Juliette Binash - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Juliette Binosh - French actress Theater and Cinema, owner of the Oscar Award in the nomination "Best Women's Role of the Second Plan" in 1997 and the Prize of the Cannes Festival in the "Best Women's Role" nomination in the 2010th.

Childhood and youth

Juliet was born on March 9, 1964 in Paris. Father Jean-Marie Binos engaged in sculpture and director in the puppet theater, Mother Monic Stalens worked as an actress and French teacher. Mother's family survived the tragedy during World War II: many relatives Monic, including her parents, died in the furnaces of Auschwitz.

The ancestors of the juliette, in addition to the Poles and the French, were Brazilians, Moroccans and Flemish. She has a sister of Marion, who also chose an actress profession. Despite the fact that parents divorced in 1968, Binos for his entire lives remained a traction for painting, which her father instilled in her.

The creative atmosphere reigned at home affected the choice of Juliets of the life path. At the age of 15, the girl entered the school of acting skills, where after 2 years he independently put the play of Absurd Ejena ionesko "King dying", at the same time playing the main character in the play. In 1982, Juliet was entered into the Paris National Academy of the theater and, without leaving their studies, began working in the theater and cinema.

Personal life

Julietary Binos was never married, despite numerous proposals from fans. At the end of the 80s, a young actress had a novel with director Leos Karaks, whose feelings soon cooled.

In 1992, the celebrity begins to meet with the master of scuba diving, Andre Alla, from which in the 1993 woman had a first-mentioned Rafael. Relationships with the chosen one were fragile. The second child, the daughter of Hannah, Binosh gave birth from the actor Benoita Mizhamel. Year of her birth - 1999.


Juliets Binash began to be filmed at a fairly early age - in 19 years. The first works of the actress were minor roles in the artistic paintings "Beautiful freedom", "kids", "better life." In 1985, the beginner artist took part in the creation of the Proverbs' film "Greetings, Maria", in which the events preceding the birth of Christ were described on the modern manner.

After a number of undergoing films "Family Life", "Farewell, Badger", "Date" in 1986 Young actress gets the main role in the project of Leos Karaks "Bad Blood". A year later, the picture receives the main prize of the Berlin Festival.

In 1988, Drama is coming out on the screens of cinemas - the screening of the novel of the Czech writer Milan Kunders "Unbearable lightness of being", in which Julietary fulfilled the role of Teresa, the young wife of the main hero Tomaha. A year later, the film received four awards at European film festivals, was nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe.

In 1990, Director Leos Kraks proceeds to work on the most expensive budget ($ 28 million) by the film in the entire history of French cinema "Lovers from a new bridge", inviting Julietary Binosh and Denis Lavana to the main roles. After the failure of the tape at the box office, the actress stops working with the director over the following projects.

In 1992, the filmography of the Artist was replenished at once with two paintings, which bring her success. This is an adaption of the novel Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass", in which the Frenchwoman played with the British counterpart Raff Fains, and the Love Drama "Damage", where the Englishman Jeremy Irons became a partner of Binash

In 1993, the "Cesar" premium in 1993 receives for work on the main role in the Music film of the Polish director of Kshyshto Keslevsky "Three Colors: Blue", which tells about the fate of the widow of the composer, which was able to complete the unfinished work of the spouse. In 1995, the adventure melodrama Jean-Fields Rappno "Hussar on the roof", in which Juliets Binoche and Olivier Martinee played two young lovers.

A real success for the creative biography of the French actress was the work in the Hollywood drama Anthony Minghella "English Patient". For execution of the role of nurse, Hannai Binash receives in 1996 the Oscar, BAFTA awards, awards from the European Film Academy and the Berlin Festival. In the global box office, the film gathered $ 230 million in 2000, after working on the main role in the film of Lasse Chocolate, where the Hollywood actor Johnny Depp played with Juliet, the Frenchwoman was again nominated for Oscar, but did not receive a prize.

