Nikita Vysotsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Vladimir Vysotsky 2021



Nikita Vysotsky - actor, director, screenwriter of the Russian theater and cinema, author of the film about Vladimir Vysotsky "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". It was this work that brought Nikita popularity, however, in the film of the artist there are many and other no less interesting paintings.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born on August 8, 1964 in the capital of the USSR. His parents - Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky and Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova - at that time were not married, but the firstborn of Arkady Vysotsky (born in 1962) was already adjusted in the family. The father of the boys was still married with out of Vysotsky, but did not live with her for a long time. In the year of the second son, the man was just beginning to serve in the theater on the Taganka and create the first songs for movies. In July 1965, Vladimir and Lyudmila issued a relationship, but, not having time to live and five years under the same roof, divorced. Children stayed with her mother.

Vladimir Semenovich Occasionally visited the sons with gifts: bought toy soldiers, cars, bicycles. But there was no strong fatherly attachment due to great employment for her loved business. When Nikita was already a teenager, Vysotsky-senior led him to the theater for the production of "Hamlet", where he played a major role.

The work of the Father impressed his son, and he decided to associate his own life with theatrical art. When Nikita turned 16 years old, the actor died suddenly from a heart attack. The tragedy forced the heir overnight to grow up, many things in the world of the young man saw a new look.

Personal life

The artist information about his own family and personal life is holding secrets under the dinner. It is only known that he was married for the first time in the mid-80s. Like his famous Father, Nikita had several marriages in which three sons and daughter were born.

With his wife, Natalia, the Writer met at the exhibition at V. Vysotsky Museum. Now they raise the daughter of Nina (2013.) And Son of Victor (2019. R.) Senior Sons of the actor - Semen (1986) and Daniel (1988) - already adults.


After school, Vysotsky Jr. did not immediately entered the theater university. In order not to waste time, he settled the work on the plant. A year later, Nikita became a student of the Studio MCAT, got into the workshop Andrei soft. From youth, Mikhail Efremov became a large friend with a large friend for a young man, also born in the star family.

After graduating from the university in 1986, Nikita called on the army. The venue of the recruit service was determined by the theater of the Soviet army, where he played several roles. The artist was tried and as part of the team "Contemporanik-2".

With the fall of the USSR, Vysotsky-Jr. decided to organize his own team, which called the Moscow Little Theater, but the troupe did not existees more than one season due to lack of funds. In 1992, the artist becomes an actor of Mchat named after Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. There he participated in the production "Maximilian Stalnnik" and "Lesson Wives". Nikita was lit up in the performance of the theater of Sergei Prokhanov "Old New Faust".

At the end of the 90s, the premiere of the comedy "Once again about the naked king" was held in the "contemporary" - a peculiar sequel on the play by Schwartz's play, in which Evgeny Evstigneyev shone in the lead role in the lead age. Together with Vysotsky-younger, Mikhail Efremov and Evgeny Mitta worked on the 45th anniversary of the "contemporary", the text wrote Leonid Filatov.

In 2017, a number of theatrical directorial premieres of Nikita in the workshop of Nicholas Skarika took place: "Cherry Garden" Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and "I don't like when half ..." by works by Vladimir Vysotsky.


In 1996, Nikita Vladimirovich headed the State Museum named after Vladimir Vysotsky, whose building from 1992 was on Taganka. A year later, the actor creates the eponymous fund that is engaged in supporting events and concerts held in memory of the poet.

Thanks to the work of Nikita, Vladimirovich in the museum, the three hall of the main exhibition was opened in the museum: the exposition dedicated to theatrical creativity of the poet, the collection of personal belongings and the photo of Vysotsky, the reconstruction of the Cabinet of Vladimir Semenovich from the apartment on a small Georgian street. In addition to exhibition halls, an art gallery is also operating in the house-museum, which hosts shares dedicated to the poet, the auditorium for concerts and the reading room with the library.

In the walls of the museum are often held performances of pop artists: Elena Camburova, Garika Sukacheva, Alexander Sklyar. Often Nikita Vladimirovich also participates in musical performances. In 2011, the work of the director was awarded the Prize "For the creation of the Center for the name of Vladimir Vysotsky and the preservation of the creative heritage of the poet."

In 2016, the director participated in the transfer of Julia's little "alone with everyone," where he spoke about some facts of the father's biography and Marina Vlad. In the program, the junior son of the singer touched the topic of relationships with the last wife of Vladimir Semenovich, a dialogue with which all these years was not easy. Video recording of the program dated December 8 can be found in the open access on the Internet.


Nikita began filmier in 1987 with participation in the episode of the picture "Clinic". Then a number of works were followed in the films "Deja", "Mousetl", "Nautilus", "Ha-Bi-Assa". In 1991, the director of Orlov entrusted him a major role in the militant "Ghost". The main character is Nikolai Grishaev, almost a spoke of a former master of sports, - forced to take revenge for the death of his own brother. The star of the Soviet cinema was also lit in the acting painting ensemble: Yuri Nazarov, Vladimir Tolochonnikov, Rostislav Yankovsky, Nadezhda Butydsev.

