Mitrofanushka - biography, lifestyle, quotes


Character History

The hero of the comedy play "Lady" authorship of Denis Fonvizin. "Ducklown young man", the son of the Lords of spaces. "Lady" in the times of Fonvizin was called the young man of noble class, which did not have a written certificate of education issued by the teacher. Such a young man could not enter into marriage or enter the service.

Denis Fonvizin

Before starting to work on "inexpensive", Fonvizin held a year and a half in France, where he had acquainted with the life of this country, studied advanced doctrines of enlighteners, jurisprudence and philosophy.

The idea of ​​the play came to the writer after returning to Russia, which took place in 1778. Work on the play Fonvizin finished in 1782, spending for about three years.


Mitrofanushka - Son of the unpleasant couple by the name of the prostacle. Hero's mother, a provincialist nobleman in origin, - an evil woman. Makes what wishes, allows themselves all sorts of atrocities towards the fortress and yard servants. At the same time he loves his son and is trying to arrange in life, marrying on Sofye, a girl with a decent inheritance.

Characters comedy

Sophia itself is in love with a young officer named Milon. This is a kind and fatal girl who has been educated, she has a guardian - uncle, who owns a great condition. Prostacova has a brother named Taras Skodinin (Mitrofanushka this character has to uncle). Cattlein, a fan of pigs, also wants to marry Sophie because of the inheritance.

Mitrofanushki's father is a weak and non-fraught person, not educated, can not even read letters. He is under the heel from the spouse and thinks only about how to please the one. An authoritarian wife can easily breed Papash Prostakova.

Mitrofanushka and his mother

Mitrofanushka, as well as parents, did not want to learn, but sought to get a job in life by marriage. The hero has a teacher, including one former seminarist who teaches the Hero of a diploma by Psalti, a sergeant retired, who teaches arithmetic, and a former Kucher, German by origin and a notable smoker who issues himself for a scientist.

This passing is hired to teach the hero to the French language and some "sciences", but does not fulfill their duties and only prevents the work of other teachers. Mother is actually not at all concerned about the upbringing and education of the hero, but only follows the trend in the society of that time. Mitrofanushki also has a cormalist, which is called "Eremeevna".

Mitrofanushka with parents and teacher

Sophia has a family of spaced far-relative. The girl grew up in Moscow and received good upbringing, but after the death of Mother (his father died even earlier) falls into the paws of spaced. Those "look" for the estate belonging to Sofier, at the same time planing the heroine. The idea of ​​issuing a girl for Mitrofanushka is born in the head of the spacepad after the horizon appears a rich uncle, who was considered dead, and at the same time a potential inheritance.

On the soil of the coming marriage of Mitrofanushki there is a conflict with uncle, Taras Skovinin, who also thinks to marry Sofye to take pigs to the hands of the villages.

Mitrofanushka and Skalinin

Sophia, in the meantime, meets with a long-standing beloved, young officer Milon, and a rich uncle comes to pick up a niece from space-made. Prostakova tries to silent to the uncle Sophia so that he agreed to marry Mitrofanushki on the girl. Uncle, however, firmly intends to take sophia to Moscow next morning.

Uncle gives a girl the opportunity to choose the groom herself, and she gives his hand to Milon, with whom he knew in the mother's house. Having learned about it, Mitrofanushka's mother is a plot. People are trying to steal the sophia to marry a girl with Mitrofanushka forcibly. Milon causes this scene and prevents attempting, after which the estate and villages of the simplenists are withdrawn from them by government decree. In the finals of the loaf, Mitrofanushka is sent to the service.

Milon and Sophia

Such a lifestyle and the lack of intelligent education was distributed to the children of the provincial nobility in those years, so Mitrofanushka in the play is depicted not as a particular case of unsuccessful education, but as an image of the era. The appearance of the hero is not described in the play directly, but it can be assumed that Mitrofanushka looked like a typical representative of the provincial nobility youth of that time.

The hero is not inclined to constructive activities, study, work and any meaningful classes. To drive the pigeons, half a dress, commemorated over the measure, in a word, somehow kill time in simple entertainment - these are the life goals of Mitrofanushka, and the mother encourages such a behavior of the hero in every way.

Family prostacle

The characteristic of the hero looks unpleasant - Mitrofanushka Alchel and Skup, Rough, is inclined to intrigue, deception and fraud, like mother. Prostakova loves her son, despite her cruelty to others, Mitrofanushka betrayed her mother, pushed the point when the mother tried to find support from the hero.

Mitrofanushka is essentially an egoist, thinks exclusively about his own comfort, not interested in relatives. The attitude towards studying at the hero is quite unambiguous - one of the teachers Mitrofanushka calls the "garrison rat", any attempts to give the young man at least some knowledge are based on the complete reluctance to learn.

Interesting Facts

  • Fonvizin wrote a "Nepal" play in the village of Strelino near Moscow.
  • After the play became popular, the word "cheap" got spread in spoken speech, and the name of Mitrofanushka became associated with the image of an ignorant person and incurred.
  • On the pages of the magazine "Friend of honest people, or beginners" launched a kind of literary game associated with a play. The journal published a letter written by the supposedly Sofia, the heroines of the play, where she complained about his beloved Milon, a young officer who prevented the heroine abduction in the play. That allegedly married her, and then changed with some "contemptuous woman." In a response letter of beginners, uncle heroine, comforts it. Such a funny feature received a plot continuation.
  • In the play Sophia reads the book in fact the existing author - French teacher and theology of the 18th century Francois Phenelon, who wrote a treatise "On the upbringing of girls." Streets, Uncle Sofia, mentions the novel of the author "Adventures of Telemak" in those days.
  • Fonvizin had to spend a few months to achieve. The play did not want to put in Moscow or in St. Petersburg, the censors were frightened by the courage of the replica, which allowed himself the author of the characters. The first play decided to put a free Russian theater in St. Petersburg. The success of the first setting was deafening - "the public applauded the play by throwing wallets." After that, the play was placed many times, including in Moscow. The popularity of the comedy "inexpensive" is evidenced by the emergence of a large number of amateur and student performances.
Mitrofanushka and Peter Grine
  • The role of Mrs. Prostaya played the writer Nikolai Gogol, speaking in student performances while studying in Nezhinsky gymnasium.
  • The image of Mitrofanushki is compared with Peter Grinevoy - a young officer and nobleman from the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Both heroes in his youth indulged in Len and idleness, both had a bad teacher who did not teach him the heroes, but Grinev, unlike Mitrofanushki, is shown an honest and good-natured person.


"And I, Uncle, did not dinner at all. Solonins Slice Three, yes with subsidence, I do not remember, five, I do not remember, six. "" The night all the same rubbish in the eyes climbed. then you, Mother, then the father. "" I don't want to learn, I want to marry. "" I myself, Mother, who is not a hunter. My brother is more frequent. "" Door, which door door? This? Adjective. Because it is attached to its place. Won, Chulana Shasta, the door is not yet hung at the week: so it is existing existing ones. "" Only fall asleep, then I see that you are, Mother, you will find a beatushka. "

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