Alexander Bashirov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In some artist causes admiration, others have complete rejection. Alexander Bashirov from the category of people who or love, or hate. His tricks are discussed in the media, and some of the booty acts actor, balancing on the verge of permitted, fell into the category of legends and myths of Russian cinema.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in September 1955 in Taiga Lush - in the village of Sogh under Khanty-Mansiysk. Rose into an incomplete and disadvantaged family, far from cinema and any other type of art. Parents divorced immediately after the appearance of the Son. Mom by nationality Tatarka, the boy raised one. Alexandra Father - a representative of Khanty Nikolai Bashirov - did not participate in the education of his son.

The only adult man in the house was grandfather - one-handed disabled person and an anti-Sovetchik, according to Alexander Bashirov, who did not want to work for a new government due to the "principal political differences in views." Return from the grandfather did not cause only one occupation - fishing. Therefore, a mother turned out to be the only feed, to the old age worked in the post office.

Alexander Bashirov said that he had two passions for children and youthful years - smoking and draw. Smoking Bashirov was addicted to the 3rd class "for the company".

The native edges of Alexander left in his youth, after which he went to Leningrad, where he entered the PTU to become a tiled vendor. After the release, the future guide was settled on a cement plant in Vyborg, where she worked before calling to the army in 1981.

Served Bashirov in Transbaikalia, in the tank division. Prone to drawing influenced the service: the artist attached to the Army Club. In the author's program "Visiting Dmitry Gordona", Bashirov said that in the second year, the artist-designer was given a task to draw the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev in the Tankist helmet. With an honorary mission, the artist coped on time, but as soon as the portrait took the club on the facade, the leader died.

The question from whom Bashirov was transferred to the hystician genes, in an interview, the actor with humor replied that "the whole thing in my eternal and unsatisfied desire to rule over people," inherited from the ancestor-khan from the Golden Horde.

Whatever it was, but 2 years after demobilization, Alexander Bashirov entered the directorial faculty of Vgika and got into the group of Igor Talacin. Under his beginning, a 30-year-old student was held for 2 years and was transferred to the course of Anatoly Vasilyeva. The reason for the translation was the booster of Basirov.

At student etudes, where future directories represented scenes from dramatic works, Alexander played Satan, which appeared before Faust. "In reading" Bashirov, the Lord of Darkness went on the scene in a bathrobe, under which there was no other clothes. Once in the center, Satan exposed. Sergei Bondarchuk, Irina Skobseva, Inna Makarova, were sitting in the hall. The grand scandal followed and the translation into a group to another mentor.

After graduating from Vgika, Alexander, together with his wife, moved to New York, he studied at Berghof Studios Lawrence Arancio, from where Al Pacino, Lisa Minnelli and Robert de Niro came from.

Personal life

In his student years, Alexander Bashirov married an American and left his wife on her homeland. The son of Christopher was born in marriage, with whom the artist supports relations after returning to Russia. But home the actor returned one: he divorced his wife because of the incomprehension of views on the life and difference of characters.

Over time, the personal life of Bashirova has improved. He is married to the soloist of the musical group "Hummingbirds" Inna Volkovkov, with whom he brings up the daughter Alexander Maria. There are no information about other children of the artist.

In the project of her husband "J.P.O." Volkova played a singer from the bar and wrote to the film "not a hero" song.

The cause of many outrageous leaving the actor is called eccentric character and alcoholism. So, in June 2011, the tabloids saved the news about the drunkenness of Bashirov, or rather, about its consequences - "Possiping" on the Star Track of the "Kinotava". Alexander was indeed in a state of alcohol intoxication, but shelzing along the track to cheer up and violating the genius of the event, stating that "Irodivoy everything can be".

At the same time, the artist assures that his health has not yet failed, except that the hangover is difficult to join the work. But in this case, he always has the necessary medicines.

There is no official page in the "Instagram" at Bashirov, but in Vkontakte, his fans created a group dedicated to the favorite artist, and publish photos and videos with Alexander's participation, and also discusses films in which a man was shot. Many noted that over the years the actor managed to preserve a slim figure - with an increase of 172 cm its weight is 70 kg.

If there are tattoos on the body of the artist, a big riddle, in the film "Country Oz", it appears with a picture in the form of a church with three domes on the chest, but most likely it is not a real tattoo, but it is done to emphasize the image of the hero in a specific picture .

One day, rumors appeared in the network that Alexander Bashirov died, but they were very quickly dispelled. The actor is alive, is in good health and is not going to complete the acting career.


The acting biography of Alexander Bashirova begins an episodic role in the Drama of Sergey Solovyov "Alien White and Ryaby". The image of the wounder turned out to be ambiguous, but the beginning I liked the artist. In 1986, the film introduced the USSR at the Oscar film and received a special prize of the Venetian film festival.

Next year, the Assa cult tape was reached on the screens, where the audience learned the actor in the eccentric lzheyor of the Air Force Babakin Air Force. Spich about Yuri Gagarine, pronounced by Babakin, was the improvisation of the artist.

In 1988, the TV viewers saw the Rashid Nugmanov Thiller premiere "Needle", in which the key image went to Viktor Tsu. Alexander Bashirov played Spartacus, a small, but dangerous man. The role made an actor recognizable, but the negative role for a long time "stuck" to him, and the directors invited Bashirov to similar images. The dramatic plenty film became the leader of the film distribution.

In the same 1988, the 8-serial tape "Bread - the name of the noun was published, and next year the new project" Black Rose - the emblem of sadness, a red rose - love emblem. " In both projects, Alexander Bashirov appeared in remembering episodic roles.

