Dobrynya Nikitich - Biography of the Bogatyr, Feats, Friends


Character History

Russian Bogatyr Dobrynya Nikitich is the main epic zea paper, the second strength and deleted from the famous Trinity. Fire and water shoulder to shoulder with Ilya Muromers and Alesh Popovich. In the chronicles there was confirmation of the prototype of the hero: Dobrynya followed the relative of the prince Vladimir. Fearless Warrior shone education, the mind and qualities of the diplomat, in the legends another bright quality is politeness. Folk legends talk about a character with warmth and in the elevated colors.

History of creation

Judging by the annals, Dobrynya Nikitich is a completely historical person. The years of the life of the ancient Russian commander falls for the middle of the 10th century. The prototype of the hero is called Dobrynya, his native uncle on the mother line and the Mentor of Prince Vladimir Red Sunshko. True, Nikitich is patronymic modified: the researchers suggest that the name of the village of Lovinki, the birthplace of the character was added to the name. And his father was called Malco. Some sources claim that the hero on the origin of the Jew, but this information was kept under the vulture "secretly", and the disclosure was punishable by Bat's beating.

Voevod Dobrynya - Dobryni Prototype Nikitich

According to the chronicles, the approximate of the Dobryny's court performed the adviser to the ruler, attornected in important affairs and the voivodus of the princely troops. The hero is attributed to an important role in the confrontation between Prince Novgorodsky with Brother Yaropolk, as well as in the matchmaker to the daughter of the rogvolution of Polotsk Rogned.

Prince Vladimir and Rogned

Nikitich's dockey in the epic reminds his real prototype. Here, the heroes are called both the prince, and even the nephew of Vladimir, and the role he plays the secondary. In the circles of those interested in the ancient Russian epic, the opinion was tested that with the prototype of the uncle prince, other warriors were intertwined.

Biography and plot

The history of the life of Dobryni Nikitich and his feats fragmentary are set forth in the chronicle monument of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and in the oral legends that have reached before. Born Bogatyr or in the capital of the Ridge called Earrows, later burned by the princess Olga, or in Ryazan. A ten-year-old Dobryna, together with the sister of Malusha, was captive and settled in the Tereche of the Kiev Princess, where children act as servants.


Childhood The future warrior spent with a wooden sword in his hands and learned how to master the weapon, which is in his youth and proved in a duel with the warriors. The young man was credited to the princely squad. With the birth of Vladimir, the hero added the duty of the teacher and mentor.

Bogatyr played a huge role in the fate of Prince - Dobryny Nikitich convinced the Nizhgorod ambassadors to ask himself to the rulers of Vladimir, ralling the Varangi domination on the lands of Russia, got up at the head of the troops in battles with external enemies, participated in the baptism of the state, persuading the people to adopt a new faith and word, and power.

The epic, in which Dobrynya Nikitich is mentioned, there are fifty, and the main hero of Bogatyr-Smeekes protrudes in six legends. The owner of an incredible physical force, a courageous warrior, a wise diplomat and an adviser, polite and courteous state husband - such a hero in the ancient Russian epic is represented. Dobrynya owned 12 languages ​​and even knew how to talk with birds; He is an enviable carpenter, a husland and singer.

The most popular epics "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych" tells about the three-day battle of the hero of the excessive creation. Having exhausted the strength, Dobrynya suddenly heard a voice from heaven preventing victory. And with the new forces, the warrior began to fight the snake, in the end of the enemy in the Earth. The main thought of the authors of the legend hides in the fact that it is important not to give up when all the chances and opportunities seem to be exhausted, to endure, suffer and defeat. In the epics, the power of the Spirit and the moral exposure of the hero.

Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych

In the tequities of Dobrynya performs various tasks of the prince. That heaves his niece from the misfortune to the niece, it saves the daughter of Marfid or sister Mary Divovna, it collects a tribute to the subject. Moreover, other warriors are disappeared from such complex orders. In the tale of "Dobrynya and Danube - Svati", the hero wars the ward towards the Kruzhishna Lyakhov aproxse.

And in Dobrynyny Nikitich and Vasily Kazimirovich, trying on the image of a diplomat in negotiations with Tatar Khan: Rus owed tribute for 12 years, but the warrior arranged a demonstration performance - messed up with a strong man from Tatar's troops, thereby instilling Han so that he agreed himself to pay Tribute Rus.

Nastasya Mikulishna, Dobryni Nikitich's wife

In folk legends there was a place and a love line. Dobrynya Nikitich married Inaemke Nastasya Mikulishna - Polyanitsa, Daughter of Salik-peasant Mikula Selyaninovich. It is said that the girl from the Caucasus. Familiarity of future spouses turned out to be to put it mildly, unusual: the woman-bogatyr first entered the fight with the Russian warrior.

