Mikhail Svtain - biography, photos, personal life, books, stories



"The singer of Russian Nature" - so called a colleague writer Konstantin Powesty. Maxim Gorky admired the provivine for his talent to give the "physical tangibleness of everything" through ordinary words. Mikhail Mikhailovich Svain himself, fond of photographing, he called himself a "artist of light" and said that he even thinks "photographic".

Childhood and youth

A writer was born in the Bought by Deant-Yelets merchant - estate in the Oryol province. Here, in Khrushchev, Mikhail Mikhailovich - the youngest of five children Maria Ignatova and Mikhail Svavina were held. From Mother Proseter adopted the power of the Spirit and resistance, from the Father, losing a generic estate, love for nature.

Portrait of Mikhail Svavina

The head of the family is a skilled rider who won on the jumps of prizes, was fond of Orlovsky frogs, adored hunting and cared for the grown garden. He knew the lot in the trees and colors. Palsy father left his son a bright memory: a healthy hand sketched a drawing of "Blue Bobrov" - a symbol of a unfulfilled dream. After the death of the wife, Maria Ivanovna herself put on the feet of five children. Restressed estate and debts did not prevent a woman to give four sons and daughters education.

Mikhail Privhanin in childhood

In 1883, the 10-year-old Mikhail Svavina from the elementary rustic school was transferred to the gymnasium in Yelets. But the youngest Misha, unlike the older brothers, did not differ in diligence - she reached 4 years old. Because of the poor performance, he was left for the third time, but the boy managed to naise the teacher, for which he was expelled.

Interest in studies at the Svanovina woke up in Tyumen, where Misha was sent to Uncle - merchant Ivan Ignatov. In 1893, 20-year-old Mikhail Svtain graduated from the Alexander Real School. The childless uncle, the mother's brother, hoped to transfer the nephew, but that there were other goals - the future writer entered the Polytechnic University in Riga. There he fucked by Marxist teaching and joined the circle, for which he was on the investigation in the last year.

Mikhail Privhanin in youth

In 1898, Mikhail Svavina was released after an annual conclusion in the Mitava prison. He went to Leipzig, where he graduated from two courses of the agronomic faculty at the university, receiving a specialty of the land surveyor. Svarvin returned to Russia and before 1905 she worked as an agronomist, wrote scientific books and articles.


While working on books, Mikhail Privhanin realized that the science work framework was cramped. Confident gained in 1907, when the first story "Sashok" was published. Svavin leaves science and writes newspaper articles. Journalism and fascination with ethnography called the writer in a semi-annual journey along the north. Mikhail Mikhailovich examined Pomorie and the Avigovsky Territory, where he collected and processed 38 folk fairy tales included in the Northern Fairy Tale Collection.

Mikhail Privhanin writes a story

For three months, Mikhail Svain visited the coast of the White Sea, the Kola Peninsula, Solovetsky Islands and returned to Arkhangelsk. From there on the ship went on a journey through the Arctic Ocean, visited Norway and, having encouraged Scandinavia, returned to St. Petersburg. In the northern capital, the literary biography of Svarvina is developing rapidly: on the basis of the impressions, he wrote essays combined into a collection called "in the edge of non-PUBLISH", for which the Russian geographical society awarded the writer with a silver medal.

Mikhail Privhanin at work

In 1908, the second book appeared in 1908 - travel essays about the life and everybody of the inhabitants of the North "for the Magic Kolobkom". Mikhail Privhanine acquired weight in the circle of writers, made friends with Alexei Remizov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Maxim Gorky. In the same rich in the events of 1908 after traveling around the pilot and Kazakhstan, Mikhail Mikhailovich published a collection of essays "near the walls of the invisible". In 1912, Gorky highlighted the publication of the first meeting of the works of Mikhail Privina.

Mikhail Privhanin with a dog

Cutting the First World War distracted the writer from writing travel stories and fairy tales. Military correspondent Privhanin printed essays about events at the front. The Bolshevik revolution Mikhail Privhanin did not immediately. Adhering to the views of Serc, he printed ideological articles, half alarmed with Alexander Blok, who spoke on the side of the new government, visited. But after October, the writer resigned with the victory of the Soviets.

Mikhail Svtain

In the 1920s, Mikhail Privhanin met in the Smolensk region. Passionate local history and a hunter, moving from Smolensk to Elets, and from there in the Moscow region, wrote dozens of stories and fairy tales for children united in the collection "Calendar of Nature". Observations from nature and animals have formed the basis of the stories "Lisukhan Bread" and "Yozh". Written by the simple language of the narrative about the hoods of animals is designed to awaken in small readers love for flora and fauna. In "Lisukan Bread", Mikhail Privhanin told the children why the cabbage is called hare, and bread - dead. In the "hedgehog" tells about the friendship of the hedgehog and man.

