Alyosha Popovich - Biography of the hero, character, image and friends


Character History

The character of the Russian epic epic, the rights of the younger enters the famous Troika Goyatiy, along with the goodnant Nikitich and Ilya Muromers. It is a collective image of the Russian hero.

History of creation

Perhaps the hero of Alesh Popovich was a real prototype - boyar from Rostov by Alexander, also Popovich. The chronicles describe this man as the famous warrior, who was in service first at the Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevoloda a large nest, then Konstantin Vsevolodovich, his son. This Alexander spoke on the side of the latter against Yuri, his brother, who wanted to capture the Vladimirsky Prince of the throne.

Alyosha Popovich has a prototype - Boyarin Alexander Popovich

A number of fights are described, where Alexander Popovich struck the strongest warriors Yuri Vsevolodovich. As a result, Yuri still becomes prince Vladimirsky, after Konstantin dies, and the prototype of Alyosha is forced to go to Kiev, where it goes to the Great Prince Mstislav on the nicknamed old one. In 1223, Alexander Popovich dies along with the new prince in the battle at Kalka.

Alesha Popovich

Some scientists, however, argue that the situation is exactly the opposite, and these episons about Alese Popovech influenced how in the chronicles it is about actually the Boyarian Alexander. The image of Alesh Popovich itself was formed on the basis of ideas about a certain ancient mythological hero. Scientists see the archaic features and relationships with the chtonic elements in the descriptions of the hero.


Father Alyosha - Leonty Rostovsky, Pop. As the main hero of Alyosha Popovich is present in two eponyms - "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin" and "Alyosha Popovich and Sister Zbrodovich". The hero flashes in a semolot of other texts, but does not always seem to be a positive character. For example, in the eponym "Dobrynya at the wedding of his wife" the role of Alyosha frankly negative.

Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich

The eponymists often indicate the shortcomings of the hero, its lameness, weakness, etc. The strengths of Alyosha - hemita and resourcefulness, onslaught and delets. The hero knows how to play hobslies. At the same time, Alyosha does not behave honestly, even in relation to "his". Bogatyr Dobrynya Nikitich - the named brother of the hero, nevertheless, Alyosha brings to his wife Nastasya. Deciding to take this woman in his wife, the hero spreads a false rumor that Dobrynya died.

Alyosha is the owner of an ambiguous and controversial nature. The hero is inclined to evil and jokes, Alya is characterized by braghood, dishwasiness, unfortunate and lucavia. The hero often believes their own comrades - heroes, who relate to him with condemnation. The main occupation of Alesh, as well as the possible historical prototype of the hero, was the military service of Prince.

Alyosha Popovich and Elena

With the image of Alyosha associated a number of legends. When the hero is born, thunder thunder. The baby Alyosha asks to wrap herself in the mail, and not in diaper, and immediately demands that the mother blessed the hero, because it does not wait to walk on the white light. Hardly born, the hero is already able to ride and clean the saber and spear, shows agility and cunning, inclined to all sorts of tricks and jokes.

In the epic "Alyosha Popovich and Sister Zbrodovich" it is described about how Alyosha finds his wife Elena (Alyonushka) and is dangerous from the brothers to that. In one of the options for this plot, the hero even cut off his head.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake

A fight with an evil richniem Tugarin is the most archaic plot of those where Alesha Popovich is mentioned. This fight is happening or in Kiev, or on the way there. Tugarin throws the hero of threats - threatens that he swallows alive, the fire will be smeared, wanders smoke, etc. Often the duel scene unfolds at the water, and Alyosha, after the victory over Tugarin, destroys the corpse and spreads the field along the thistle. The victory over Tugarin became the main feat of Alyosha.


Nowadays, Alyosh Popovech is known mainly on a series of cartoon films "Three heroes" from the Studio "Mill". The hero is present in four of them:

  • "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake" (2004);
  • "Three heroes and Shamakhan Tsarina" (2010);
  • "Three heroes in distant shores" (2012);
  • "Three heroes and sea king" (2017).

In the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake", the audience will learn about the hero's childhood. He was born in the family of the Rostovop and grew by a guy strong, but Nevotov - constantly created trouble. Show yourself the hero falls a chance when the horde of nomads attacks the city. Sugostates require Dani Gold, and Alyosha, together with the old Tikhon, comes up with a "brilliant" plan: folded the collected gold into a huge bunch under the mountain, and when the enemies enter the cave to pick up tribute - to fill the entrance stone and clinging the villains there.

