Nikita Kuznetsov - biography, photo, personal life, news, project "House 2" 2021



Nikita Kuznetsov is one of the most memorable participants of the Realistic Show "Dom-2". The guy came to Love Telestroyku in 2008, but his popularity does not fall to this day. Static handsome people remembered the viewers of the transmission as a "macho project", because there is not enough books to record the names of the former girls of this ladies.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Kuznetsov was born on July 17, 1987 in the south-west of the Arkhangelsk region in the provincial town of Nyandom.

Participant Show

The boy has grown and brought up in an educated intelligent family, his mother - director of the museum, and dad is a veterinarian.

In an interview, the charming guy admitted that in his childhood he was a quiet and closed child who did not like to be in society. Therefore, there were almost no friends from a little boy, and in the toys a curly ripper loved to play alone. As well as a child, he adored thoughtful walks through forest parks and city catacombs.

Nikita Kuznetsov in childhood

But time went, and the worldview of Nikita changed, the young man chose the real world and began to gradually join the society. He paid attention to the relationship between boys and girls, and also knew what friendship and betrayal.

School helped a closure to cope with Nikita. From the shy boy of Kuznetsov turned into a fume and hooligan, which took the teachers to emotions and participated in fights, because of which the young man changed not one school. Street parties were distracted by Nikita from the diligent study, so in the future he could not boast of good estimates in the diary, although he was heard by a clever and talented boy.

Nikita Kuznetsov in his youth

Nikita told that in school years he lived and breathed his creativity. The future showman had non-real artistic abilities and adored to participate in theatrical productions and improvised scenes. He even visited a dramatic circle, where he distinguished himself by talent to art and won all-Russian competitions.

Perhaps the audience would know Nikita as a brilliant actor of the Russian cinema, if the fate of the charming handsome did not work out differently. The fact is that Kuznetsov's parents were against such gusts of the Son and were afraid to let a child in a free creative swimming, worrying that he would fall into a bad company.

Nikita Kuznetsov

Therefore, Mom and Pope Nikita persuaded the stall guy to enter a military university, and he did not dare to go to the parents. Therefore, a 16-year-old guy goes to conquer the capital of Russia to Moscow University of the Ministry of Defense.

For four years, the future member of reality lived on the routine of the day and he studied the military business. When Nikita remained nothing before the end of the university, the guy decides to leave their studies and goes to part-time at night clubs.

"House 2"

According to rumors, a high handsome (the growth of Nikita is 186 cm) has never had problems with female attention. Ladies crowded for an extravagant guy, and Kuznetsov even told his own diary, where he wrote down the name of the next conquered Passia.

Nikita Kuznetsov in the show

But Nikita always dreamed of doing something special, especially, the unbridled thrust for new adventures every day reminded itself. Therefore, in the summer of 2008, the young guy comes a new stage in the biography: he decides to go on the famous reality show "Dom-2".

On the perimeter, the carbonous seducer came to conquer the heart of Odessans Masha Ray-line, but Nikita's attempts to achieve attention to the girls were in vain - he could not repel the beauty of Sergei Palycha's judicial intellectual (Adoevtseva).

After this failure in the personal life of Nikita Kuznetsova came a black stripe - a state guy could not find the only one that fascinated his heart. A reality participant went to the castings to get acquainted with the girls to increase the chances of meeting her love, but fleeting sympathies did not overwhelm more.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Evgenia Feofilaktova

Nikita Kuznetsov is not used to lowering hands: the guy begins to seek the work of the perimeter alternately. The first "victim" of the charming tempter was the blonde Nadia Ermakov, but their relationship was not crowned with success. Then Nikita Kuznetsov drew attention to the wife of Feofilaktov. Perhaps burning brunette and static lovers could become an enviable pair, but their sympathy was versatile. Young people quickly settled into the house, without recognizing each other better, so the new lovers often had conflict situations.

Also fans of the scandalous show were attributed to Kuznetsov, fleeting novels with Natalia Varvina and Olga Buzova. After the sensational brawl with Ilya Mowgli, Nikita Kuznetsov had to go beyond the gate of the famous project, but after a time the scandalist returns again to the wall of the perimeter.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Nelli Ermolaeva

The second parish on reality was marked for a guy with success: this time he was fascinated by the most mysterious participant of the TV project - Nelli Yermolaeva. At that time, the girl was worried about the break of relationships with the mysterious magician Vlad Kadoni, and her heart was free. Nikita took advantage of the moment, inviting the Brunette Brunette to urban apartments.

The whole country was observed behind the stormy relationships of Beloved and the joint accommodation Nelly and Nikita was marked by the gentle emotions, then insane conflicts.

Although the parents of the girl were against the bride-groom-Kazanov, Kuznetsov made a proposal of the hands and hearts of the beloved in the framework of the "Man of the Year" contest. Thus, in 2011 on Valentine's Day, beloved beloved their relationship. The magnificent celebration passed in sunny Italy, in the romantic city of Verona. Beloved exchanged married rings in the historic castle, in which Romeo and Juliet lived according to the legend.

Wedding Nikita Kuznetsova

After the wedding, the spouses decided to leave "House-2" and wish outside the visiting cameras. It would seem that the matters of a curly handsome and seductive brunette go uphill: Nikita became closely engaged in creativity, and his wife opened a manicure salon. But the household life destroyed a beautiful couple, and in 2012, the spouses divorced. What became a stumbling block between young people - "behind the scenes" remained.

In the summer of 2013, the tempter of the ladies' hearts reappears on the famous show. But this time Nikita takes the responsibilities of the "old man" and gives advice to young couples.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Anastasia Lisov

Kuznetsov adhered to the reputation of the "enviable groom", so she again tried to build love with several girls: his chosenses were Alexander Skorodumov, Diana Ignatyuk, Lisa Kutuzov and others.

Although the crispy handsome "bought" in female attention, Nikita has repeatedly been involved in large scandals "House-2". The fact is that the charismatic participant has a quick-tempered character, and even a trifle is able to withdraw Nikita. He often participated in fights and scuffle, for example, the conflict with Anastasia F. Lisovo still discusses the audience and participants of the show.

Personal life

In 2017, Nikita is found with Darina Markina. The fans of the TV project were divided into two camps: some believe that it is love forever, and others are confident that Darina is another "sacrifice" of Lovelace. It is rumored that the beloved are preparing for the wedding.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina

In the life of Nikita - an impulsive person who does not hide sincere emotions, for which he loved the audience. Among other things, Kuznetsov - Philanthropus. The participant of the scandalous reality is not indifferent to social issues and is ready to file help.

Nikita Kuznetsov now

In 2017, the charming handsome man continues to live at the sight of the TV game. According to the latest news, Nikita Kuznetsov will take place the place of Andrei Cherkasov and becomes a new departure casting director.

Nikita Kuznetsov in 2017

It is known that Nikita leads a page in Instagram, where he pleases the fans by photographs and videos.

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