Cherim Nakhushev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Cherima Nahushev - People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea and Ingushetia, are called the first singer who managed to connect ethnic Circassian music with pop culture.

Singer Cherim Nahushev

Cherim sings on two relatives - Kabardino-Cherkess and Adygei - languages, but he has dozens of compositions in Ossetian, Abazyn and Russian. Nahushev's creativity is so loved in the homeland that in 2016 the head of Adygea Aslan Thakushinov assigned the highest award in the republic - the medal "Glory Adygea".

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo on December 17, 1970. Parents Khachim Safarovich and Raisa Gazizovna were not professional singers and musicians, but songs constantly sounded in Nahushev's house. Especially loved the Folk Circassian Tunes Father, whose timbre of the voice and artistry took over the Son. According to Cherim, he gladly sang in a duet with the Father Adygh and Kabardian folk songs earlier than learned to speak.

Cherim Nahushev

Mom Cheryim Nahushev played the harmonica, and the reading of the Quran performed grandson was surprisingly beautiful and melodious.

Children parents brought up in rigor, but the atmosphere in the house was warm and creative. Mom sons loved and respected, listening to each her word. Raisa Gazizovna - a real Eastern woman - knew how to give instructions not directly, and allegorically, gently. And with his father, Cheryim sang not only for family celebrations, but also in rural weddings, where Khachim Safarovic was invited as an honorary guest.

Singer Cherim Nahushev

Cherim Nahushev argues that from orphanage dreamed of becoming only a singer, without considering for himself other professions.

High School Nahushev graduated in the city of republican importance Baksan, after which he went to Nalchik, where he became a student of the North Caucasian Institute of Arts. Cherim chose the Faculty of People's Singing.


Creative biography of Cheryim Nahushev began in 1990: A 20-year-old singer came to the editor with another Timur Losanov at the audio recording studio of Nalchik. Hearing the songs of young performers, the studio management suggested writing three to choose from. Nahushev and Losanov recorded two, but he did not like the heard artists and they left, allowing the editors to dispose of the record at their discretion.

Cherim Nahushev on stage

After three months, the experimental records of the duet went out on the cassettes and hit the shelves of music stores. Suddenly, Cherima and Timur, a collection of circulation in 200 thousand copies, the musicians were awakened by famous in the republics of the North Caucasus.

In 1993, Cherim Nahushev and Timur Lozanov held the first solo concert, in the program of which the vintage songs of Adygea and choral singing accompanied by instrumental music. The concert in Nalchik was accompanied by anchlage and repeated a month, consolidating the status of a popular artist for Nakhushev.

Cherim Nahushev and Timur Losanov

In 1996, Cherim Nahushev presented a debut album recorded in the Moscow Studio. CD-album "Nechushch Cheryim" is the first in the history of the Adyghe people. People and modern pop music organically intertwined in it. At the premiere of disc, the president of Kabardino-Balkaria Valery Kokov called the work of Cherim Nahushev "outstanding phenomenon for our people."

In the same year, the artist became a diploma of the first open pop contest "Antre-96", which took place in St. Petersburg.

From 1995 to 1999, Cherim Nakhushev participated in the music festival "Song of the Year of Kabardino-Balkaria", where he was awarded diplomas for the first places.

In 2000, the vocalist gave fans the second album "The Song - Road of Life", which entered the heartfelt composition "Adyge Pszchache" ("Adygsk girl").

A year later, Cherim Nahushev was assigned the title "Honored Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic".

The rapid climbing of the Caucasian vocalist to the new creative heights interrupted the family tragedy: In 2004, the parents of Nakhushev died with a break. The singer killed by grief interrupted a tour of the tour and thought about leaving the scene.

Cherim Nahushev recovered from grief in a year and a half. The first composition, Spetya Nakhushev, is dedicated to the mother. For the first time, the piercing song "Mom" was sounded in September 2005 at the stadium in Nalchik, where 15 thousand spectators gathered at the concert of the artist.

Next year, the singer performed in the Palace of the celebrations "Safisa" in Moscow, where two albums presented. The song "Mom" entered one of the disks, in which the legendary Armenian musician Jivan Gasparyan participated in the record.

Jivan Gasparyan

Cherim Nahushev told in an interview that words for Mom wrote himself, and music belongs to the composer Anzor Hupa. Reflecting, what kind of tool will most subtly and mentally give the mood of the song, I remembered the Armenian Duduk, which Gasparyan became famous for the game. The musician responded to the request of the Adygei singer and flew to record "Mom" to Moscow. Since then, the composition sounds at all concerts of Nahushev.

In 2008, Cherim Nahushev presented fifth album, named Five. He is recorded in the Moscow Studio Bonum Oleg Churchka. At the presentation of the disk, the singer learned about the assignment of the title "People's Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic."

In the spring of 2014, an anniversary show was held in Moscow "Crocus City Hall", which Cherim Nakhushev called "Daro Good", in which 200 artists and dancers of the choreographic ensembles of Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria were involved. The singer timed the concert on the 25th anniversary of creativity. After the speech in Moscow, the vocalist went to the touring tour of the cities of the Caucasus and Turkey. Within the framework of the program, the Favorite Thousand Fans of Cherima, the composition "Kalina Red", sounded.

In the film of the Adygei Nightingale - more than 200 songs, many of them heard fellow countrymen Nahushev, and fans in Russia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey. She visited Cherim with concerts in Germany, Holland and Britain.

Personal life

Seris Nahushev met the second half in 2001. Cherkhenka Liana replied to the artist reciprocity, and in 2003 the couple played a wedding. The celebration lasted 13 days.

Cherim Nahushev with my wife

Three children were born in marriage - the son of Murat and the daughter of Assana and Salina. The youngest daughter appeared in 2013. Cherim Nahushev admitted that the pastime in a family circle is the best way to raise the mood and find a mental equilibrium. Smile and eyes of children, love spouses - what inspires an artist and leads through life. In long touring travel, Father communicates with children by video.

Cherim Nahushev family

Cherim Nahushev willingly talk about daughters and son. Love for music has been transferred to all the children of the singer. The older daughter of Assana is a creative person. The girl sings, plays and likes to read. The son of Murat is passionate about football, and little Salina falls asleep under the ancient Adygean songs.

In his free time, Isen Nahushev does not forget about sports: he visits the gym and pool. He loves to go shopping, buying gifts relatives.

Cherim Nahushev now

In April 2016, the Caucasian artist again went to the scene of the capital "Crocus City Hall", presenting the audience a new show, called "Dawn". The view exceeded the waiting for fans. The director and director of the program, as before, became Timur Khatseev.

Within the framework of the project, the same album was released, submitted to iTunes, which entered the song "Wurk Pschash".

With the program "Dawn", Cherim Nahushev went to the concert tour of the cities of the North Caucasus. In March 2016 in Maykop, the head of Adygea Aslan Thakushinov assigned the artist "Slava Adygea".

Cherim Nahushev in 2017

The new hit of Nakhushev "Khuapse and Pse" made an artist on the ridge of popularity. The same name was the album released in 2017.

In "Instagram" Cherima 32 thousand subscribers. The artist shares with them news of creative life and plans.


  • 1996 - "Nekhushch Cheryim"
  • 2000 - "Song - Road of Life"
  • 2006 - "Google Hushle Kyznetzh"
  • 2006 - "Werd - Khafham Fykatjaj"
  • 2008 - "Five"
  • 2016 - "Dawn"
  • 2017 - "Khuapse and PSE"

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