Odyssey - biography of character, wandering and legends


Character History

The hero of the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the king of Islands Islands, a participant in the Trojan war, brave warrior and a skilled speaker. In Iliad, Homer is present as a key character. The poem "Odyssey" is the main character. The feature of Odyssey is a quiet character, the ability to cunning out of dangerous situations, saving himself and comrades. Therefore, the "cunning" became one of the permanent epithets of the hero.

History of creation

The image of Odyssey became a reflection of the era of the mastering of the Greeks of the marine expanses. The situations where the warriors went to swim on their ships and their connection with their relatives for a long time turned out to be truncated, found in history about the oddyssey wanders their mythological incarnation. About the adventures of the hero and his way home, to his wife Penelope, Homer wrote ("Iliad", "Odyssey"), Euripide ("Hube", "Kiklop"), Sophokl (Ajax, "Philoktt") and other authors.

Homer, Euripide, Sofokl

Various episodes from the life of the hero are captured in the form of drawings on Greek vases. On them you can restore the alleged appearance of the hero. Odyssey is a mature bearded man, often depicted in an oval hat, which was carried by Greek sailors.


Odyssey was born of marriage of Argonaut Laerta, King Ithaca, and granddaughter of God Hermes - Anti-Kelai. Grandfather Hero Avtolyik wore a proud nickname "grievous from people", was a clever fraudster and personally from Hermes, his father, he received permission to smear the name of this God and violate the oaths. Odyssey himself is married to Penelope, who gave birth to the hero of the son of Telemach.

Odyssey on Amfore

Odyssey met his future wife Penelope in Sparta, where he arrived in order for the other grooms to wrap up to Elena's beautiful. There were many wishing to marry, the father of Elena feared to make a choice in favor of someone alone so as not to bring the wrath of the rest. Clear Odyssey filed a fresh idea - to grant the right to voice to the girl to choose the groom herself, and the grooms tie an oath that in case of need, they will all help the future husband of Helena.

Elena chose Menel, the son of a mycean king. Odyssey laid his eyes on Penelope. Father Penelope gave the word that he would give a daughter for the one who wins in competitions in the race. When the winner was Odyssey, his father tried to dissuade Penelope from this marriage and stay at home. Odyssey repeated his tricks and gave the bride to choose himself - to stay with his father or go with him, and that, despite his parents, chose a hero. Playing a wedding, Odyssey with a young wife returned to Itha.

Odyssey and his wife Penelope

When Paris kidnapped Elena, the former grooms were discussed at the Trojan War. Oracle predicted Odyssey that if he goes under Troy, he would return home after 20 years, poor and without satellites. The hero tried to "disappear" from this event. Odyssey tried to pretend to be crazy, but was exposed.

The man began to settle the salt field, harbor in the bull plow and horse, but when his newborn son threw under the plow, it was forced to stop. So it became clear that Odyssey is quite aware of his actions, and the hero had to go to the war. According to Homer, the hero persuaded to go under the Troi Tsar Agamemenon, which for the sake of this arrived on Ithaca.

Odyssey and his ship

Under Troy Odyssey comes with 12 ships. When ships stick to the shore, no one wants to go. Another prediction promises that the first one who stops to the land of Troy will certainly perish. I don't want to be the first to be anyone, so Odyssey jumps from the ship, and people go beyond him. A cunning hero makes a deceived maneuver and throws a shield under his feet, so it turns out that it was not the first to go on the Trojan land, but he who jumped over.

During the war, Odyssey managed to bring personal accounts, putting a traitor to a man who threw his son under the plow, thereby reducing the hero to go to war. For victory, there is a number of conditions, and Odyssey one after another performs them. Hercules onions, which remained at PhyloTte, abandoned at the beginning of the war on the island and embittered on the rest. A pair with a dometed steals from Troy the sculpture of the goddess Athens. Finally, Odysseus submits the idea with the famous Trojan Kone, thanks to which, together with other warriors, it hits the walls of the city.

Trojan horse

After the victory under Troy, the ships turn back and begins the wandering of Odyssey around the sea. The hero is experiencing many misadventures, during which ships loses the ships and the team, and returns to Ithaka 10 years after sailing from the shores of Troy. In the meantime, the grooms besieged by Penelope, arguing that Odyssey had long died and it would be necessary to marry once, choosing someone from them. The hero, addressed by Athena in the old man, comes to his own palace, where no one knows, except the old nurse and dog.

