Sergey Lyubavin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sergey Lyubavin - chanson, whose gentle and touching voice challenges makes the hearts of fans across the country tremble from delight. The warmth, with which the artist perceives the harsh realities of everyday life is transmitted to the listeners and charges the cheerfulness of both the audience proven by time and young people.

Childhood and youth

The future famous performer was born on April 10, 1966 in the capital of Siberia - Novosibirsk. Father Peter Pavlovich Grandfather is a laureate of Sholokhov Prize, a member of the Union of Writers, who produced books both in his hometown and in Moscow. Olga Grigorievna's mother, unlike his spouse, was a person not public and taught Russian and literature at school.

Singer Sergey Lyubavin

Sergey was not the only child in the family: he had an older brother Alexander, whom the musician was equal from childhood. In 1998, Sasha, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, tragically passed away during the execution of debt. In the future, the artist dedicated a hot brother from his beloved brother.

The family of Lyubavina reigned the atmosphere of the all-consuming "creative anarchy." Parents provided children right of choice without imposing their opinion. Sports, singing, drawing - wherever the brothers, Peter and Olga were served, were ready to accept and support sons. Despite the "permissiveness", it is difficult to imagine that such creatively gifted parents have children to mathematical sciences.

Sergey Lyubavin in youth

Olga Grigorievna had stunning vocal data and evenings pleased with the households singing. And the father from the young age killed children competently and concisely express thoughts. In one of the interviews, Lyubavin said that the head of the family often put the printed machine before him and said to write a story on a given topic. Then, they together revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the work, sacrificing it to the components.

After the death of the Father on the official site of the singer, a blog dedicated to Peter Pavlovich Dedov appeared. There will be wishes to familiarize themselves with his works and sayings, as well as see photos from a personal archive.

Father Sergey Lubavina

In 1981, Sergey, a couple with a friend, Oleg Gorbunov creates his first musical team. Guys showed talents, speaking on all sorts of competitions. The artist noticed, and at the beginning of the 80s Lubavin becomes a vocalist of the group "Voyage". At that time, it was not necessary to choose a place for speeches, and the team entertained the audience both in clubs and in restaurants.

After turning Sergey from a simple boy in a soloist of a popular group, not only life, but also the ambitions of the young man suffered changes. The guy lacked the fame that the ensemble gave him. He, by all means he decided to get to the big scene and, in order to approach the implementation of the dream, went to the city of great opportunities - Moscow.

Sergey Lyubavin

The young man understood that before storming the impregnable fortress of show business, he needed to receive a higher education.

The young man submits documents in the most prestigious music school named after the Gnesins and after listening safely enrolled in the ranks of beginner artists. As it was subsequently turned out, the school did not provide students with students. The young man did not want to give up the dream and on the advice of a friend entered another institute at the Faculty of Journalism, where he had housing in the rights of the student.

Singer Sergey Lyubavin

Visit was free, and the newest guy has given music all the time. The creative biography of the singer originates in the recording studio of Alexander Kalyanov, where the novice musician, together with the Madra, recorded the first compositions.

At the dawn of a foggy adolescence, a young man who adores the work of Shukshina, in order not to exploit the famous Father's name, took himself a pseudonym Lubavin: First for articles, and then for songs.


Thanks to the talent, a young man managed to get to the prestigious contest - "Jurmala". In those two songs that the artist sent in the application for participation, members of the jury saw a great potential, and, without thinking, invited a novice singer to the event.

The first official album of Lubavina - "Seventeen and Half" - came out at the Soyuz Studio in 1994. It was included in it as "yard" songs ("seventeen and half", "lanterns") and some copyrights, who remember to this day.

In 1996, the singer released the second album called "Taste, familiar from childhood." All songs that have become part of the album were written personally chanson. Inspiration, the performer found in the Dedov Stories.

Sergey Lyubavin on stage

After 2 years, Lyubavin became a member of the popular Festival "Free Song", where she won. As a gift, he was offered to become a soloist of the group "Foresting". Having all the "for" and "against", the guy still decided to refuse, because I wanted to conquer the show business without any help.

In 2001, the new album Sergey Lyubavin was published under the name "Volchonok". After a couple of months, the "chanson" radio station called the title plate of the plate the most ordered by the work of the work.

