Mikhail Zelensky - biography, photo, personal life, news, lead, "News", Vladimir Zelensky 2021



Mikhail Zelensky is a well-known Russian journalist and a radio host who remembered the audience of intellectual feed and a pleasant voice chamber. Today, he is considered the main browser of cultural news, introduces an audience with people and events from the world of art.

Childhood and youth

TV presenter was born on September 7, 1975 in Moscow. The boy grew and brought up in the average family, his mother is a coach-choreographer, and his father is a doctor. Some sources mistakenly believe that Mikhail and Vladimir Zelensky - brothers. In fact, they are theses.

The Zelensky family often moved from the city to the city, so Michael graduated from high school in Khabarovsk. According to rumors, he was an active child and adored to merge the whole class and teachers with funny jokes.

From the biography of the journalist, it is known that after school he entered two higher educational institutions at once: in the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education and the Medical University at the Faculty of Pediatrics.

TV host Mikhail Zelensky

Such a turn of the Events Zelensky explains simply: this is the desire of parents who wanted to "unite their professions" and make some kind of "sports doctor" from the Son.

But Mikhail always has been in creativity, the film industry, television and acting skills attracted him. Therefore, the student reluctantly visited "imposed" classes "imposed", and after 4 years, he left the sports career and the profession of the doctor behind, and without receiving diplomas. It is noteworthy that during study, Zelensky bothered a discharge on figure skating (candidate for the masters of sports).

In 1996, Mikhail moved to Moscow and tried to enroll in the theater school named after M.S. Shchepkin and Institute named B. Shchukin. But, unfortunately, the attempts of Zelensky tie their life with the acting field and the scene suffered fiasco: a young man dropped off the competition.

In the same 1996, Mikhail became a student of the Moscow Institute for the advanced training of television workers and broadcasting. There he attended the courses of television-friendly, and after three years he entered the MSU named after Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism.

Journalism and television

Mikhail Zelensky's journalistic career began in Khabarovsk: being a student, he worked on the local radio station "Radio A", and later participated in the show "Labyrinth". Also in 1997, a young man worked on "Radio Nostalzhi". In the 1999 he became TV presenter news on the RTR TV channel.

Mikhail Zelensky in the program

From 2001 to 2011, Mikhail Vladimirovich led the Vesti-Moscow program, and in 2013 he had the author's transfer "Vesti-Moscow with Mikhail Zelensky" on the RTR channel. The target audience was used to seeing him on television screens, telling in the "Strict Amplua" about the significant events occurring in Russia and the world.

However, in April 2011, the journalist changed the style and became the leader of the "direct ether" on the TV channel "Russia-1" - transmissions that Dmitry Borisov's "say" by the genre in the genre. But between these two programs, there is a cardinal difference: more analytics and conversations in a serious and intelligent tone attended the show with Mikhail Zelensky.

In the "live broadcast" discussed "topical" public problems. Mikhail Vladimirovich confessed that the main task of the show is not to make a mixture of people, showing their weaknesses. The goal of the program is to help participants get out of difficult life situations.

People with a heavy material situation voluntarily came to the studio and told their stories to the viewer, and the journalists and producers of the show did prosecutors and attracted the attention of lawyers and famous doctors.

Mikhail Zelensky in the show

In the discussions of the "direct ether" on equal conditions, both simple audiences in the hall and famous stars invited to the program took part. Mikhail Vladimirovich led the program until 2014. Now the leading of this transmission, which has undergone a change in the format, is Andrei Malakhov.

In 2015, Mikhail Zelensky became the author of the project "Immortal Regiment" and called on the audience to give tribute to the participants of the Great Patriotic War in the mass procession on Red Square in Moscow. In the same year, he removed the documentary "Valaam. Salvation Island. In 2016, Mikhail Vladimirovich began to lead the program "Week in the city" and "Ticket to Big".

Personal life

Mikhail Vladimirovich confessed that in his life he was a calm person. Olga became his first wife, with whom he accidentally met in Moscow. The feelings broke out between former classmates, and in the summer of 2005 they played a luxurious wedding in the clivian castle.

Mikhail Zelensky with wife Olga

Some believed that family idyll was crash because of the "scandal", which began after the show "Dancing on Ice". The fact is that Zelensky did not hide the romantic feelings to the partner of dancing - the Ukrainian figure skater, Elena Pearshina. But the journalist told that she broke up with Olya long before participation in the project. According to him, they lived together about six years, but at a certain point they understood: they do not have a happy joint future.

The grina lived in America, and she had everything behind the ocean: prestigious work, a big house and the best friends. But the journalist put a future wife before a difficult choice, offering to stay in Moscow. The figure skater without inflatable changed the usual lifestyle in the United States to an unknown future in Russia with a loved one.

Mikhail Zelensky - biography, photo, personal life, news, lead,

Lovers did not plan a magnificent wedding, so they signed in the registry office without unnecessary questions of journalists and views of the paparazzi. In 2008, they were born in Sophia's girl, and in 2012 the second daughter of Polina appeared in the family.

Despite the tight schedule, Mikhail Vladimirovich helped his wife with housekeeping. He confessed that he loves to iron, as this occupation calms him. In the morning, they prepared her daughters of their favorite "father of the scrambled eggs," and at lunch pleased the households from the company Solunka.

The presence of joint children did not save marriage - in 2014 the TV presenter and figure skater officially issued a divorce. Interestingly, the broad public learned about it when a man began to appear in secular rounds with a new beloved.

Mila Rubinchik - a psychologist for education, a well-known blogger, which helps people perform their dreams. She did not hide relations with Zelensky, exposing joint photos in a personal instagram account. And in 2018, lovers officially changed the status of the bride and groom on her husband and wife. Mila has Milan's daughter from previous relationships. There are no joint children with spouses yet.

Mikhail Zelensky now

In April 2021, Mikhail Vladimirovich in his instagram account shared the frames with the transfer of "direct ether". In honor of the 10th anniversary of the show in the chair for guests, Boris Korchevnikov, who led this program until 2017.

As for the career, Zelensky continues to work on the Culture Channel in the role of the main browser and the leading project "Culture News". In addition, during the Pandemic period, the journalist tried the online interview format by opening the heading "Home Tours".


  • "News"
  • "Vesti-Moscow"
  • "Live"
  • "Week in the city"
  • "Balaam. Salvation Island »
  • "Immortal Regiment"
  • "Ticket in big"
  • "Culture News"

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