Ivan Kuchin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Ivan Leonidovich Kuchin - Russian poet, composer, performer, author of hits "And in the tavern quietly crippled", "White Swan", "Iba". Artist with a challenging destiny, who had to go through the years of conclusions, to lose his family, mother.

Singer Ivan Kuchin

Life difficulties were reflected in the work of the author-performer, which could not help but feel listeners. For the sincerity and truthfulness of feelings, they respond to the singer with their devotional love.

Childhood and youth

Ivan was born on March 13, 1959 in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, which is located in the Chita region. Father of the future artist, Leonid Ivanovich, worked as a car, Nina Innokentiev's mother devoted all his life on the railway service. In childhood, Ivan rose by the usual child, not showing special creative gusts.

Ivan Kuchin in youth

After graduating from school, together with a friend headed to Ulan-Ude to the Pedagogical Technical Academy. Ivan Leonidovich finished the art-graphic department.

Two years old, a young man gave the service in the army. The young man falls into the Transbaikal garrison, not far from the native town. After returning home, Ivan contacted a criminal world. In 1978, falling on theft of state property, Kuchin receives a first time.

Ivan Kuchin at the beginning of a career

Returning from the places of imprisonment, Ivan does not quit theft, for which he is regularly in prison. The last sentence last until 1993. When the term approached the end, Ivan's mother died suddenly. A young man without the opportunity to come to the funeral, repented of his own actions and decided to change. Without finding a job in a small town, Ivan is solved on moving to Moscow, where his creative biography begins.


Write music Ivan Kuchin began in the early 80s, while in prison. The first song "Crystal Vase" appeared in 1985, the artist will release it on the disk of the same name at exactly 10 years. Later in an interview, Ivan Kuchin told the story of the emergence of this song. Her plot he borrowed from a conversation with the elderly prisoner, who was in prison since Stalin's time. Later, other verses appeared that the author filled seven notebooks. A miracle material survived on the zone, because during searches destroyed all the records of prisoners.

In 1987, the singer records musical compositions in the style of Chanson for the first collection "Return home", but does not have time to publish them, since the entire film is seized by the guard of order. The album enters the people through familiar and friends of the police who fell to taste the musical compositions of the prisoner. Among the first fans were rumors that the author of the songs is Alexander Novikov.

Having moved to Moscow after liberation, Ivan records two disks at the Marathon studio: "New Camp Lyrics" and "flying the year." The first album entered the first hit of the performer "Man in the Tejochka". Cottry chanson interested in Siberian entrepreneurs who financed the third disk Kona "Fate Thieves". The collection includes hits "and the violin crying quietly", "lilac flowers", "will be held" and "White Swan". During the year, the performer disk went on millions of chairs. Based on the documentary video, the first clip of the "White Swan" was created.

Ivan does not stop after the first success, since over the years a lot of musical material has accumulated, and there are two more albums - "the forbidden zone" and "Chicago", which included the songs "Sentimental Detective", "Cute", "Gangster Knife", " Kush Ryabina. " In 1998, a collection of artist "Cross-stamp" appears on the shelves of music stores. Ivan Kuchin begins to tour with concerts, the artist is happy to take in all cities of Russia.

Having reached financial well-being, Ivan acquires an apartment in Moscow, arranges a personal life. The next job of the artist appeared only 2001. The disk was called "Tsar-Batyushka" and kept tracks written on non-prison topics: "Bagniku", "photo card", "native places", "counselor". Clips were created on the song "Tsar-Batyushka" and "Kon Voronev".

In the same year, the poet songwriter honors the honor of getting the Order "For Service in the Caucasus", who presented the singer General G. N. Troshin. Musical compositions often became for the Russian soldiers of that outstand, which did not let go into despair during participation in hostilities in Chechnya. A hit is also becoming a song on the prison topics "Freedom".

In 2003, the artist's discography is replenished with a collection of "Rowan Road", which is mainly of the hits of past years. A year later, the album "Cruel Romance" appears with the songs of "Talliana", "Friend", "Nochka".

The next studio entry of the artist took place only after 8 years, but the songs for the album "Heavenly Flowers" appeared in the repertoire of Ivan Konchina since the late 2000s, and some ("Black Woman") waited in the hour since the time of the artist's stay in prison. In an interview, Ivan Kuchin compared the songs for this album with precious wines, which over the years become only better. Such a long period of recording of the disk, the artist explained that he works independently, without produce support. Money for the creation and arrangement of songs he earns with solo concerts.

The artist copied the material for a full-fledged collection and in 2012 pleased the fans by the tracks "Verba", "Hedgehog", "Caravan", as well as a clip on the song "Pacific Ocean" from the album of the late 90s. On January 27, 2015, the release of the ninth album "Orphan fraction" took place. A clip based on the same name was created on the song of the song.

Announcements of events and video from concerts regularly appear in the artist's informal communities in the VKontakte network. In 2016, a collection of Kochina "A collection of superhittes was released. Best songs". In 2017, Ivan Kuchin was already visited by several major centers of Russia: Pskov, Novosibirsk, Ufa.

According to the artist, he does not protrude in the zone, because for 12 years of staying behind the bars on such life, he developed allergies. Reflecting on our own songs, Ivan Kuchin explains their popularity in that he writes not about camps or prisons, but about a person who fell into a difficult, sometimes hopeless situation.

Personal life

In the mid-1990s, Ivan Kuchin gets acquainted with National Larisa, which soon becomes his wife. In addition to family relationships, Ivan helps the spouse in concert activity. The artist composes songs for the first album Larisa, who got the name "broken a twig." Happiness lasted for a short time, since the young wife soon betrayed Ivan. Care Spouse Ivan Kuchin experienced hard. He even wrote the autobiographical song "Sing, Guitar!", Which fell into the album "At Rowan Road".

Ivan Kuchin in recording studio

The marriage process brought a lot of problems to Kuchin, but Elena sister hurried to the senior brother. After the death of the mother, it was the first situation when relatives became close. Kuchin acquired a house away from the capital of Russia and settled in solitary in a small settlement. In the mansion, Ivan has its own recording studio, in addition to music, artist is engaged in household. In the house there is everything you need for life and creativity, but Ivan does not spend money back.

Ivan Kuchin and the former wife Larisa Kohn

For a long time, his fleet consisted of one of the 1995 release car. Since the 2000s, the director of the singer is Elena.

Despite the burden of life and mistakes of youth, Ivan Kuchin remains a modest, intelligent man.

Ivan Kuchin now

Ivan Kuchin leads a closed lifestyle and does not communicate with colleagues in the workshop. From the popular singers, chanson is familiar with Tatiana Bulanova. The artist does not pay fundamentally for television ethers.

Ivan Kuchin

Now the speeches of Ivan Kohn, which he calls "meetings with friends," pass with regular times a month. Communication at these concerts takes place in a living manner, the artist performs the loved by the audience, introduces students with new musical compositions, answers questions.

In the summer of 2018, the release of the "military album" of Ivan Kochina took place. On the cover, as in the previous disks, - photo of the author-artist. New work is 16 songs about love, loyalty, friendship, male credibility. The album includes the tracks "Building", "Thumbelina", "Afghana", "Soldat", "My Favorite".


  • 1994 - "From the camp lyrics"
  • 1995 - "Crystal Vase"
  • 1997 - "The Fate of thieves"
  • 1998 - "Cross Print"
  • 2001 - "Tsar-Batyushka"
  • 2003 - "At Rowan Road"
  • 2004 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 2012 - "Heavenly Flowers"
  • 2015 - "Orphan Share"
  • 2018 - "Military Album"

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