Elena Exodzova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Music



Elena Exodinova (1939-2015) is the famous opera singer, who spent on the Soviet, and later the Russian theater scene and abroad. Vocal range of votes characterize the term "mezzo-soprano". It also worked as director-director and actresses as an opera and dramatic orientation, remembered as a teacher and a professor working at the Moscow Conservatory.

Singer Elena Exodzova

Creative woman taught music in Musasino, in the Tokyo Music Academy. Elena Exodzova contributed to the case of musical charity, on his own initiative founded the registered fund, which today continues to develop the formation of musicians and stimulating Russian art.

Elena Exodzova in 2014

The opera life of the musician did not remain unnoticed by the official and brought significant titles. Examples deserved the title of folk artist of the USSR, the woman was noted by the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor with the supplied orders and diplomas. In addition to these titles, the vocalist received the Leninist Prize and the State Prize of the RSFSR named after Glinka.

Childhood and youth

Elena Exodzova was born in the northern capital. The girl's birthday fell on July 7, 1939. The girl fell under Leningrad military block. In 1943, Elena with his parents moved during evacuation to the Volgograd region, to the city of Ustyuzhna. At the end of the war, the family returns to his hometown. From 1948 to 1954, young Lena developed a talent in a children's choir organized on the basis of the Leningrad Poland of Zhdanov's pioneers. The girl under the guidance of the Zarinskaya teacher was studied.

Elena Exodzova in childhood and youth

In 1954, the family moved again. Pope of the future artist, samples Vasily Alekseevich, got a job as a chief designer. This work man offered a "red boiler", a plant located in Taganrog. The administration also highlighted the new main designer of the living space within the city. The girl was determined to the school number 10 nearest to the new home. I studied in two classes, the girl completed his studies in a general education institution, went to the Music School named after Tchaikovsky. The girl learned on the course, recruited by Kulikova Anna Timofeevna.

Elena Examples in youth

The reporting speech of the girl, given at the end of study, liked the Mankovskaya, who worked in the Directorate of the Rostov Music School. The woman gave a vocalist the necessary review for admission to the Leningrad State Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov. Elena took to the second course, allowing to jump over the previous one. The vocalist hit the Grigorieva group, also the girl was engaged in the vocal of the opera destination from the Kireyev teacher.

Music and theater

Elena Stage Biography started with loud victories. In 1962, the girl received recognition at the All-Union Glinka Vocalists Competition, became the star of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki.

Elena Exodzova for Piano

In 1963 vocalist first sang on stage in the Bolshoi Theater. Thus passed the opera debut. The girl performed at the Opera Authority of the Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov". Elena sang in the role of the wife of Falsmitria, the "Russian queen" Marina Mnishek.

In 1964, Elena graduated from studying. The singer began to act as a solid diva of the Bolshoi Theater. Also in 1964, the girl went in the ranks of the Bolshoi Theater's troupe to give opera performances in Europe, where he won the recognition of connoisseurs, going to the scene of the famous "La Scala" in Milan.

Elena Examples in the theater

The artist came out with a secondary role of the governess, playing in the opera "Pica Lady" of the authorship of Tchaikovsky. But the girl could attract the attention and approval of Italian spectators and become the object of interest of local newspapers. Subsequently, the exemplary was still giving up the presence of "La Scala", but sang an aria of key protagonists and antagonists operas.

In 1970, the girl won in two vocal competitions, a competition organized in honor of Tchaikovsky in Moscow, and in the Vinyas competition, held in Barcelona.

In 1975, a large theater with soloing exemplary spent concerts in the cities of America, where she confirmed the title of world-scale stars. After Aria vocalists in Boris Godunov, the public caused Elena to bis in a row five times, which is why the performance was interrupted. Elena arrived in San Francisco, where he spoke with Luciano Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland.

Since 1976, production began in the Metropolitan, where the singer appeared as a guest star in high roles. In 1978, a woman was invited to sing at the festival held in Salzburg, in 1979 - at the International Festival in Orange.

Elena Exodzova

A year later, Elena presented the execution of "Ten songs to the poems of Alexander Blok." Music wrote composer George Sviridov specifically for the voice of exemplary. Two years later, the singer played Santuzzi in the kinocarthum "Rural Honor" of the authorship of Dzheffirelli.

In 1983, again performed songs with Sviridov's music. Elena presented a composition on the poem "Despairing Russia", written by Jenin, in an arrangement suitable for mezzo-soprano.

In 1986, Elena Vasilyevna Examples was successfully debuted as a theater director. The singer led the operation of the Opera Masses called Verter in his native Bolshoi Theater, also took the main game in the play.

The singer turned out to be in demand as a film actress. Elena Exodzova played in the pictures "My Carmen", "Merry Widow", "Tosca". Elena Exodzova continued to fulfill the Aria of the main characters in the classic Russian and foreign repertoire, especially in the operations of composers of the 20th century.

