Nikolai Nekrasov - biography, photos, personal life, poems and books



Nikolai Nekrasov is the progenitor of the new literary speech, which contemporaries at the beginning of the 20th century successfully recreated and improved.

Nikolai Alekseevich's revolution was immediately in two directions: meaningful (the writer affected the works of the topic, which was not accepted even in prose) and metric (poetry, squeezed in Yamb and Korera, thanks to him received the richest arsenal of three-colored sizes).

Portrait of Nikolai Nekrasov

Russian literature, like Russian social life, until the end of the 60s developed as part of dichotomy. Nekrasov in their work spun the boundaries of consciousness, explaining to people that the same question has at least three points of view.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 in the Podolsk province, where the 36th English regiment was pledged, in which his father served as captain.

The head of the family Alexey Sergeevich was a despot, proud of his noble origin. The avid gambler was not interested in no poetry nor prose. The mentally unbalanced man was only good in two things - hunting and manual attack. Despite the fact that Alexey has been alien to intellectual requests, it was in the library of Father, young Nekrasov read the prohibited at the same time AS. Pushkin "Wildness".

Nikolai Nekrasov

Mother Elena Alekseevna was the exact opposite of his spouse. Gentle with a thin soulful organization lady all the time musitis and read. In the illusory world of books, it was saved from harsh everyday realities. Subsequently, this "holy" woman of Nekrasov will devote to the poem "Mother" and "Knight for an hour."

Nekrasov was not the only child. In the hard atmosphere of the brutal dissection of the father over the peasants, the vigorous orgies of Alexei Sergeyevich with fortress mistresses and a cruel attitude towards the "closer", another 13 children grew.

In 1832, Nekrasov entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he had reached the 5th grade. Father always wanted the Son to go to his footsteps and became a military. In 1838, 17-year-old Nikolay went to St. Petersburg to determine the nobility regiment.

Nikolai Nekrasov in youth

In the cultural capital, the young man decided his countryman - Andrei Glushotsky, who told the poet about the adoles of study in the higher educational institution. Inspired by Nekrasov, contrary to the instructions of the Father, decides to enter the Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg University. However, the ambitious guy wounds the entrance exam and earns the status of the Win luster (1831-1841).

Being a student, Nikolai Nekrasov suffered a terrible need. Left without material support, he spent the night in the gentlemen and basements, and saw a full dinner only in dreams. Horrible deprivation not only prepared the future writer for adulthood, but also hardened his character.


The first collection of poems of Young Nekrasov was the "dreams and sounds". The book was prepared in 1839, but Nekrasov did not hurry to publish his "brainchild". The writer doubted the poetic maturity of his poems and was looking for a strict adviser.

Having in the hands of the proofreading, a beginner writer asked the founder of romanticism V.A. Zhukovsky get acquainted with her. Vasily Andreevich advised not to print a book under his name, explaining that in the future, the great works would write in the future, and for this "non-professionalism" Nikolai Alekseevich will be ashamed.

Books of Nikolai Nekrasov

As a result, the collection was published under the pseudonym N.N. This collection did not succeed in the public, and after the criticism of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky in the literary magazine "Domestic Notes" was destroyed personally from Nekrasov.

Together with the writer Ivan Ivanovich Panayev, the poet rented a "contemporary" in the winter of 1846. The publication published advanced writers and all those who hated serfdom. In January 1847, the first issue of the updated "contemporary" took place. In the 1862th, the government suspended the work of the journal unwanted by the highest ranks, and in 1866 it closed him at all.

Nikolai Nekrasov - biography, photos, personal life, poems and books 17421_5

In 1868, Nikolai Alekseevich bought the rights to "domestic notes." There, the classic was published all the subsequent years a short life.

Among the great many works of the writer, the poems "Russian women" were especially highlighted (1873), "Frost, red nose" (1863), "peasant children" (1861), "on the Volga" (1860) and the poem "Grandframe Mazay And hares "(1870)," peasant with marigolds "(1861)," Green noise "(1862-1863 year)," Hiding the horrors of war "(1855).

Personal life

Despite the successful literary policy and a fantastic amount of information that the writer issued a monthly (more than 40 printed sheets of corrections) and processed, Nekrasov was an extremely unfortunate person.

