Andrei Zhdanov - biography, photo, personal life, politics



Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov's associates, and later historians called the probable successor of Joseph Stalin. Soviet citizens, Zhdanov's intelligentsia remember "Zhdanovchina" or "Doctrine Zhdanov" - imposed by ideological teaching. The new philosophy of artistic creativity, which was cherished by a prominent party figure, was aimed at the isolation of Soviet culture from foreign influence.

Childhood and youth

A future ideology of social realism was born in February 1896 in Mariupol, in an intelligent family. Father worked as an inspector of folk schools. Grandfather Andrei Zhdanov on the line Mom - Pavel Platonov-Gorsky - Orthodox Bibleist, inspector of the Moscow Theological Academy. Grandfather's grandfather is a rural priest of Ryazan province. Father Zhdanova went footsteps of the parent: He graduated from the spiritual seminary, then the spiritual academy in the capital. Having left an associate professor at the department, became the first researcher of the Apocalypse and became interested in the ideas of Marxism, for which he was expelled from the academy.

Portrait of Andrei Zhdanova

Alexander Zhdanov had an influence on his son, instilling the ideas of Social Democracy. After the death of the head of the mother's mother with the children - the son of Andrey and three daughters - moved to Tver. In 1915, Zhdanov with one "four" graduated from a real school. In the same year he became a member of the WCP (b).

In the summer of 1916, Andrei Zhdanov called on the service to the student battalion in Tsaritsyno. After a year of Zhdanov, the Junker of the Infantry School - came to the spare infantry regiment deployed in the Ural Shadrinsk.


Andrei Zhdanova's biography is closely connected with the Bolsheviks Party. Since 1915, after joining party series, the 16-year-old young man is rapidly climbed by the career ladder. In winter, 1917, Zhdanov was introduced into the Shadrinsky Committee of Public Rescue. Soon he becomes the Vice-Chairman and participates in the elimination of unrest, which happened after the defeat of the alcohol.: The largest stocks of alcohol, the Committeers launched into the River Inet.

Andrei Zhdanov and Joseph Stalin

The young communist Andrei Zhdanov in 1918 became the initiator and performer of the closure of the Socialist publication in Shadrinsk and the organizer of the Bolshevik newspaper. In the same year he was sent to Perm to lead preparatory courses of political workers.

In the summer of 1918, Zhdanov appointed an inspector-organizer of the campaign bureau in the Uralsky district commissocarter. As a strong ideologist, Andrei Zhdanov serves as an employee of the Polytotel 3rd, and then the 5th armies of the Eastern Front of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army. A year later, he was entrusted to teach political adoption at the Cavalry Command Courses of the Red Army.

Andrei Zhdanov

In 1922, Andrei Zhdanov became the chairman of the Gubspolkom. On the sensible 26-year-old Communist, Stalin drew attention, and in 1925 Zhdanov - a candidate, and after 2 years a member of the Central Committee of the CPP (b).

In 1934, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov - Secretary of the Central Committee, and after the murder of Sergey Kirov Secretary of the Regional Committee and the Gorky Party in Leningrad. After 4 years, the Secretary General elevated Zhdanov to the Chairman of the Supreme Council. It is called the conductor of Stalin's terror, but there are smaller activity than Vyacheslav Molotov and Kaganovich Lazarus. But the signature of Andrei Zhdanov stands under 176 "focusing" lists.

Andrei Zhdanov and Vyacheslav Molotov

In the summer of 1940 he was sent to Estonia, where Zhdanov is engaged in creating the Soviet Republic and accession to the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov played a role in the defense of the Blocade Leningrad. In January 1945 he was liberated from the duties of the first secretary of the regional committee and the town of the Northern Capital, but the influence in the city of Politician has retained.

Andrei Zhdanov presents awards to the defenders of Leningrad, 1942

In 1946, Joseph Vissarionovich trusted Andrei Zhdanov to oversee cultural policies in the USSR, and that zealously undertook to fulfill the task. At the end of the same year, he criticized the creativity of Anna Akhmatova and Mikhail Zoshchenko. The poetry of Ahmatova Zhdanov stuck the label "completely far from the people", and Zoshchenko "was awarded" the characteristics of the "literary tip".

In the late 1940s, the asset of socialist realism, Andrei Zhdanov, brand of representatives of the "reactionary obscurantism and reneximity" - the poets of the silver century Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Vyacheslav Ivanova, Andrei White and Zinaida Hippius. The August 1946 report became the basis of the resolution "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ". In it, Zhdanov proclaimed that "apolitical art is an ideological sabotage", and the only possible conflict, allowed in the works of Soviet culture, "conflict between good and best".

Andrei Zhdanov at work

In February 1948, the Stalinist ideologue began to "clean" ranks of musicians, calling the process of "struggle with formalism". Under the "cleaning" composers Dmitry Shostakovich, Sergey Prokofiev, Aram Khachaturian and dozens of others.

But in 1948 Andrei Zhdanov got into disfavor himself. In June, the Secretary General sent him and Georgy Malenkov to Bucharest, where at the meeting the Cominform for delegates trust condemned Yugoslavia and Josip Broz Tito. Zhdanov, unlike Malenkov, showed a softness. Stalin removed the former favorite from all posts and replaced George Malenkov.

Personal life

Andrei Zhdanova's wife became Zinaida Kondratieva, a sink daughter. The son of Yuri Zhdanov was born to the son of Stalin's daughter - Svetlana Allyluve. In the 1950s, two years after the death of Andrei Zhdanov, his granddaughter of Katya was born. And in two years, Yuri and Svetlana broke up.

Andrei Zhdanov with his wife

Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov became a chemical scientist, professor, Rector of Rostov University. In the times of Gorbachev Perestroika, persecuted.

Andrei Zhdanov's wife died in 1973. Son did not become in 2006.


In Memoirs, Nikita Khrushchev calls Zhdanov "alcoholic", arguing that Stalin shouted to the favorite in recent months, insisting to replace alcohol with fruit juices.

Zhdanov's comrades hold another opinion, arguing that Joseph Vissarionovich considered Andrey Alexandrovich as a successor, but the undermined health and the weak heart of the latter, as well as the intrigues of the Lavrenting of Beria and George Malenkov crossed the plans of the Secretary General.

Andrei Zhdanova's grave of the Kremlin wall

After the failure in Yugoslavia, health problems were aggravated: Andrei Zhdanov came to the departmental sanatorium near Valdaya, where he died on August 31, 1948. The cause of death is heart failure.

The doctor of Lydia Timashuk did not agree with the opinion of the conservima of the Kremlin medical and sanitary governance, which was diagnosed with a diagnosis of heart attack. Timashuk wrote a letter to the Central Committee, where he pointed to incorrect treatment methods that led to the patient's death. In 1952, attention was paid to the note: it became the basis for "doctors'", and Zhdanov declared a victim of "pest doctors".

Monument to Andrei Zhdanov in Mariupol

Andrei Zhdanova buried at the Kremlin wall, on Red Square. The native city was renamed Zhdanov in 1948, erecting a monument to the famous Mariupol in the central square. But in 1989, the city was returned by Mariupol, and next year a monument was dismantled.

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