Natalia Senchukova - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Natalia Valentinovna Senchukova is a performer of pop music, a spouse of the leader of the musical group "Dune" Viktor Rybin.

Natalia Senchukova

Natalia was born on October 25, 1970 in the city of Georgievsk Stavropol Territory. Subsequently, the family moved to Pyatigorsk. Father Valentin Svechukov served in the military unit, and Anna's mother was engaged in raising children. Natalia has an elder brother Igor, who suffered to children's cerebral paralysis. In 5 years, the girl was taken to choreographic school, and the dances became the main passion of Natalia.

After school, the girl entered the Stavropol Choreographic School and received a diploma dancer. In his youth, in his free time he was fond of hiking in the mountains. Natalia began to dream of a big scene in adolescence. One day he even argued with his brother that he would soon become famous. But the glory did not achieve the girl immediately.

Natalia Senchukova in youth

In the late 80s, Senchukov went to conquer Moscow and immediately passed through the competition in the choreographic team "Dance car" to the famous Director Vladimir Shubarina. The dancer created around himself a coordinated team of professionals, and the selection of newcomers in the troupe was made carefully. Senchukov managed to match the installed skill strip.


A year later, Natalia leaves the team and goes to free swimming. It works on dumps in jazz bands, on stage and even in variety. Natalia does not find a permanent job, but it's not going to leave home. At one of the precast concerts of the "sound track", which was held in the Olympic, the girl meets the leader of the Dune group. Soon the musician offers the Svetkova to become a soloist of the collective, which manages.

Natalia Senchukova and group

Natalia never planned to engage in music, but, thinking, agrees to offer. The year, the girl was engaged with the teacher on vocal vocal from Gitis before spoke out solo. The first exit of the Senchukov on the scene took place on February 15, 1991 in the Olympic Village. In the same year, a young singer records the debut solo album "Everything that was" with the group "Malina", which remained unnoticed. A year later, the second Plate of the Svetkova "You're not Don Juan", and the songs "You are not Don Juan", "Sing and Dance", "Cats-Mouse", "Forget" make Natalia famous, and hit "Dr. Petrov" enters television .

In the mid-90s, the creative biography of the artist is changing, Natalia becomes a successful performer of pop songs. Other at each other are the solo albums of the Svetchkova "Let it be so", "about love infinitely." Together with Viktor, Natalia records the record "Remember the Childhood Gold" with songs from Soviet cartoons. In the 90s, clips appear on the hives "Bell", "Sky Number Seven", "Aquarius", "Boat", "You came, love."

In 1997, Natalia Senchukova records his Spanish-speaking disc Mi Amor Sobre La Arena ("My love in the sand") at the studio Barsa Promociynes. Music and words for musical compositions wrote Leonid Agutin. The album is implemented in Spain, not falling into the territory of Russia.

Being in Madrid, Natalia signs a contract with the Dulce Y Salado group to create several tracks. In the late 90s, at home, the artist records three more disks: "Sky No. 7", "Ocean of Love", "I'm not calling" anymore, "where the songs" secret "," Three words "," I will leave for you ", "Do not rush me".

Natalia Senchukova on stage

After a short break in the work in 2002, a collection of remixes is coming out, and in 2003 Natalia records the album "I'm not yours". Lyrical songs with a notch of humor performed by the Svetkova "Pie", "I will give your heart", "Cute, Chao", "write me" pleased the fans of the singer. Again, as in the 90s, Natalia goes with touring tours in Russia and abroad. Clips on new songs are broadcast on music channels.

Natalia Senchukova and Victor Rybin

The following disk appears after 6 years. The "Start first" plate was represented by the Hit "Service Roman", which was in the rotation of Russian radio stations and was marked by the Golden Gramophone Prize. In 2011, the singer records the "need" disk.

With Victor Fishkin Natalia began singing in a duet in the 90s. The first joint work of the spouses was the recording of songs from animated films, but truly Rybin and Senchukov declared itself in 2000 by the program "No word about love." In 2004, the pair lit up the Botanic Wit, but the joint album did not follow. After the break, which was followed in the early 2000s, the duet resumed the existence in 2009 the album "case by night". The ensemble first jokingly, and then officially the spouses call "Fishsen" and start tours and speeches separately from the Dune group. In 2012, the pair produces the Disk of the "Law of Attraction".

Personal life

In the early 90s, Natalia met the soloist of the Dune group ("Country of Limonia", "Wrestling," "if there was a sea of ​​beer") Viktor Fishkin. The novel originated immediately, the hot feelings did not prevent even the fact that Victor for this time in the previous family was born daughter of Maria.

Natalia Senchukova with his son

Young people immediately began to live together, but registered the relationship only after the birth of Son Vasily in 1999. The boy in childhood seriously engaged in karate, swab, studied Japanese. Currently studying on theatrical director. The Union of Natalia and Victor turned out to be so strong that in 2011 the couple decided to get married. Spouses in an interview claim that no one ever had thought to leave the family. On all photos, Rybin and Senchukov try to appear together.

Natalia Senchukova and Victor Rybin

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the spouses were fascinated by collecting boats. Victor buys the old Soviet vessel and restores it together with wood masters. On the beloved family ship "Mikhail Lomonosov", Victor and Natalia collect friends and spend their free time.

Natalia Senchukova now

Now the singer fully gives itself a family music project. The duo acts on private celebrations and at concerts. Ryxen is known to the tracks "Snow", "Smile", "For those who love", "summer dreams". The last hits of the duet became compositions of the Lessons of Spanish, "a piece of seals."

Natalia Senchukova in 2017

In 2016, the duet "Ryxen" released a new song "Battle for Love", which is broadcast on the radio stations "Autoradio", "Radio Dacha" and "Humor FM". The last hit of the ensemble was the track "Bolt at night", the premiere of which was held on April 30, 2017.


  • "Everything that was" - 1991
  • "You are not Don Juan" - 1994
  • "Let it be so" - 1994
  • "On love infinitely" - 1995
  • "Heaven number 7" - 1996
  • "Ocean of Love" -1997
  • "I don't call me anymore" - 1998
  • "I'm not your pupmy" - 2003
  • "Start first" - 2009
  • "Necessity" - 2011

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