Maxim Nikulin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Son Yuri Nikulina, Children, Wife 2021



It would seem that Maxim Nikulina is written to become an artist. The first roles came back in childhood, and one of the name of the famous Father would open the gateway to any theater university. But, on their own recognition, the son of the famous clown is deprived of acting talent. However, the fate does not go away, and today Maxim Yuryevich continues the family case as the director of the Moscow Circus on Color Boulevard.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born on November 15, 1956 in the capital of the USSR at the Circus pair of Yuri Vladimirovich and Tatiana Nikolaevna Nikulin. The couple met when a student of the Timiryazevsky Agricultural Academy sent for cases in the establishment of culture. Nikulin invited the beauty to speak, after which he was under the horses hooves, and then on the hospital bed. Tatiana decided to support the actor, visited and wore fruit. And after the discharge of the victim, I understood what fell in love. Soon the scene appeared in the lifetime of the clown's choft.

In an interview, Maxim Yuryevich confessed that in childhood did not behave the benefits of bohemian life. Despite all-union fame, Nikulins moved to a separate apartment when the offspring studied in the 9th grade. The modest father was literally forced to write an application for housing, when he came to bother for acquaintances.

Family lived in a large communal in Arbat Lane. Among the artists were often friends, among which Bulat Okudzhava, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Bella Akhmadulin. Nikulin Jr. recalled how parents before the feast bought wine, poured into the pan and went to take a bottle. The funds received were spent on a non-acute snack - melted raw materials.

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But most often Maxim's parents disappeared on tour in the USSR and abroad. The grandmother was engaged in the upbringing of Nikulina. For the summer, it was possible to get to the south of dicks or a mom with a circus troupe, which went to the sea with tours.

The boy visited a secondary school, often Shalil and, it happened, broke the windows. As a teenager, Maxim became interested in music and together with friends created the group in which he played the guitar.

At an early age, Nikulin's debut in the movies took place. The son of the star starred in the comedy "Diamond Hand". Maxim fulfilled the role of a boy, serenely walking along the water.

Shooting was not easy. Nikulin spoiled a number of personnel, because he was afraid to get a push from Andrei Mironova and fell into the water himself. Then the novice actor was deceived by saying that they decided to do without this moment. Maxim relaxed and got a kick from Mironov. It was this frame that came to the ribbon, and Nikulin Jr. for a while she was offended by "Uncle Andrei".

2nd and last work Maxim Yuryevich in the artistic cinema - the image of a schoolboy in the comedy Alexander Mitty "Point, dot, comma ...". The whole family of Nikulin took part in the filming of the children's film. Father and mother played parents of the main hero of Alyosha Zhiltsov.

In the adolescence, Maxim suffered a severe disease, after which the doctors were forced to remove the kidney boys. Then Mom, eternally busy on the tour, settled with a nanny in the medical unit and did not leave the child for 4 months. Nikulin Jr. recovered, but could not be called to the army.


Visit the "Fate of Man" show Nikulin admitted that after graduation, the relatives did not know where to give off, because the graduate himself wanted only to play the guitar and "to behind." Then the acquaintance suggested submitting documents to Jurfak MSU, so that Maxim received a classic humanitarian education, and in the process decided on the choice of life path.

Unexpectedly, Yuri Nikulina's son was carried away by the profession, was transferred to the evening office and settled in a correspondent to the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper. Maxim fell to taste without weekends in the youth edition, but after the change of the chief editor of Nikulina, the younger was fired without explaining the reasons.

For some time, Maxim Yuryevich was sitting without a case, until he found an announcement of the recruitment staff of the Lighthouse radio station. In a new place from journalists, a mandatory visit to speech and literary training courses were required, on which speech errors made on the air. The service at the state radio station served as a real school of professionalism for Nikulina.

After 10 years of activity on Radio Nikulin moved to television. Since 1986, Maxim Yuryevich has been engaged in the editory of the news transfer "time", and then settled in the program "Morning" - hardening, obtained on the "lighthouse".

But the love of the pledges remained: Nikulin made the authorities to the unacade behavior in the frame. The leading first in the country began to talk on the air Jewish jokes, which earned the hostility and Russians, and the Jews. Maxim Yuryevich was removed for a while, and then the TV host wanted to return to work, carried away by a family business.

