Davlatova's drawing - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Bechud Choram Meku", songs, music 2021



Davlatova's drawing is the star of Tajik pop, the performer of songs in the style of Persian pop music. The discography of the performer is full of bright hits that transmit national flavor. Every year the army of fans of the artist will increase, giving tribute to the talent of vocalist and the author of the compositions - despite the fact that it does not protrude on stage.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born on December 31, 1982 in the Tajik SSR, in the city of Kulyab. The drawing became the 4th daughter in the family. Since childhood, there was musical abilities, sang a lot, fond of foreign languages. I studied at school number 8 of Kulyab, I became a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​KSU.

A happy case helped a girl to approach the dream to become a singer. In the second year of Kulyab University, to get a test in English, the maniety had to make a song in English before the Commission from the Ministry of Education. A student chose a soundtrack to the film "Titanic" than impressed by teachers. The student was offered to translate into the pop faculty of the Institute of Arts, but the father was against such a step, and the drawing chose journalism.

In the third year, having moved to Dushanbe, he entered the journalism in TGN. Living in the capital of Tajikistan, the actress took up the record of his own songs in a manner, close in the spirit of Persian music. Such an executive style of Davlatova chose, having acquainted with the work of the Tajik singer and the composer Zikriolekha Khakimov, who became a mentor of a young singer.


The first Treck of Davlatova became the song "At the River", which was recorded shortly after moving the majp in Dushanbe. Soon the first album of the singer "Sarnavisti Man" appeared ("My fate") and three clips. The singer showed selectivity for musical and poetic material, so the process of creating songs lasted for a long time.

Texts to some songs, the performer created itself. The drawing wrote poems to the musical compositions "Dili Dardmand" ("Sick Heart"), "Eri Dylosor" ("Favorite tormentel"), "Bidon" ("Known"). For the "Bess" track ("Kiss"), the words of the Afghan poet of Khorun Rouna were used.

The premiere of the first album was held at the Surudi Sol "concert, which was held in Afghanistan in the city of Mazar Sharif. In 2002, the debut solo performance was held at the homeland of the tricks in the concert hall of the Republic of Borbad. Davlatova was preparing for a speech for a long time.

In the creation of the stage image, the singer helped the stylist Mavelud Khamraev, with which the actipers had a long creative relationship. Famous Cavita Laboons became the subject of imitation for young Tajik. The company was recognized as a legislature of mod in Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

The public of the neighboring state was loved by the young Tajik singer. Davlatov began to invite in Kabul. The fame of the macs is explained not only by creativity, but also its open commitment to compliance with the laws of Sharia. The performer often noticed in Hijab. But the dressing of the outfit for Muslims constantly did not wear, she worn and European clothes: jeans and trouser suits.

In 2007, a number of events took place that had a negative impact on the creative biography of the singer. The father of the artist died, who was the only support and protection for the family and daughters. And after the next concert in the capital of Afghanistan, the intelligence services were interested in and began persecution. The performer was suspected of links with Asian mafia, which it categorically refuted in their own interviews.

The majing fell into depression and stopped appearing in public. The situation was aggravated by a terrible accident, which killed two boys, twin brothers. According to this case, the vocalist was held as a suspect, and despite the fact that the singer was justified, the presusation of Davlatova appeared in the press in unintentional murder on the road.

The soloist with difficulty came out of the crisis, releasing the second album dedicated to the memory of the Father, the central composition of which was the song "Padar" ("Father"). Track Artist recorded together with Rustam Shazimov. The clip on this musical composition immediately got into the playlist of the Tamoshow TV channel dedicated to Asian music. In the second disk, the songs "Zi Chashmoni Tu Memiram" (in Duet with Habib Khakimov) and Osmon Boronist are also included. In addition, fans have fallen in the soul of the tracks "Chi Byshud Azizam" and "Gulumery".

Three years, the singer did not appear on the stage, continuing to create tracks for young colleagues in the workshop. During this time, the vocalist presented a number of hits for Zulayho Mahmadscheva, Mirzo, Jonibeki Murod and Habiba. Davlatova's manizh wrote music to the "Daph Bizan" singer Putodi Zarani singer and sang a bake-vocalist party during the information of the composition at the JC Records Studio studio.

In 2016, Davlatova's Manija recorded a number of tracks, among which "Maro Meznosy" acquired the greatest popularity, "Zi Man Behaud Meranchi", "Ishka Mans". Later, the artist continued to create new songs that sounded on private celebrations, weddings. In 2017, Hits "Hey Dust!", "Soli", "Vathan", "Kuchow" appeared in the repertoire of the singer. In 2020, the vocalist pleased the fans with the new track "Behuda Choram Meku."

Personal life

Davlatova's drawing does not advertise the details of his personal life. Periodically, rumors appear in the press that Afghans became the performer. Journalists also expressed suspicions about the singer's novel with Emomali Rakhmon. But, according to the singer itself in an interview, such species do not have grounds. On the personal page of the artist in the network "Instagram" there is also no confirmation of its marriage, a private photo.

In 2020, a video appeared in Yutiuba, called "New Daughter's New Daughter Song of the Davlataya", "Daughter's Daughter Denage Dance" and others mentioning the name of the artist. In the rollers, the girl in Eastern appearance, which submitted to the public as Nosaine, performed hits of vocalists, and sang songs dedicated to the "Mother".

In one of the clips, the soloist presented the audience the composition of the Tajik pop star Rakhmi Ayby, in the text of which was called to the Davlatova back to the stage and continue to delight fans an unforgettable voice and spiritual melodies. However, the fans of the manifle doubted the relationship of two ladies, especially since this did not appear about the availability of children in Davlatova.

Their efforts became known that the Yutiub-performer has no blood connection with a popular singer. The mother of Nosaine, Zumrad Rakhmonov, has a niece of the famous Tajik vocalist Kurbonali Rakhmonov. A woman was born in the village of Kurbonshida of the Eighth district, neighboring the city of Kulyab, from where the Maenge Davlatova comes from.

The father of the girl appeared there and the father of the girl, Odil. Earlier, the man was a student of the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute, and now is engaged in business. The parents of the "impostor" live in Dushanbe, and the "Daughter of Maniosi" itself is studying in the city of Munich in Germany.

MANIZH Davlatova now

In 2021, the singer continued to engage in creativity, please the fans with new hits - the truth written for other Tajik pop artists. In early March, in connection with the conduct of a qualifying competition for Eurovision in Russia, which defeated the vocalist of Manager Sangin, contradictory articles appeared in the network, reporting that Davlatova would go to Rotterdam.


  • 2004 - Sarnavishti Man
  • 2006 - Manizha Davlat

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