Illustration for the book Mikhail Privina

"Berevian tube", "Bear" and "Double Trail" will debunk the myths about animals. In the story "Guys and ducklings", Mikhail Mikhailovich told about the experiences of the wild clarification about his babies, whom children catch. And in the "Golden Luga" and "life on the strap", Svarvin spoke about nature so that small readers understand - she is alive.

Mikhail Privhanin in the 1920-30s wrote for children and adults. In these years, he worked on the autobiographical essay of the "Cascoeva chain". The writer began the novel in the 1920s and worked on it to the last days of life. In the 1930s, the writer bought a van, which was given the name "Masha". By car, Svarvin traveled the whole country. Later, the van replaced the "Moskvich".

Mikhail Privhany loved to travel

During these years, Mikhail Mikhailovich visited the Far Eastern region. The result of the journey was the book "Dear Beasts" and the story "Ginseng". The story "ambiguing Spring" Svavin composed under the impressions of the trip around Kostroma and Yaroslavl. In the mid-1930, after a trip to the Russian North, Mikhail Privhanin composed the book of Berendeva Bazheti's stories and took up the writing of the story of the "Ship Cup".

During World War II, a 70-year-old writer went to evacuation to the Yaroslavl region. Love for Flora and Fauna and there I found Application: Privhanin defended the forest around the village, where he dwells, from the destruction by the peat developers. In the penultimate year of the war, Mikhail Svtain came to the capital and published a story "Forest droplets". In 1945, the epic fairy tale "Storeroom Sun" appeared.

Book Mikhail Privina

The story "My Motherland" is a bright example of touching love for native land. It is written by simple words, without superfluous pathos. There is no clear plot, more emotions. But, reading the story, feel the fragrance of tea with milk, you hear the voice of the mother, the noise of the forest and birds.

After the war, Mikhail Navitin bought a Dunino house in the village of Tornino, in which he lived every summer until 1953. Fascination with photodel from the 1920s turned into a matter of lifetime, comparable in importance with writing works about nature and animals. In the village house, Svavina found a place for a photo laboratory. It was preserved in the Dinino, where the museum appeared after the death of the prose.

Mikhail Navigina House Museum

Mikhail Svtainen removed the nature in all angles, illustrating photographs written books. "Watering" was the faithful other of the writer until the last years of life. The main labor of the writer biographers and critics are called "Diaries". The first records are dated 1905th, the last - 1954th year. The volume of the "diaries" exceeds the 8-Tomny Collection of Writer's Works. Reading the entries, become clear the views of Mikhail Mikhailovich on life, society and the role of the writer. Published "Diaries" in the 1980s. Previously, they were not missing them for censorship.

Mikhail Privhanin in old age

For two works, films were removed. The picture of the "Hut of the Old Louven" came out in the mid-1930, but not preserved to this day. And the adventure drama "Wind of Wanders" - the shielding of the fairy tales "Ship Chat" and "Storeroom Sun" - the audience saw on the screen in 1978, after the death of Mikhail Svavina.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer was the peasant from the Smolensk village of Efrosinia Badikina. For Efrosigny, Pavlovna was a second marriage. In the first union, the woman was born the son of Yakov (died at the front). In the "diaries", Svarvin calls the first wife of Frosya, less often Pavlovna. In the Union with this woman, the writer was born three sons.

Mikhail Svtain and Valeria Lorsko

Firstborn Sergey died in infancy. The second son - Leo Svavina, the Belletrist, who wrote the Alpatov lion under the creative pseudonym lion - did not become in 1957. The Third Son, Okhotyad Peter Svavin, died in 1987. He, like Lion, took over the gift of the writer from the Father. In 2009, to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Peter Mikhailovich, they published the memoirs written by him.

Mikhail Privhanin with his wife Valeria

In the 1940s, at the age of 67, Mikhail Privhanine left the family and married Valeria Lorsko, who was henger for 26 years. Together they lived 14 years old. The widow of the writer wrote about the famous husband's husband, retained the archives until 1979 - the year of his death - led the museum of the writer.


In 80 years, doctors diagnosed as a writer oncological disease - gastric cancer. Svarvin died in six months, in mid-January 1954, in the capital. At the time of death, he was 81 years old.


Mikhail Mikhailovich buried on the introduced cemetery. His name was called mountain peak and a lake in the Caucasian Reserve, Cape on Kurilla and Asteroid, opened in 1982.


  • 1907 - "In the edge of nonpougalian birds"
  • 1908 - "For the Magic Kolobkom"
  • 1908 - "At the walls of the invisible"
  • 1933 - "Ginseng"
  • 1935 - "Calendar of Nature"
  • 1936 - "Berendeva Chaphet"
  • 1945 - "Storeroom Sun"
  • 1954 - "Ship Chat"
  • 1960 - "Cascoeva Chain"

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