Penelope offers the grooms contest for his hand - pull the Odyssey bow and put the arrow through 12 rings. The grooms subjected to the insults of Odyssey in the appearance of the old man, but none of them can cope with onions. Then Odyssey himself puts the arrow, thus discovering himself, and then together with his grown son Telemach arranges a bloody closer and kills the grooms.

Wandering Odyssey

At this wanderings, the hero, however, do not end. Raist of grooms killed by him require trial. Odyssey by the decision of the arbitration judge turns out to be expelled from Ithaca for 10 years, where the son of the hero of Telemach remains king. In addition, the God Poseidon is angry with the hero, whom the hero insulted, blinding the son of God the Polyfem, Cyclopa-Giant.

To deliver God, Odyssey should be swallowing on the shoulders to walk through the mountains to find the land where people never heard of the sea. Odyssey finds the land, where his paddle takes over the shovel, and stops there. Poseidon forgives the hero, after he brings victims, and Odyssey himself marries the local queen.


The further fate of the hero in different sources is described in different ways. Odyssey either died in other people's lands (in different versions - in Etolia, Etruria, Arcadia, etc.), without returning home, or returned after the expiration of the expulsion of the expulsion to Itak, where by mistake was killed by his own son, born from the Cyrcing sorcerer. There is even a version that Odyssey was turned into a horse and died in this appearance from old age.


The most famous adventures of the hero happened on the way from Troy home and are described in the poem of Homer Odyssey. Returning, the ships of Odyssey are approaching to one, then to another island, inhabited by mythological beings, and every time the hero loses part of the people. On the island of lotophods, lotuses grow, giving oblivion to those who eat them. On the island of Cyclops, one-eyed giant-cannibal polyfem, Son Poseidon lives. Heroes are trying to find shelter at night in the Polyfem cave, and he eats some of the people Odyssey.

Odyssey and cyclops polyfe

The hero and the surviving satellites are blinding the polyfem, the only giant's eyes are rocked, and then they are saved with sheep. The blind Giant explores the sheep to the touch, before releaseing those from the cave, but does not find the heroes clicked into animal wool from below, and so they are selected from the cave. However, Odyssey calls the giant of his real name and he addresses a scream for assistance to his father Poseidon. Since then, Poseidon is angry at Odyssey, which does not make the path of the hero home around the sea easier.

Odyssey and zirzey

Running from the polyfem, the heroes fall on the island of the god of the winds of Eol. He presents the Odyssey fur, inside which the winds are hidden. The hero should not unleash this fur until he sees the coast of his native itha. Odyssey with the team almost gets to the house, but his people, thinking that the treasure is hidden inside the fur, it is unleashed by the one while the hero is sleeping, they produce winds to the will, and the ship refers far away into the sea.

Odyssey and sirens

On the island of the sorcerer of the circcers, Odyssey satellites are converted into animals, tasted the treats, and the hero itself causes the sorcerer of the Son, which, one of the versions, will be the cause of his death. With the circcers, the hero holds a year, and then goes on and passes the island of Sires, who are fascinated and loving sailors singing, and after sailing between a huge whirlpool by Haribda and a six-chapted odd schill, which is killed by six more team members.

Odyssey and Calypso

Gradually, Odyssey loses all satellites and on the island in Nymph Calypso is alone. The nymph falls in love with Odyssey, and hero holds 7 years old, because there is no ship on the island to float. In the end, Nymph is Hermes and tells to let go of the hero. Odyssey finally can build a raft and float.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the hero became nominal. The word "Odyssey" means a long journey with many obstacles and adventures and is often found in contexts, distant from the ancient Greek realities. For example, in the name of the film Stanley Kubrika "Space Odyssey of 2001", shot in 1968 based on the story of Arthur Clark, or in the title of the adventure novel Rafael Sabatini "Odyssey Captain Blady".
  • In the literature of the New Time, it is often possible to meet the image of Odyssey - recycled or taken "as is". In the book of Terry Pratchett "Eric" a character appears by the name of Vindrissi - ironically rethinking variation on Odyssey. In 2000, a two-volume novel Henry Lion Oldi "Odyssey, the son of Laerta," where the narrative is conducted on behalf of the hero.
Arnold for Odyssey
  • The image of Odyssey penetrated into cinema. In 2013, the Franco-Italian series "Odyssey" was released, where it is not about the wanderings of the hero, but about the family, which is waiting for his return, about the intrigues and conspiracy of the grooms who want to capture the throne and the events that occur after The king returns to the island. In 2008, the Adventure film Terry Ingram "Odyssey: Journey to the Underground World", where the hero played actor Arnold Eastille.
  • Odyssey is one of the characters of the computer game in the "Age of Mythology" strategy genre released in 2002.

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