Professor Lebedinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Who at least once did not utter the words "I will kill you, the boatman!", Wanting a joke or seriously dealt with an imaginary or real enemy. Thus called the song, IMIG made the artist by Professor of the Lebedinsky Star of the Russian pop 90s. Now the author of bright remixes, disappointed in the show business, lives in America and reminds itself not by creativity, but by sharp political statements.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Lebedinsky was born in May 1968 in Leningrad, on Vasilyevsky Island, in the family of professors-intellectuals. Father was the main pediatrician of the country, a deserved figure of science, Mom taught at a medical university.

Music talent The artist showed at 3 years old, fulfilling the first chords on the piano. In 5 years, Alyosha composed compositions, imitating Johann Sebastian Bahu. Parents gave the Son to Music School, and at the same time in the elite gymnasium, where French was taught. The future showman studied in it until the 8th grade.

Lebedinsky so virtuosically mastered the tool that at the graduation concert to him, like the best graduate, was entrusted to play in front of Svyatoslav Richter. The famous pianist recommended young tagging to continue his studies at the Moscow Conservatory at the teacher who grown dozens of laureates of international competitions. But the classic artist from the guy did not work.

Alexey became a student of an electrical university. As soon as the parents have come tortured with such an unexpected decision, as he after the 1st year went to the army. Having served in the musical platoon in the Estonian Tartu, in Division Johar Dudayev, Lebedinsky again surprised relatives - did not return to the institute, but settled in the Leningrad Tyuz with an illuminator.

However, the music remained the main chapter in his biography. Alexey entered the Institute of Culture, worked in Lenconcert, drove disco, played in Hard-rock group Pavel Elser. In 1985, with filing Boris Grebenshchikov, Lebedinsky recorded the first tracks at the studio of Pioneer of the Soviet producing Andrei Tropillo.

Personal life

At the peak of popularity, in the 90s, Professor Lebedinsky married. In marriage with the difference in one year, the daughters of Polina and Veronica were born. For close musician acquired a spacious, with three-meter ceilings an apartment in Odintsovo. The arrangement was engaged in the wife Svetlana. In his taste, Alexey repaired the bathroom for children, a recording studio and a personal bedroom, which was also stuffed by equipment.

Alas, family happiness lasted for a short time. According to Lebedinsky, he was treated to meet a woman, completely devoid of maternal instinct. Nevertheless, after the divorce of Polina remained with the light, and Veronica - with his father. The girl is dedicated to the song "daughter".

In 2001, Showman moved to Moscow, where he met photographer Ekaterina Blokina. About the time when they traveled a lot, they shot together, and then treated photos, Professor Lebedinsky recalled as completely wonderful. Only this novel came to an end.

Alexey Igorevich's personal life has not yet arranged, but in the lack of attention from the weak floor does not complain. Some girlfriends did not like her daughters, she was tied to others. When Nick grown, Lebedinsky sent her to England to learn from the surgeon. According to the artist, Veronica was lazy and did not take advantage of the chance to get European education, returning to Russia.


With the group "Collected Works", Lebedinsky traveled with concerts at military units, until he saw an announcement that the keyboard player is required. When the soloist Maxim Leonidov left for permanent residence in Israel and the team collapsed, Alexey got an arguer to the union of composers.

In the home studio, he recorded instrumental compositions and songs, tracks for cartoons and commercials. On the advice of one customer, Lebedinsky demonstrated the fruits of his creativity on television and became the editor of the Kirill of Kirill Nabutov "Adamovo Apple".

In 1990, the musician collected his own team called "Gemini". A year later, she won the "Prize Clip" contest, and after two represented the Northern Capital at the White Nights Festival in Venice.

Glory hit the performer unexpectedly. Dmitry Nagiyev, at that time she worked by DJ on the radio "Modern", not asked for anyone, put on the air "I will kill you, the boatman." Going out the scene with a song-kitche, written after the use of strong alcoholic beverages, Alexei initially refused. Related friends who have said that he misses good money.

The first album, called "Come on," compiled from ironic cover versions of famous hits, is the result of the collaboration of Professor Lebedinsky and the Russian size team. In addition to the song about the boatman, the "La-La-Fa" composition entered the plate, the "run of the year" and "Sleep, my boy is small."

The artist rapidly gained popularity in his homeland and near abroad. His new compositions rose to the tops of the charts, and many thousands of stadiums were going to concerts.

In the late 90s "Russian Size" and Professor Lebedinsky went on tour to Germany, and after a joint speech in the Oktyabrsky Hall with Duet Yaki-Da, Russian musicians went to Sweden.

In 1997, Alexey replenished the discography of the Solnik "Hellow-Goodba", which he entered the hit "Thought at school." The success of the album pushed the singer to an independent career.

A year later, Professor Lebedinsky pleased Melomanians to "laugh or cry" a disk, whose track list included the incendiary "that's all love", "daughter" and "away there, at the subway." Video clips in the last two compositions appeared on television screens.

In 1999, Alexey Igorevich presented the album "Dances-Shmannians, Knush and Smorodin", in which the compositions of the "yellow leaves", "Besam Maucho" and "Laaste Mi Cantar". In the same year, Professor Lebedinsky, together with St. Petersburg Showman Roman Trakhtenberg, recorded clips for the songs "Dubak-January" and "Sleep tired toys". Low, hoarse baritone singer sounded on the radio, on television and from every open window. With the advent of the Internet, his audience increased at times.

