Ivan Turgenev - biography, photos, personal life, books



Literary critics argue that the artistic system created by the classic changed the poetics of the novel of the second half of the XIX century. Ivan Turgenev first felt the emergence of a "new man" - the sixties - and showed him in his essay "fathers and children." Thanks to a realist writer in Russian, the term "nihist" was born. Ivan Sergeevich introduced the image of a compatriot, who received the definition "Turgenev Girl".

Childhood and youth

One of the pillars of classical Russian literature in Orel, in an old nobility family, was born. The childhood of Ivan Sergeevich was held in the maternal estate of Spassky-Lutovinovo near Mtsensk. He became the second son of the three, born at Varvara Lutovinova and Sergey Turgenev.

Portrait of Ivan Turgenev

Family life of parents did not work out. The father, who muttered the state of the handsome-cavalierry, married not to beauty, but a wealthy girl of Varvar, who was older than 6 years. When Ivan Turgenev turned 12, his father left the family, leaving the spouse of three children. After 4 years, Sergey Nikolayevich died. Soon, Sergey's younger son died from epilepsy.

Sergey Nikolaevich, Father Ivan Turgenev

Nicholas and Ivan had fallen - the mother had a despotic character. Smart and educated woman bored in childhood and youth a lot of grief. Father Varvara Lutovinova died when the daughter was a child. Mother, fanning and despotic lady, the image of which readers saw in the story of Turgenev "Death", married again. Stepfather drank and did not hesitate to beat and humiliate stepdaughter. Not the best way to appeal to his daughter and mother. Because of the cruelty of the mother and beatings, the girl escaped to his native uncle, who left the niece after death inherited 5 thousand serfs.

Varvara Petrovna, Mother Ivan Turgenev

The mother who did not know the mother as a child, although he loved the children, especially Vanya, but he turned to them the same way as her parents were treated - the sons were remembered by heavy Mother's hand forever. Despite the angry temper, Varvara Petrovna was a woman educated. She spoke with her home solely in French, demanding the same from Ivan and Nicholas. The Spassky kept a rich library, consisting mainly of French books.

Ivan Turgenev as a child

When Ivan Turgenev turned 9, the family moved to the capital, to the house at Neglinke. Mom read a lot and instilled in children a love for literature. Preferring French writers, Lutovinov-Turgenev followed literary innovations, was friends with Vasily Zhukovsky and Mikhail Zagoskin. Varvara Petrovna thoroughly knew the work of Nikolai Karamzin, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol and quoted them in correspondence with her son.

The formation of Ivan Turgenev was engaged in governors from Germany and France, on which the landowner did not regret money. The richness of Russian literature to the future writer opened the serfs Camdiner Fedor Lobanov, who became the prototype of the hero of the story "Punin and Baburin".

Ivan Turgenev as a child

After moving to Moscow, Ivan Turgenev was determined in the guesthouse Ivan Krause. At home and in private pensions, the young Barin passed the secondary school course, at the age of 15 he became a student of the Moscow University. At the Faculty of Literature, Ivan Turgenev was held the course, then transferred to St. Petersburg, where he received university education at the Faculty of History and Philosophical Faculty.

In the student years, Turgenev translated the poems of Shakespeare and Lord Bayron and dreamed of becoming a poet.

Ivan Turgenev in youth

Having received a diploma in 1838, Ivan Turgenev continued her education in Germany. In Berlin, he listened to the course of university lectures on philosophy and philology, wrote poems. After the Christmas holidays in Russia, Turgenev went for six months to Italy, from where he returned to Berlin.

In the spring of 1841, Ivan Turgenev arrived in Russia and in a year passed the exams, having received a master's degree in philosophy at the University of St. Petersburg. In 1843, he received a position in the Ministry of the Interior, but the love of writing and literature turned.


For the first time Ivan Turgenev spoke in print in 1836, published a review on the book of Andrei Muravyov "Journey to the Holy Places". A year later, I wrote and published the poems "Chang at the Sea", "Fyshmagoria on the Lunar Night" and "Sleep".