In 1994, the comedy of Roman Kachanova "Freak", in which the son of Vladimir Vysotsky reincarnated in the main character - an unusual person who was already born with adults. In the late 90s, the actor is almost not removed, not counting the pair of episodic roles. In 2002, he appears in the Multiserful Criminal Melodrame "Life continues" about the students of a ballet school, where he plays the main character - Pavel Kalinin.

In 2004, the premiere of the comedy melodrama about the life of the burned businessman "Listener" took place. Starring, in addition to Nikita Vladimirovich, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Mikhail Efremov, Lyubov Tolkalina. In 2008, Vysotsky lit up in the horror movie "Friday. 12 ", and a year later - in the TV series" House on the Ozerna ".

In 2010, the artist's filmography was replenished with interesting work in the Drama "Sun House", which Garik Sukachev took. Movie stars took part in the tape: Svetlana Ivanova, Ivan Stebunov, Daria Moroz, Chulpan Hamatova. In 2013, the actor falls into the project Alexander Cotta "Third World," where the character of the second plan is a chart of the Central Committee, the Father of the Main Hero.

In 2014, Nikita again took part in the shooting of the militant. A new project was called "Spiral", for the year of rental, the picture brought the creators of $ 1.5 million. By 2010, the artist finished work on the scenario of the main film of his life - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". He was going to play in the lead role, but came to the conclusion that he did not fall into the psychological portrait of the famous bard.

As a result of the main character in Grim, Sergey Bezrukov embodied. Oksana Akinshina, Andrei Smolyakov, Maxim Leonidov, Andrei Panin, Vladimir Ilyin took part in the picture. Drama came out on the cinema screens at the end of 2011, collecting $ 30 million in global rental. Two years later, the film was shown on the first channel.

In 2017, the premiere of the detective series "Safety" on the book of Andrei Kivinov "Private Security Area" took place. In this picture, dedicated to the hard work of the staff of the Sat MIA, Vysotsky-younger was a director in a pair with Ilya Lebedev, and also played one of the main roles. Together with him, Kirill Pletnev, Alexander Mareeva, Alexander Radnikov worked on the set.

Another directorial project Nikita is the Military Historical Drama Art Film "Union of Salvation", published in 2019. The picture is devoted to the uprising of the Decembrists of 1825 in St. Petersburg.

Nikita Vysotsky now

In 2020, Vysotsky Jr. visited the transfer of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. He shared memories of the Father, with whom he saw on a family dinner a day before his death. In his interview, the actor denied numerous rumors about the extramarital children of the legendary bard.

Nikita Vladimirovich was outraged by this situation and in 2019 even ran away from the studio during the filming of the program "Let them say" when he was offered to pass a DNA test. The very artist is known only one extramarital daughter Vladimir Vysotsky - from the novel with actress Tatyana Ivanhenko. His sister is name Anastasia.

In August 2020, the court began to interrogate witnesses to protection in the case of an accident with Efremov. In court Nikita described Mikhail Olegovich as a versatile, gifted, emotional, good and believer man. According to Vysotsky, the actor did not apologize to the family of the victim, because in this situation any words can be used against him.

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Many artists defended Efremov, for example, Sergey Garmash, Tina Kandelaki, Ksenia Sobchak, Lyubov Assumption and others. During this scandal with alcoholism, Nikita Dzhigurd decided to support a colleague before the courthouse with clouds:

"Our Misha is not to blame, he did not sit behind the wheel, sickle and hammer to all those in the ass, who arranged this madhouse. Freedom Mishe Efremov, ingenious artist! "

In September 2020, a team of the program "When all at home" with Timur Kizyakov came to visit the director. Vysotsky-younger lives in the father's apartment, in which after the death of Vladimir Semenovich, by the end of the days his mother Nina Maksimovna lived. Furniture and things Father Nikita took out to the museum.


  • 1987 - "Clinic"
  • 1989 - "Deja Vu"
  • 1990 - "Mousetrap"
  • 1990 - "Nautilus"
  • 1990 - "Ha-Bi-Assa"
  • 1991 - "Ghost"
  • 1992 - "Your life time"
  • 1993 - "Freak"
  • 1995 - "Suspensa. North South"
  • 1998 - "Tests for real men"
  • 2002 - "Life continues"
  • 2004 - "Listener"
  • 2005 - "Spare Instinct"
  • 2008 - "Friday, 12"
  • 2009 - "House on the Ozernaya"
  • 2009 - "Paradise Corner"
  • 2010 - "Sun House"
  • 2013 - "Courier from" Paradise ""
  • 2013 - "Third World War"
  • 2014 - "Security"
  • 2014 - "Spiral"

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