Sergey Dyagilev - biography, photo, personal life, Russian seasons



Sergey Dyagilev - a man who managed to go beyond the academic conservatism of scenic art by writing a dance story from scratch. Thanks to the innovation of talented impresario, people still can not only see, but also feel ballet.

The future innovator of the world of art was born in the Novgorod province on March 19, 1872 in the old style. Later, he moved to St. Petersburg, and then to Perm, where his father served.

Sergey Dyagilev

The head of the family Pavel Pavlovich Dyagilev was an officer in the cavalry regiment. Sergey's native mother did not know since she had died after several months after birth. The boy's upbringing was engaged in a new spouse of Father - Elena. The stepmother of the soul was not a chaying in Steyka and gave him all his herself.

Sergey Dyagilev as a child

After the end of the Perm Gymnasium in 1890, Dyagilev entered the Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Parallel, the young man studied music in the conservatory N.A. Roman Corsakov. After graduating from 1896, the University of Jurisprudence, the future famous balletmaster preferred the field of fine art.

Ballet and patronage

In the late 1890s, Dyagilev, together with friends, created an artistic association "The World of Art", rejected academism in all its manifestations. The guys persuaded the famous pheetsenates S.I. Mamontov and Princess M.K. Tenishev finance their magazine.

Sergey Dyagilev in youth

Thanks to the rare organizational talent and the ability to penetrate the essence of the creative process, Sergey organized the "Miriskusnic" exhibitions. In 1905, in the Tavrichesky Palace of St. Petersburg, he arranged a presentation of the Russian portrait, where he collected paintings from the capital and provinces.

Ballet productions were under the powerful influence of artists-modernist artists. The decorations and costumes worked for the symbol of the Association "World of Art": Avant-garde N. And Goncharov, Spanish Monumentalist H. SERT, Italian futurist D. Ball, Cubist P. Picasso, French Impressionist A. Matisse, Neoclassicist L. Survage and many other.

Portrait of Sergey Dyagilev

As decorators and artists in the costumes in Dyagilev, such personalities as K. Chanel and A. Laurent were involved. As you know, the form always affects the maintenance that I watched the public in the "Russian seasons".

Decorations, costumes and curtain struck artistic expressiveness: the storey of the lines led to delighted the audience of the performance. Music in productions was used in diverse: from world classics F. Chopin and R. Strausa to Russian composers N.A. Roman Corsakov and A.K. Glazunov.

Sergey Dyagilev and Igor Stravinsky

The European Stage Art, who was experiencing a crisis in the early 19th century, was refreed to be covered by the unsurpassed synthesis of various types of art, from which modern ballet was subsequently born.

"Russian seasons"

The story of the Russian Seasons began after the exhibition in the "Autumn Salon" held after 1906. The event that had a deafening success was inspired by Dyagilev. The man did not want to stop and continued to acquaint the Paris public with Russian art.


In 1907, Sergey Pavlovich organizes "historical Russian concerts", whose program includes 5 symphonic performances. Unique Bass Shalyapin, the Choir "Bolshoi Theater", Conducting Mastery Arthur Nikisha and the delightful piano game of the Gofman in the blink of an eye captured an audience accepted in talents.

In the spring of 1908, Dyagilev introduced Paris with Opera. However, Boris Godunov gathered an incomplete room, and the revengeted money barely covered the cost of organizing the event.

Participants in Russian historical concerts in Paris

In 1909, an entrepreneur brings a sensitive to the moods of the public to the future of 5 Ballets: "Pavilion Armida", "Cleopatra", "Polovtsky Dance", "Sylphide" and "Pier". The core of the ballet troupe was the dancers of Moscow and St. Petersburg - V.F. Nizhinsky, A.P. Pavlova, I.L. Rubinstein, M.F. Kshesinskaya.

For 20 years of work "Russian seasons", the traditional attitude of society to the dance has changed, and Russian art has become unusually popular in Europe.

Personal life

People rightly noticed the Dyagilevsky falling out of the "General Style". In it, there was a different, different blood from many. Living about the love adventures of the patron, legends were made about the love adventures of the patron.

It is reliably known that Sergey Dyagilev had an unconventional sexual orientation, and since personal life such a prominent person could not stay in the shadows, his lovers "in the face" knew everything.

Sergey Dyagilev and Dmitry Philosophers

The first amur relations among Sergey Dyagilev were with his cousin Dmitry Philosophical. The versatile educated young man was always in sight in the mug of students of St. Petersburg University. The 18-year-old brothers enthusized with art were close to Joint Travel in Italy, where they went in 1890.

Roman Dyagileva and Philosophian lasted 10 years, while on their way did not get the "white devil" - Zinaida Hippius. The woman was not afraid of condemnation of society and boldly walked against the well-established norms of morality - wearing men's clothing, preached free love (despite marriage, she had a couple of novels with men and women). Dmitry philosophers became the victim of the Witchcraft Char of Russian poets.

Zinaida Hippius, Dmitry Philosophers, Dmitry Merezhkovsky

"Fighting" between Hippius and Dyagilev continued a couple of years. The final gap between brothers-lovers came after the scandal in the fashionable Petersburg restaurant: Dyagille found a friend in the company Zinaida Hippius and thrown on him with fists.