Ivan Turgenev in youth

Fame came in 1843, when Ivan Sergeevich composed Parasha's poem approved by Vissarion Belinsky. Soon Turgenev and Belinsky came close to the way that the young writer became the godfather of the son of the famous critic. Rapprochement with Belinsky and Nikolai Nekrasov influenced the creative biography of Ivan Turgenev: the writer was finally spread with the genome of romanticism, which became apparent after the publication of the poem "landowner" and the leader "Andrei Kolosov", "three portrait" and "Breater".

Ivan Turgenev returned to Russia in 1850. He lived in a childbirth estate, then in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, where the plays wrote, who successfully walked in the theaters of two capitals.

Young Ivan Turgenev

In 1852, Nikolai Gogol was not. Ivan Turgenev responded to a tragic event with a necrologist, but in St. Petersburg, according to the command of the chairman of the Censored Committee, Alexei Musina Pushkin, he was refused to publish. Dares to put the note of the Turgenev newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti". The censor did not forgive the disobey. Musin-Pushkin called Gogol "Lacéi writer", not worthy of mentioning in society, and also saw a hint of a hint of a secret ban in an open press - not to remember Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov in an open press.

The censor wrote the report of Emperor Nikolai I. Ivan Sergeevich, who was under suspicion because of frequent trips abroad, communicating with Belinsky and Herzen, radical views on serfdom, brought more an even greater anger of the authorities.

Ivan Turgenev with colleagues

In April of the same year, the writer was put on custody for a month, and then sent for home arrest in the estate. One and a half years, Ivan Turgenev was idle in Spassky, 3 years he did not have the right to leave the country.

The concerns of Turgenev about the ban of censorship for the release of "Hunter's notes" a separate book was not justified: a collection of stories previously published in the "Contemporary", came out. For permission to print a book, Vladimir Lvov official who served in the censorship was fired. The cycle includes the stories "Bezhin Luga", "Biryuk", "Singers", "County Neck". Separately, the novels were not dangerous, but the collected together were anti-refresh.

Collection of stories Ivan Turgenev

Ivan Turgenev wrote for adults and for children. Little readers Prosaik presented fairy tales and observation stories, "Dog" and "Pigeons", written by a rich language.

In the village privacy, the classic composed the story of "Mumu", as well as the novels "Noborsk nest", "on the eve", "fathers and children", smoke, which has become an event in the cultural life of Russia.

Abroad, Ivan Turgenev departed in the summer of 1856. In winter, in Paris, she completed a gloomy story "Trip in Polesie". In Germany, in 1857, he wrote "Asya" - the story translated during the life of a writer to European languages. The prototype of Asi, born out of the marriage of the daughter of Barin and the Peasant, Critics consider the daughter of Turgenev Polina Brewer and illegitimate one-utilized sister Varbar Zhitov.

Roman Ivan Turgenev

Abroad, Ivan Turgenev intently followed the cultural life of Russia, conducted a correspondence with writers left in the country, communicated with immigrants. Colleagues considered the prosecut of a contradictory personality. After ideological discrepancies with the editors of the "Contemporary", which became the ruger of revolutionary democracy, Turgenev broke with the magazine. But, having learned about the temporary ban of the "contemporary", spoke in his defense.

During the life of the West, Ivan Sergeevich entered into long conflicts with Lv Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoevsky and Nicholas Nekrasov. After the release of the novel, "fathers and children", he quarreled with a literary public called progressive.

Alfons Dodé, Gustave Flaubert, Emil Zol, Ivan Turgenev

Ivan Turgenev first of Russian writers received recognition in Europe as a novelist. In France, he became close to the Writers-Realistic Protection Merim, the brothers of the gangurs, Emil Zol and Gustave Flauber, who became a close friend.

In the spring of 1879, Turgenev came to St. Petersburg, where the youth met him as a cumir. Delight from the visit of the famous writer did not share the authorities, giving Ivan Sergeevich to understand that the long stay of the writer in the city is undesirable.

Ivan Turgenev in old age

In the summer of the same year, Ivan Turgenev visited Britain - in Oxford University, the Russian Prose the title of Honorary Doctor was given.

In the penultimate times, Turgenev came to Russia in 1880. In Moscow, he attended the opening of the monument to Alexander Pushkin, whom he considered a great teacher. Russian Language Classic called support and support "On the days of painful thinking" about the fate of the Motherland.