The celebrity says that he does not consider his own creativity with high art. Ironical, humorous remakes - a personal look at what is happening in show business. The laws reigning on the stage forced him to disappear on time. Lebedinsky did not want to write music for those who do not understand it, but the rules dictates - when, who and for how much. To decide what has the right to sound, there must be a public, and not cash grief.

In the early 2000s, the singer reminded himself by the composition of the "droplets", a parody of the song Valeria "Chasiki". Together with the actors of the "Lyedie" theater, Professor Lebedinsky removed the video, which was leading in the MTV program "12 evil spectators."

In 2004, the arranger together with the "Russian size" and Dmitry Nagiyev recorded a parody of "I HOY" on the song Dragostea Din Tei pop collective from Moldova O-Zone, which is also known as "I dance drunk on the table." She held six months on the first lines of hit parade.

In 2005, the artist noted the 10-year anniversary of musical activity in the Concert Hall of Music, and the composition and clip "Christmas tree, Gori!" He was recorded to the New Year holidays together with Natasha Vlaversa.

In the fall of 2007, the singer presented the new album "And hello again", the song from which "Woven now" got into the TOP-10 Radio "Chanson" and the rotation of the Road Radio. Critics called the composition as the best author's project of Professor Lebedinsky. In the same year, Alexey became the TV presenter of the program "Tv Center".

With the beginning of the new decade, 2000s, the song of the popular artist has changed: the compositions have become lyrical. In 2013, Professor Lebedinsky presented the listeners a song and clip "If not love", the vinyl record "Lyrics".

In narrow circles, Alexei Lebedinsky knows as a high-class photographer. Love for the art of artistic shooting Father cleaned him in childhood. In 2002, without interrupting music practices, the artist organized the first personal exhibition "Focus Professor Lebedinsky", in 2010 - "Indochina", in 2012, the original "Transcripts". After a couple of years, he shared his pictures of his beloved city at the exhibition "My Petersburg". The work of the photo artist was published in Russian and foreign editions.

Alexey did not specifically promote himself in this direction, however, genre and portrait photos were successfully sold, advertising screensavers fell into prime-taime on central TV channels. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a Piara adviser in Rosneft. Photos, including the author's autograph, can be purchased on the official website of Lebedinsky.

"What is the difference between the work of art from a magazine? The fact that the work of art can be viewed in different mood and watch infinitely. It will break any songs of your soul all the time. This is what I call a long photo - what is related to art and values. "

Politics and emigration

On the life and work of Professor Lebedinsky affected not only the morals of artistic parties, but also the rejection of the economic and political situation in the country. Alexey Petal "Sit at the same table with people who robbed people.""Many of them were just gangsters. Moreover, it is not necessary from the criminal world. Some were mayors of cities, representatives of power structures. But they often paid me for me. And at some point it became unbearable. "

The politicization in the musician woke up in his youth, only he did not express his views openly. When the first publications appeared in Facebook, Lebedinsky, on their own confession, almost left did not leave: who wants to contact the Yarym critick Vladimir Putin.

In the spring of 2014, the artist emigrated from the Russian Federation to America, motivating moving disagreement with the actions of the Russian government. He stated that he would return to the country then, "when this chaos is completed."

Over the ocean, Alexey opened the photo studio. Judging by the posts in "Instagram", the first exhibition was already held in Palm Beach.

In 2015, Professor Lebedinsky posted the clip "This Vatniki" on the Yutiub-Channel. Frames of popular news television programs were used in the video, the first persons of the state and the Church, Syria and Ukraine are mentioned. In response to a rapid criticism, the singer noticed that if it was attacked, it means that he did not get into the eyebrow, but in the eye. And the attention should be accepted not on the artist, but in the sense of the composition.

At the end of 2016, the artist announced concerts in a number of cities in Ukraine, promising to sing familiar hits of the 90s. But the performances did not take place. Lebedinsky admitted that the tour was broken due to a fraudster of the organizer who gathered money for sold tickets and hidden in an unknown direction.

Professor Lebedinsky now

Having settled in Miami, Alexey wondered to tell the peoples of other countries, that "Russians are normal people, the Russian people are very soulful, educated, but it just has such a property - to choose inappropriate power." For obvious reasons, it is taken to translate his position, considered opposition. "Protest songs", which now writes the musician, are not comparable to those who have become popular many years ago.

YouTube-project of the Lebedinsky "Wishovets to believe" thought as a platform for the exchange of impressions of emigrants. Those who have gained a new meaning of life with the visit of the United States have been invited to interviews, recovered or solved other problems. Over time, social and political issues have been discussed in the program. For example, in the spring of 2020, the topic of coronavirus infection has become relevant.


  • 1996 - "Let's come on!"
  • 1997 - "Hallow Gudiba"
  • 1998 - "Laugh or cry"
  • 1999 - "Dancing-Shmannians, Knush and Smorodina"
  • 2005 - "New and Best"
  • 2007 - "And hello again"
  • 2013 - "Lyrics"

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