Nicholas I - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death, Politics, Board



Nicholas I - All-Russian Emperor, King Polish and Grand Prince Finland, fifteenth autocrats from the Romanov dynasty. The successor of Alexander I, predecessor Alexander II.

Childhood and youth

The future emperor was born on July 6 (June 25 in Art.) 1796 in the royal village. Nikolai became the third son of Emperor Paul I and Empress Mary Fedorovna. Since childhood, the boy was enthusiastically played in military games. At the semi-annual age, the rank of colonel was received, and in three years the baby was donated to the Mundir of the Leb Guards Equestrian Regiment, since the future of the child was predetermined from birth. According to the tradition of the Grand Duke, who is not a direct heir to the throne, prepared for military career.

Family Nicholas I.

Up to four years, Nikolai's upbringing was entrusted with the court Freiline Charlotte Karlovna Von Liven, after the death of his father, Paul I, the responsible duty was handed over to General Lamdvrof. Home Education Nikolai and his younger brother Mikhail was to study economics, history, geography, jurisprudence, engineering and fortifications. Much attention was paid to foreign languages: French, German and Latin.

If lectures and classes on humanitarian sciences were given to Nikolai with difficulty, then everything that concerned military affairs and engineering, attracted his attention. The future emperor in his youth masted the game on the flute and took drawing lessons. Acquaintance with art allowed Nikolai Pavlovich subsequently to be given by the connoisseur of the opera and ballet.

Since 1817, the Grand Duke has headed the engineering part of the Russian troops. Under his leadership, educational institutions were created in the company, battalions. In 1819, Nikolay promoted the opening of the chief engineering school and the school of the Guards subsoors.

Nicholas I in childhood

In the army of the younger brother of Emperor Alexander I, disliked such traits such as excessive pedanticity, cavity to trifles and dryness. The Grand Duke was a person configured to continue to subjugate the laws, but at the same time could decline for no reason.

In 1820, the conversation of the elder brother Alexander with Nikolai, during which the operating emperor said that Konstantin's throne refused obligations, and the right to reign was transferred to Nikolai. The news of a young man struck the news: neither morally nor intellectually Nikolai was not ready for the possible management of Russia.

Despite the protests, Alexander in Manifesto pointed out the successor to Nicholas and punished opening the papers only after his death. After that, for six years, the life of the Grand Duke did not differ externally from the same: Nikolai was engaged in military service, he oversaw educational military institutions.

Board and the uprising of the Decembrists

December 1 (November 19 under Art. Art.) 1825, Alexander I suddenly died. The emperor was at that moment far from the capital of Russia, so the sorrowful news of the royal yard received a week later. Because of his own doubts, Nikolai initiated Konstantin I among the court and military. But the State Council was published by the royal manifesto, indicating the heir to Nikolai Pavlovich.

Nicholas i in youth

The Grand Duke was still adamant in the decision not to enter into such a responsible position and bowed the Council, the Senate and Synod to the oath of the older brother. But Konstantin, who was in Poland, was not going to come to St. Petersburg. The 29-year-old Nicholas did not have anything, as agreed with the will of Alexander I. The date of renovyagi before the troops on the Senate Square was scheduled on December 26 (December 14 in Art).

On the eve of inspired by free ideas about the abolition of the royal power and the creation of a liberal building in Russia, the participants in the "Union of Salvation" movement decided to take advantage of an uncertain political situation and change the course of history. According to the alleged nationwide approach, according to the organizers of the rebellion of S. Trubetsky, S. Muravyova-Apostla, K. Ryleev, P. Peststab, was supposed to choose one of the two forms of government: the constitutional monarchy or the republic.

Nicholas I and the uprising of the Decembrists

But the plan of revolutionaries failed, since the army did not move on their side, and the Decembrists' uprising was quickly suppressed. After the trial, five organizers were hanged, and participants and sympathizers were sent to the link. The execution of the Decembrists K. F. Ryleyev, P. I. Pestel, P. G. Kakhovsky, M. P. Bestumeva-Ryumin, S. I. Muravyova-Apostlas was the only death penalty that was applied for all the years of the reign of Nicholas I.

The wedding of the Grand Duke on the kingdom took place on August 22 (September 3 under Art.) In the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. In May 1829, Nicholas I entered into the right of the dealer of the Polish kingdom.

Domestic politics

Nicholas I turned out to be a Yarym adherent monarchy. The views of the emperor were based on three whales of the Russian society - autocracy, Orthodoxy and nationality. The laws of the monarch took in accordance with its own unshakable installations. Nicholas I sought not to create a new one, but to preserving and improving an existing order. As a result, the monarch achieved his goals.

