Esmeralda - biography, characters and quotes


Character History

The chief spokesman for French romanticism Victor Hugo was distinguished by harsh views on life. In his works, the whole surrounding reality was described, which, unfortunately, causes no joy, and sadness.

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It is only worth remembering the novels "rejected" or "a man who laughs", which have enormous influence on Charles Dickens, Alber Kama, Fyodor Dostoevsky and other representatives of the literary diaspora. But in his all-service list Hugo has another work that has become a classic of world literature, - "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God". Images of heroes from this book became recognizable, and the beauty of Esmeralda moved to cinema, theater, ballet and animated work.

History of creation

Viktor Hugo became an innovator, because the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God" was the first historic novel in French. It originated in 1828, and in the 1831st manuscript that stirred the public and literary critics appeared in the bookstores. When the creator of Esmeralda and Quasimodo Makal Pen into the inkwell, he relied on the works of his colleague on the workshop of Scott Walter, favorite the design of works on the basis of historical subtext.

Victor Hugo

In addition, the genius of literature was guided by political motifs. According to the legend, a huge building with a six-hour vigorous arch, which was a Gothic masterpiece, the authorities were going to demolish, and Hugo performed for the reconstruction of cultural monuments. It is noteworthy that after the release of a book about Notre Dame, a launched cathedral attracted the attention of tourists. Roman helped to instill love and respect for old buildings, which, after the publication of the "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother" began to take care of.

Biography and plot

The French novel, which became cult, is dramatic and shows the social problems of society, and also talks about human cruelty and confrontation of good and evil.

Esmeralda is the central heroine of Roman Viktor Hugo. She was born in 1466 in the family of Shanflery's packages, Mengestrel's daughter from Reims. But since the father has broken up and soon died, the family lived extremely modestly. Esmeralda's mother flourished early, and for 14 years she began to attract the attention of men.


One day she fell in love, but the relationship with a married man was doomed to Fiasco, besides, a windy senor acquired another mistress. Next, the packet began to descend to the bottom of the public staircase and "went hands": she spent their time with both aristocrats and simple men.

A packet that has become a curtain, saved the pregnancy from degradation, which came at 20 years of age. After the birth of Agnessea (the name of Esmeralda at birth), Santflery looked, so her "profession" began to be in demand again, and all the money earned, the young mother spent on the outfits for her daughter.


Not to say that the childhood Agnes was cloudless. A little girl was stolen by Spanish Gypsies, which in return left in the cradle of a humpback child named Quasimodo. After that, the tragic event of the trap lost the reason, thinking that the kidnappers ate the girl. Such a conclusion was made by Santflery when she saw in the place of the device traces of a fire and blood.

Esmeralda, who grown in someone else's family, wanted to find his real mother, whose biography acted himself with rumors and legends. Some used to say that the woman rushed into the water, others allegedly seen her on the way to the capital. The dancer wore the only thing that remained from the parent - incense with a children's embedded shoe.

Esmerald and Pierre Grenguar

The character and image of Esmeralda is revealed to readers gradually. On the first pages of the work, it appears by a low dark-free girl living in the Paris "Palace of Miracles" - the abode of the beggars, criminals, gypsies, thieves and other people who are at the very bottom of the social abyss. Despite such a depressing environment, a black-haired Virgin could feel safe, as he gained overall love for her spiritual kindness, beauty and immediacy.

Gypsy from an early age was known what it was - to earn a grave work. She received money, pleaseing passersby dancing and focus with the jalley trained goat. The external data of the young dangling girl was hit by imagination, it was often compared with an angel or fairy. Therefore, it is quite natural that three heroes fell in love with it: Pierre Grenguar verse, the servant of the church of Claude Frollo and the ugly rudder quasimodo.

Esmerald and Claude Frollo

Archiviakon Frollo is trying to steal Esmeraldu with the help of an octive quasimodo, but the Gypsy will save the officer Fet de Shatoper, in which the heroine falls in love with a glance. Esmeralda is a good heart, for example, she did not pass by a quasi-modo and brought him water when he was tied to a shameful pillar and died of thirst. But the heroine that personifies the "Luch of Light in the Dark Kingdom" is not distinguished by analytical mental abilities. She was accustomed to act as the heart tells.

Openness and naivety play with this girlfriend the joke. Feeling in love, she is ready to surrender to the captain of Fest, but the dancer is confident that with the loss of innocence from her will forever elude the opportunity to meet with his parents.

