Alexey Tolstoy - biography, photo, personal life, stories and works



Contemporaries called Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Red Graph", emphasizing the paradox of his biography: In 1917, the Bolsheviks were shared with titles and their carriers, but the thick way was impossible. "Comrade Count" became the incarnation of compromise: hating Bolsheviks, he devotedly served as a regime and managed to get three Stalinist awards.

Childhood and youth

A writer was born in January 1883 in the city of Nikolaevsk Samara province. The childhood of the author "County Caliostro" and "Cares on the Flocks" passed in the estate of a decendental landlord, which served in the Zemstvo Government, Alexey Bostrom on the farm Sosnovka near Samara.

Portrait of Alexei Tolstoy

Who was the genetic father Alexei Tolstoy - argue today. The Mom of the writer Alexander Leontievna Turgenev escaped from her husband - the rich Samara landowner, the officer of the Life Guard Gussa Regiment and Count Nikolay Alexandrovich Tolstoy, being pregnant. She went to Bostrom, leaving her husband three children. Biographers and contemporaries Alexei Tolstoy called the Father of the writer of the Bostroma landowner. Up to 13 years old, Prosaic wore his last name and considered his native father. Married Alexei Bostrom Alexander Leontievna did not come out: he did not allow the church.

Alexey Tolstoy in childhood

When Alyosha matured, the mother began with a 4-year-old litigation, wanting to return the son of the Graf title, the name and patronymic of the first husband. Trial ended to the 17th anniversary of Alexei Nikolayevich: In 1901, he became a graph Tolstoy, not knowing a person whose patronymic and surname he got.

Love for the literature and writer instilled Alexey Tolstoy Mom, the grandchildren of Nikolai Turgenev's niece. Works - novels and children's books - she signed the pseudonym Alexander Bostrom.

Alexey Tolstoy in his youth

Initial education The future author of the "Garina engineer's hyperboloid" received at home. But in 1897, the family moved to Samara, where Tolstoy became a real school student. In 1901, a young man continued his education in St. Petersburg, enrolling at the Faculty of Technology Institute.


The collection of poems of Tolstoy "Lyrics" came out in 1907. Critics noted in the early work of 24-year-old Alexei Tolstoy, the influence of Nikolai Nekrasov and Naston seeds: the young writer was imitated by Maram. Later Alexey Nikolayevich was ashamed of the authorship of the collection and tried not to remember verses.

Alexey Tolstoy writer

The first story "The Old Tower" appeared after a trip to the Urals, where the student was sent to practice. A month and a half Alexei Tolstoy lived in the ancient Nevyansk, where he collected legends, historical information about the region and its attractions, including the Nevyansk oblique tower.

In 1907, Alexey Nikolayevich left the institute and dedicated himself to writing. According to Tolstoy, he "attacked his topic", suggested by the stories of mother and relatives: it was the outgoing world of the nobility, whose representatives called the writer with colorful and ridiculous. "

The collection of the leads and stories of the "Zavalzhye" critics, including Maxim Gorky, accepted benevolently, but Alexei Tolstoy remained dissatisfied with the result, calling himself "ineffect and amateur."

In student years, Tolstoy under the influence of Alexei Remizov took over the improvement of the language. The richest material turned out to be ancient fairy tales, folklore, writings of Avvakum and the judicial acts of the XVII century. Soon "soupy fairy tales" and the second (last) poetic collection "Behind the Blue Rivers" appeared.

More verses Alexey Tolstoy did not write. But the stories, fairy tales, the story and novels were born in a huge number - the writer was worked, not to twist the hands, surprising his colleagues with incredible efficiency. In 1911, he wrote a novel "Two Life", next year the novel "Chrome Barin" appeared, then the story "behind the style" and stories. Pieces of Tolstoy put in the metropolitan small theater. At the same time, the writer managed to attend parties, open aishes, salons and all theatrical premieres.

Alexey Tolstoy and Mikhail Sholokhov

The First World War made Alexei Tolstoy Military Correspondent: he wrote front-line essays for the Russian Vedomosti newspaper, visited France and Britain. In 1915-16, the stories "on the mountain", "underwater", "beautiful lady" appeared. About the drama, the writer also did not forget - in 1916, the comedy "unclean power" and "liquefaction" came out.

The revolutionary events of October 1917, Alexey Tolstoy took a waryway. In the summer of 1918, he transported the family to Odessa, fleeing the Bolsheviks. The story "Caliosostro Count" and the comedy "Love is the Book of Golden" appeared in the southern city.

Portrait of Alexei Tolstoy. Artist P.D. Corin

From Odessa, the Tolsty family emigrated to Constantinople, then to Paris. On the health of the writer, the move did not affect: Alexei Tolstoy worked, not flaming his back. In France, the story "Childhood of Nikita" was born and the first part of the trilogy "walking on flour."

Life abroad seemed to the Russian trick and uncomfortable writer. Accustomed to luxury and comfort, the graph of Tolstoy was illustrated by the unsettlement of life. In the autumn of 1921, he transported the family to Berlin, where he lasted two years. Relationship Alexei Nikolayevich with an emigrant world spoiled.

Alexey Tolstoy

At the end of the summer, 1923 Alexey Tolstoy returned to Soviet Russia forever. His return caused a stormy and ambiguous reaction: the emigrant circles called the act by betrayal and showered the "Soviet graph" by curses. The Bolsheviks accepted the writer with open arms: Tolstoy became the personal friend of Joseph Stalin, the crew of the Kremlin receptions, received the membership of the Academy of Sciences, elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Alexey Nikolayevich is not that he accepted - reconciled with a new system, as with the inevitability. He was presented to the estate in Barvikha, gave a car with a chauffeur.