Later, Nikulin performed as a TV host "My Circus" project, which was published on the Culp channel from 2000 to 2003. Then Maxim Yurevich was then invited to the first channel for the transmission of the Curd Art.


In 1993, tragedy occurred at the Circus on Color Boulevard - killed the commercial director of Mikhail Sedov, and Yuri Nikulin asked her son to help understand financial issues. Maxim Yuryevich agreed to work free time for free to help a relative. But the case kept Nikulina, and a year later, quitting from television, the journalist officially took office.

Together, the father and son worked 4 years before the death of Nikulina Elder. In 1997, Maxim Yuryevich took the post of Director General and the artistic director of the Moscow Circus Nikulina on Color Boulevard. In an interview with Khukruk, it was shared that after the death of Yuri Vladimirovich had fallen - the patrons and patrons were immediately disappeared, and most importantly - viewers. But the institution restored the former glory largely due to the efforts of the heirs.

In 2014, Nikulin's biography was replenished with a new irrelevant loss: Mom Tatiana Nikolaevna died. With the departure of Nikulina, Maxim Yuryevich was left in the circus family.

Personal life

Nikulina's personal life was not easy. For the first time, Maxim married his youth on a school friend, but in a year the lovers divorced.

The second time he registered the relationship in the early 80s, the daughter of Masha was immediately born at the pair. But in 1984, the marriage collapsed. This time, the gap was painful, the journalist was seriously worried about parting with his wife, which disappeared, picking a child. Nikulin's daughter saw 20 years later, when the grown Masha came from Germany to Moscow to make an operation on the kidney - heredity affected.

For the third time Max is in no hurry. Having become acquainted with Maria in the common company, the correspondent was not solved for a serious relationship for a long time. The newlyweds began to live together in the apartment of Nikulin on the Bronnaya and signed, only when the firstborn of Yuri was born.

After the birth of the Second Son, Maxim Maria Stanislavovna created a linguistic school that was led for a long time. Then Nikulina's wife switched to the tourist business, passing the functions of the economic director in the Design Institute.

The younger offspring finished the production department of the MCAT Studio Studio, are now working in the "Circus on color": the eldest engaged in marketing, and the youngest is responsible for foreign tour.

Son Sergey chose a companion named Anastasia, in 2009, the spouses presented the grandchildren of Stanislav's grandchildren. In 2015, Sophia appeared per light, and another 2 years later, Nikulin was pleased with Maxim and his wife Tatiana, giving birth to Anna.

Maxim Yuryevich's eldest daughter lives in the German city of Munich, together with her husband Dominic, busy in the insurance business. The couple raises 2 more lips of the famous clown - Victoria and Valentina. Maria works neurosurgeon. Children Nikulina are friends among themselves, and sons are often visiting the sister.

Maxim Nikulin now

Not forgetting the traditions, Maxim Yuryevich does not stand still and often updates the rooms, looking for new approaches. Much forces and tools have invested Kryukuk in a joint show with Italian artists, but the plans had to be changed due to the Pandemic COVID-19. Despite the fact that events were canceled, Nikulin continued to allocate money for the maintenance of people and animals, including foreign ones. Following the Testaments of the Father, the director could not refuse to act the actors, asked to stay in Russia, until the situation was settled in Italy.

Maxim Yuryevich put every effort so that the circus recovered. In April 2021, on the occasion of the World Circus Day celebrations, a new grand show has passed on the color boulevard.

After the premiere, the director almost immediately went to Monaco, where he lives with his wife. It is worth noting that the ability to create connections seems to be inherited, since the citizenship of the Principality of Spouses was easily due to friendship with Princess Stephanie.


  • "Time"
  • "Morning"
  • "My Circus"
  • "FORNG"


  • 1967 - "Great Clowns"
  • 1978 - "Today and daily"
  • 2005-2008 - "The Birth of Legends"
  • 2008 - "Yuri Nikulin. About sad and funny "
  • 2009 - "Married to the genius"
  • 2010 - "Svetlana Svetlynaya. Shine always "
  • 2012-2015 - "Secrets of Soviet Cinema"
  • 2013 - "Clan of the Pasta. Their among predators "
  • 2017 - "Evgeny Morgunov. This is not a lezginka ... "
  • 2018 - "Cinema Secrets"

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