D'Artagnan - biography, actors and roles, quotes


Character History

The story of D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers, owned by Peru Alexander Duma, became the classics of world literature. An exciting plot, the romance of the XVII century, the description of the court intrigues and bright images make a novel attractive to readers of any era. The main character of the works of the French writer became Gasconian D'Artagnan, who managed to conquer the readers and self-confidence. His delets and courage are striking and men's audience. The book read up teenagers, touch her pages and people of mature age. But few knows that images captured in Dumas were written off with real people.

History of creation

Historians proved that the apparent fictional name of the main character belonged to Charle de Batz Castelmore, who lived in 1611-1673. Duma was inspired by the book called "Memoirs Mr. D'Artagnian, the Captain-Lieutenant of the first company of royal musketeers, containing many private and secret things that occurred in the reign of Louis Great." She was published in the Netherlands at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and the writer screams from the work of the motive for his work. The text on which the novelist relied was created by Gatch de Curtie de Sandra. The author collected the bikes and plots for the book, relying on other people's stories.

Alexandr Duma

Some readers are confident that the hero was Armenian. But the prototype of D'Artagnan was the nobleman Charles de Batz Castelmore. At the time of his birth, the family belonged to a great condition that managed to put the grandfather of Castelmore and retained his father in his hands. In 1608, Castelmores were rich and noble genus Gasconia.

Having moved to Paris in the 1630s, Charles took himself the name of the mother - D'Artagnan. As the plot of Roman Dumas says, the young man went to the capital, taking advantage of the patronage of Captain-Lieutenant de Treville. There he fell into the Musketeer company and was treated with the attention of Cardinal Mazarini, who was Minister of France since 1643. Despite the emergence of the company, D'Artagnan remained faithful to the patron and continued to carry the service as a courier.

Charles of Rude de Battz de Castelmore Count D'Artagnan

Guardian Cardinal, conquering the hearts of lovers in the novel by Alexander Duma, had a meek temper in reality and was an exemplary family man.

Thanks to the Muskeletter, countless secret orders were transferred. The messenger was accompanied by Mazarini in exile. In 1652, the rank of lieutenant of the French army was obtained for his loyalty. Career D'Artagnian has developed rapidly. By 1658, he was a deputy commander in the restored Musketeer company. In 1667, he is already a company commander. At the same time, he was pressed by the title of Count. A few years later, Charles took the post of Governor of Lille, but did not strive for a political career, feeling on the spot only on the battlefield.

Castelmore Castle

The cause of the death of Charles d'Artagnian lies in returning to the army. During the period of the Franco-Dutch war, he took an active part in the attack of the enemy. In one of the collections, the hero took death from the Muskeleton bullet that fell to the head. Respect of the fellow soldier did not give D'Artagnian to be buried in someone else's land. He was taken to the location of the French troops and mourned by the whole country. After death, the image of the hero became legendary, he was dedicated not to one novel. The history of the Musketeer's life was based on the work of Alexander Duma and was immortalized.

Biography and plot

The main character of the novel "Three Musketeers" is Gasconian D'Artagnan. Looking for glory and wealth, he goes to Paris to join the Musketeer regiment. A seamless and charismatic character is distinguished by courage and courage. He Oster in the tongue and is ready to stand up for himself, braving youth.


In the capital of France, he falls into the rapid fiber of court intrigues, duels, scandals and adventures. Thanks to the tricks and luckyness, the young man managers to get lost from any situation. It is distinguished by nobility and straightness, a tendency towards achieving goals. Cardinal Richelieu and the Queen of France recognize the merits of Gascon.

Constantly being in the center of events, the hero is looking for adventures and opportunities for exploits. The image of an adventurist is distinguished by attractiveness, although next to his new buddies it looks like a rough provincial.

D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers

Temperal and hot, D'Artagnan meets new buddies, causing them to duel. As a result of three fights, appointed for one day and an hour, friends appear at the Hero: Athos, Portos and Aramis. Entering the new team, the character accepts the installed rules of the game.

The author does not attract his hero on others. On the contrary, makes a simple decent person with individual disadvantages and advantages. His girl would be doomed to life in the passion volcano, but the charming d'Artagnan playing the sympathies of lovers. Intrigues stop, it is worth meeting him with Constance.

