Nikita Malinin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Son Alexander Malinina 2021



Nikita Malinin, thanks to artistism and the sense of humor, I loved the fans of the show "Star Factory - 3". Since childhood, he lived with creativity and independently achieved success. After participating in Reality, Nikita began to recognize on the street: from the usual guy, the blue-eyed handsome turned into a star.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born on September 4, 1982 in Moscow in the creative family of the famous artist of Romance Alexander Malinina and Inna Kurochny, who played the violin in VIA "singing guitars." According to the sign of the zodiac Nikita - Virgo. When the boy turned 2 years old, his father left the family and went to Singer Olga Zarubina, and later married Emma Zalukayeva. Children appeared from new relations with Alexander.

Malinin Jr. told in an interview that the media speak a lot of excess of his biography. For example, some sources wrote that the artist did all childhood on Rublevka, in the house of Alexander Malinina and Emma. Contrary to rumors, the boy lived with his mother, grandfather and grandmother in a small apartment at the station "VDNH". There was no money in the family especially, so Nikita did not know what it was - to live in luxury. The young man went to high school in a residential area.

To be closer to the Son, Inna left the artist career and settled in kindergarten music teacher, and later began to work in the laundry. According to the memories of Nikita, Mom painfully worried a divorce with his father and sobbed for a long time, until he met a new beloved, which was able to substitute his shoulder at the right moment. Thus, when Nikita turned 14 years old, stepfather appeared in the family.

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In childhood, the future "manufacturer" rarely seen with his father: Alexander came to Nikita only for his birthday and sometimes he took the bold to himself. In the future, the guy told that he did not have enough father's care: the boy saw the dad more often on TV than in life. Nevertheless, over the years, the relationship with the Father has a young man. Today, the singer supports his older son.

Nikita with love recalls the grandfather Yakov Mikhailovic. It was he who partly compensated for the child a shortage of male education: they often spent time together.

Initially, the son of Malinin did not think to engage in music. In childhood, Nikita dreamed of the heroic profession of the policeman. But thanks to Inn, who took the 6-year-old son in a music school, the fate of Malinina Jr. was different. In the interview with the manufacturer, I recalled that I previously reluctantly went to classes on the playing guitar, and in his diary there were some two. He only realized that his vocation was a scene.

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Since the beginning of the 90s, the teenager gradually became addicted to music, especially, according to Alexander, Nikita since childhood had a voice voice and a predisposition to singing. When the son of Malinina was 11 years old, he spoke at the MCAT named after A. Chekhov, where he performed the role of a chick, and later he had time to light up in the Pepsi commercial.

Congenital traction took her own: in 1998, the young man played a guitar in the "OKHO" group and toured with concerts.

At the age of 17, Nikita decided to live independently and went to a separate apartment with his girlfriend. In the youth, the guy did not expect material assistance from his father and earned his own difficulty. Among other things, he worked in the group from Alexander Malinina and received $ 80 for the performance. Nikita is grateful to fate for the opportunity to work in the music team of the Father: According to him, it was a real vocational school.

Personal life

The guy has always been popular with girls who dreamed of such a groom. Some viewers of the "Star Factory - 3" believed that he was found with Masha Weber (the artists were playing the song "First Date"), but their "couple" was invented by the producers of the teleproekt.

The personal life of the singer was still in his youth. Nikita Malinin - Odnolyub. The singer from the 9th grade from the 9th grade gave his heart to Natasha, who in 2008 secretly from journalists became his wife, and before that young people lived in civil marriage. It is known that Nikita and Natasha Malinin have a child. The couple avoids joint photos, so the "instagram" artist is devoted exclusively to its creative activity.

In his free time, the celebrity loves to prepare dishes of Russian and Japanese cuisine, and also loves to ride a snowboard. On the country site, Malinin built a house in the style of chalet using the Facrow technology. In his mansion today, the artist lives almost year-round.

In January 2020 Nikita survived the tragic event - the death of Mother Inna Kurochny. The woman did not live to the 60th anniversary of 3 months.

"Star Factory"

"Star Factory" is a realistic show of the first channel, which allows young artists to show creative abilities. Nikita often watched the project on TV and dreamed that someday would try his strength in a vocal competition. In 2003, the guy went to the casting of the famous project and successfully passed it. By the way, the parents did not know for a long time that their son decided to become a "manufacturer."

Alexander Malinina never liked his real surname (loving), and he constantly told the young man to change it. Therefore, it is not surprising that the contestant introduced himself to the producers of the show as Nikita Malinin. His rivals for the project were Julia Mikhalchik, Lesya Yaroslavl, Svetlana Svetikova, Alexander Kireev.

Some members of the TV project thought that a talented young man came to the "Star Factory - 3 through relations, but Nikita dispelled these assumptions with sincerity and hard work. For these qualities, the audience and fell in love with a high handsome (the growth of Nikita is 180 cm), which in the final of the program was awarded the 1st place.

Music and Tele Show

Thanks to the "Star Factory - 3" Nikita became the performer of hits, which still occasionally sound on radio stations and musical channels.

The lyric song of Malinina Jr. "Kitten" was half a year on the leading positions of the charts and took the 1st place in the annual nomination "Foot Hit" on the radio "Hit FM". In the spring of 2004, thanks to Fedor Bondarchuk and Maxim Sididia came out with a clip Nikita, who from the first rotations on MTV began to be popular with the audience. Then the singer released on this hit remix.

Later, the guy admitted that he gradually missed the image of the "kitten", and he began writing his own music, which is characterized by the mixing of different styles. After the victory in Real, the debut album Nikita "Flash in the night" came out, and in 2005 he represented Russia at the World Best International Competition.

The winner of the "Factory" writes songs and makes arrangements not only for himself, but also for famous performers: he worked with Boris Miseyev, glory, Dominic Joker and others.

In 2007, Malinin met DJ NEJTRINO and tried himself in the dance sphere. A collaborative project of DJ and singer called DJ Nejtrino & Nikita Malinin. Album Musicians released in Europe.

Later, the artist began cooperation with the DJ of the Misha Klein, with which several tracks created. Together with colleagues in the "factory", Julia Mikhalik and Alexander Kireyev Malinin recorded hit "Forgive me." And in collaboration with other project participants released the New Year's Hang.

Nikita loves creativity and is ready to cooperate with various projects. For example, in 2002, he starred in the film "Three Sisters" directed by Viktor Volkov, and in 2015 he became a member of the "one to one!" Program. It is noteworthy that in one of the releases, the guy appeared in the form of his father and fulfilled the romance. Alexander Malinin was flattered by the Son's speech.

Nikita Malinin is a frequent guest on television. With his participation, the programs "About love", "Other Peace". He performed as an expert in the releases of the DNA talk show. In 2017, Andrei Malakhov gathered former "manufacturers" in the studio of the project "Tonight."

The work of the artist with Danya turned out to be fruitful. Musicians recorded a mini-album in 2018. On the song "Do what I like" was released.

Nikita Malinin now

On February 15, 2020, the premiere of the La Parfume duet with Nikita Malinin and Note U (Julia Piphantina) took place in the ZALL Capital Club. Producer spoke Anton Ishutin. The artist continues to work by DJ, performs with small concerts.

Now Nikita has great support for the family of his father. Together with Emma, ​​Malinina and his step-by-brother and sister, a musician often happens abroad. Ustinya Malinina also went in the footsteps of the Father. Often, the former "manufacturer" with her becomes the guest of concerts of Alexander Malinina.


  • 2004 - "Flash in the night"
  • 2018 - "Mini Album"

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