Zinaida Hippius - biography, photos, personal life, poems and books



About the Zlakottroy representative of the Silver Century Zinaide Hippius said that God honored her "manual dressing", releasing the rest of the people with "packs" and "lots". The writer loved to raise the public with frank outfits, shocking statements and extraordinary behavior. So far, alone admired the works of the literators, others showed an ideology of Russian symbolism neglect, stating that her genius is quite mediocre.

Childhood and youth

On November 8, 1868, the lawyer Nikolai Romanovich Hippius and his wife Anastasia Vasilyevna (Stepanova) was born a daughter called Zinaida. The family lived in Bellev Tula province, where Nikolai Romanovich was served after the end of the Faculty of Law. Due to the specifics of the activity of the father of a permanent place of residence, Hipipius did not have. In the children's years, the poetess managed to live in Kharkov, and in St. Petersburg, and in Saratov.

In 1880, Nikolai Romanovich receives the position of the judge, and the family moves again: this time the homeland of Nikolai Gogol is the city of Nezhin. Since there was no feminine gymnasium in a small town, Zina was given to the Kiev Institute of Noble Maiden, but after six months they took it back: the girl so walked around the house that he spent all six months at the Institutional Lazarut.

The death of his father became a huge shock for poeses. A man died suddenly in March 1881 from tuberculosis. Left without means of existence, Anastasia Vasilyevna with daughters (Zinaida, Anna, Natalia and Tatiana) moves to Moscow. There Zina was given to the gymnasium Fisher. Six months of study, the future poetess was also diagnosed with tuberculosis. The mother feared that all the children who had inherited from the Father a tendency to Cachotka would not live for a long time, and therefore went to the Crimea.

Due to the excessive Mother's guardianship, home learning has become the only possible way to self-realization. Exact sciences have never been interested in the literature. From the early years of Zina began to keep diaries and write poems - first comic about family members. She even managed to infect the enthusiasm and governess.

After the Crimea, the family moved to the Caucasus. There lived Mother's brother - Alexander Stepanov. His material well-being allowed them to spend the summer in Borjomi. The following year, the family went to Manglisi, where Alexander Stepanov died from the inflammation of the brain. Hippius were forced to stay in the Caucasus.

Zlatovlasa beauty managed to conquer the youth Tiflis. The devil with the Rus Malochy eyes attracted her eyes, thoughts, feelings of everyone who came across her. Zinaida called the "poetess", thus recognizing her literary talent. In a circle that she gathered around him, everyone wrote poems, imitating the most popular at the time Semen Sugon. Poetry Hippius was already standing out of the total mass of the fellow emotional components of comrades.


House of Merezhkovsky became the center of the religious and philosophical and public life of St. Petersburg. All young thinkers and beginner writers dreamed of getting on the literary evenings of the spouses. Visitors of the Salon recognized the credibility of Hippius and for the most part it was believed that it was the main role in the initiative of the community that established around Dmitry Sergeevich.

In the literary circles of the capital Zinaida Nikolaevna was in advanced positions: with her promotion, a literary debut of Alexander Blok took place, she brought the novice Osip of Mandelstam, she owns the first re review of poems then to anyone who is not famous Sergey Yesenin.

Since 1888, she began to be printed: her first publication was poems in the journal "Northern Vestnik", then a story in the "Bulletin of Europe". Later to publish literary and critical articles, she took a pseudonym - Anton extreme. The literature wrote about everything: about life ("why", "snow"), about love ("powerlessness", "love one"), about the homeland ("Know!", "December 14", "So," She will not die "), about the people (" Creek "," Glass ").

The poems of Zinaida Hippius, as well as the prose of Dmitry Merezhkovsky, did not fit into the framework of generally accepted literature. Therefore, publishers printed their works at their own risk.

Hippius was the origins of the nascent symbolism in Russia. Along with Fedor Sologube, Valery Bryusov, Nikolai Minsk, Konstantin Balmont, Annena Annensky, built it into the rank of "senior symbolist" during his lifetime.

The main motives of early poetry hypius - curses of boring reality and the glorification of the world of fantasy, a dreary feeling of disunity with people and at the same time thirst for loneliness. In the stories of the two first books "New People" (1896) and "Mirrors" (1898) prevained the ideas of Dostoevsky, who hypius missed through the prism of his own decadent world perception.

In the ideological and creative development of the writer, the first Russian revolution played a big role (1905-1907). After her, the collections of the "black on white" stories (1908), "Lunar Ants" (1912) came out (1912); The novels "Chertov Doll" (1911), "Roman-Tsarevich" (1913). In his works, Hippius argued that without the "revolution of the Spirit", social transformation is impossible.

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Having met the hostile Oktyabrskaya revolution of 1917, Hippius with her husband emigrates to Paris. The emigrant work of Zinaida consists of poems, memories and journalists. She spoke with sharp attacks on Soviet Russia and propheted her soon fall.