Nicholas I visits the Institute of Noble Maiden

The domestic policy of the new emperor was distinguished by conservatism and commitment to the letter of the law that he gave rise to an even greater bureaucracy in Russia than was to the rule of Nikolai I. The Emperor began political activities in the country with the introduction of brutal censorship and enabling the Code of Russian laws. A division of the secret office led by Benkendorf, which was engaged in political investigations.

The printed business was also reformed. The state censorship created by a special decree was monitored by the purity of printed products and the suspicious publications opposing the ruling regime. Transformations touched and serfdom.

Nicholas I and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The peasants were invoked untreated land in Siberia and in the Urals, where the landpashers moved regardless of the desire. Infrastructure was organized in the new settlements, they allocated a new agrotechnik. Events created prerequisites for cancellation of serfdom.

Nicholas I showed great interest in the innovations in engineering. In 1837, on the initiative of the king, the construction of the first railway was completed, which connected the Tsarskoye Selo and St. Petersburg. Possessing analytical thinking and foresight, Nicholas I used a wider European for the railway tracks. Thus, the king prevented the risk of penetration of the enemy technique in Russia.

Portrait of Nicholas I.

Nicholas I played a big role in the streamlining of the financial system of the state. In 1839, the emperor began reforming the finance, the purpose of which was the unified system for calculating silver coins and appliances. The appearance of kopecks changes, on one side of which the initials of the ruling emperor are now printed. The Ministry of Finance was initiated by the exchange of precious metals existing in the population, credit tickets. In 10 years, the state treasury increased the reserve of gold and silver.

Foreign policy

In foreign policy, the king sought a decrease in the penetration of liberal ideas to Russia. Nicholas I sought to strengthen the state's position in three directions: Western, East and South. The emperor stopped all possible uprisings and revolutionary rebounds on the European continent, after which he became rightly called the "Gendarme of Europe".

Emperor Nicholas I.

Following Alexander I, Nicholas I continued to improve relations with Prussia and Austria. The king needed to strengthen power in the Caucasus. The Eastern question included relations with the Ottoman Empire, the decline of which made it possible to change the position of Russia in the Balkans and on the West Coast of the Black Sea.

Wars and uprisings

Throughout the period of the Board, Nicholas I led hostilities abroad. By barely enhancing the kingdom, the emperor was forced to take the relay of the Caucasian War, which he began his elder brother. In 1826, the king unleashed the Russian-Persian campaign, the result of which was the accession of Armenia to the Russian Empire.

Monument to Nicholas I.

In 1828, the Russian-Turkish war began. In 1830, Russian troops supplied the Polish uprising, which arose after the wedding in 1829 by Nicholas to the Polish kingdom. In 1848, the uprising spoiled in Hungary reproduced the Russian army again.

In 1853, Nicholas I began the Crimean War, the participation in which turned to the ruler by the collapse of a political career. Not expecting that the Turkish troops from England and France will be assisted, Nikolai I lost the military campaign. Russia lost influence on the Black Sea, having lost opportunities to build and use the military fortress on the coast.

Personal life

Nikolai Pavlovich with a future wife, Prussian Princess Charlotte, daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm III, introduced Alexander I. Two years later, young people were married than the Russian-Prussian Union was secured. Before the wedding, the German princess accepted Orthodoxy, the name of Alexander Fedorovna received in baptism.

Nicholas I and Alexander Fedorovna

For 9 years of marriage in the family of the Grand Prince, Alexander and three daughters were born - Maria, Olga, Alexander. After the eight of the throne, Maria Fedorovna presented Nicholas I still three sons - Konstantin, Nikolai, Mikhaila, thereby providing the throne with heirs. With his wife, the emperor has lived in harmony to death.


Seriously ill with influenza in the early 1855, Nicholas I courageously resisted the fear and, overcoming pain and the decline of forces, in early February came out on the military parade without outerwear. The emperor wanted to support soldiers and officers who had already lost in the Crimean War.

Nicholas I - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death, Politics, Board 17396_11

In cinema, the memory of the era and the emperor is captured in more than 33 films. The image of Nicholas I got on the screens even during a silent cinema. In modern art, the audience was remembered by his film stations in the performance of actors V. Livanova, Yu. Bogatyreva, M. Boyarsky, Yu. Yakovlev, M. Basharov.

In 2019, the historical drama "Union of Salvation" directed by Alexander Cotta was published, which tells about the events preceding the uprising of the Decembrists. The role of the emperor was performed by Ivan Kolesnikov.

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