Yuri Bardash - photo, biography, personal life, news, songs, group "Mushrooms" 2021



Yuri Bardash - Ukrainian producer, singer, dancer. He is the founder of the Kruzheva Music Production Center, the mentor of many musical groups, popular both in Ukraine and in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born on February 23, 1983 in the city of Alchevsk Lugansk region. By nationality, he is a Ukrainian, on the sign of the zodiac fish.

Real parents abandoned the boy, therefore, under four years he grew up in an orphanage. He was adopted several times, but in time they returned back to the custody of the state. Finally, Yura was lucky, and he finally remained in the family of factory workers.

From an early age, the boy became interested in acrobatics, ballet, Break Dance. In the youthful age in the hometown founded the Quest team, which was engaged in the Children's Creativity Club "Search". After graduating from school, the guy moved to Kiev, where he made a living by dance performances.

Personal life

Yuri Bardash is a state and attractive man. Mushroom appearance, high growth (1.8 m), the tightened figure provided him with the attention of the opposite sex.

The musician is not used to talking about personal life in an interview, but it is known that in the mid-2000, Yuri got acquainted with Kristina Gerasimov's clipmaker. The girl fell on the casting for filming in the clips of the Quest Pistols team. Couples have a close relationship.

In 2010, Yuri and Christina decided on a long trip to the United States, where they thought about children. In 2012, the firstborn was born - the son of George. Later, the family returned to their homeland, where the artist began work on the promotion of a new project with the participation of his wife.

Spouses adhered to a vegan diet and dreamed of opening the thematic bar. The couple did not focus on the attention of the press on personal relationships, so joint photos were infrequent in the media.

In 2018, significant events occurred in the family life of Bardas. In the Facebook Account, the artist directly accused his spouse in treason. Yuri wrote a post that Christina left him to Sound-producer Alexander Voloschukuk, his friend and colleague. Later he removed an angry entry from social networks. The environment of the couple told the press that the family was crushed in the family due to the incorrect behavior of Yuri.

In August 2020, Bardas married a second time, as he told fans on his page "Instagram". The elechate of the artist was the model of Elizabeth Kotsuba. The newlyweds congratulated celebrity such as Rita Dakota, Vadim Oleinik, Monatik, Svetlana Loboda.

Interestingly, 9 months ago Elizabeth Kotsuba in "Instagram" shared with the fans of Selfie with Bardet. The photo she signed like this: "My history teacher is a unique person in the system." Folloviers in the comments noted that the pair looks good together.


Initially, Yuri collaborated with the Forste team. When the first large-scale Ukrainian musical "Equator" began the preparation of the first large-scale Ukrainian musical "Equator", the premiere of which was held in October 2003 on the stage of the Kiev Theater Operetta, he received the position of a dancer trainer, performing tricks in the project. On the Bardash workstation, I got acquainted with the future soloists of the Quest of Konstantin Borovsky, Nikita Goriuk, Anton Sablepov.

After the musical, the dancers began to work together as show ballet on the dancer from pop artists, as well as with independent programs. In 2005, Yuri Bardash performed a dance solo for the video of the Discomeria of the Belarusian Raper Seregi.

In 2006, Yuri came the idea of ​​creating a music ensemble from the Quest, for which he took the name "Quest Pistols". The first song, which dancers performed, became the "I'm tired" to the single Long and Lonesome Road of the Shocking Blue Group. The premiere of the Clip took place in 2007 on the Talk show "Chance", which was broadcast on the Ukrainian National Channel "Inter".

Six months later, the studio album "for you" came out, which became platinum. In 2009, the second disc of the Superklass group was received on sale with a cover on the White Dragonfly of Love "track of Nikolai Voronov. On YouTube clip collected more than 5 million views. Since 2010, in the repertoire of the team, the hits "He are near" appear, "I am your drug", "revolution", "you are so beautiful", "different", "forget everything."

In 2012, Konstantin Borovsky left the show, Daniel Matsuchuk came to his place. After 2014, the composition of the ensemble completely changed, to replace the old participants invited new - Ivan Kristportorko, Washington Salles and Mariam Turkmenbayev. Young musicians made their debut with the Single "Unlike."