In the family life of Dobrynya survived a betrayal. One day, "not for long" (for 12 years), but when he returned, the Popovech was married to Alesha Popovech. The fact is that Nastasya received a false message from Aleshi about the death of her husband, and Vladimir poured oil into the fire, performing a wool of a young groom. However, Dobrynya returned home in the midst of the wedding and upset the celebration. Assorbing the warmers later came Ilya Muromets.

Dobrynya Nikitich and Alesha Popovich

In the epics, his horse is described with love. The stallion of the rapid strength easily carried the warrior on himself, was distinguished by no less courage, loyalty and militant character. In his age, a horse swept the hooves of evil serpent.

Details of the death of Dobryni-Voivier Prince Vladimir are unknown. But the epic Dobrynya Nikitich died in 1223, as he likes the glorious warrior - in the bloody battle. It happened in the battle under Kalka. Buried the heroes in the mound, which is called - Dobrynin.

Films, Actors and Roles

Dobryny Nikitich is included in the list of the main characters of Soviet cartoons, as well as animated films, filmed already in the 2000s. In the adventures, painting characters involved with three heroes - from Kiev Prince to his niece of Elisha. Here is a list of these cartoons:

  • Dobrynya Nikitich (1965)
  • "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych" (2006)
  • "Prince Vladimir" (2006)
  • "Three heroes and Shamakhan Tsarina" (2010)
  • "Three heroes on distant shores" (2012)
  • "Three heroes. Stroke Konie "(2015)
  • "Three heroes and sea king" (2016)

The voice of Bogatyr presented the actors Valery Dorsoshi, Valery Soloviev and Dmitry Nazarov.

Georgy Demin in the role of Dobryni Nikitich

The debut output of Dobryni Nikitich in the movie happened in 1956. Director Alexander Ptushko removed the replaces of the ancient Russian epic and fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin film "Ilya Muromets". Armor of the glorious Warrior Dobryni put on Georgy Demin. To create a film "Ilya Muromets" of 1956, the authors approached with a scope. In the crowd involved 106 thousand statistical soldiers and 11 thousand horses. The last figure broke records in cinema - such a number of animals was not used in the filming of artistic paintings by neither before, nor after.

Leonid Kuravlev in the role of Dobryni Nikitich

The next appeal to the motifs from the epic occurred much later - in 2005, Dobrynya in the face of Leonid Kuravlev appeared in the second part of the Saga Saga's Saga Saga, which is called the "Velotman Vladimir Red Sunny".

Pavel Klimov as Dobryni Nikitich

And after another six years, Andrei Marmontov presented a picture of the "real fairy tale" with the viewer, in which actions were transferred to the modern world. Here there was a place and fantastic characters - Lesme, Ivan-fool, Baba Yaga and, of course, three richors. The image of Dobryni Nikitich embodied Pavel Klimov.

Evgeny Dyatlov in the role of Dobryni Nikitich

The last time today, Dobrynya Nikitich pleased the audience by the presence in a sparkling comedy fairy tale from "Disney" "the last hero of the" Last Bogatyr "(2017) director Dmitry Dyachenko. The main character falls into a parallel world, where the magic reigns. On the way of a young man there are Baba Yaga (Elena Yakovleva), Koschey Immortal (Konstantin Lavronenko), Miracle Yudo (Alexander Sechov) and other residents of fairy tales. Dobryna Nikitich plays Evgeny Dyatlov. He was on the filming of the film "The Last Bogatyr" had to suffer. The actor was forced to wear a suit that weighed 10 kilograms.

Interesting Facts

Researchers do not agree with the statement that heroes come from Ryazan. We are confident that the legs of the Nis are growing due to confusion. A man was nicknamed a cutaire, and once this nickname was just incorrectly interpreted.

Dobrynin Kurgan on the island

According to legend, the epic twin of Dobryni Nikitich kept a ward on Oke near Sela Shilovo, the island is now called Dobrynin. Not far from it is the Kurgan, in which the bogatyr is supposedly buried. According to the stories of the peasants, in 1920, the Kurgan was excavated and made the armor of a glorious warrior, consisting of challenges, helmet and belt. Judging by the find, the growth of Dobryni Nikitich was 172 cm.

Dobrynya Nikitich - Biography of the Bogatyr, Feats, Friends 1744_12

In 1959-1962, three ice icebreakers of the project came out from under the machines of the Leningrad Plant named after Marti. One ship was called "Dobryny Nikitich". The icebreaker worked on the White Sea, accompanied the court to the edges of the ice of Northern Dvina, cleaned the aisles of atomic submarines. A maneuverable ship in the open sea kept the storms by force of 10-11 points - a real warrior!


"I did not take someone in the disciples." "A-A, the same camel. Are you, Gorynych, camel never see? Fast, hardy, and no need to feed "." Someone the law gives the power, and someone himself takes power. So it was and will be. "" Husband without a wife, like an oak without a student. "" Dobrynya: - What is the power, brother?

Snake Gorynych: - in a dream and power. And that has more, who sleeps hard. "

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