Esmerald and FEB de Shatoper

Esmeralda pursue misfortunes: Gypsy was falsely accused and sentenced to death. It happened due to the fact that the jealous priest, tormented from unrequited love, wounded his opponent Feba and disappeared. From the hinge, Krasavitsa saved Quasimodo: Although the cattle and I am confident that Esmeralda will not pay attention to him, for him the joy is to be near and guard the dancer.

Further, Claude Frollo relieves the object of his desire from a deposited monastery and puts the girl an ultimatum: either he or death on scaffold. But the girl refuses to run away from the city with the killer of his beloved. Then the archchyacon leaves Esmeralda Old Man Hudule and goes for the guards to issue an unhappy one. Gudulah dislikes Gypsies, as they stole her daughter. An elderly woman shows Gypsy a shoe and it turns out that in fact Hadula is a Shanflery package.

The image of Esmeralda

Unfortunately, the fact that Hudula is the mother of Esmeralda, it turns out too late. A caulier hides a girl from Guardi, but the Gypsy makes a fatal mistake: seeing a fub among the soldiers, it is naive with his beloved. The heroine of the work was hanged, and the package soon died, not withstanding the second loss of her daughter.

Activity and actors

The heroes of the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God" - the favorite theme of the directors, and the image of Esmeralda in literary and cinematographic works interpreted in different ways: often with the name of this girl who is considered to be gypsy, a rocky beauty, breaking male hearts, is associated. Viktor Hugo's novel shields more than ten, so consider popular paintings.

Gorbun from Notre Dama (film, 1923)

Perhaps the black and white film directed by Wallace Wastley, shot in the horror genre, was not deprived of the attention of lovers of film adaptations. The gothic picture is not much different from the original story, which invented Viktor Hugo. It is noteworthy that the film chills approached their work prettily, for example, the preparation of the shooting process lasted for a whole year.

Pati Ruth Miller as Esmeralda

Professional actors entered the brilliant cast. Lon Cheney got the role of Quasimodo, Captain Royal Strelkov played Norma Kerry. The role of black-eyed beauty tried on the actress Patsy Ruth Miller.

"Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady" (film, 1956)

The winner of the Gran Prince of the Cannes Festival, Jean Dellanna pleased the kinomans with a luxurious stage of Roman Viktor Hugo.

Gina Lollobrigid as Esmeralda

The director did not bother on the scenery and costumes, and the canonical image of Esmeralda created the famous Italian beauty Gina Lollobrigid, who divided the film from Anthony Quianna, Alain Kyuni, Jean Dane and other stars.

Gorbun from Notre Dama (cartoon, 1996)

The multiplication tape of Disney company is a free interpretation of the GUGO's novel, and the plot concentrates on the Esmerald Dancer.

Esmeralda in cartoon

She becomes another quasi-modo and tells him that the main thing is inside, and not outside: let the appearance of the ringing and ugly, but his soul is beautiful. The heroine appears in front of the audience an independent girl, which is against the authorities chased Gypsies. The role of Esmeralda voiced Demi Moore.

Interesting Facts

  • The name "Esmeralda" translates from Portuguese as "Emerald", so the illustrators of Disney awarded the heroine with green eyes.
  • The cartoon "Gorbun from Notre Dama" pulled not only positive feedback, but also called a squall of critics. Hugo Arno Leteter researcher accused the studio in simplifying the original plot and characters, and the cartoon itself contributed to the appearance of stereotypes.
Quasimodo in cartoon
  • In the hand drawn ribbon about Quasimodo and Esmeralda, you can meet other animated characters: Pumba, Donald Daca, Mickey Maus and Jafar from Aladdin.
  • On the Russian scene, the song "Belle" from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" was performed by Vyacheslav Petkun, Alexander Marakulin and Anton Makarsky.


"He realized that a person needs an attachment that life, deprived of tenderness and love, nothing else, as an inanimate squeaking and creaking mechanism." "He felt a cruel was the transition from student dreams to everyday reality." "And this is already It is known that when girls laugh a lot, hence, they prepare their streams of tears in the future. Beautiful teeth will destroy beautiful eyes. "" In this heart, the same string sounds, the string is the burden, the most sensitive; But instead of an angel, gently touched upon her, she pulls her demon. "

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