Sudden attacks of apathy, when the poet for weeks did not contact anyone, and multicate "Carts of Battle" did the arrangement of personal life almost impossible.

Nikolai Nekrasov with his beloved dog

In 1842, at the poetic evening, Nikolai Alekseevich meets the wife of Writer Ivan Panayev - Avdotia. The woman was good by himself, had an outstanding mind and magnificent oratories. As a hostess of a literary salon, she constantly "collected" famous literature figures (Chernyshevsky, Turgenev, Belinsky).

Avdota Panayev

Despite the fact that Ivan Panayev was an avid hunch, and any woman would be glad to get rid of such a husband, Nekrasov had to make considerable efforts, in order to earn the location of the charming young lady. It is reliably known that Fedor Dostoevsky was in love with the beauty, but he failed to achieve reciprocity.

At first, the wayward woman rejected the courting of the 26-year-old Nekrasov, which is why he almost committed suicide. But during a joint trip to the Kazan province, a charming brunette and a new hope writer still admitted to each other in feelings. Upon his return, they began to live a civil marriage in the apartment of Panayev for a couple with a legitimate husband of Avdoti.

The three-way union has existed for 16 years. All this action caused the censure from the public - about Nekrasov said that he lives in a stranger house, he loves someone else's wife and also rolls the scene of jealousy to a legitimate husband.

Nikolai Nekrasov, Avdota Panayev and Ivan Panayev take guests

Despite the crust and misunderstanding, Nekrasov and Panayev were happy. In Tandem, beloved people write a poetic cycle, calling him "Panayevsky". Biographical elements and a dialogue with a heart, then with reason, contrary to the problem, make works in this collection with absolutely not similar to the "Denisyevsky cycle" of Fyodor Tyutchev.

Also in the co-authorship of Nekrasov and Stanitsky (the pseudonym of Avdoti Yakovlevna) are born novels "Three Countries of Light" (1848-1849) and "Dead Lake" (1851).

In 1849, Musa famous poet gave birth to his son. However, the "heir of talents" writer lived just a couple of hours. After six years, the lady again gives birth to the light of the boy. The child was extremely weak and after four months passed away. On the soil of the inability to have children in a pair of Nekrasov and Panayeva begin the quarrels. The once harmonious couple can no longer find "common points of contact".

Nikolai Nekrasov and Celina Lefren

In 1862, the legal husband of Avdoti - Ivan Panayev dies. Soon the woman realizes that Nikolai Alekseevich - the hero is not her novel, and leaves the poet. It is reliably known that the Writer's will have a mention of the "love of his life."

In a foreign trip in 1864, Nekrasov lived in apartments with his companions - Native sister Anna Alekseyevna and Frenchwoman Selina Lefren, from whom he met in St. Petersburg in 1863.

Selina was an actress of the French troupe, who spent in the Mikhailovsky Theater, and because of his easily, the wrong did not perceive the relationship with the poet. In the summer of 1866, Lefren spent in Karabikha, and in the spring of 1867 again went abroad with Nekrasov. However, this time the rock beauty to Russia no longer returned. It did not interrupted their relationship - in 1869, the couple met in Paris and held the whole August by the sea in Dippe. In a suicide will, the writer mentioned it.

Nikolai Nekrasov and Zinaida Nikolaevna (Fucla Viktorova)

In the 48th age of Nekrasov met with an innocent 19-year-old rustic girl Fekla Anisimovna Victorova. And even though the lady did not have outstanding external data and was extremely modest, the Material of the literary word she immediately liked. For Fekla, the poet became a man of his whole life. He not only opened a woman the infancy of love, but also showed the world.

Five happy years lived together Nekrasov and his young friend. Their love story reminded the plot of the play of Bernard Shaw "Pigmalion". The lessons of French, Russian grammar, vocals and the game on the piano transformed the civilian wife of the writer so much that instead of the too common-known name, the poet began to magnify her Zinaida Nikolaevna, giving middle name from his own behalf.

The poet experienced the most tender feelings to Fekle, but throughout his life, both on the carefree French franger Selina Lefren, with whom he had a romance abroad, and along the convoy of Avdier Yakovlevna.


The last years of the life of the Great Writer were filled with agony. "One-way ticket" publicist acquired even in early 1875, when he was seriously ill.