Alexey Tolstoy frustrated the trilogy "walking in torment" and presented to small readers dozens of essays. For children, he redid a fairy tale Carlo Callodi about the adventures of Pinocchio, calling his story "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

Alexey Tolstoy at work

In 1924, the story was born that literary critics consider Alexei Tolstoy's best work - "the adventures of Nevzorov, or Ibikus". The writer presented the world fascinating fantastic works - the novels "Aelita" and "Hyperboloid engineer Garina", a utopian story "Blue Cities". But the readers took the fantastic writings of the "Comrade of Count" wary, and colleagues - Ivan Bunin, the roots of Chukovsky, Yuri Tyanyanov - skeptical. Understanding the author's new novels appreciated only Maxim Gorky, which predicted the glory to novels in the genre of fiction.

In 1937, Alexei Tolstoy wrote a story "Bread", in which he spoke about the outstanding role of Stalin in the defense of Tsaritsyn during the civil war. But the main book, over which the writer worked the last 16 years of life, was the historical novel "Peter First". After reading the work, it was even a meager for compliments, Ivan Bunin, who disliked Tolstoy.

Alexei Tolstoy Tale

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, Alexey Tolstoy wrote the drama-Dilogy "Ivan Grozny" and the story of "Russian character".

But there are writings attributed to Peru of the "Red Graph", from which he died, not wanting to recognize the authorship. This is an erotic story "Banya", which is called the first pornographic work of pre-revolutionary Russia. But confirmation that the story wrote Alexey Tolstoy, did not find it: neither in letters, nor in the writer's drafts left the marks of work. Some critics suggest that the "bath" wrote Lion Tolstoy, but there are those who indicate Nikolai Leskov.

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Perhaps Alexey Nikolayevich came to the number of "suspects" due to the reasonable assumption about the authorship of another work, in which there are elements of pornography. This "Diary of Celebular", appeared in 1927 - vulgar Paskvil, written (presumably) Alexei Tolstoy and Pavel Schegolev at the request of the authorities to discredit the royal family.

Aleksey Tolstoy works are fused. Some ("Chrome Barin", "Walking on Flinks") 3-4 times. At the heart of the films "Formula of Love", "Peter First", "Peter's Youth", "Golden Key", "Aelita", "Hyperboloid engineer Garina" and "Childhood Nikita" lie works by the Soviet graph.

Personal life

The writer was called Lovelas and Bonvivan. In life, Alexei Tolstoy was four marriages. The first with Yulia Roggy, the daughter of the college advisor. The writer became acquainted with the girl in Samara, at the rehearsal of the play in the amateur theater. In 1901, after the summer spent together in the country of the Rozhansky, Tolstoy persuaded Yulia to leave to St. Petersburg, where she entered the medical institute. The following year, the pair had happened, and in January 1903 the son of Yuri was born (died in 1908).

Alexey Tolstoy with his wife Yulia Roganskaya

During the revolutionary events, Alexei Tolstoy went to Germany, where he met the artist Sophia Chimshitz. The first wife officially broke up in the 1910th. Jewish Sophia accepted Orthodoxy and married Tolstoy. In 1911, the daughter of Marianna was born.

Alexey Tolstoy with his wife Lyudmila Krestinskaya-Barsheva

Soon, the loving writer drew attention to the poetess Natalia Krandiyevskaya and left the second spouse. In 1914, Tolstoy and Crandiyevskaya married, the marriage lasted until 1935. In the Union with Natalia Vasilyevna, who became the prototype of Kati from "Capacious to the flour," the sons of Nikita and Dmitry were born.

In August 1935, the beautiful secretary of Lyudmila Krestinskaya-Barsheva came to the house to Tolstoy. In October, Lyudmila, who was straight than younger Alexei Nikolayevich, became his wife. Together they lived before the death of the writer.


In 1944, the doctors set Alexey Tolstoy a terrible diagnosis: quickly progressive lung cancer. Half a year of the writer tormented hellish pain. He died in February 1945 in Moscow, without surviving victory.

Tomb Alexei Tolstoy

Alexey Tolstoy buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, declaring the state mourning.

In October 1987, in the capital on Spiridonovka Street, where the writer with his wife Lyudmila lived in the capital, opened the museum.

Quotes Alexei Tolstoy

  • This world will die inevitably. Here, some thrills live wisely.
  • It must be when a person has everything, then he is truly and unhappy.
  • From the soldier required stubbornly and obediently to die in those places where it is indicated on the map.
  • People can not be left without leaders. They are drawn to become on all fours.
  • Here they fought their own: brother on his brother, father on his son, Kum on Kuma, means without fear and mercilessly.
  • It is necessary that the amount of gold is limited, otherwise it will lose the smell of the human sweat.


  • 1912 - "Chrome Barin"
  • 1921 - "Caliostro Count"
  • 1922 - "Childhood of Nikita"
  • 1923 - "Aelita"
  • 1924 - "Interests of Nevzorova, or Ibikus"
  • 1927 - "Garina's Hyperboloid"
  • 1922 - "Walking on the flour. Sisters "
  • 1928 - "Walking on the flour. 18th year "
  • 1941 - "Walking on the flour. Gloomy Morning »
  • 1934 - "Peter First"
  • 1942 - "Ivan Grozny. Eagle and Orlitz "
  • 1943 - "Ivan Grozny. Hard years "

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