Ilya Medvedev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Dmitry Medvedev 2021



Ilya Medvedev - Son Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister. A pretty and unlumous guy has always caused considerable interest. However, the media information about him appears extremely rarely: Ilya is a non-public person and tries to keep his personal life and work in secret.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on August 3, 1995 in St. Petersburg in the family of Dmitry and Svetlana Medvedev. The father at that time he taught legal disciplines at the institute and consisted of service in the Committee on the External Relations of the City Administration for the postal expert post. Dmitry Anatolyevich collaborated with Anatoly Sobchak, also intersecting with Vladimir Putin. Medvedev, already in those years, was the owner of the share packages of CJSC Finzell, the Woodworking Combine "Ilim Palp Enterprise".

Mother Svetlana Linnik at the time of his son's son has already graduated from the Economic Faculty of Laf and worked by an accountant. After the appearance of First, he devoted himself to the upbringing of Ilya. In 1999, the family moved to Moscow. At 7 years old, the child went to the prestigious Moscow gymnasium. The mother took care of the versatile development of the Son: from an early age he was given to the sports sections. Medvedev Jr. also loved foreign languages ​​and accurate sciences. Later he began to master computer equipment.

Ilya Medvedev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Dmitry Medvedev 2021 17363_1

In 2007, the teenager starred in the release of the humorous magazine "Yeralash", which was called "Hero". In the video, it was about a boy who, under the impression of the militant seen in the cinema, rushed to save the girl from the hands of bandits on the street. In fact, it turned out that he was overwhelming a double, which at this time did a film group.

The second number of the humorous journal with the participation of Ilya Medvedev called "Remove Me" came out later, in 2008. The story of the new video was the story of a boy who wanted to play in the cinema and crossed the film director, appearing at an inappropriate moment on the set.

The fact that the Father of the Chief Hero is the Prime Minister, and then the President of the Russian Federation, they knew only the heads of the shooting process. The director of the first episode Alexei Schoeglov had a positively responded to Ilya's abilities, calling him a cheerful and alive boy. On Casting, the child launched the main director Boris Grachevsky. Until 2012, this fact of the biography of the son of Medvedev was not advertised in the media.

Personal life

In the school years, Ilya Medvedev paid the main time to study, the young men relationships with the girls were friendly. In 2015, journalists made a photo of Ilya in the park in the company of the girlfriend. At the same time, during a date the pair was accompanied by security.

In the fall of 2019, the media began to publish materials that Ilya had a girl Yana Grigoryan. Young people visited the music festival "New Wave - 2018" together. It was assumed that the guy's plans to introduce a girl with his mother.

About Yane knows a bit. By nationality, she is Armenian. Rose in a regular family in a small apartment, which is located in the Orekhovo-Borisovo area. The girl is modest and educated - no provocative photos are not seen on its social networks. She also does not have rich and status acquaintances.

A large amount of Time Grigorian pays to study. Education she gets in Moscow State University. Her thesis is devoted to the topic "The problem of the Midwaper borrowed vocabulary in Armenian." Another passion for the girl is the history of the Armenian people. She even took part in university events that were devoted to her nation.

Social network users assumed that soon Ilya marries Yane. The conclusion was made in view of the fact that in the subscriptions of the girl in Vkontakte, the fans discovered the group "Ideas for a stylish wedding". However, hopes were not justified.

What happens now in the personal life of a young man is unknown. The famous Father does not apply to this in an interview. And Ilya himself is not interested in social networks and deliberately avoid publicity. But the guy is clearly not deprived of female attention. He has all external data to enjoy the success of the opposite sex: a pretty face, taped figure, high growth.

According to Medvedev-Sr., the son has one account in the VKontakte network, which he uses to communicate with friends. "Instagram" Ilya never started.

Study and hobbies

When the age came to choose a profession, Medvedev made a choice in favor of legal education, which went to receive in MGIMO. Upon admission, the amount of scored points was 9/10 from the maximum amount. As a result of the selection, Ilya fell to the university's budget department, visited lectures on the general basis. Dinted in the Institution Dining Room, where there is still a cafeteria and sushi bar. In MGIMO, the young man continued to study foreign languages ​​- English, French and Italian.

At the beginning of the summer of 2016, Ilya passed the final exams of the 4th year of the Faculty of International Law on the degree of bachelor. The teachers hold students in a tone, most of the materials on the subjects studied are forced to find themselves in the library. Students are obliged to master information on international law, financial and labor law of Russia and abroad, civil proceedings of the Russian Federation, civil and trade law, foreign languages.

The faculty is considered the most loaded in MGIMO. Medvedev coped with the requirements in the exams and received the highest score.

In the university, the young man had several friends. He did not rotate in society, which corresponded to his status, on the contrary, communicated with ordinary guys. Except was except for the Middle Son of Lawyer and Human Rights Defenders of Pavel Astakhov Artem.

During his studies in MGIMO Ilya passed the practice in the Russian law firm, but he had the creation of his own project in the field of modern technologies.

In 2017, Medvedev completed training in MGIMO and, in addition to the final exams, was preparing for admission to the highlight of the university. The graduation work of the son of the Prime Minister is devoted to joint-stock companies in Russia and the UK and their legal regulation.

The circle of hobbies of Ilya is diverse - from Japanese animation to an alternative rock. He loves to drive football, but most often a guy runs on the football field with the representatives of the security, and not with his own father. According to the guy, with dad communication lasts on the day from the strength of 15 minutes. The only exception is the New Year holidays. Even on May 9, a conversation with his father is limited to a video call on Skype.

Ilya regularly goes to the pool. Being a MGIMO student, he made a university football team. From music groups, it is preferred to listen to Linkin Park, The Beatles, Spleen and Time Machine.

Hobbies for a teenager was anime. At the age of 13, Ilya even received as a gift from the Japanese Prime Minister Taro ASO of the Blue Robocot of Deraemon on Radio Control.

Medvedev-Jr. has already visited many corners of endless homeland. In addition to frequent trips to the native St. Petersburg, he saw the Geysers of Kamchatka, together with his parents regularly visits Sochi. For friends, the guy composes humorous quatrains, can show a couple of foci.

Ilya Medvedev is now

According to official information, in 2020, Ilya Medvedev lives in Moscow. He has its own business in the field of digital technology. According to the father, the young man is engaged in such things that are popular with young people. Work brings pleasure, apparently, Ilya found his calling. True, until the big success has failed, as they say, everything is ahead.

According to rumors that apply to the network, Medvedev recently became a US citizen, since he received American citizenship. For the money of the Father, he opened a network of gas stations and cafes in America, becoming a businessman. Income from business in the United States can be assessed as above average.

Back in young years, the guy was interested in America, traveled to the USA in his student years. The future and career he wanted to tie with Massachusetts.

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