In the mid-1990s, Alexander Nikolaevich created "Deboshirfilm", taking on the responsibilities of the artistic director of the studio and a teacher of acting skills. In Russia, the period of recovery of lost by cinema in the distance of the 90s positions has been restored. Bashirov chose youth underground cinema and guess a tendency. On the basis of the "Deboshirefilm" organized the festival of the same name, which is held twice a year in St. Petersburg and today remains the most large-scale action in the field of independent Russian cinema.

In 1998, Bashirov's film was released with a provocative name "J.P.O." ("Iron Fifth of the Oligarchy"). The picture produced a furyor in the Russian cinema of the late 1990s. Alexander Nikolaevich was noted in four hatters - a scenario, producer, director and actor. Because of the scarce budget, the tape was removed for $ 25 thousand, but the film won several cinematic prizes.

Alexander Bashirov (Frame from the film

In 1999, the director Bashirov presented the artistic and documentary tape "Belgrade, Belgrade!". Later on the screens came the series "Good luck to you, a detective."

Music in the life of Bashirov takes not the last place, many Russian musicians cooperate with him, for whom he shoots clips. A bright sample of the creativity of the director - a video clip on the song Vyacheslav Butusov "Nastasya". The artist has repeatedly appeared on rock concerts as a lead, and in the project Sergey Kurekhin "Pop Mechanics" - as a member.

In the new century, Alexander Bashirov found himself in a number of the most sought-after Russian actors, although there are no major roles on his account. In the 3rd season of the criminal series "Agent of National Security", he played a killer of sediment. In the comedy of Karen Shahnazarov "The poisons, or the world history of poisoning" appeared in the form of a locksmith of Arnold.

Alexander Bashirov in a female image (frame from the film

In 2001, a black comedy "Down House" was released on the screens, where Fddyshchenko was played with the inherent mischief and ease of Bashirov. In the same year, the audience saw a favorite artist in the project Sergey Bodrov "Sisters" (Saintlyllin). After 2 years, the premiere of the historic drama Ilya Khotinenko "Golden Age" took place, the work in which the success brought Bashirov: the actor reincarnated in the emperor Paul first.

After the yield of the film in the career, Alexander really came the "golden age". Every year the actor appeared in 5-6 films.

TV viewers saw him in bright, although not the main roles of Schuler Lehi Shustrov in "Standa", the cubs in the TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", Hanenka in the "Asphalt hunt", General Kornilov in the "death of the empire" and Mishanov In the comedy "Mom, do not burn - 2."

In 2005, Bashirov starred in ten projects. The brightest - "9 company", "Queen of the benzokolontka - 2", "Zhmurki" and "Wear". A real diamond in the artist filmography was the image of a hippo's cat in the Mystical Project Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita".

From the acting works of Bashirov of the first decade of the 2000s, the audience was remembered by the image of an alcoholic apartment of alcoholics in the thriller Alexei Balabanova "Cargo 200". The picture received a reward from the "Kinotavra" and participated in the non-constructive program of the Venetian Film Festival.

Cointers also celebrate the roles of Bashirov in the projects of Sherlock Holmes (Clerk Kersleik), "President" (accountant Karasik) and a black comedy Vasily Sigarev "Country Oz" (Duke).

In 2009, the artist's filmography was replenished with an office comedy "Oh, lucky!", Which is based on the story of Dmitry Aleinikov. The shooting was carried out in the Lviv region, Crimea and Kiev, the premiere took place in early October at the Festival "Kinotavr". Together with Bashirov, Polyakova, Mikhail Tarabukin, Vladimir Kristovsky, Maxim Konovalov and others were shot.

In 2016, the audience saw the artist in the television series "Gastrolers", the removed LLC Producer Sergey Zhigunov LLC. The premiere of an adventure tragicomedy took place on the NTV television channel in April. Bashirov got the image of the Tambov gangster Chmury.

In the same year, a comedy "Muhamora" came to the screens. The budget of the project is modest - $ 20 thousand. This is a tape about the life of the provincial town that is stuck in the 80s. The film is abounding with a black humor, but strikes the relevance of the problems raised. Alexander Bashirov played Proud Ivanovich, the main character of the comedy.

In 2017, Alexander starred in the advertising short film Vasily Sigarev called Z. How never relevant it was only in the spring of 2020, or rather, his fragment of quarantine in Moscow, where the actor utters the phrase "no more of your Moscow." In addition to him, other artists appeared in the tape, among them Nikolai Baskov, Yana Trojanova, Vitaly Kornienko, Vladimir Simonov.

Following this artist, the role of the Gregory collector in the Russian comedized television series "Home arrest", the idea of ​​which belongs to Semen Slepakov. Pavel Derevyankov, Alexander Robak, Anna Ukolova, Marina Aleksandrov and others presented the main characters.

In 2019, Alexander Nikolaevich returned to his director's profession, removing the "Cream Soda group" no more parties.

Alexander Bashir now

Although over the years as Actor Bashirov is less and less likely to appear in new films, he is not going to stop his career. Alexander Nikolaevich and is now removed, glad the fans with new works. In mid-April 2020, the 8-serial tape "Zulikha opens his eyes", where Bashirov played one of the main roles, imaging in the image of tramp, prison person.

The plot carries the audience in 1930 in the seven of the Tatar peasant, who killed her husband, and, together with other detachable, send them to Siberia in a religion route. Even in these difficult conditions, she proudly passes a lot of tests, while remaining a real woman who can love and forgive.


  • 1986 - "Alien White and Ryabb"
  • 1988 - "Needle"
  • 1998 - "Iron Fifth of the Oligarchy (J. P. O.)"
  • 2001 - "Sisters"
  • 2003 - "Golden Age"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2007 - "Cargo 200"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2015 - "Country Oz"
  • 2016 - "Gastrol"
  • 2017 - Z.
  • 2018 - "Bar" on the chest ""
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"

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