The classic did not particularly take care of his health asked the doctor only in December 1876 after his business became very thin. Inspection conducted the professor Nikolay Sklifosovsky who worked then at the Medical and Surgical Academy. With the finger study of the rectum, it clearly defined the neoplasm with an apple. On the tumor, the eminent surgeon immediately told both Nekrasov and assistants in order to collegiately decide what to do next.

Nikolai Nekrasov's disease

Although Nikolai Alekseevich understood that he was seriously ill, he recently refused to increase the dose of opium. Already a melanoe writer was afraid to lose performance and become a burden for the family. It is reliably known that in the days of remission of Nekrasov continued to write poems and finished the fourth part of the poem "Who lives well in Russia." On the Internet and to this day, you can find photos where "enslaved the disease" classic lies on the bed along with a piece of paper and thoughtfully looks into the distance.

The treatment was used to lose efficiency, and in 1877 the desperate poet asked for help from Surigue E.I. Bogdanovsky. The sister of the writer, who promotes surgical intervention, wrote a letter to Vienna. In it, the woman tearfully asked the famous professor of Theodore Bilrot to come to Petersburg and operate a hot beloved brother. April 5 came consent. For work, a close friend of Johann Brahms requested 15 thousand Prussian brands. Preparing for the arrival of Surgego, N.A. Nekrasov took the necessary amount of money from Brother Fedor.

Monument to Nekrasov with a dog in a miracle

Attending doctors had to agree with the decision made and expect a colleague's arrival. Professor T. Bilrot arrived in St. Petersburg on April 11, 1877. The luminaire of medicine was immediately acquainted with the history of the classic disease. On April 12, Theodore made an examination of Nekrasov and appointed an operation for the evening of the same day. The hopes of families and friends were not justified: the painful operation did not lead to anything.

News about the deadly disease of the poet in the blink of an eye dealt in the country. People from all over Russia sent Nikolai Alekseevich letters and telegrams. Despite the terrible torment, the famous literature figure continued to correspond with the most sensitive citizens up to the full paralysis of the limbs.

In the book "Latest Songs" written during this time, the literary figure summed up, conducting an invisible feature between life and creativity. The works entered into the collection - the literary confession of a person who will predict the ambulance ending.

Funeral Nikolai Nekrasov

In December, the state of the publicist deteriorated sharply: along with the strengthening of the overall weakness and the escrow, there were constantly growing pain in the jagged zone, chills, swelling on the back surface of the thigh and swelling on the legs. Among other things, a foul gun began to be distinguished from the rectum.

Before the death of Nekrasov, decided to legalize relations with Zinaida. The patient had no strength to go to church, and wedding took place at home. December 14, observed Patient N.A. Belogoloval determined the full paralysis of the right half of the body and warned relatives that every day the state would progressively deteriorate.

On December 26, Nikolai Alekseevich aloculously called his wife, sister and nurse. He said to each of them barely distinguished "Farewell." Soon the consciousness left him, and on the evening of December 27 (January 8, 1878, according to a new style), a famous publicist died.

The grave of Nikolai Nekrasov

On December 30, despite the strong frost, the crowd of the poet "In the last let" from the house on Flytein Avenue to the place of Eternal Sootling - the cemetery of the Novodevichy Monastery.

In a farewell speech, Dostoevsky honored Nekrasov to third place in Russian poetry after Pushkin and Lermontov. The crowd interrupted the writer with shouts "yes above, above Pushkin!"

Immediately after the funeral Zinaida Nikolaevna turned to the prisons of the monastery with a request to sell her place next to the grave of her husband for his future burial.


  • "Actor" (Piese, 1841)
  • "Restored" (Piece, 1859)
  • "Officer" (Piece, 1844)
  • "Fooclist Onufrich Bob, or her husband is not in its plate" (play, 1841)
  • "Youth Lomonosov" (dramatic fantasy in verses of one action with an epilogue, 1840)
  • "Contemporaries" (poem, 1875)
  • "Silence" (poem, 1857)
  • "Grandpa" (poem, 1870)
  • "Cabinet of wax figures" (poem, 1956)
  • "Who lives well in Russia" (Poem, 1863-1876)
  • "Corobeinists" (poem, 1861)
  • "Recent time" (poem, 1871)

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