Grigory Melekhov - biography, character and image of the hero, facts and quotes


Character History

Gregory Melekhov - the central character of the novel "Quiet Don", unsuccessfully looking for its place in the changing world. In the context of historical events, Mikhail Sholokhov showed a difficult fate of the Don Cossack, who can passionately to love and fight selflessly.

History of creation

Thinking up a new novel, Mikhail Sholokhov did not assume that the work would eventually fall into Epopea. It all began in innocent. In the middle of the autumn of 1925, the writer began the first chapters of the "Donship" - so was originally called the work in which the author wanted to show the life of the Don Cossacks during the revolution. Since the beginning, the Cossacks went consisting of Cornilov's army on Petrograd. Suddenly the author stopped the idea that readers are unlikely to understand the motives of the Cossacks in the suppression of the revolution without prehistory, and he postponed the manuscript to the far corner.

Mikhail Sholokhov

Only a year later, the plan completely ripe: in Roman Mikhail Alexandrovich wanted to reflect the life of individuals across the prism of historical events that happened in the period from 1914 to 1921. The tragic fate of the main characters, including Grigoria Melekhov, was to be forth in the epic topics, and for this it was closer to get acquainted with the customs and characters of the inhabitants of the Cossack farm. The author of "Quiet Don" moved to his homeland, in the village of Vishnevskaya, where he plunged into the life of the "Donship".

In the search for bright characters and a special atmosphere, which settled on the pages of the work, the writer broke the neighborhood, met witnesses of the First World War and revolutionary events, gathered a mosaic from Baek, beliefs and elements of folklore of local residents, as well as storming Moscow and Rostov archives in search of truth About the life of those dick years.

Grigory Melekhov - biography, character and image of the hero, facts and quotes 1746_2

Finally, the first volume of "quiet dona" saw the light. It appeared Russian troops on the fronts of war. The second book added the February coup and the October Revolution, the echoes of which were conveyed to Don. Only in the first two parts of the novel Sholokhov was placed about hundreds of heroes, in the future they were joined 70 characters. In total, the epic was stretched into four volumes, the latter was completed in 1940.

The work was published in the publications "October", "Roman-Gazeta", "New World" and "Izvestia", rapidly conquering recognition from readers. They bought magazines, bought up the editors with reviews, and the author - letters. Heroes tragedies Soviet books perceived as personal shocks. Among the pets, of course, Gregory Melekhov spoke.

Cossack Harlampius Ermakov - Probable Prototype Grigory Melekhova

Interestingly, in the first drafts Gregory was absent, but I met a character with this name in the early stories of the writer - there the hero is already endowed with some features of the future "resident" "quiet don". The prototype of Melekhov researchers of Creativity Sholokhov consider the Cossack Harlampia Ermakov, sentenced at the end of the 20s to the shooting. The author himself was not recognized as this man became the prototype of the bookcantry. Meanwhile, Mikhail Alexandrovich during the collection of the historical basis of the novel met Ermakov and even led a correspondence with him.


The novel is set out all the chronology of the life of Grigory Melekhov before the war and after. Don Cossack was born in 1892 on the Tatar farm (village Veshinskaya), while the exact date of birth does not indicate a writer. His father of the Pantels of Melekhov once served as a leakage in the Ataman Lobe Guard shelf, but in old age he retired. The life of a young guy until time passes in serenity, in ordinary peasant affairs: pouch, fishing, care for the economy. At night - toastic meetings with the beauty of Aksigni Astakhova, a lady of married, but passionately in love with a young man.

Grigory Melekhov

His father is dissatisfied with this heart attachment and hastily marries his son on an unloved girl - meek Natalia Korshunova. However, the wedding does not solve the problem. Gregory understands that they are not able to forget Axinha, so it throws a legitimate spouse and settles with his mistress in the estate of the local Pan. The summer day of 1913 of Melekhov becomes his father - his first daughter appeared on the world. The happiness of the couple turned out to be short: life destroyed the first world war, called Gregory to give the duty to his homeland.

Melekhov fought in war selflessly and desperately, in one of the fights he was wound in the eye. For the courage of the warrior, the Georgievsky cross and an increase in the rank was noted, and in the future, three more crosses and four medals will be added to the award-winning men. Inverted the political views of the hero. Acquaintance in the hospital with the Bolshevik Garant, who convinces him in the injustice of the royal rule.

Gregory Melekhov and Aksinha

Meanwhile, Gregory Melekhova is waiting for a strike - Aksinha, killed by grief (the death of a little daughter), gives in to the Chief of the Son of the Master of the estate of Lomatitsky. A civil husband who arrived at the first time was not forgiven betrayal and returned to the legal spouse, which later gave birth to him two children.

In the civil war, Gregory rises to the side of "red". But by 1918, it is disappointed in the Bolsheviks and enters into the ranks of those who led the uprising against the Red Army on Don, becomes a commander of the Division. An even greater anger to the Bolsheviks in the soul of the hero awakens the death of the elder brother Petro from the hands of a fellow villager, an ardent supporter of the Soviet power of the Mishk Koshevoy.

Gregory Melekhov and Natalia Korshunova

On the love front, too, they boil passion - Grigory can not find peace and literally breaks between their women. Because of the still living senses to Axier Melekhov fails to live peacefully in the family. Permanent treason of her husband pushed Natalia to an abortion, which is robing. The premature death of a woman is a man with difficulty, after all, to the spouse, they also fell back, but gentle feelings.

