Zhenya Otradnaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, now, clips, music, voice, singer, husband 2021



Creativity of Zhenya Otradnaya whole and fully dedicated to the eternal theme - love. The secret of her success is simple: in each song, the singer invests a particle of the soul, thanks to which listeners can fully immerse themselves in the illusory world of the amourn experiences of the performer.

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Otradnaya was born on March 13, 1986 in the city of Krasnoturinsk (Sverdlovsk region). Father had a fight in Afghanistan. From the distant country, Sergey brought his wife Talisman - bullet on a chain. Mother called Tatiana. According to some reports, the woman worked as an accountant.

From the smallest years, Otradnaya has for music. Parents, seeing in the daughter of the challenge of the future singer, gave Evgenia to the class of vocals. Already at the age of 7, young talent fell into the Shaw group Alexey Andriyanov "Pharaohs". The children-youth team presented the opportunity to declare himself.

Since 1994, the talented performer has stormed not only Russian competitions ("Golden Cockerel", "Morning Star"), but also conquered foreign estra. So, at the International Children's Festival "Golden Coin", which was held in Italy, Zhenya won the Grand Prix. The jury simply could not resist the temperament the artistic girl.

After a series of early success, Evgeny Otradnaya was once again in the "Pharaohs". True, the team received fame only in the Sverdlovsk region, and the Regional Glory of the singer was missing.

In 2003, Zhenya with his family moved to Taganrog. Here entered the music college to the specialty "choral conducting". With one-laugherpniki, Eugene had a warm relationship. The artist did not conflict with anyone. As a pacifist in kind, Otradnaya repeatedly smoothed conflicts, occasionally arising in the team. The children were delighted with fun beauties. True, the teachers did not believe in a successful celebrity career, considering the student of the ordinary.

Contests and TV projects

Soon, fate provided ambitious Eugene the opportunity to show itself. The television competition "Secret Success" has become a starting point for a beginner singer. The girl easily passed the qualifying tours in Samara. At each stage, the star of Otradnaya flared up with a new, unprecedented force.

Evgenia made himself at the gala concert, but failed to win the victory. In the final, Zhenya went around Vladimir Sapovskaya. The guy took the first place, and Eugene - no less honorable second. After that, Otradnaya experience with even greater zeal rushed to the goal.

From the biography of the artist, it is known that in the fall of 2007, Zhenya participated in the competition of young executors "Five Stars", which was held in Sochi. On him Otradnaya again won second place. Jury members, journalists, viewers and even critics did not bother to compliments to the novice singer. Those present highly appreciated the talent and "exciting blood" energy Evgenia.

Among other things, Zhenya participated in the qualifying round of the Eurovision-2008 contest. For the project, producers prepared the Porque Amor track, which Eugene sang in Spanish. The Russian-speaking version of the song is called "Why Love". However, to represent Russia at the prestigious competition was not lucky. Dima Bilan went to Belgrade, who took the first place with the Believe composition.

In 2018, Eugene participated in the blind auditions of the 7th season of the show "Voice" on the first channel. Otradnaya spoke with the Soviet hit "Rights January Blizzard." Unfortunately, none of the mentors turned.


In the spring of 2008, the Mistema Sound Company released the album Evgenia Otradnaya "Let's Foot". At the same time, the singer received a prestigious award "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Leave and close the door."

The composition that first sounded in the rotation of the "Russian Radio", in the blink of an eye gained popularity among representatives of the weak gender. In the disk included 17 works, and on the hit "I love you very much" Zhenya recorded the clip.

The actress was presented in the Moscow club "Opera". The public gathered worthy. Arkady Ukupnik, Julia Odeoda and his spouse, Dmitry Malikov and Igor Matvienko attended the listeners. Eugene has repeatedly spoke that he prefers to sing live, so it's not surprising that the girl did not use the phonogram on the "debut".

Nikolay Baskov, affected by the vocal data of a charming brunette, after the second composition threw a chic bouquet of flowers on the scene and for the evening evenly admired the talent of a young celebrity.

In the series "Princess and Nishchenka" you can hear a song performed by Otradnaya ("Clouds", "Lonely Heart" and "I DO NOT I"). In addition, Eugene voiced the main character in the American picture "Class Musical". Years later, experience was useful to the artist at work on the Ukrainian cartoon "Clara and Magic Dragon". Zhenya gave a voice to a key character.

In the spring of 2010, a concert "Sound Track MK" took place in Luzhniki, on which the prizes of the same name were presented. Eugene took part and presented a new composition "Love type" composition. In the same year, the Spring event organized "Radio Cottage". The venue was the IC "Olympic". The singer presented in the speech of Hit "Orevuar".

In 2014, the artist, together with the former participants of the "Sky here", created a grunge rock band "110 Volt". The guys won the sympathy of the inhabitants of Moscow clubs, and in 2015 they performed the "Home Scene" show. True, the next stage failed to pass. Soon the group ceased to exist.

Personal life

Zhenya - a humble man. The star is not divided by candid pictures in a swimsuit and detailed stories about personal life. It is known that the performer met with her husband at the Mirror Film Festival, where future spouses were together the picture of Sergey Solovyov "Odnoklassniki". The singer in the tape played an episodic role, and the chief of Evgeny Gorodinov worked as the main sound engineer of the film.

Lovers got married 3 months after dating. There was no pompous event with courageous decorations and hundreds of eminent guests at the newlyweds. Wedding took place on a weekday evening in the circle of relatives and loved ones.

Now Evgeny and Eugene are happy parents of two wonderful daughters. Elder Antonina was born in 2011, and after a couple of years, Lydia appeared in the family. Both heirs are developing in the field of musical and cinema, are engaged in the Tyus Studio. The creativity of Tony and Lida parents dedicated a separate page in "Instagram", where the video and photos of talented heiress are postponed.

Evgenia Otradnaya now

Eugene continues to develop on the field of video blocking. On the Yutiub-Canal, Otradnaya lays out rollers, where the huts of past years are executed. So, on March 27, 2021, the singer published a video on which he sings the song "Just like everyone else." Guitarist Sergey Shai accompanied wife.

In addition, in the spring, Otradnaya was lucky to participate with daughters to participate in the project "Fashion sentence". The actress not only thanked the film from the first channel for a bright transformation, but also reported that the children had grown up, which means nothing stops back to the stage.



  • 2008 - Let's run


  • Go and close the door
  • Why love
  • Your lips
  • At first sight
  • I am very much
  • We are not so
  • Porque amor
  • Like love
  • Clouds
  • Lonely Heart
  • Do not save me
  • Orevoir
  • Become a man

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