After the successful start of the "Quest Pistols", Yuri in 2010 opened the production company called Kruzheva Music and began to create new projects: Youth Pop Group Open Kids, Pop Rock Group "Nerves" headed by Evgeny Milkovsky and Electro-Pop Trio "And I". He also produced the former participant of the "Ranetki" group Lero Kozlov. At the same time, he went to Los Angeles to study the Azam video of the video. Bardash did not cease to oversee the musical groups created by them.

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Returning to his homeland, Yuri took up the promotion of the singer Kristina Bardas, serving under the pseudonym of the moon. She began as a director and photographer in the Quest Pistols project, and then worked with a group "Nerves". The girl also starred in the clips to the singles "forget everything", "you are so beautiful," "Bit". In 2014, work began on the first album of the singer "Magnets", which lasted for two years. In 2015, the songs of the Moon "Autumn", "Alice", "Butteri", "Boy, you snow" came out.

2016 changed the creative biography of Yuri Bardas. Together with the musicians of 4Atty aka Tilla (Ilya Kapustina), a rap performer Symptom of NJN and Youtube-Sketch Kyivstoner Musician created a hip-hop group "Mushrooms". The project started with the clip "Intro", which for 4 weeks collected a million views on YouTube.

In the autumn of the same year, the second video of the "cops" team was met by users with delight. In the network "VKontakte" the popularity of the group turned out to be unprecedented.

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The musicians received a reward for the Jagermeister Indie Awards - 2016 for the song "Intro". In 2017, at the presentation of the Yuna award, the group "Mushrooms" received a prize in the nomination "Opening of the Year". And the composition "melting ice" became the laureate of the Russian national musical award in the nomination "Song of the Year".

According to the rating of the iTunes music service, she was recognized as the best in Russia. The popularity of track also confirms a large number of trunks and parodies, including in rating humorous shows, such as Evening Urgant.

The first album of the team "House on the wheels, part 1" was released in 2016. The release of the second disk "House on wheels, part 2" was planned for 2017, but did not take place. The group has its own account in "Instagram", where hip-hopers place amateur and working photos and videos. At the beginning of 2017, "Mushrooms" went to the first tour of the cities of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine. In the same year, Yuriy saw with the group "Blizzard", for which he took off the clip "I was where you were not!".

In the fall, it became known that Yuri Bardas decided to complete the creative activities of the Mushroom Group. The last concert team was to take place on the eve of the New Year. At the same time, the promotion of the Bambinton project began. For a couple of months, the video clip on the hit "Zaya" gathered 9 million views, and in China, the video in general became viral.

On the music service of the Middle Kingdom Shazam Top 100 China, he entered the top 5 of the most requested tracks. In December, Bambinton pleased fans by the release of the debut disk "Album of the Year".

In 2018, the musician abolished the work of his producer center Kruzheva. At the same time, Bardas launched a new solo project Youra, in which the release of the album Predictor took place. The discography was replenished with such tracks as Praktika, Gengsta, Odin, Specklass and Zloy.

Yuri Bardash now

In 2019, Yuri Bardas became the hero of the first film of the flow cycle "Flow" about Russian music. The project launched Pavel Karykhalin from Studio Stereotactic and music journalist Alexander Gorbachev. In Ribe, the producer tells about his entire creative path, the difficulties with whom he had to face, the worldview.

At the end of the same year, Bardash gave an interview with the Russian journalist and blogger Yuri Dudu in the program "Vnty". It became resonant, since the lead touched the details of the biography of the producer, the scandalous divorce with the singer Moon, the closure of the "Mushrooms" project and events in the Donbas.

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On the question of how he belongs to what is happening in Ukraine, Yuri replied that he had a soul hurts for his native Lugansk and his inhabitants who were in a difficult situation.

The producer also stated that he would support the new president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, because he seeks to restore the world in the country. Yuri stressed that he did not protrude for the LDP and DPR, but supports people who live there.

As for the relationship with the former wife, then in an interview, the man admitted that they were fought and darkened with the moon. The artist noted: the prohibited substances led to a violation of the psyche. And this has already affected the relationship - conflicts often arose.

Yuri also spoke about the conflict with the musician and the owner of the label Gazgolder Bassa. It was to him that the group "Nerves" went to produce. The deal was concluded for his back, the Bardash was just put before the fact.


  • 2016 - "House on wheels part 1"
  • 2017 - "Album of the Year"
  • 2018 - Predictor
  • 2019 - "Corruption - Cranes"

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