The prisoner Abbot Faria fell into the castle for four years before Dantes.

Studdered digging tunnel, the old man hoped to get to the outer wall to jump into the marine smooth to the long-awaited freedom. Men decided together to achieve this crazy goal together, but the abbot struck a hopeless illness. Before his death, he told a comrade about the unmeasurated wealth stored on Monte Cristo Island.

Edmonde managed to fool the guard, hiding into the bag prepared for the dead man. The flag remains unnoticed, and the hero is discharged into the open sea. In the company of smuggler Dantes finds the treasure on the island and, turning into the rich man of the country, decides to find out the reason for his imprisonment.

In the robe of the priest, he is to Kadrussu with a sad message - Edmond Dantes ordered a long time to live. Former buddy tells everything as a spirit about an anonymous letter, as well as the fact that Dantes's father died of hunger, and Mercedes did not wait for the groom, accepting the proposal of the hands and hearts of Fernan Mondego.

Dantes decides to take revenge on the offenders who have reigned him. It happens in the nine years, which hero spends on travel, education and construction of their own palace on the island, where the treasure ever found.

Once Dantes, under the name of Count Monte Cristo, becomes a frequenter of the Supreme Society of France, forcing the light to tremble from exquisite manners and wealth. A man starts a carefully designed revenge plan. As a result, Kadruss died due to his greed, Fernan committed suicide, Wilifor went crazy, and Dougur ruled and went to the run from his native country. However, along the way, it was captivated by people who worked on the count.

Tired by the revenge, Edmond Dantes understand that his justice sword also does not show innocent people who accidentally come across. The hero decides to stop. Having gave the life of Dangra and leaving the castle Monte Cristo to the inheritance the son of the owner of the ship "Pharaoh" and his bride, Dantes floats into the unknown gave along with the supervision of the guide.

The characteristic of the hero in the reviews of contemporaries was not always unequivocal. Dantes is an exclusive avenger, but under his coldness and even mercilessness hides a noble heart. The main motive of the novel is not just the growing and ripening of his personality, but a complete transformation of character, radical external and internal transformation. Dumas created a charming, a romantic mysterious image that attracts readers of any age.

In the Roman Dumas to the smallest detail, he thought out the retribution of an offended person, so the quotes of revenge and contempt for human malformations occupy a special place in the book "Count Monte Cristo".

Count Monte Cristo in films

Film adaptations of the famous work of Alexander Duma do not consider, so it is worth noting the brightest. First of all, this is the film "Count Monte Cristo", shot in 1954. In the painting director Robert Verne gathered the stars of European cinema, the main role of giving Jean Mare.

Spectators from the USSR in 1988, with a breath, watched the shielding of the novel, which changed the name to the "Prisoner of the IF Castle". The director of the Soviet film Georgy Jungwald-Khilkevich presented the role of the graph at once to two actors: Viktor Avilov embodied the image of Edmon Dantes in maturity, and Evgeny Dvaretsky - in his youth.

Director Jose Daian presented the world a brilliant job in which Gerard Depardieu and Ornell Mutu flawlessly look. The premiere of the series "Count Monte Cristo" took place in 1998.

Finally, cinema fans rated a film of the joint production of America, Great Britain and Ireland. Charges from the rental of "Count Monte Cristo" (2002) with James Cavizel twice exceeded the amount spent on the shooting.

The plot of the novel became the basis of 4 musicals and the musical drama "I - Edmon Dantes".

Interesting Facts

  • Alexander Duma, as well as any mortal, dreamed of unpretentious wealth and luxurious life. Ironically, it was the novel about the man who unfailed in prison and random rich, brought the author to the author. The writer received a huge fee from publications, which was not so easy to spend, but Dumas briefly enjoyed wealth. The writer bought his own theater and newspaper, but the entrepreneur did not come out of him - she went bankrupt. The luxurious residence had to sell at auction.
  • The name of the main character over time became nominative: Count Monte-Cristo is called people, suddenly and mysteriously rejected, while their past is covered by a mystery.
  • There are continued novels that are attributed to Duma himself or his son, but in reality, judging by the characteristics of the style and language, they belong to Peru other authors.
  • On the motives of the series, a 24-serial anime was shot. His action unfolds in the distant future, but the authors managed to keep the elements of the aesthetics of the old France.


It seems to us that God forgot about us when his justice is medalit; But sooner or later he recalls us, and this is the proof. I am convinced that death can be executed, but not by redemption. That they are, pride and egoism! According to the pride of the Middle, people are ready to beat the ax, and when their own pride to root with a needle, they scream. Well, people! The proceeds of crocodiles, as Karl Moore said! I recognize you, at all times you are worthy of yourself.


  • 1844 - "Count Monte Cristo"


  • 1908 - "Count Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1908 - "Count Monte Cristo (Italy)
  • 1910 - Le Prisonnier du Château d'If (France)
  • 1910 - "Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1917 - "Modern Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1922 - "Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1929 - Monte Cristo (France)
  • 1934 - "Middle of the Count Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1942 - "Count Monte Cristo" (Mexico)
  • 1942 - "Count Monte Cristo" (France, Italy)
  • 1946 - "Wife Monte Cristo" (USA)
  • 1954 - "Count Monte Cristo" (Mexico, Argentina)
  • 1961 - "Count Monte Cristo" (Italy, France)
  • 1968 - "Return Monte Cristo" (France)
  • 1975 - "Count Monte Cristo" (United Kingdom, Italy)
  • 1979 - "Count Monte Cristo" (France, Italy, Germany)
  • 1988 - "Prisoner of the castle of IF" (USSR, France)
  • 1998 - "Count Monte Cristo" (Germany, France, Italy)
  • 2002 - "Count Monte Cristo" (USA, United Kingdom, Ireland)
  • 2008 - "Montecristo" (Russia)

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