The offensive of the Red Army on the Cossacks forces Gregory Melekhov to go to the run in Novorossiysk. There, the hero was driven into a dead end joined the Bolsheviks. 1920 was marked by the return of Grigory to his homeland, where he settles together with the children of Aksinyi. The new government began to persecute former "white", and during the escape to Kuban for a "calm life" Aksinhu was mortally wounded. Sreeting a little more in the world, Grigory returned to his native village, because the new authorities promised the amnesty the Cossacks of the rebels.

Grigory Melekhov

Mikhail Sholokhov put a point in the narration in the most interesting place, and never having read readers about the further fate of Melekhov. However, it is not difficult to assume that it happened to him. Historians call on curious lovers of the writer's creativity to consider the death date of a loved character year shooting his prototype - 1927.


Hazardous fate and internal changes Gregory Melekhova called through the description of his appearance. In love with the carefree statute young man by the end of the novel turns into a harsh warrior with a gray and a seerful heart:

"... I knew that I would no longer laugh at him as before; He knew that his eyes were pounding and sharply sticks the cheekbones, and in her view, he was increasingly shining a light of meaningless cruelty. "

Gregory is a typical choleric: temperamental, hot-tempered and unbalanced, which is manifested in both love affairs and in relations with the environment as a whole. The character of the main hero of the "quiet dona" is an alloy of courage, heroism and even the recklessness, the passion and humility, softness, and cruelty, hatred and endless kindness were connected.

The image of Grigoria Melekhov

Sholokhov created a hero with an open soul capable of compassion, forgiveness and humanity: Grigory suffers from the accidentally killed on the back of the goer, protects Franv, without having a whole platoon of the Cossacks, he saves on the war of Stepan Astakhov, his sworn enemy, Axigny's husband

In search of the truth of Melekhov, the red to whites is torn to white, as a result, becomes a renewent, who does not take one side. A man appears a real hero of his time. His tragedy lies in the story itself, when calm life violated shocks, turning peaceful workers in unfortunate people. The spiritual searches of the character accurately handed over the phrase of the Roman:

"He stood on the verge in the struggle of two began, denying both of them."

All illusions were dispelled in the battles of the Civil War: Anger to the Bolsheviks and the disappointment in the "White" makes the hero look for the third path in the revolution, but he understands that in the "Hello cannot - ask." Once a passionately loved life, Grigory Melekhov never finds faith in himself, remaining at the same time a people's character and an extensive person in the established fate of the country.

Flaxation of the novel "Silent Don"

Mikhail Sholokhov's epic appeared four times on the movie screen. According to the first two books in 1931, a mute film was removed, where the main roles were performed by Andrei Apricos (Grigory Melekhov) and Emma Cesarian (Aksinha). There are rumors that the writer created a continuation of the "quiet don" to the characters of the heroes of this setting.

Peter Glebov as Grigory Melekhova

The piercing picture of the work was presented to the Soviet viewer in 1958 director Sergei Gerasimov. The wonderful half of the country fell in love with the hero performed by Peter Glebova. The pretty handsome Cossack twisted love with Elina Bystritsky, who convincingly appeared in the role of passionate Axigny. Wife Melekhova Natalia played Zinaida Kiriyenko. The film awards of the film consists of seven premiums, including the diploma of the US Directories Guild.

Another multiserial screening of the novel belongs to Sergey Bondarchuk. Over the film "Quiet Don" 2006, Russia, United Kingdom and Italy worked. The main role was approved by Rupert Everetta, and female images embodied Dolphin Forest (Aksinha) and Alena Bondarchuk (Natalia).

Evgeny Tkachuk as Grigory Melekhova

And finally, the last fate of the Don Cossack was shielded Sergey Ursulak. The series "Silent Don" was shown on the Russia-1 channel in late autumn 2015. The director involved in the film of young actors: the brilliant trio was Evgeny Tkachuk, Polina Chernyshov and Daria Ursulak.

Interesting Facts

For the "Quiet Don", Mikhail Sholokhov was accused of plagiarism. The "greatest epic" researchers considered stolen from the White officer who died in a civil war. The author even had to postpone the work on writing the continuation of the novel while the Special Commission was investigated by the information received. However, the issue of authorship has not yet been solved.

Andrei Apricos in the role of Grigory Melekhova

The novice actor of the Small Theater Andrei Apricot after the premiere of "Quiet Don" woke up famous. It is noteworthy that before that, in the temple of Melpomen, he never went to the scene - they simply did not give roles. With the work, the man also did not bother to meet, read the novel when the shooting was already shuffling.


"You have a smart head, and I got a fool." "The blind said:" Let's see. "" As the steppe-scorched Palah, Gregory's life has become. He lost everything that was expensive to his heart. Everything took away from him, all took the ruthless death. Only children remained. But he himself still convulsively cling to the land, as if he was actually a broken life, he represented some value for him for him and for others. "" Sometimes, I remember all your life, we look, - and it is like empty pocket, turned out inside out. "" Life turned out to be grinning, wisely simple. It also seemed to him that I hadn't happened in her truth, under the wing of which everyone could be happy, and, to the edge of embittered, he thought: everyone has his own truth, his groove "." One truth is not in life. It can be seen who will overcome whom, he will ... and I was looking for a bad truth. "

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