Vladimir Yumatov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Vladimir Yumatov - Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, who has a degree of candidate of philosophical sciences. In his arsenal, dozens of rating full-length paintings and sensational serials.

Vladimir Yumatov and George Yumatov

Vladimir Sergeevich - Singlepamily of the famous actor George Yumatov, but his creative biography is no less rich and saturated with events and accomplishments. Vladimir has no acting education, but he looks at it philosophically:

"Diploma is a formality. When a creative breakthrough occurs, nothing means "crust". "

The same Georgy Yumatov, Kirill Lavrov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Georgy Burkov could not boast the notorious "crust", but became artists with a capital letter.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Yumatov - Native Moskvich. He was born in May 1951 in the acting family. Parents - Sergey Yumatov and Tatiana Pravlin - graduates of the Opera Studio Studio of the Bolshoi Theater, led by Konstantin Stanislavsky.

Full Vladimir Yumatov

No wonder that from orphanage Vladimir joined the theater world. Creative atmosphere in the house, communication with acting boom, ramp lights and smell flashes for the boy is commonplace. Yumatova had no children's dreams to become an artist, but the parents discovered a musical talent from his son and took the metropolitan Military Music School. Vladimir studied here until the 8th grade and played: five years of the company of young drummers, which included Yumatov, missed on all parades on Red Square. But not only the drum mastered the guy: Vladimir Sergeevich and today playing the piano.

Vladimir Yumatov in youth

The certificate of secondary education Vladimir Yumatov received at Moscow School No. 820. Parents dreamed that the Son would go to their footsteps. He gave way and went to act in Gitis, where the national artist of the USSR Andrei Goncharov was gaining course. But the third examination tour was for the guy the latter. Not upset at all because of the failure, Vladimir went to the urgent service.

After demobilization, Vladimir Yumatov unexpectedly became a student of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. Scientific activity so fascinated the young scientist that he graduated from graduate school and continued his studies at the Academy of Social Sciences, where he defended his dissertation.

Vladimir Yumatov

But the parents "punched the road" and here. At the University of Yumatov he was responsible for the cultural leisure of students. In the last year, Vladimir met Roman Viktyuk, who headed the Moscow State University Student Theater. The director saw in the young man actors talent. Under the start of Roman Grigorievich, Vladimir Yumatov worked for 7 years. Later, the artist with a smile said that he led the double life: in the morning she worked at the Department of Academy at the Central Committee, and in the evening he went on stage, playing a role in the anti-Soviet play.

Vladimir Yumatov in 2017

After graduating from the Academy, Vladimir Yumatov settled at the Gosperary of the USSR: for him there was a place in the department of letters and sociology. The editors were located in the Alley of the Sivans enesecks. After a couple of years, Yumatov rose to the deputy editor, soon he ranked the editorial chair. According to the artist, the work in the editorial office was exhausted: I had to understand the intrigues, scandals and anonymous letters. The theater remained the only intense. The charter "boiling" in this raging boiler, Vladimir Yumatov preferred art.


Yumatov's acting biography began on theatrical scene. In the Student Theater of Moscow State University, who led Viktyuk, worked Valentina Talyzin, Efim Siphrin, Emmanuel Vitorgan. At the performances that Roman Grigorievich put, spectators were broken.

Vladimir Yumatov in the play

From Viktyuk, Vladimir Yumatov in 1983 passed under the wing of Mark Rosovsky to the Nikitsky Gate organized by him. The artist comes out on these layouts today. In one of the interviews, Yumatov said that he initially experienced considerable difficulties: if Viktyuk "painted" every movement of the actor on stage, then Posovsky gave full freedom, adjusting the game a couple of days before the premiere. Soon, Vladimir Yumatov got used to new working conditions and found advantages in it.

Vladimir Yumatov in the theater

On the stage of the theater "At Nikitsky Gate", the actor played tens of bright roles. In the formulation of "Poor Lisa" Rosovsky entrusted Yumatov the image of Erast, although even then the matured artist was longer on the role of the groom, but Father Lisa. But the skill of reincarnation, inherent in Vladimir Sergeyevich, in the eyes of the audience turned a man in a fermented young man.

In the theater, Mark Rosovsky Vladimir Yumatov played Serebryakov in the play "Uncle Vanya", Brother Lorenzo in Romeo and Juliet, Fedy Protasova in the "live corpse", seeds of the Seeds in the "Crocodile" seeds and dozens of other bright images.


