Viktor Yushchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko - Chairman of the National Bank, Prime Minister under President Leonid Kuchma, the third president of Ukraine (2005-2010), the leader of the Orange Revolution.

Future politician was born on February 23, 1954 in the village of Horizhevka, Sumy region. Surname Yushchenko refers to the ancient Cossack family. Victor's parents worked in a rural school. Father Andrei Andreyevich - Veteran of the Patriotic War, taught a foreign language, the mother of Varvara Timofeevna led mathematics and physics.

Viktor Yushchenko in youth

Victor has the elder brother Peter of 1946, which was held by the Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada from 2002 to 2008. The native nephew of Viktor Andreevich Yaroslav, who since 2005 received the post of deputy head of the regional Kharkiv administration since 2005. As a child, the younger Yushchenko grew by a calm obedient boy without leadership deposits.


After graduating from school, Viktor Andreevich studied at the Financial and Economic Institute of the city of Ternopil on an accountant. After receiving a diploma of higher education in 1975, Yushchenko went to the service in the army of ordinary border border. In 1976, after demobilization, Victor is arranged by an economist in the Department of State Bank of PGT. Ulyanovka, not far from the native village.

Viktor Yushchenko in youth

A year after the start of work, Yushchenko becomes a member of the CPSU. Having worked in one place for 8 years, the young specialist receives an increase in the Republican Department of State Bank in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR. After a year of successful work in the new place, Yushchenko becomes the head of the credit department, and after three years - the deputy chairman of the Board of the agro-industrial bank of the USSR.


With the collapse of the USSR, the agro-industrial bank was transformed into the Bank "Ukraine", and in early 1993 he became the National Bank of Ukraine, the post of chapter of which was taken by Viktor Yushchenko. The economist was directly involved in creating a financial system of a young state. Yushchenko became the author of the idea of ​​the national currency - hryvnia.

Viktor Yushchenko at the beginning of a career

In the mid-90s after the start of the economic crisis, Yushchenko was headed by a group of specialists who managed to reduce inflation and continue monetary reform. In 1996, a banker was highly appreciated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which recognized Yushchenko the best banker of the year. In 1999, Viktor Andreevich was offered to lead the government of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

His work as Prime Minister of Government Apparatus Leonid Kuchma Viktor Andreevich began on December 3, 1999. The decision of the economic issues of Yushchenko immediately took over. The Minister refused the vicious practice of using short-term loans to fill the budget, which made it possible to reduce the irrational expenses of the state. Yushchenko put in order the payment system in the fuel sector, after which the regular payments were learned to the budget of Ukraine, which contributed to its filling. The new Prime Minister began to fight the shadow business.

Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko

Already for the year of such fundamental changes in the economy, for the first time in 9 years, GDP growth began, regular payments for social benefits and wages. Cities and villages moved to continuous electricity consumption. But the opposition of Yushchenko's corruption and his companion, Yulia Tymoshenko, led to an open conflict with the apparatus of Leonid Kuchma, many representatives of which were outrethd of exceeding official powers.

In 2001, Tymoshenko was arrested for 1.5 months, and in Kiev, the first fire of national discontent was broke out. Soon the Cabinet of Ministers Yushchenko was announced a state of distrust, and Viktor Andreevich was forced to resign. The place of the Prime Minister occupied Viktor Yanukovych.

Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko

A year later, the politician organizes the opposition to current president of Our Ukraine party and becomes a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada IV convocation. Elections to the Parliament of Ukraine become a turning point in the political biography of Yushchenko. The population showed a maximum of confidence in the "Our Ukraine" block, which allowed the parties to occupy 23% of mandates. The position of the leader of the opposition to the ruling regime Yushchenko held for 2 years. His ratings confidently kept higher than that of competitors.


In 2004, before the upcoming election, it was announced that Viktor Andreevich was subjected to poisoning by an unspecified substance. It was assumed that dioxin was used against Yushchenko, which leads to deformation of the face and skin.

Viktor Yushchenko before and after poisoning

Changes in the appearance of Viktor Andreevich were visible in the photo before and after poisoning: the skin of the face acquired a gray shade and covered with many irregularities. The investigation was conducted by the forces of Ukraine and Europe. The customer was not installed, but dioxin poisoning was confirmed by the International Group of Experts.

President of Ukraine

Unknown disease did not prevent Yushchenko to win the presidential election. After the second round of elections, on November 21, the preliminary results were announced, according to which Viktor Yanukovych won with a transcendment. But the party "Our Ukraine" and the candidate Yushchenko did not suit such voting results, as a large number of violations were recorded international observers.

Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych

On November 22, the Yushchenko Block under the orange banners of the party begins a permanent rally on the Maidan inequality. Within two months, the protesters managed to achieve recognition of election results invalid. After that, on December 26, a repeated second round was held, at which Yushchenko scored 8% more than his opponent. On January 23, 2005, Viktor Andreevich joined the post of third president of the country.

Inauguration I.

Having become president, Yushchenko began a program to enhance national self-consciousness. He turned to history, maximizing the role of the Holodomor of the 30s, as the shares of Russia genocide against Ukraine. Yushchenko contributed to the recognition by veterans of participants of the Ukrainian rebel army, which during World War II fell on the side of fascist Germany.

Inauguration Viktor Yushchenko

In foreign policy, Viktor Andreevich preferred to support the United States and the European Union, the placement of pro in Eastern Europe and counteract Russia. During the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict, Ukraine supplied weapons to the Caucasus, helping Saakashvili. But since 2006, the ratings of the president began to sharply fall, and by the time of the following elections on its side there were no more than 5% of the population.

Personal life

Viktor Andreevich was married twice. Svetlana Mikhailovna Kolesnik, the teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature, who presented the future president of two children: the daughter of Vitalina and Son Andrei's daughter. In 1993, the acquaintance of Yushchenko and Ekaterina Mikhailovna Chumachenko took place. Ukrainian, who lived in the United States, became the second wife's second wife. In five years, lovers got married.

Family Viktor Yushchenko

From the second marriage of Viktor Andreevich, three children: daughters Sofia-Victoria, Catrin Christian and son Taras. Yushchenko before the presidential period became a grandfather. The eldest daughter of Vitalin presented the father of three grandchildren: Yushchenko-Gonchar Yarina-Dominica, Victor and Andrian Khakhlev. In the family of Andrei's son, the daughter of Varvara was born.

Viktor Yushchenko now

Now the former President of Ukraine is on a well-deserved rest. Despite the fact that Yushchenko's official pension is $ 300, he lives in his own estate in the village of new recklessness, which is 40 kilometers from Kiev. On the territory of the personal site of 3.5 hectares, Yushchenko has its own apiary, carpentry workshop, windmill, farm and horticultural household, reservoir.

Viktor Yushchenko in 2017

In a three-story house, in addition to residential premises, the Museum of National Crafts and the Library is located. Viktor Andreevich is heard by a notable collector of items of folk fishing, so the antique market is often visited on the left bank. In addition to its own farm, Yushchenko is engaged in the construction of hut-dreams on the sketches of Taras Shevchenko, which he plans to finish the 200th anniversary of the writer.

In 2016, a petition was published on the website of the administration of the Ukrainian government, supporters of which are calling for the return of Yushchenko into the political life of the country. The text of the petition sounds the proposal for the return of Viktor Andreevich in 2017 as Chairman of the National Bank.

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