Settling in Paris, where they still have an apartment with pre-revolutionary times, Meriazhkovsky resumed familiarity with the color of Russian emigration: Nikolai Berdyaev, Ivan Shmelev, Konstantin Balmont, Ivan Bunin, Alexander Cooky and others.

In 1926, the spouses organized the literary and philosophical fraternity "Green Lamp" - a kind of continuation of the eponymous community of the beginning of the XIX century, in which Alexander Pushkin participated.

Meetings were closed, and guests were invited exclusively on the list. Alexey Remizov, Boris Zaitsev, Ivan Bunin, Nadezhda TEFFI, Mark Aldanov and Nikolai Berdyaev were permanent participants in the "meetings". With the beginning of World War II, the community ceased to exist.

Personal life

Living about the love adventures of the White Devilica, legends were found. A woman who had a huge number of fans was married only once. Her husband was a misconceptional philosopher and poet - Dmitry Merezhkovsky. Their union was repeatedly called fictitious: Zinaida was attributed to novels with all the literary bond of St. Petersburg, and Dmitry - male insolvency. Only close friends knew how much these two extraordinary people loved each other.

Young people met in 1888 in Borjomi. There, Hippius corrected his health, and Merezhkovsky, traveling at that time in the Caucasus, was in the city passage. At the first conversation, Zinaida felt their mystical kinship souls. Dmitry was also fascinated by an eighteen-year-old poetess. He was captivated not so much the beauty of the girl as her mind. After a couple of months, the man made a beloved sentence, and she, no second, responded by agreement.

On January 8, 1889, a modest wedding ceremony took place in Tiflis. Wedding day the couple did not notice. Upon returning home, each of them went to work: Merezhkovsky - in prose, and hypius - to poetry. Much later in the memoirs of the poetess admits that for her it was all so insignificant that she had not remembered the next morning for her next day that he was married.

It is reliably known that there was no intimate relationship between spouses. Hippius in principle did not interest the carnal joy. A woman did not think of life without two things: reflection and intellectual work. Everything else she either despised and denied, or ridicule. Of course, Zinaida stolen the attention of men. Decadent Madonna knew how to enjoy her beauty. She liked fascinated and liked to be fascinated, but then the correspondence never came the case.

"Relationship" she had with the writer Nikolai Minsk, and with Prosaik Fedor Chervinsky, and with criticism of Akim Volynsky. White Devilitsa adored to look into the eyes without the memory of lovers in her men and see her own reflection.

In 1905, the Meriazhkovsky family became close to Publicist Dmitry Philosophical. Writers not only created together, but also lived. In the eyes of the Society, the "Triple Union" of writers was the top of indecency. People condemned Hippius, saying that she disgraced himself so unworthy behavior and her husband.

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Morrali's chasesrs forgot that the poetess, with Dmitry philosophers, could not have any vicious relations of hot, because the publicist was a non-traditional sexual orientation, and from one thought about physical contact with his woman "turned inside out." Their cohabitation - a failed experiment, the purpose of which was the destruction of the Zaradnoyed norms of morality.

Whatever rumors did not go about the poetess, no matter how much novels did not really have on her account, all this in the end did not matter, because the soul of the literators did not recognize anyone, except for Dmitry Merezhkovsky, with whom Zinaida Nikolaevna lived half a century.


After the death of her husband, Hippius began writing the book "Dmitry Merezhkovsky", but due to the fact that Zinaida ceased to function the right hand, it could not finish the work.

The deprived of the opportunity to do the poetess gradually losing the mind. The writer wanted to reunite as possible with her husband as quickly as possible, so attempted to go to the world another before the deadline. After a series of failures, the literal fantasies worked quite well, in which Dmitry Sergeevich was still alive.

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The only rude woman who went crazy was a cat. For a second, the animal who did not leave the hostess left the woman only once - on the day of her death. Dying, Zinaida Nikolaevna tried in vain to grope his last years with his hands.

On the evening of September 1, 1945, Father Vasily Zhenkovsky communion Hippius. She understood little, but the communion swallowed. The legend of the silver century went into oblivion on September 9, 1945 (at the age of 76). She was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneva de Boua in one grave with his spouse. The literary heritage of the Mysteries has been preserved in the collections of poems, drams and novels.


  • 1889-1903 - "Collection of poems"
  • 1896 - "New people"
  • 1898 - "Mirrors"
  • 1901 - "Third Story Book"
  • 1903-1909 - "Collection of poems"
  • 1907 - "Scarlet Sword"
  • 1908 - "Black On White"
  • 1911 - "Chestova Doll"
  • 1912 - "Lunar Ants"
  • 1913 - "Roman-Tsarevich"
  • 1914-1918 - "Latest Poems"
  • 1916 - "Green Ring"
  • 1922 - "Poems. Diary 1911-1921 "

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