Igor Kondratyuk - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Igor Vasilyevich Kondratyuk - participant of the program "What? Where? When? ", TV presenter of Ukrainian television, Star show" X-factor "," Karaoke on the Maidan ".

Igor Kondratyuk

Igor was born on March 14, 1962 in the village of Podguria, which in the Kherson region, in the family of the Chairman of the Rain Executive Committee. Studying at school, became interested in accurate sciences, dreamed of comprehending science astronomy and learn to the game on the saxophone. In addition to studies, the section of ballroom dancing was visited, sang in the choir. In the last grades, worked in the collective farm, helping harvesting. At the first salary of 70 rubles, I bought a magnifier for the camera lens.

Igor Kondratyuk in youth

Having received a gold medal, in 1979 he entered the Kiev State University for the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. He defended a diploma dedicated to the study of solid optics. In 1984, he comes to work at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to the post of a junior researcher, where more than 100 scientific articles on the study of solid physics were written in colleagues. After 12 years, Igor will protect the PhD dissertation on biology.

"What? Where? When?"

Acquaintance with the game "What? Where? When?" It took place at the university. In 1984, at the request of university students, the participants of the Moscow Transmission of Alexander Friend, Nikita Shangin, Marina Govorushkin, Valentina Golubev was invited to meet Kiev. A year later, graduates visited historical shooting in Moscow. This event changed the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. In 1985, a young scientist passed the qualifying round to the television project "What? Where? When?".

Igor Kondratyuk with connoisseurs

In December, he had already performed as part of the newcomers, which included Alexander Zuev, Yuri Belov, Vsevolod Belkin, Vladimir Molchanov and Alexander Sumarokov. In 1986, the Igor team has already participated in the full game. Kondratyuk became a permanent member of the Club, was engaged in organizational issues. In the 1990s, he was a member of the team Alexei Blinov, since 2004 he became part of the team of Andrei Kozlov, who in 2008 won the Crystal Owl prize.

Igor Kondratyuk and Andrei Kozlov

In 2010, Igor Kondratyuk failed to fly to the game to Moscow. The organizers of the event found a way out: in order not to deprive the team of Andrei Kozlov's player, Igor was asked to appear on the air with the help of Skype.

Igor Kondratyuk did not strive to stay in Moscow, and after the events of 2014 he had a negative effect on Russia, comparing the neighboring fraternal state with the "fascist Germany".


Since 1991, Igor Kondratyuk has been working as a television show "Love at first sight" and "Branin". Igor cooperates with Ukrainian television, where it becomes the leading of the transfer "5 + 1". Since 1999, the "1 + 1" and STB since 2009 has been "karaoke on the Maidan", the author of the idea and the leading of which became Igor Kondratyuk, begins on the Inter Channel.

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Songs on the big streets of the city were accepted at the Maja Motherland Igor, liked this and residents of the capital. Everyone participated in the show. Participants suffered folk and popular Ukrainian songs, and then the best performer received a cash prize. On Russian television, such a transfer was produced since 2006 on the TVC channel and was called "Karaoke on Arbat", which Kondratyuk also led.

Igor Kondratyuk

The popularity of Igor Kondratyuk on television makes producers to invite Showman to new projects: in the intellectual transfer "LG" Eureka! ", Music show" Chance "," Star duet "and" American chance ".

The program "Chance", which started in 2003, was originated by the opening of new talents. Quest Pistols, performers Alexander Vevvudski, Vitaly Kozlovsky, Natalia Valevskaya were used as a starting platform. Kuzma Scriabin and Natalia Mogilev, for 5 years, led the musical show.

Igor Kondratyuk, Glory Frolova and Vlad Yama

In 2009, the music contest "Ukraine has a talent" started on the STB Channel. The 24th cities of Ukraine have provided platforms for qualifying tours through which thousands of people who wish to participate in the show on the most talented Ukrainian. As a result, the selected 60 people were represented by the main jury, which included the leading Igor Kondratyuk at the first stage, Frolov's glory and choreographer Vlad Yama. At the same time, both TV presenters lasted in the judicial chairs for 9 seasons of the competition.

In 2010, another musical show "X-factor" started on the STB channel, in which Igor Kondratyuk entered the judge. According to the rules of the project, people of different professions could participate in the competition, speeches were lived live live. Every judge had a team of contestants whom he led throughout the competition. Kondratyuk participated in the filming of the first 6 seasons of the transfer. Wards of the TV presenter twice became the winners of the show. In 2013, Aida Nikolaichuk won, in 2015 - Kostya Bocharov.

Igor Kondratyuk and Aida Nikolaichuk

Often, the programs that produced and led Igor received a high auditorium. So it was with the gears of "karaoke on the Maidan" and "LG" Eureka! "", As well as with the entertainment TV show "Chance". The author has already five statuettes of the Telethrumfian Award.

Personal life

Igor Kondratyuk - Large Father. Together with his wife Alexandra Gorodetskoy, an economist in a specialty, showman brought up three children - Sons of Sergey, Daniel and daughter Polina. Now Sergey has been working as a director's assistant on the Karaoke project on Maidan, Daniel entered the X-Factor Transmission command. The daughter is studying in the metropolitan gymnasium, defended the honor of the Kiev national archery team at the Championship of Ukraine.

Igor Kondratyuk with his wife

Personal life Igor Kondratyuk is considered impeccable, but journalists are constantly trying to attribute to a respectable family man of novels on the side. For a long time, rumors went that Igor consists in love with the graduate of the "X-Factor" competition Aida Nikolaichuk. In the Kondratyuk family over speculations only laughed.

Igor Kondratyuk and his wife and children

The singer also refuted the rumors, saying that he was going to marry the sound engineer of the TV project Dmitry. Weddings did not take place. In 2016, Aida began to meet with a rider Nikita Podolsky, who has already made a girlfriend offer. Photo with the fiance and shots of the wedding ring, the new star posted on the Internet, on the own page in "Instagram".

Igor Kondratyuk now

In March 2017, Igor Kondratyuk celebrated the 55th anniversary by the next release of the long-lived program "Karaoke on Maidan". The program is entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest show on Ukrainian television: in April, the 950th gradation release took place.

Igor Kondratyuk in 2017

In March 2017, the next season of the musical project "Ukraine has a talent", in which only children participate this time. Igor Kondratyuk is invited to the contest's referee. The winner of the competition was the 6-year-old Veronica Sea.


  • "What? Where? When?" - 1985.
  • "Love at first sight" - 1991
  • "Brain Ring" - 1991
  • "5 + 1" - 1992
  • "Transmission for tomorrow" - 1995
  • "Karaoke on Maidan" - 1999
  • "Chance" - 2003
  • "Star duet" - 2006
  • "Ukraine has a talent" - 2009
  • "X-factor" - 2010

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