In 2002, the Comedy of Daniel Thompson "History of Love" with the participation of Julietary Binoche and Jean Renault comedy. The picture brought $ 7 million creators. In the second half of the 2000s, the actress continues to experiment with images. It appears in the copyright movie "Hidden", the political drama "a few days in September", in the melodrama "Paris, I love you!" In the Thriller "Invasion".

In 2010, the Iranian director Abbas Kiarosts invites Julietary Binos to an existential picture of the "Copy of Verne". For the role of the owner of the art gallery Gallery, Binos received the award of the Cannes Festival in the nomination "Best Women's Role". In 2011, the star of the screen agrees to participate in the savory tape of the Polish director of Midgeto Shuman "Revelation". In the same year, the julietary appears in the American militant "Dangerous Quarter" in the company of Stars of Hollywood Al Pacino and Katie Holmes. In the global rental tape collected $ 1.3 million.

For two years, the actress appears in the comedy "Other Life of Women", the drama "Monkey on the shoulder", the biographic tape "Camilla Klodel", the melodrame "Love in words and pictures". In 2014, at the 67th Film Festival in Cannes, the premiere of the Drama Olivier Assays "Ziels-Maria" took place, in which the main roles were performed by Juliets Binosh and Kristen Stewart, the star of the Twilight series. In 2015, the actress, together with Antonio Banderas, took part in the South American project "33", the plot of which is based on the real events that occurred at the coal mine.

In 2016, two paintings were released on the screens with the participation of Binos: the screen version of Bastien's novel Vivier "Polina" about the life and formation of a young ballerina and a comedy "in the still waters", which was included in the program of the Cannes Festival.

In March 2017, the premiere of the Comedy "Oh, Mamulls" about the mother and daughters, who became pregnant at the same time. In the same year, the film of Rupert Sanders "Ghost in the armor", created in the Cyberpunk genre. The main characters of a fantastic picture, besides Jules Binos, played Scarlett Johansson, Saw Asbek, Michael Pitt. In 2018, the celebrity played in the tape "Double Life" along with Guide Kane, and in 2019 in the film Hiringadz Coreda divided the shooting platform from Catherine Denev.

Juliets Binash now

In 2019, the actress headed the jury of the Berlin Film Festival. Appearing on a red carpet in a gentle-pink dress in the floor with open shoulders, Juliets Binash eclipsed by many young colleagues in the workshop, although not wearing a youthful short haircut. At the Rights of the President of the jury, she presented the main prize of the festival to the Israeli director Nadavu Lapid for the film "Synonyms".

In addition, Binos was not ashamed to enhance the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Scandals associated with his name did not diligence in filmmakers all year. The actress emphasized that he never came across sexual harassment during collaboration with Weinstein and considers it a good specialist. These statements are more valuable that Juliets Binos has long been protected by women's rights.

The celebrity has recently leads an active social life. In May 2020, along with famous international artists, she signed a petition with a call to the residents of the planet Earth change their way of life in order to prevent environmental disasters.

These are not the only achievements of the actress on the basis of social activities. In 2016, she participated in the creation of a non-profit production company We Do It Together, which is engaged in particular, the promotion of women's projects and the protection of the rights of representatives of the fine sex. And now Binos supports the movement of "yellow vests" appeared in France.


  • 1986 - "Bad Blood"
  • 1988 - "Unbearable ease of being"
  • 1991 - "Lovers from a new bridge"
  • 1992 - "Thunderstorm Pass"
  • 1992 - "Damage"
  • 1993 - "Three colors: blue"
  • 1996 - "English Patient"
  • 1999 - "Children of the Century"
  • 2000 - "Code unknown"
  • 2000 - "Chocolate"
  • 2002 - "Love Story"
  • 2006 - "Paris, I love you"
  • 2010 - "Copy of Verne"
  • 2014 - "Sils-Maria"
  • 2017 - "Ghost in the Armor"
  • 2018 - "Higher Society"
  • 2018 - "Double Life"
  • 2019 - "That that was not"
  • 2020 - "How to be a good wife"

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