Victor Savina - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Viktor Savinov became the fiftieth cosmonaut of the Soviet Union and a hundred strawberry in orbit. In his biography, there are a lot of "round" dates and amazing coincidences. Savini 10 years served in the detachment of astronauts and realed the same time on the Baikonur cosmodrome, participating in the preparation for the start. He was born 7 numbers and as much as the cosmonauts dubler.

Cosmonaut Victor Savina

And twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Viktor Petrovich Savinov committed the most difficult in the history of Soviet Space flight and together with Vladimir Janibekov saved from the crash station "Salyut-7".

Childhood and youth

Viktor Savini was born in March 1940 in the village of Berezkin, which is in the Kirov region. The future conqueror of cosmic expanses in the family of collective farmers has grown. From the first grades, pleased with the parents with excellent marks, demonstrating a considerable travelery.

Victor Savina

The secondary school in which Savin studied was located in the neighboring village of Tarasov. After graduating from her in 1957, he went to Perm and entered the railway technical school. Three years later, he received a specialty "technicians-runs" and he worked half a year at the Sverdlovsk Railway. Viktor Savinov appointed brigadier brigades, repairing artificial structures on the entrusted site.

In October, Savini called on the ranks of the Soviet Army. From 1960 to 1963, Viktor Petrovich served in the topographic service of railway troops by a soldier, and after an increase in the rank - assistant to the head of the railway.

Victor Savina in youth

Victor Savini participated in the construction of the Ivdel-Ob railway branch, for which he received a reward - the sign "Excellence of the Soviet Army".

After demobilization in 1963, Savini became a student of the Optical-Mechanical Faculty of Miigaik - Moscow University, who was preparing engineers-geodesists and cartographers. And then the future cosmonaut distinguished himself: he earned the Lenin scholarship, which was given only to those who had an excellent assessment in all subjects. In 1969, Viktor Savini graduated from a university with a "red" diploma, having qualified an "Optic Mechanic Engineer".


After the Institute of Savini, they took a job at the Central Support of Experimental Mechanical Engineering, where a young scientist worked in the department, which headed academician Boris Raushenbach. For two dozen years, Viktor Savini passed the way from the engineer to the supervisor of the complex. The Department of Raushenbach was developed by spacecraft management systems and optical devices for Soyuz ships and Salute stations.

During the years of work, Viktor Savini defended his thesis on the orientation of spacecraft in the near-empty orbit and doctoral research on exploration of land at the top atmosphere of the Earth.

From 1978 to 1987, Savina in the cosmonaut detachment. After three flights into space in 1988, Viktor Petrovich was chosen by the rector of Miigaik. He wrote dozens of monographs, articles and a number of textbooks on remote research of the Earth.

Books of Viktor Savina

Literary talent Victor Savinov implemented by writing research and cognitive books "The Earth is waiting and hoping", "notes from the dead station", "Geography from Space" and "Vyatka. Baikonur. Cosmos, "for which he received membership of the Writers' Union.

From 1989 to 1992, three times of the cosmonaut were chosen by the USSR People's Deputy. He edited the popular and political magazine "Russian Space".

Active man, with a developed sense of humor Viktor Petrovich Savini, was a member of the jury in the final of the High League of KVN. In 1990, the scientist participated in the organization of the optical society named after Dmitry Christmas, becoming his vice president, and since 1997 - an honorary member.

Victor Savina and Anatoly Solovyov

In 2007, for Viktor Petrovich, the age limit was expired as rector Miigaik (from the mid-1990s - Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography). But from respect for merits for the scientist there was an exception, allowing to stay in the rector's chair. Victor Savinov refused to give waying to the young colleague Vasily Malinnikov. A month later, Viktor Petrovich was chosen by Honorary President of the University.

In the spring of 2011, Viktor Savini elected a deputy from the United Russia party to the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region.

Bust Viktor Savina

In 2013, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union was invited to the Expert Council of the National Prize "Crystal Compass", which annually awarded scientists for services in the field of geography, ecology and the preservation of the country's natural and historical and cultural heritage.

The Bronze Bust of the Cosmonaut and the scientist established in His Motherland in Kirov, on the site at the Museum K. E. Tsiolkovsky, and in the village of Berezkin, countrymen discovered the Savin Museum. In 2005, the name of Viktor Petrovich was called the small planet 6890, open in September 1975.

"Salute 7"

Since December 1978, Viktor Savini was enrolled in the squad of astronauts. In March 1981, he first went to space on the ship "Union T-4" and the Salyut-6 orbital station, having flown 74 days.

Victor Savina and Vladimir Janibekov

The second flight, glorified by the astronaut and the worked world cosmonautics, took place from June to November 1985 on the ship "Union T-13" and Salute-7 stations. The commander of the ship Vladimir Janibekov and the flight manager Viktor Savinov had an incredibly difficult mission: restore control over the power failure and incorrect commands from the COO control station "Salute-7". Victor Savina for 5 hours worked in open space.

The fall of the station could turn into the loss of the image of the cosmic power and disaster with human victims. Janibeks and Savini coped with the task, which was considered from a technical point of view of the most part in the history of world cosmonautics.

The third flight of Savina in space took place in June 1988 on the ship "Union TM-5" and the Orbital Complex "Peace". The events of the risky expedition are described by Viktor Savini in the book "Notes with a Dead Station".

In 2017, the director Klim Shipenko presented the viewers of the Salute-7 catastrophe at the audience, in which Vladimir Vdovichekov (Vladimir Janibekov) and Pavel Derezko (Victor Savina) were played by the main characters.

Personal life

Married Victor Savini in student years on Lilia Menshikova. In the fall of 1968, on the penultimate course of the Moscow university, the pair was born daughter Valentine, who later became a biologist. After the distribution of a young family with great difficulty gave a room in a hostel on Yaroslavl Avenue.

Victor Savina with his wife Lily

Family life of Savina's spouses has developed happily. Lily Alekseevna worked as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education of the Forestry Institute. Daughter presented the parents of three grandchildren - Ilya, Lizu and Arseny.

Victor Savina now

In 2017, the scholar and Soviet cosmonaut appointed the 15th external adviser to the Acting Governor of the Kirov Region Igor Vasilyeva.

The responsibilities of Viktor Savinov - the establishment of the relationship between Moscow and Kirov on the Children's Space Center on Transfiguration Street, the opening of which is scheduled for the summer of 2017. Viktor Petrovich controls financing, launching and further existence of the Center.

Victor Savina in 2017

The Space Center in Kirov is equipped with a virtual flight control center, there are upgraded simulators-simulators, a modern planetarium and a transforming room that resembles a flying plate.

Victor Savina, who owns the initiative to create a children's space center, told reporters about the proposals from the tourist agencies about the organization of excursions.

Children's Space Center

Viktor Petrovich shared his plans to invite Vladimir Janibekov to the opening of the Kololegroup, Anatoly Solovyov and the countryman, the former chapter of Roscosmos Anatoly Perminov.

Space center in Kirov is the only one in Russia. In order to build it, Savina enlisted support for the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (at that time - Vladimir Putin), having overthrown funding for construction.

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