D'Artagnan and Constance

In the plot of the novel, several lines associated with the loving relationship of the hero and his debt before the fatherland, which is depicted in the form of transmission of pendants for the queen. It appears and the motive of male friendship, supported by the close partnership of the Musketeers. Roman Alexandra Duma is filled with conflicts and details that emphasize the features of the described images.

Actors and roles

The novel "Three Musketeers" is a rich material for interpretations. The book has 120 shields, among which the full-length paintings, mini-serials and animated films. Most ribbons are removed abroad, and in one popular picture in the form of Millady, Mill Yovovich appeared. In Russia, the famous film of 1978 "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers", its continuation and variations in several versions were created.

In the hearts of the audience, the image of a boastful, perky and bold d'Artagnan performed by Mikhail Boyars will continue forever. It is curious that the actor was not immediately approved. Director Georgy Jungwald Hilkevich had a plan for the selection of actors. It had to make changes due to certain circumstances. It was assumed that Mikhail Boyarsky would fulfill the role of the Rocherfora graph.

Charlie Tires as d'Artagnian

But, late once at the rehearsal, the worried actor appeared before the director in the appearance, which corresponded to the image of the Musketeer in the director's presentation. Boyarsky hardly climbed the horse, but in the frame she looked like a real Gascon. The role was prepared for Alexander Abdulov, but she did not get himself. The decision of the director was influenced by the fact that Abdulov was difficult to work with musical works written by Dunaevsky specifically for the painting.

Logan Lerman as d'Artagnian

In the American film of 1993, Charlie Sheen appeared in the image of the main character. In the "Musketert", released in 2001, the role was performed by Justin Chembers. And in the film "Musketeers" 2011, D'Artagnian embodied Logan Lerman. In the Russian tape of 2013, Rinal Mukhametov appeared in the image of the Lich Musketeer. And only for Mikhail Boyarsky, this role became symbolic.

Interesting Facts

It is curious that, besides D'Artagnan, other characters were reliable. Athos, Portos and Aramis had prototypes. Arman de Sellek D'Wosa d'Newsievil from a merchant family, who received the noble title, became the prototype of Athos. Isaac de Porta, Portos, was the son of a notary. D'Aramis, whose name remained unchanged, - the officer son. Musketeers served in the company at different times and were not familiar. They were united by the literary intent of Alexander Duma.

Athos, Partos and Aramis

The Russian audience invariably associates the image of D'Artagnian with Mikhail Boyarsky, who in his youth, like his hero, did not have to take away. During the shooting, the actor exposed the life of danger. So, in the stage of the fight on the swords of the Rapier, the actor fell into the face and landed into the oral cavity, almost touched by vital organs.

Queen suspension

Goskino provided a modest budget for the filming of the Soviet picture. Artists in the costumes and the requisites had to use the girlfriend to make shots visually attractive. On the set in Odessa, Jungwald Hilkevich independently built the pendant of the queen, buying bright jewelry in the local market. His authorship also owns Ephesian sword d'Artagnian, made from tin can.


What alternative variations would prevail the cinema, representatives of several generations forever remembered quotes from the Soviet film. Fans more than once asked Boyarsky repeat the famous phrases:

"Channelie!", "Thousand features!".

Brave motometer motto:

"One for all and all for one!" - repeat the boys in the courtyard games.

The work of George Jungvald-Khilkevich is filled with sharpness and humorings that are not soldered asking after numerous views.

"Provincial, but principled," says D'Artagnan about himself, who dares to make fun of origin.

The proud and proud hero will not be offended, and the winged phrase is repeated by the guests of large cities. An expression belonging to the chief hero of Roman's favorite expression is the expression:

"Bearing dries the soul."

"Three Musketeers" is an adventure novel, whose main acting person cannot stop in place when exciting events occur around. The author invests in the mouth of D'Artagnian words:

"I feel a dusty statue forgotten in the basement. Such a life, a portjoin, can kill the sword of the cannon kernel. "

This descriptive phrase expresses the essence of the personality of the hero and the nature of the work.

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