Gleb Zheglov - biography, rank, winged phrases


Character History

The detective genre is becoming more demand among literature lovers. Fans of books are increasingly buying works, where the main character displays the intricate nodes of crimes, but some film simulation surpassed the paper original.

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Probably not in the light of such a person who would not hear about the Soviet film called "The meeting place cannot be changed." In fact, this tape, which over time, went to the winged phrases, was made based on the novel of the brothers Vainer "Era Mercy". The actor Vladimir Vysotsky managed to create a memorable image of the detective Gleb Zheglov, who served in Mo.

History of creation

The book on the struggle of the law enforcement bodies with the criminal elements of Era Mercy was published in 1975, and it was not the debut creation of Arkady and George Weiners, who by that time had already managed to establish at the top of the literary Olympus. The authors managed to come up with a disdicaper headquarters and memorable characters based on real prototypes.

Arkady and Georgy Weiner

According to Peter Vial's journalist, someone Sergey Zheglov served as a prototype of the investigator, who worked in the criminal investigation department. Truthful this information or not, it remains only to guess, because other reverers of the novel are confident that the image of Gleb Zheglova is collective. Also there is an indication that the second character of the book, the Opera Compact Mura, Vladimir Sharapov, "wrote off" from Vladimir Arapova, who because of his steep fit was more like a "cinema" zhuglov than on his intelligent and educated colleague.

The work of the authors in the blink of an eye became a bestseller, so in 1979, the famous director Stanislav Govorukhin, who created a cult detective film "The meeting place cannot be changed is impossible".

Director Stanislav Govorukhin

It is noteworthy that the actor Vladimir Vysotsky seemed to prevail the future of the novel. The fact is that the artist got from the brothers Weiner's first copy of the book. After reading the detective, Vladimir Semenovich firmly told the authors that Zheglov "stumbled":

"It will be a movie. Probably big. And this is my role. No one will play Zhuglov so much like me ... "

No sooner said than done. According to Govorukhin, it is Vysotsky who is familiar with the director since the days of the filming of the film "Vertical", led him to the project:

"You know, here Iner said that they have a good role for me ... You are reading a novel, I have no time now," said the artist to the film.

Thus, according to Stanislav Sergeevich, the artist of the role of Zheglov read the novel only during filming. And the brothers Weiner Vladimir Vysotsky, it turns out that the acting was thrown, admiring the book and Gleb Zheglov. As they say, sometimes a lie happens for both, because the image of the investigator added a guide to a multi-year army of fans.

Vladimir Vysotsky as Gleb Zheglova

It should be noted that images of the literary and screen Zheglov differ significantly. So, a young man appears before readers of the book 25-26, while Vladimir Semenovich at the time of the start of the shooting was 41 years old.

But the artist did not have to compete for the place under the sun, as it was approved in the acting almost immediately. At least, the artist and read the "era of mercy" in the tricks, he approached her work! According to the memories of contemporaries, Vysotsky personally figured out the details of their work, and also chose a suit on the costume warehouse "Odessa film studio". As a result, in the film Gleb Zheglov flavored in pants-halifa, boots and cap.

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The actor and directorial contribution, inventing new scenes. However, not only Vladimir Semenovich improvised on the set. For example, his partner on the film Larisa Udovichenko recalled that the phrase: "Bond or Abrigation?", - who became the winged, broke out by her by chance.

The film, which was built on the basis of genuine criminal cases, turned out five episodes, and not from six, as indicated in the contract between Gosperary of the USSR and Odessa film studio.

The last series had to be reduced at the request of Goseradio, so avid kinomans did not see scenes, where the friendship is explained by between Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov. But the lovers of televisions have a reason to open a printed original.

In addition to the incomparable Vysotsky, which strikes talent and charisma, Vladimir Konkin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, played in criminal film adaptation, Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Kuravlev, Larisa Guzeeva and other stars of cinematic skills.

Biography and plot

The biography of Gleb Zheglova, who does not part with the gun, even in a dream, is similar to the book for seven seals, but the character during the dialogues is still opening the mystery curtain. The future head of the operational brigade was brought up in a peasant family, where, in addition to him, brothers and sisters grew. Father Zheglova - "Men's hammer" - not engaged in the upbringing of children, and went to the city in order to disrupt the big kush. While the chief feeder was in the junction, he "did not forget" about his offspring and occasionally pleased with the living rooms: once even candy and toothpaste brought.

Gleb Zheglov

One day, the father of the main character decided to the desperate act and brought the cow from the courtyard, even her belief in the fuber so that there were no traces. Therefore, it can be assumed that this case in the life of Zhuglov departed his interest in investigations. Although the protagonist does not have higher legal education, he highly competently expresses his thoughts and owns a cleaning.

Next, in the life of Zhuglov, who announced that "the thief should sit in prison," there is a space: what he was doing after graduating from school and before receipt to the service - it is not known. It works in Mur from 1939-1940, has the Order of the "Red Star", received the title of Captain Militia. Zheglov is taken for complex criminal cases and with enthusiasm raises crimes by clicking the fingers.

Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov

If we talk about the movie "The meeting point cannot be changed", then his plot dipping viewers into post-war Moscow. An experienced operative Gleb Zheglov and his partner Vladimir Sharapov NKVD instructs to reveal the complex business of the Black Cat grouping. This gang wielded in the Moscow region in the 1950s, she was engaged in scatteries, robbery and murder.

The main task was sent by the operative of Vasily Vushin. This man was supposed to be embarrassed in a gang, but his criminals were calculated and killed sharpening, so it is even more difficult to investigate the case.

Gleb Zheglov and Suspected, Larisa Larisa Larisa

In parallel with this, detectives find out the circumstances of the murder of some Larisa Gruzdeva. The main suspect is a former husband of the dead, as a gun was found in his apartment. However, this is not such a simple, since the evidence and the testimony of witnesses do not fit. While the operatives find out the details, all new facts are opening their eyes.

Interesting Facts

  • In the capital of Ukraine near the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a monument to Sharapov and Zeglov. This event occurred on April 14, 2009. Also, the sculpture of Vladimir Vysotsky in the image of Gleb Zheglov can be found in Mariupol, not far from the restaurant "Place of Meeting".
  • In the repertoire of the Russian group "Lube" there is a song dedicated to the main heroes of the film.
Monument to Sharapov and Zheglov in Kiev
  • For the creation of a memorable image Zhuglov Vysotsky received the USSR State Prize posthumously.
  • Initially, the producers wanted to call the film similarly to the book, but the officials were against the "Nonvesti", "pop" the word "mercy".
Monument to Sharapov in Mariupol
  • Georgy Weiner said that in the image of Zheglov, the "Stalinist executioner", which does not know either humanity nor pity: during the reprisals of Zeglov, was distinguished by the abuse of official authority. But in the film, this feature of the main character was riveted in the fly thanks to the charm of the actor, who decided to simplify the nature of his character.
  • There is an inexplicable phenomenon in the world, the so-called "Mandela Effect" - massive false memories. For example, most viewers "remember", that in the episode of the film Zheglov said: "Well, the face of you, Sharapov." But the true phrase sounds different: "Well, the face of you, Volodya."


"You're free, kids ... Shot out of here! Do not light, you interfere with us. "" If the brick is a thief, he must sit in prison! And people do not bother, in which way I will grasp him there! "" To whom is lucky, the rooster will demolish. And such a bird, like you, I also have to hurt! "" So for the top ten you, citizens. For a dozen per capita ... "" There are no servants! "" Fate - she is also smart. She is worthy of looking for. "" Do not fall into despair. We do not have such a habit. "" Stubbornness is the first sign of stupidity. "

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