From 2001 to 2007, Sergey had another couple of albums, songs from which ("Wedding" and "daughter") were extremely demanded from the audience.

In 2004, the singer presented a concert program in the United States. He managed to visit 12 cities and conquer the local audience with sensual and lyrical compositions. In 2006, Lyubavin spoke at the Greater Concert Hall of St. Petersburg "Oktyabrsky". Next year, he went to a tour in Russia and released a new album "For Love".

In 2011, the cherished dream of Lyubavin was carried out - he sang on the prestigious scene of the State Kremlin Palace. In the same year, the artist again visited this scene, but already in order to pick up the "Chance of the Year" award for the song "Flower", which was performed in a blowing with Tatiana Bulanova.

Sergey Lyubavin and Tatyana Bulanova

Also in 2011, the video clips are removed on the song "This woman" and "sinner". And the songs "Caravan" and "My Love" were made the greatest love among the listeners.

Next year, the musician again received the "Chanson Year" premium, but this time already for the song "Tenderness". For half a year, this composition was on the top lines of the main charts of Chanson Russia. Later in the "Mosfilm" recording studio, Sergey, together with the Symphony Orchestra, recorded the "Recognition" album.

In the summer of 2013, an irreparable thing happened: Sergey's father died. Despite the mountain, the singer gave all scheduled concerts.

In the winter of 2015, the record was published "Leave the last dance for me ...". The debut performance took place on the scene in the Concert Hall "Cosmos". In the same year at the festival "EEHH, Frames!" The musician presented the composition "Happiness in misunderstanding."

Personal life

Sergey Lyubavin is extremely zealously refers to the topic of illumination of personal life and about the family tells reluctantly. From the first and only wife, Elena, the artist met in his student years.

Chosen by the future chanson studied at the Academy of Management, and he himself at the Institute of Youth. By a strange coincidence of the circumstances, students of these two in no way-related educational institutions lived in a single hostel.

Sergey Lyubavin with his wife and son

Young people often came across the buffet, in the gym and soon began to greet. As a musician recalls: he did not feel at all-consuming passion for the future wife at that time. Their relationship has developed "seven-world chambers." A timid girl and a permanent guy for a long time looked after each other: went to the movies, walked in the parks and talked around the phone.

Sergey Lyubavin

Despite the fact that in the youthful years, the artist witnessed at the weddings at least ten times, there was no magnificent marriage ceremony from Lyubavin himself. With the beloved Sergey signed in the chamber atom of one of the everyday days.

For the past 26 years, they live "soul to the soul" with Elena. Artist has an adult son Ivan. The guy under 20 years old was an attacking of the Atlant Hockey Club, and then opened his school, where he also teaches to play the "real male game" the younger generation.

Sergey Lyubavin now

In 2017, Lyubavin participates in all sorts of festivals ("Velvet Chanson", "Eehh, Razgulay!"), Removed in TV shows ("This morning" on the TV channel "Star", live on "MusicBoxTV"), gives an interview ("Express newspaper ", Radio" Chanson ") and even participates in the filming of" Yelasha ".

Sergey Lyubavin in 2017

Among other things, the artist continues to tour in the country. In May of this year, the release of a new concert program was announced in the official group of singer Vkontakte.

Sergei said that three fresh compositions were written for her, and in order for the material to be diverse and pleased both old and young, in the future, Lubavin plans to bring to cooperate the famous composer Igor Azarov.


  • "Seventeen and a half" (1994);
  • "Taste, familiar from childhood" (1996);
  • "Black Raven" (1998);
  • "Robber songs" (1999);
  • "Crazy love" (2001);
  • "Volchonok" (2002);
  • "Siberian tract" (2002);
  • "The best songs" (2002);
  • "According to Moldavanka" (2003);
  • "Primitive" (2004);
  • "Nishtyak, girl!" (2004);
  • "Country rolled" (2005);
  • "Farewell to Isenor" (2006);
  • "Bosyatsky songs" (2006);
  • "For love" (2007);
  • "Feelings" (2010);
  • "My earth love" (2011);
  • "Recognition" (2012);
  • "Leave the last dance for me" (2015).

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