For the first time on the screen, the actor appeared in 1979. 28-year-old Yumatov starred in the cult Soviet detective "The meeting place is impossible". But the role of Vladimir was so small (he played a guy who was driven from the bench's operative of Vecchin), which did not even indicate in the actor titles. But Vladimir Yumatov with a fading heart watched the game of Vladimir Vysotsky, Sergey Jurassic, Vladimir Konkin and Leonid Kuravlev. Theatrical artist "fell ill" by cinema and from now on dreamed of getting to the shooting platform.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

The opportunity introduced itself in 1986 in the film "Travel". Director Ivan Kiaasashvili entrusted Yumatov The image of the inventor-nugget of Kostlin. But work in a psychological drama, although received positive reviews of film critics, did not bring fame, the actor did not bring.

A real debut in the cinema Vladimir Yumatov considers the role in the psychological detective "Sunday, Half of the Seventh," where the investigator of the prosecutor's office Nikolai Pavlovich was played. Soon the roles in the comedy of the Posovsky "Passion on Vladimir" and the psychological melodrama "Seagull" were followed.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

Fashion on the series in the 2000s did not bypass and Yumatov. Vladimir Sergeevich starred in all seasons of the criminal tape "Marsh Turkish", in the series "Protection Line", "Moscow Saga", "Adjutants of Love" and the 2nd season "Next". The actor and in the "full meter" appeared, starring in 2002 in Drama Valery Todorovsky "Lover", where he found himself on the set with Oleg Yankovsky and Sergey Garmash. In a detective, "Time Cruel" reincarnated in Stas in the bus. The picture received high ratings and praise critics for returning to the traditions of Russian psychological cinema.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

In 2006, Vladimir Yumatov starred in the drama "Pushkin. Last Duel "directed by Natalia Bondarchuk. Yumatov got the role of the poet Vasily Zhukovsky, Alexander Pushkin played Sergey Bezrukov. The following year, a cultural multi-sieuled project "Liquidation" came out, where the artist read the voice-over and reincarnated in the sechuk investigator.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

Multipleness and polygamy of the artist proved to reincarnation in negative characters, which performed by Vladimir Yumatov are convincing no less than positive heroes. As the proof - the role of the Obersturmbannfürera SS pall in the TV series "Heavy sand", Boris Pugo in the Drama "Unknown Putch" and Mikhail Somov in the Monttecristo multi-melodrama.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

After the release of "Montecristo", the name Vladimir Yumatov is pronounced by colleagues, film critics and audience with special respect. Soon, Yumatov award the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and in the filmography There are sign projects: Detective "Black Wolves", the criminal series "Once in Rostov", the historical dramas "Sunflow" and "Grigory R.", where Yumatov played Peter Stolypin.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

In the detective mini-series "Mosgaz", "Palach", "Spider" and "Shakal" Vladimir Yumatov played the editor of the Gregory Chudovsky newspaper. In 2016, the 16-serial social drama "Shutchiks" Yulia Krasnova was released on the screens, where the actor got the role of Major retired Ryabushkin.

Personal life

The first spouse artist was a woman named Hope. With her, Vladimir Yumatov met at the Academy of Public Sciences. But the marriage turned out to be short: Yumatov became interested in Irina Bulygin. Ira, for 10 years, the youngest Vladimir Sergeevich, was born in India. Her father is an international journalist.

Vladimir Yumatov and his wife

Buvina graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University. Fasciating Irina, Yumatov broke up with the first spouse, leaving her apartment.

In the spring of 1989, Vladimir Yumatov and Irina Bulygin got married. Couple had two sons - Sergey and Alexey. Contrary to the wishes of the Father, children did not become artists, focusing the strength on the study of foreign languages.

Vladimir Yumatov now

In its 66 years, the artist is in excellent form: today Yumatov at the peak of popularity. In a year, 3-4 films with his participation, there is time for theatrical scene. In April 2017, Vladimir Sergeevich appeared on the screens in the Outstanding 8-Series Dram "Torgsin", where academician played.

Vladimir Yumatov in the film

There are several more projects in production, which viewers will see on screens in 2017. This is the 8-serial criminal film "City", the Drama "Crime", where Daria Moroz will appear in the lead role, Andrei Smolyakov and Paul Priluchny, and the next screen version of Roman Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the flour". All films, Vladimir Yumatov will appear in the roles of the second plan, but so bright that it is difficult to notice the artist.


  • 1988 - "Sunday, half of the seventh"
  • 1992 - "Seagull"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2001 - "Games in Podgidny"
  • 2002 - "Lover"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Pushkin. Last Duel »
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "Montecristo"
  • 2009 - "Isaev"
  • 2010 - "Urgent in the room"
  • 2011 - "Black Wolves"
  • 2012 - "Once in Rostov"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2015 - "incorruptible"
  • 2016 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2017 - "Torgsin"

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