Hayden Christensen - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Canadian actor Heiden Kristensen on the top of the glory was carried out the second and third parts of the Space Opera "Star Wars". Who knows how the fate of the artist would have happened if the director and screenwriter Sagi George Lucas did not see his hero of Anakina Skywalker in a little-known guy from Vancouver.

Hayden Kristensen was born in April 1981 in Vancouver, but the childhood was held in the heart of Ontario Province - Toronto. Direct relationship to the world of cinema. Parents of the future star "Star Wars" Project did not have: Dane David Kristensen and Italo-Swede Eli Nelson owned a telecommunications company. Heiden's father - education programmer, mother - speechwriter.

Full Hayden Christensen

Children's and youthful years Hayden Christensen calls happy, because they proceeded in a large family, where parents were vividly interested in the lives of four children: the sons of Tuva and Heiden and the daughters of Hayes and Kalen.

Hayden Christensen in childhood

Interest in television and acting, Kristensen manifested itself in childhood. At 8 years old, the boy advertised a cough medicine, and in 12 received an invitation to an episodic role in the German-Canadian soap opera "Family Passions". In addition to shooting, Heiden Kristensen was interested in sports: the boy has reached professional heights in hockey, and a good amateur level demonstrated in tennis.

Hayden Christensen in the series

The advantage towards the cinema happened during the holidays in Long Island, when Hayden was located at the grandmother. Kristensen became interested in a hypocrite, visiting the acting studio in New York. After returning home, the teenager was signed up in a school dramatic studio.

Hayden Christensen in his youth

Son's desire to become an actor Father Heiden did not like it, he exhorted the boy for a long time to abandon this idea: David Kristensen understood how difficult it was to make his way to the top of the movie "Olympus". But the guy persisted. From 1993 to the 2000s, Hayden Christensen starred in six TV shows, where he was entrusted with the role of the second plan. These works were not brought by the young artist, nor fame or recognition, but he believed that she would certainly catch good luck.


A new round in Kinobiographies Heiden Kristensen began in 2000, after entering the screens of Melodramas director Sofia Koppol "Virgin Suicians". The film received a warm welcome of youth audience and film critics. Canadian artist noticed. Kristensen was lucky to work with Hollywood stars Danny de Vito, Kirsten Dunst and James Woods.

Hayden Christensen in the film

In the same year, the young actor starred in the scandalous multi-stage drama "Above the Earth", where he played a teenager suffering from stepfast stepmother. Having escaped from sexual violence, Heiden's hero becomes a drug addict and enters the boarding school, where they re-educate difficult adolescents.

Hayden Christensen in the film

The main role in the sensational melodrama brought Canadz Fame. In the same 2000, Hayden Kristensen appeared in the episode of the painting "In the trap of purple fog" along with a friend and the peer of Jonathan Jackson.

Career Heiden Kristensen is rapidly developing: in 2001, 20-year-old artist was invited to play in the American drama "Life as a house". Hayden Hero - Teen Sam Monroe, who has difficult relationships with the Father, who threamed him with his mother. Having learned about the incurable disease, the man returns to the family, but to return the confidence of the matured Sam - a difficult task.

Hayden Christensen in the film

To play a teenager, Hayden Christensen month adhered to the exhaust diet. He ate a salad and drank water. As a result, I dropped 11 kilograms and - visually - 5-6 years. In one of the sharp psychological scenes, the actor broke his right hand. But difficult surveys brought Kristensen expected success: for the main role in the artist's melodrama, nominated for prestigious awards - the Golden Globe and the US film actor guild guild awards, and also presented a prize of the National Council of American film critics.

The tape collected $ 23 million in global box office. It is noteworthy that the project premiere in America took place on the day of the terrorist act - September 11, 2001.

Hayden Christensen in the film

In 2003, Hayden Christensen starred in copyright. In the drama Billy Ray "Scam Stephen Glass", Canadza got the main role. He played a journalist-Sociopatha Stephen Glass, who worked in a respectable magazine and investigating resonant events in the United States. After the expusted fraud of Stephen, the rating of the publication dropped. The picture was removed on the real 1990 material.

Hayden Christensen in the film

Hayden Christensen as the best young actor received a prize of the Jewelry Swiss company Chopard and was nominated for the Saturn and Golden Satellite Prize. Critics and viewers scattered in the praise of the film and artist, but for unknown reasons the project did not participate in the nominations to the main Hollywood Prize - Oscar.

It is noteworthy that the cozer of the project was the elder brother Heiden Kristensen - Tuva. 2 years before that, the brothers established the Produce of Forest Park Pictures.