After this, the case of philosophers finally broke with Dyagilev and moved to Hippius and her husband Merezhkovsky. A strange tripal union existed for 15 years.

In 1908, Sergey met a man who not only became the greatest love of the cultural figure, but also forever connected Dyagilev with the world of ballet.

Sergey Dyagilev and Vaclav Nizhinsky

The Russian dancer of Finnish origin Vaclav Nizhinsky at that time was on the content of Prince Pavel Lviv at the content of Prince. For the aristocrat, the charming young man was a toy: he paid his bills, updated the wardrobe and "lenting" the guy to friends.

And if Nizhinsky loved a high-ranking "tormentor", then Lviv frankly felt the feelings of annoying "puppets." It is not known how long the prose would be looking for a reason to get rid of the bored lover, if "did not turn up" Dyagilev.

Vaclav and Sergey were together for 5 years. During this time, Dyagilev acquired the fame of the world famous entreprenere, and Nizhinsky became the "face" of the Russian ballet seasons.

Vaclav Nizhinsky

In 1913, the dancer unexpectedly made the proposal of the Hungarian Ballerina Rouge Rulyski, who had long been in love with him and entered the troupe only then to be closer to the subject of adoration. Having learned about the wedding of the beloved, an offended artist of art immediately dismissed Nizhinsky.

Meeting with a 17-year-old student of the ballet school by Leonid Meatsin helped the balletmaster to forget the Kavalera's grief. The calculating young man was revealed with the status of the "boy for the jea", until it became famous.

Sergey Dyagilev and Leonid Massin

After seven years of close friendship in 1920, measin, like Vaclav, tied his life with a woman. The ballerina Vera Clark (pseudonym - Savina) became the pazea dancer. Having learned about the Solution of Protege, Dyagilev breaks with him all ties.

The creative cooperation of former lovers resumed three years before the death of Sergey, in 1925. After the death of the famous balletmaster, his student was headed by the "Russian ballet Monte Carlo".


In the last stages of the life of the 19th century, the 19th century "found itself" in collecting.

For a long time, Sergey Pavlovich, not having a permanent refuge, wandered around the cities and countries of Europe. The stroke spirit of the famous Mature of Culture gained peace in Monaco. Here Sergey and began to assemble at home the most valuable works of art: paintings, rare autographs, books and manuscripts.

Grave of Sergey Dyagilev

In 1921, Sergey found out that he had diabetes mellitus. However, the strict prescriptions of the doctor and the diet already did not follow the elderly. It provoked the development of furunculese. The result was infection and a sharp increase in temperature. Antibiotics at that time have not yet invented, so the disease was extremely dangerous.

On August 7, 1929, the favorite of the male audience was infected with blood. Subsequent days he did not get out of bed.

Ballet shoes on the grave of Sergey Dyagileva

Sergey Dyagilev, whose biography is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian ballet, died on August 19. At night, his temperature rose to forty-one degree, he lost consciousness and, without coming to himself, died at dawn.

San Michele's Cemetery is the last refuge of the famous balletmaster. Many great artists, science and sports are buried there: the poet and the Nobel winner Joseph Brodsky, composer Igor Stravinsky, Psychiatrist Franco Bazaliza, Football player Elenai Errera, writer and journalist Peter Wail. The cemetery is still open for visits.

Interesting Facts

The life of Sergey Dyagilev, like many prominent figures, is filled with interesting facts:

  • Dyagilev had Nyuh to talents, was a brilliant leader and a wonderful organizer, but he did not speak on stage.
  • Olga Khokhlova, wife Pablo Picasso, was a dancer in the "Russian ballet" Sergey Dyagilev.
Olga Khokhlova and Pablo Picasso
  • In 1897, Dyagilev led the artist Alexander Benua and his wife in "Grand Opera". There Sergey's friend burst into fractiony pants. The man was satisfied with the whole evening and covered the band, formed at the most reprehensible place, folding cylinder, and Dyagilev, cost him to translate from the scene on Alexander, began to laugh at the whole voice. Then his loud time laugh almost threw the concert.
  • Sergey Pavlovich repeatedly said that he was a distant descendant of Peter the first (through Rumyantsevy), and if there was no confirmation of this information, the relatives with Tchaikovsky were not questioned. The great Russian composer accounted for a phones of uncle.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
  • The exhibition of Russian-Finnish artists, the organizer of which was Dyagilev, passed in the atmosphere of scandalous misunderstanding. Then the public was first represented by the works of Konstantin Korovina, Mikhail Vrubel, Mikhail Nesterova and Philip Malyavina. In the eyes of sophisticated aesthets, conceptually new painting looked extremely unsightly in connection with which, visitors demanded from Cassirshi to return them money paid for the entrance.
  • In the spring of 2011, the ship called "Novikov-surf" was renamed Sergey Dyagilev.
Motor ship
  • If you compare the girl depicted on the "Russian seasons" possessions of 1909, with a photo of Anna Pavlova, it becomes clear that it was she who was a prototype from which the ballerina was drawn.
  • Dyagilev did not hide homosexual preferences. However, it is reliably known that in his life there was sexual contact with a woman. The 18-year-old Cousin of the Balletmister in memory of their connection presented a venereal disease man.

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