Polina Pushkaruk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Polina Puskushkruk is a young actress of the theater and a cinema that likes both comedy lovers and admirers of the drama. She does not just play a role, but is experiencing the life of his character, so it looks natural on the screen and forces the viewers to be in her place.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in the Bryanka of the Lugansk region on January 4, 1991. Unfortunately, there is no information about the family of Pushkaruk: she did not tell in an interview, who her parents worked.

As a child, the field was an energetic child. In addition to classes at school, the girl managed to visit the music circle, where he studied to play at once on two tools. The rest of the time Pushkulk was engaged in sports. Young features loved to drive the ball with boys in the yard and went to swim.

Thanks to the parents, the future star of the series "Philfak" used to bring everything started to the end. Even if the music school was raised, her mother insisted that the girl did not give his hands and did not throw classes that would come in life in life.

However, these skills really needed actress in the future, for example, in the play Liebe. Schiller director Yury Butusov Polina enthusiastically performed the Rammstein group melody on the guitar. Pushkushka told that she did everything by himself, the main thing is to get up early, and not to sleep until lunch.

Polina is a promising actress, which due to the appearance and timber of votes is remembered by the viewer. Paradoxically, the girl was not able to enroll in Vgik, where she filed documents for 2 years in a row. Also, the future star of screens dropped out of competitions in Mkate and theatrical institute named after Boris Schukin.

Pushkulk did not lose and continued to fight for the profession of dreams. As a result, the girl entered the guitis, in the workshop of Sergey Genovac, however, with the second attempt. It began her creative biography: the future star participated in all sorts of performances. By the way, the miniature actress (polina growth - 168 cm) looks quite harmonious on the scene of the theater and even performs the roles of travelers.

Polina said that she was a diligent student, and the passing of the couple was unacceptable for her. During his studies, the actress appeared in such performances as "joker", "Chekhov. Favorites ", Liebe," Village ", Woo Zoo.

Personal life

Polina was not used to sharing with journalists detailed details of personal life, so it is unknown if the actress has a young man. The role of the heroine from "Philca" Nadi recalled Polina Student time: according to the girl, she constantly fell in love with those who cared for the most popular student students at the Institute.

It is known that in the life of Pushkaruk - a very soft and kind person. For example, she does not support his heroine Anna from the film "I WILL NOT RETURN", which had to make contradictory actions. As Polina said, she would have accounted for such a girl with the side, if she met her in a vitality.

Polina - workaholic. The actress is used to working, not knowing the rest. But Pushkushkar like permanent employment, she gladly comprehends everything new. For example, despite acting, Polina works as an illuminator in the theater and considers this occupation useful. The actress does not like people who are unprofessionally belong to work, and especially those who are used to late.

The actress impresses the cute and shy girl, but in fact Polina Pushkaruk - the rebar in the good sense of the word. For example, she has its own motorcycle, which managed to light up in the TV series "Philfak".

The girl confessed that for the role of Nadi she had to learn to paint. In the life of Polina rarely uses decorative cosmetics, which can be judged by the photo in Vkontakte or in Instagram, as well as on numerous video.

Theater and films

After graduating from the Institute of Polina, the SERGEA GENDER Theater troupe, which is called the "Studio of theatrical Art". Here she plays the role of Mary in the formulation of Kira Georgievna. Now the performer is engaged on the Gogol Center stage in the play "Milk" directed by Denis Azarov. Pushkaruk appeared on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater. Lensovet in the play "Battle of Life" and Liebe. Schiller.

Polina Pushkukk, from the first dub, has established itself as a professional actress. While in the filmography of the girls there are not so many paintings in the filmography, but she managed to surprise the viewers with memorable characters. The debut work of Polina in front of the directorial chambers was an episodic role in the television "Life and fate" (2012), whose actions unfold in wartime.

It is noteworthy that already in the second kinocarthine, the drama "I will not return" (2014) director Ilmar Rahaga, Pushkaruk performed a major role. In the film, the actress played Anya - a successful and well-read girl, which because of false accusations was forced to change his life and pretend to be a satisfyer.

Together with the girl from the orphanage, the heroine runs away from her old life, from the Professor's lover, whom Andrei Astrakhantsev played, from the police, accused of concealing drugs. Cinema talks about love and fear, as well as about devotional friendship and betrayal. Polina was brilliantly born into the image of his heroine, for which he received a prize at the XXI International Festival "Constellation" in the nomination "Best Women's Debut".

Also, a talented girl remembered fans thanks to the Military Drama "Young Guard" (2015). In the TV series Polina played the role of Mountain Anuta, which, despite the young age, was not afraid to join the underground Komsomol organization to protect his homeland.

In 2015, the actress participated in the screening of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don" director Sergei Ursulak. In the series, Pushkaruk acted as Frosy.

The girl was accustomed to transforming in characters with difficult fate, but happily took part in the casting of the youth series "Philfak", which appeared on television screens in 2017. It is noteworthy that Pushkulk was immediately approved for one of the main roles, although before that she was unsuccessfully trying to get into another project TNT - the series "The crisis of tender age."

The plot of the new Sitkom is simple and nontrivial. He talks about the student life of philologists, future teachers of the Russian language and literature. In addition to studying the creations of the classics, the guys from "Philfak" have time to build love triangles.

Polina played a modest student Nadia Vasin, who unresponsive feeds the feelings for Mishe Solomonov (Denis Paramonov), and he, in turn, in love with the main beauty of the University of Lenu (Sasha Bortich). Mikhail Tee, Alexey Zolotovitsky, Efim Schifrin also appeared in the film.

In the comedy "Eternal Life Alexander Christoforova" actress was reincarnated in Neformalk Nicole. In the film Polina made his debut as a singer. She performed the song "Modest Heart" from the repertoire of the Neulation group.

The girl needed a little time to learn the words and music track. Above the scene worked in the second shooting day. The necessary frames were captured in half an hour. The actress was very worried, but it did not affect her voice. The song about the heart, according to Pushkruk, decorated the film, she went well on the plot, although at first frightened with his straightness.

Polina Pushkaruk now

The premiere of the Tiller "Call Center" was joyful for fans of Russian cinema, which took place at the end of 2019. In the film, we were talking about terrorist threats to employees of the online store of goods for adults. One of the main roles got Polina Pushkruk. Paul Tabakov, Vladimir Yaglych, Julia Hlynina played other characters.

Later, the actress appeared in the detective series "Mosgaz. The new business of Major Cherkasova, "as well as in the comedy" Odessa steamer ". In 2020, the Heppi & End project was displayed with Pushkaruk, which starred Mikhail Gomiashvili and Rosa Khairullina.


  • 2012 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2014 - "Sunflow"
  • 2014 - "I will not come back"
  • 2015 - "Young Guard"
  • 2015 - "Silent Don"
  • 2016 - Natashin Love
  • 2017 - "Philfak"
  • 2018 - "Eternal Life of Alexander Khristoforova"
  • 2019 - Call Center

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