Hayden Christensen in the film

The game of the Canadian artist was not always successful. In 2007, a mystical thriller "Narcosis" was released on wide screens, in which Hayden Christensen and Jessica Alba played the main characters. Film crimits considered the game too primitive and nominated two stars on the antipremia "Golden Malina".

Hayden Christensen and Jessica Alba

In 2008, the screenshots of Teleport appeared on the screens. Key images went to Hayden Christensen and Jamie Bella. In Russia, the premiere of an exciting militant took place, as in the United States, in February 2008. Three days of filming took place in the Coliseum, which was managed by the units of directors. The work of Kristensen in this film was overshadowed by two accidents, and the picture itself received unfavorable reviews of critics.

Hayden Christensen in the film

In 2009, Hayden Kristensen starred in one of the 11th novel Almanach "New York, I love you" in the company Andy Garcia and Rachel Bilson, and in 2013 appeared in the militant "American robbery". In Russia, the dismissant film was first shown in the summer of 2015. Christensen in a duet with Adrian Brody played the main characters.

"Star Wars"

Having starved in the "Star Wars" Saga Hayden Kristensen, felt the taste of worldwide popularity. The choice of director George Lucas fell on a little-known Canadian in 2000. Casting spent (400 applicants) Casting, in which Leonardo di Caprio was trying to the role of Anakin Skywalker, did not satisfy Lucas until he saw Kristensen. Critics were surprised to choose the choice of director, calling the skill of Heiden "raw". But it was this "dampness" convinced and bribed Lucas.

Hayden Christensen in Anakina Skywalker

In addition, the director said he saw between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman's desired "alchemy", which will convince the audience in the veracity of the novel between the heroes of the saga. Later, the audience and Hollywood Tusovka started talking that the novel between the stars were not only in the cinema.

Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman

After the release of the 2nd episode of "Star Wars", called "Attack of Clones", People magazine placed Canadians in the top 50 most beautiful people in the world. The appearance of Heyden Kristensen The audience was found immaculate. With an increase of 1.83 meters, he weighed 70 kilograms.

Hayden Christensen in Saga

The third part of the film entitled "Revenge of Sith" puzzled viewers: Kristensen's character has changed from a positive to negative. Filmists dispersed in the opinion of the actor's skill. For the work in the third part of the tape Hayden received the "Young Hollywood" award and the anti-strain "Golden Raspberry". In the nomination of the prestigious Award "Saturn", Kristensen fell for participating in the "Revenge of Sith" and "Attack of Clones".

Personal life

Relations with a colleague on the project "Teleport" actress Rachel Bilson from the Canadian star was unevenly: in the summer of 2010, the artists broke up, but in the winter of the same year they were repeated.

In the spring of 2014, the stars fans found out that Hayden and Rachel in anticipation of a happy event. In October 2015, the spouses had daughter Brüer Rose Christensen. The name of the girl in translation sounds like "Shipovichki". So the fairies called the Princess Aurora in the film "Sleeping Beauty" film.

Hayden Christensen loves her daughter and argues that she has a lot of similarities with the heroine from the "Sleeping Beauty".

Hayden Christensen with his wife and daughter

The actor fans have repeatedly noticed the touching habit of Heyden: when he focuses on work, the tip of the tip is pronounced. This feature of Kristensen is traced since childhood. And the star is afraid of bees, on which he is allergic.

Hayden Christensen now

Parents of Little Brüer Rose protect the girl from the annoying attention of the paparazzi. In May 2016, photographer managed to remove the daughter of Kristensen, when the spouses were shared on the farmers market in Los Angeles.

Hayden Christensen in 2017

In the fall of 2017, a new film will be released on the screens with the participation of Heiden Kristensen. This is an action-thriller Stephen S. Miller "First Murder." In addition to Canada, Bruce Willis and Shi Buckner starred.

News about the personal life of the actor and his work The 39-thousandth army of subscribers will know on the page of Heiden Kristensen in "Instagram".


  • 1999 - "Suician Virgin"
  • 2000 - "Above the Earth"
  • 2001 - "Life as a house"
  • 2002 - "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack »
  • 2003 - "Scam Stephen Glass"
  • 2005 - "Star Wars. Episode III: Sitness Revenge »
  • 2007 - "Anesthesia"
  • 2007 - "Territory of Virgins"
  • 2008 - Teleport
  • 2009 - "New York, I love you!"
  • 2015 - "American Robbery"
  • 2017 - "First Murder"

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