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The heroes did not take into account the laws of physics: the scaled stone rolled along the gentle slope of the mountain and fell into the city, causing unprecedented destruction, and the enemies and gold hid. The "Rating" of Aleshi in the eyes of compatriots after that falls below nowhere, and the hero goes to search for missing gold. The old Tikhon, Lyubava Lyubava in love and a baked grandmother and a baked grandmother are filled behind it. On the way, the heroes meet a speaking horse - Konya Julia, and after - the old hero of the Siberiana, who inadvertently sends them to the false trail. Heroes quarrels, lay, they save Julia from the talking tree, defeat the army of nomads and Tugarin Snake, and then the greed of the prince of Kiev, and together with gold returned to their native Rostov.

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In the cartoon "Three heroes and the Shamakhan Queen" Alyosha Popovichovich, the Councils are accepted to find out which of them is the best richr in Russia, and quarrel. Meanwhile, the Shamakhan Queen began to be the prince of Kiev and wants to force himself to marry himself. Alyosha Popovich receives a letter written by a horse Julia, who asks to pull them with the prince from the possessions of the Shamakhan Queen.

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Bogati goes to task in the threesome, but, having come to the place, do not storm the gate immediately, but go to rest. Alesha, who in the night I climbed into the palace alone, are ridiculous. The hero stuns his own comrades and pulls into prison. Bogatyri overcome the obstacles adjusted by enemies, fight the monsters and even fall into China, and evil eventually wins themselves.

In the cartoon "Three heroes on the distant shores", the merchant Kolyvan and Baba Yaga seize the power in Kiev, and the prince with a horse Julia go underground. The conspiracy against the official power is possible thanks to Baba Yaga, which lures the hedgehogs into the enchanted barrel and throws into the ocean, having deprived Russia's main defenders.

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The scene of Bogatyurians occupy magic "clones", which blindly obey Baba Yaga, while real Alyosha, Ilya and Dobrynya are on the tropical island in the middle of the ocean, where they manage and relax, and win on leisure local monster. In the region, in the meantime, arbitrariness reigns, the whole prince organizes the partisan movement, and the wives of the Bogatyrey - Lyubava, Alyonushka and Nastasya Filippovna - along with the Snake Gorynych, come to deal with the usurperators ...

In the last cartoon, "three heroes and maritime king", Alyosha Popovich Sovisovsky goes to China to extract the dragon tooth. In all parts of the Alya series, the actor Oleg Kulikovich voiced.


In addition to the famous series of cartoons, the "Mill" studio, you can also see a number of films where Alesha Popovich is present. The first - Fiberglass "Ilya Muromets" - came out at the time of the USSR. This tape has become the first Soviet film released for a wide screen. The film is filmed on the basis of the epic stories and fairy tales of Pushkin, and the role of Alesh Popovich there was actor Sergei Stolyarov.

Sergey Stolyarov in the role of Alesh Popovich

Much later, in 2010, the film "Adventures in the Thif of the Threeth Kingdom" with Alexey Shutov in the role of Alyosha. There are modern children, the fans of computer games, going to the seashore, fall into a fairy tale. The film was mostly negative reviews of the audience and a low rating.

Anton Pampune in the role of Alesh Popovich

The film "Real Fairy Tale" after a year was already noticeable above. This is an alternative fabulous story, where the characters of fairy tales moved into the modern world and live among people. Koshchey became an oligarch, the Bogati now work his guards, Leshel turned into a homeless, and Ivan-Fool - in a double. The role of Alesh Popovich in the film performed by Anton Pampus.

Interesting Facts

The images of the heroes inspired Russian artists. Many years have remembered the picture of Vasnetsov "Bogatyry", where the Trinity of the Bogatyurians in a pure field is looking for a spell. All the bogaties are depicted with weapons, Alyosha Popovich holds onions in his hands.

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Separately, Alyosh Popovich wrote a painter and portrait of Vereshchagin. The picture was intended for the Palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg (now it is a house of scientists on the Palace Embankment).

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In the second half of the twentieth century, the epic and mythological theme began to develop a young artist Konstantin Vasilyev, who has a picture "Alyosha Popovich and Krasno Maiden." There is no clear description of the appearance of the hero, so artists mainly relied on their creative imagination.

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In the XIX century, the hero was "leaning" and in the literature, the poems and ballads Nikolay Radishchev and Alexey Tolstoy wrote about him.


"I'm afraid of a serious relationship?! Haha! Yes, I don't smile in the mirror myself from the fact that a serious one! "" Dropped, shaggy? Rachaty's silholes typhets! "" Is it a roasty work - do the house work on home ?! "" Lyubava: - Do not break the song! ...

Alenushka: - Have a conscience, finally! You tear us a contest "The image of heroisters in folk creativity"! Alyosha: - at least the sacotos flew out, that whether they would have given the silholes of the Bogatyr!

Dobrynya: What Sugostats now, interpret everyone ...

Ilya: Yes ... hurried. "

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