Michael Pitt - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Michael Pitt is an American cinema actor, the leader of the Music team Pagoda. Michael was born on April 10, 1981 in the city of West Orindzh New Jersey. Two daughters and son have already grown up in the family. In 1985, Michael Gilbert's parents and Mary Pitt parted, sending a younger child to her grandmother to Austin's city. Michael since childhood had a rich fantasy. At first he dreamed of a carpenter's profession, and then - painter. At the age of 12, the boy received a guitar as a gift and became interested in music.

Michael Pitt in Moscow

Later, impressed by the Hollywood film about the life of the English traveler, Pitt took the final decision to devote himself to the acting and began to act in amateur theatrical productions. After graduating from school, the young man became a student of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, which completed the training in the early 2000s.


During his studies at the second year of the theater university, Michael began to work in undergoing TV shows and films, where the novice artist was entrusted with episodic roles. Pitt lit up in the pictures of "Law and Order", "Studio 54", "Want to live - I will be able to ripe", "find Forrester". In the comedy of 2001, Michael was able to play a rock musician, who decided to change the floor.

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The picture participated in 22 film festivals, where Michael Pitt noted the director Bernardo Bertolucci and invited "Dreamers" to the erotic drama. Maestro was looking for fresh faces for the next masterpiece, along with Michael Pitt, on the main roles, picked up newcomers of the film industry Eve Green and Louis Garrel. Debuting at the Venice Festival, the film also received several nominations at European film festivals, but fell at the box office.

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After minor roles in the paintings "Chicks" and the "Mysterious Forest", Michael Pitt received an invitation to the Drama "Recent Days" for the role of rock musician Blake, whose prototype became the deceased singer Kurt Cobain. Director Gas Wang Saint in every way avoiding the similarity of the script with the latest events from the life of the rock star.

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The director feared claims from the widow of the musician Courtney Love, therefore created a complex canvas of the plot. The premiere film show took place in 2005 in Cannes. Young, with a memorable appearance, high (his height - 180 cm) Michael Pitt in a year falls into the comedy "Chokutnaya", where the actor gets the main role of Toby Grais. The ridiculous character from the homeless turns into a lucky paparazzi. Together with Michael in the film played Steve Bushemi.

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In 2007, the artist's filmography is replenished with the historic drama "Silk", in which the heroes of Michael Pitt and Kira Knightley fall into a love triangle. In the same year, the "Funny Games" thriller with Naomi Watts, Michael Pitt and Tim Mouth Cast, comes to the screens. Two years later, the corder's debut was held in a large television project of the NBO channel - the series "Underground Empire" directed by Martin Scorsese. Despite the great excitement that Michael felt on the casting, the actor was invited to the major role of the poor student Jimmy. The television ratings of the first season of the Gangster drama were shrouded, the producers decided to extend it for 5 seasons.

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The next loud series, in which Michael lit up, was the project of the NBC channel "Hannibal". In the thriller, Pitt played a secondary character of Mason Verge, who was attacked by Hannibal and survived. In the same year, two pictures with Michael are coming to the screens: the crime drama "Gangsta Love", in which the Americans get the role of the main character of Tommy Alas, and the scientific fiction melodrama "I - the beginning", where Michael played by the graduate student of Ian Graya, which accidentally made Important opening.

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Since the beginning of the 2000s, Michael performs with the Pagoda group, where he plays the guitar and executes vocal parties. Music talent was useful to the actor in the cinema. In the films "Dreamers" and "Recent Days", Pitt performed musical compositions on their own.

Personal life

In personal life, Michael Pitt is rare constant. An American actor from the beginning of the 2000s lives with Jamie Bocerta, a model that came to Fashion Business from Ballet. The artist does not smoke, in contrast to his heroes leads a quiet lifestyle. In secular events, Pitt appears with his wife.

Michael Pitt and Jamie Bocert

Fans, wanted by the biography of the idol, are often looking for related links between Michael and Brad Pitt. In fact, the actors are just the same names. Pitt does not lead their own account in Instagram. Michael has no tattoos that can be seen by the photos that are found on the Internet.

Michael Pitt now

In 2016, Michael Pitt played a secondary character - a stolen hacker - in the criminal Criminal Criminal thriller with Kevin Costner in the lead role. In March 2017, the premiere of the fantastic militant Rupert Sanders "Ghost in the armor" took place.

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In the film, Michael got the role of Kyborg Hideo Kudze, in which heroine Scarlett Johansson Major Motok Kusanagi falls in love.

Michael Pitt and Scarlett Johansson

The tragic love story unfolds in the era when cybernetics improved the daily lives of people, but at the same time did not reduce the number of crimes in the world. In the global box office, the picture for 3 months collected $ 170 million. Now the actor is filmed in photo shoots for men's magazines.


  • "Hedwig and the Znoschetic Inch" - 2001
  • "Dreamers" - 2003
  • "Slazen" - 2003
  • "Chicks" - 2004
  • "Mysterious forest" - 2004
  • "Last days" - 2005
  • "Chokutnaya" - 2006
  • "Silk" - 2007
  • "Underground Empire" - 2009
  • "Hannibal" - 2014
  • "Gangsta Love" - ​​2014
  • "I - the beginning" - 2014
  • "Criminal" - 2016
  • "Ghost in armor" - 2017

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