Farzona Khuced - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Farzona Khuced - Popular young pop singer Tajikistan. Farpowdah became famous after a number of scandalous events. Khushded spoke in the Moscow courtyard before gastarbaters from Tajikistan, explaining this love for his native people who have no money to get to the concert.

Video with songs and dancing Farzona received viral popularity on the Internet. Soon another loud event attracted attention to the singer. The girl was convicted of help in shooting from the courtroom and served 1.5 years in prison. Fans declared the singer "Uznza Love".

Singer Farzonea Khurshed

Farzona was born on July 11, 1989 in the city of Kulyab in a creative musical family. Mother of the girl is the famous Tajik singer Suura Kiemov. The father of the singer Khurshd Rabeyev worked in the police, the girl from his father and took the name Khurshed. Farzona - not the only child in the family. Svetitsa's sister - pop superstar Tajikistan Shabne Surae.


In 2008, Farzonea first made a music program for the first time. The creative biography of the performer began successfully. The gentle voice of the young singer immediately conquered the listeners.

The scandalous popularity of the singer brought a performance in Moscow. On the Internet, the video hit, where Farzona Khushdad sings and dances in the backyard of the club, surrounded by labor migrants from Tajikistan, who behave unrestrained and drunk.

Critics condemned the singer for the fact that the pharsona does not matter, to whom to perform, and the girl is ready to sing and dance at the lowest level. Khridded explained his act by patriotism and love for his native people. According to the singer, she wanted to oppose compatriots who have no opportunity to get to the singer's concert in an expensive club.

In 2014, Khushd presented a new song "Ashk" ("Ashk"). In the same year, the singers recorded the song "Lola" and released a teaser to the clip on this composition.

The singer performed the compositions "Illohi" ("Illohi") and "Eram" ("Yoram") together with a more famous sister Suraye, which brought Farzona to be even more popular among the mass listener.

In 2015, fans for the first time heard another song performer "Ochajon").

In 2015, Farzona participated in the award ceremony of the Music Competition "Big Apple Musicaards 2015" in Hamburg, where Khushded declared a better pop singer Tajikistan. The future husband of the singer Fariduni Khurbed also received a contest prize, but in the nomination "Padida Sol" (phenomenon of the year).

Personal life

In 2010, the singer became the participant of the scandal. The girl helped Farruhu Ruziev, with whom the journalists believe, the girl associated personal relationships, escape from the courtroom. The defendant left the court hall and sat down in the car, which was driving a pharsona. The singer confessed to the court: she did not know that the man left the building arbitrarily, since the police standing at the entrance did not try to delay the fugitive.

At the court of Farzona, Khunsheda asked to judge her not as a popular singer, but as an ordinary civilian citizen. The press is known that singer's singer more than once performed in front of the government and had friendly connections in the circles of the government and the oligarchy, but the girl did not take advantage of these connections.

Farzona Khursded was convicted for 2 years

For help in shooting the court of the metropolitan district, Sino condemned the young singer for 2 years in prison. Too cruel punishment for the unproved and unintentional offense, along with the noble refusal of Farzona, to use the situation of the family gave rise to resonance in society. The fans romanticized this event and called the Farzona of the "Prisoner of Love" or the "Prisoner of Love". In 2011, the singer was released, departing one and a half year.

In 2013, Farzonai Khushd survived the tragedy: the father of the singer Khushd Rabiyev died.

In 2014, the girl made religious pilgrimage, after which Farzonia received the status of Khodzhibibie. The performer began to wear a Muslim handkerchief and go to the scene in religious clothes.

Farzona Khursved

Since 2014, the press appeared rumors about the relationship of the singer with a young musician Fariduni Khursh. The performers together came to the Tamoshow Music Awards ceremony, causing a wave of rumors. Faridununi is an old familiar singer, the son of the composer Khursded, who wrote music for the mother of Farzona. Musical critics recognize that the family of Suray Kiechova helped the Son of the composer to become a popular pop artist. Fariduni won the love of the public songs "Manuella".

In the same year, the media wrote that Farzona and Fariduni Khurbed were combined with a Muslim marriage and live together, but hide it. In mid-2015, journalists found out that the singer was pregnant. Soon, Farzona, Khuceda was born daughter Zakia.

Wedding of Farzona Khuced and Fariduni Khurshed

In 2015, Farzona officially married. The wedding took place on September 15 in the city of Kulyab, the hometown of Farzona. The husband of the singer was expected to be a talented musician Fariduni Khurshed. Official marriage has passed after the birth of a common child. According to musicians, the pompous celebration was organized to loudly declare the wedding already held.

In 2016, Farzona became a mom for the second time. The singer told fans that the son was decided to call Mukhamad. Education of two children does not interfere with the work of the singer, as Khuffshed to journalists said. On the contrary, when a woman lays children to sleep and sings lullaby, Farzona often comes up with new motifs for future songs.

Farzona leads a unbelief account in "Instagram". The singer regularly publishes fashionable photos with new outfits and lays out a photo and video from performances. For the Farzona Account, 80 thousand subscribers are watching.

Farzona Khushd Now

In March 2016, the famous singer Suura Kosimov became a hospital, but doctors stated that the state of the performer does not cause concerns. The singer began problems with nerves after a series of tragic events, and the prescribed sedatives caused problems with the liver and stomach. When Suura was discharged, the daughters of the singer decided to continue treatment outside the country and took the Kosimov to India for further treatment and recovery.

In 2016, Farzonya Khuzhedov represented Tajikistan at the next ceremony of the Big Apple Music Awards award in New York.

Farzona Khuced in 2017

In 2017, Khushdov said the press that the concert was seriously preparing for the first after the birth of the son and creates musical developments to show their mother and hear the Suray Council about the new program. Cosmatov recovered Surae helps her daughter with everyday worries and watches grandchildren.

In January 2017, Farzona performed the new song "Dar Mehmonia". In 2017, the singer also presented a new composition and music clip to the song "Chanidon" ("Jovidon").


The singer did not declare the presentation of solo albums. Farzona songs come out in collections together with songs of other performers:

  • Hits Tajikistan 3.
  • Hits Tajikistan 4.

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