Elena Exodzova in the image of Carmen

The repertoire of the artist numbered a hundred composers writing throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Opera in which Elena played, and songs performed by the musician were distinguished by styles and genres: among the compositions there was an opera and chamber music, spiritual creations and cantate-oratorical compositions, folklore jerseys and songs, operetta party, classic and modern Romances, Zona, Pop songs, jazz compositions.

In the new millennium, Elena Examples appeared before the audience as an actress of the dramatic genre. Elena reached the audience as the main character in the formulation of "Antonio von Elba" stage adaptation of the plays of Mainard. The debut passed at the Vickyuk Theater.

Elena Examples on the scene

In 2003, the cycle of singer concerts with jazz compositions began. Elena Vasilyevna performed with the orchestra who led Berger, and with Buoutman Quartet.

In 2007, the singer acted as the head of the team. The musician was headed by the Opera Team serving in the Mikhailovsky Theater.


1973 became the beginning of Elena Elena Pedagogical career. The singer began teaching students of the Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky. In 1984, the artist was awarded the title of professor.

At one time, Elena Vasilyevna taught music abroad, in the Tokyo Music Academy, located in Musasino.

Teacher Elena Exodzova

In May 2006, the exemplary took up charity and organized a cultural center, called in honor of the creator.

In December 2011, Elena Exodzova continued these undertakes and created a charity foundation for musical art support, which also became nominated and gained fame called "Elena Exentation Foundation".

According to the official website of the organization, the main objectives of the stock charity - educational and cultural projects that will contribute to the preservation of traditions in parallel with the search for new approaches in Russian musical education and the culture and preservation of the country's musical cultural heritage. In addition, the Fund organizes international projects, meetings and cooperation: creative, educational and humanitarian.

Elena Exodzova

The Foundation put forward the idea and embodied the project of opening the International Academy of Music, also oversaw the program "One hundred music schools of Russia". The program conducts the construction of music schools and patronas existing ones. The list of interests of the Fund includes a search, training, promotion of capable youth and organized assistance to pensioner-veterans of theater work and opera scene

Today, the cultural center, and the fund continue to function. Speeches are organized on the basis of organizations, there are performances and concerts, seminars, creative schools are held, international musical, vocal and pedagogical competitions are held annually, for young talents, listening to children's theaters and youth vocal courses are organized.

Personal life

The singer's husband became Vyacheslav Petrovich Makarov, on the formation of a physicist theorient. Makarov held the post of associate professor in the MSTU named after Bauman. Scientific career did not prevent a man to lead the economy. The daughter of Anna was born in marriage. My husband was engaged in the girl. A man followed the house and waited for a creative wife with a tour. Marriage musicians and physics lasted 17 years and ended in divorce.

Elena Examples with his daughter

In 1988, Anna was born the son Alexander, and Elena Exodzov became a grandmother. Then the singer appeared the granddaughter of Elia.

Elena Exodzova and Algis Juraityis

With the second husband, Elena met on stage. The spouse of the artist was the conductor of the Bolshoi Theater with the Lithuanian roots of Algis Mazhelovich Jurajtis. But in 1998, Algis died from a deadly disease. The actress fell into depression, swallowed, suspended his career. To normal life, the samples returned daughter, friends, colleagues.


2014 brought the tragedy, the actress itself fell ill. Elena Exodinova diagnosed leukemia. The disease after a couple of months was the cause of the death of musicians. In November, the exemplary went to Europe and was treated in the clinic of Leipzig. A woman found a donor, transplanted bone marrow. The operation, however, did not help the singer, the weakened body of the 75-year-old woman refused to fight the disease, even with the help of donor bone marrow.

Elena Exena Funeral

Due to illness, Elena canceled the long-awaited December concert, which was supposed to go to the State Kremlin Palace. Examples no longer returned to Russia. The disease was intensified, at the end of December, the faithful friends of Valentina Tereshkova and Joseph Kobzon came to the singer and Joseph Kobzon, and on January 12, 2015, she died in Leipzig.

Two days later, a mass farewell passed in the Bolshoi Theater, and on January 15 - the funeral in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The same date has become afternoon when the actress buried. Elena Exena's grave is located at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Elena Exena's grave

The fate of the talented woman was reflected in the literature. About the creativity, life and memory of the artist is written in biographical books "Elena Exodzova. Notes on the way "Authority Rena Sheiko and" Elena Exodzova: Voice and the fate of the authorship of Alexey Parians.


  • "Ten songs on the poems of Alexander Bloka"
  • "Despairing Russia"


  • Countess ("Peak Lady")
  • Lyubashi ("Tsarist Bride")
  • Konchakov ("Prince Igor")
  • Maternity (Hvenshchina)
  • Helene Bezuhova ("War and Peace")
  • Amneuris (Aida)
  • Frosy Kotko ("Semen Kotko")
  • Azuna ("Trubadur")
  • Eboli ("Don Carlos")
  • Carmen (Carmen)
  • Ulrika ("Ball Masquerade")

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