Personal life

The fatal woman who has become the love of the whole life of the writer, Heinrich Heine compared with the landscape, "both monstrous and exotic". The Spanish-French singer Polina Viardo, a low and sloping woman, were large men's features, a big mouth and eyes. But when Polina sang, she was fabulously transformed. At such a moment, Turgenev saw the singer and fell in love for a lifetime, for 40 remaining years.

Polina Viardo

Proda's personal life before meeting with Viardo was similar to the American slides. The first love that Ivan Turgenev with the Hornie told in the same story, hurts a 15-year-old young man. He fell in love with the neighbor Katten, the daughter of Prinugini Shakhovskaya. What disappointment Ivanged Ivan when he learned that his "clean and imperceptible" Katya, captivated by children's spontaneity and a girlish blush, - Father's mistress, Sergey Nikolayevich, Lovelaus.

The young man was disappointed in the "noble" girls and turned his eyes on the girls of simple - the fortress peasant. One of the undemanding beauties is the whitestroker Avdota Ivanov - gave birth to Ivan Turgenev's daughter Pelagia. But, traveling in Europe, the writer met Viardo, and Avdota remained in the past.

Pelagia Turgenev, Ivan Turgenev daughter

Ivan Sergeevich met the singer's husband, Louis, and became a worse in their house. The contemporaries of Turgenev, the writer's friends and biographers dealt with the opinions about this union. Some call him sublime and Platonic, others talk about considerable amounts that left the Russian landowner in the house of Polina and Louis. Viardo's husband through his fingers looked at the connection of Turgenev with his wife and allowed to live in their home for months. It is believed that the biological father of the field, the son of Polina and Louis - Ivan Turgenev.

The Mother of the Writer did not approve of communication and dreamed that the favorite offense would be cooled, marries a young nobility and gives legitimate grandchildren. Pelagey Varvara Petrovna did not complain, saw the serfs in it. Ivan Sergeevich loved and sorry his daughter.

Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo

Polina Viardo, listening to the mockery of the despotic grandmother, penetrated with sympathy to the girl and took it into his house. Pelagia turned into a polinte and grew along with the children of Viardo. In fairness it is worth noting that the Pelagia-Polynenet Turgenev did not share his father's love for Viardo, believing that the woman stole her attention of his native person.

Cooling in the relations of Turgenev and Viardo came after a three-year separation, which happened due to the student's home arrest. Attempts to forget the fatal passion Ivan Turgenev took twice. In 1854, the 36-year-old writer met the young beauty Olga, the daughter of Cousin. But when the wedding snapped on the horizon, Ivan Sergeevich squeezed on Polina. Not wanting to break the life of a 18-year-old girl, Turgenev admitted to the love of Viardo.

Maria Savina

The last attempt to escape from the arms of the Frenchwoman happened in 1879, when Ivan Turgenev turned 61 years old. Actress Maria Savin did not scare the difference in age - the beloved turned out to be twice as older. But when a couple in 1882 went to Paris, Masha saw a lot of things and baubles that resembled his rival in the housing of the future spouse, and realized that she was superfluous.


In 1882, after parting with Savin, Ivan Turgenev fell ill. Doctors put a disappointing diagnosis of spinal bone cancer. Died a writer on a foreign horse for a long time and painfully.

Ivan Turgenev on mortal odds

In 1883, Turgenev was operated on in Paris. The last months of the life of Ivan Turgenev was happy as far as a happy exhausted pain could be - next to him was a beloved woman. After death, she inherited the property of Turgenev.

The classic died on August 22, 1883. His body was taken to St. Petersburg on September 27. From France to Russia Ivan Turgenev accompanied the daughter of Polina, Claudia Viardo. Buried the writer in the St. Petersburg wolf cemetery.

Ivan Turgenev's grave on a wolf cemetery

Alexander II, who called the Turgenev "Belm on his own eye, responded to the death of Nigilista with relief.


  • 1855 - "Rudin"
  • 1858 - "Noble Nest"
  • 1860 - "On the eve"
  • 1862 - "Fathers and children"
  • 1867 - "Smoke"
  • 1877 - "Novy"
  • 1851-73 - "Hunter's Notes"
  • 1858 - "Asya"
  • 1860 - "First Love"
  • 1872 - "Wounds"

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