Placido Domingo - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Luciano Pavarotti, Children, Sons, Tenor 2021



Placido Domingo - one of the greatest tenors of modernity, whose genius was recognized as lovers of classical music and world critics. The rarest combination of a strong voice, stunning charisma and incredible hardworking allowed Placido to become a legend of the opera during life.

Childhood and youth

José Placido Domingo Embil (the full name of the singer) was born on January 21, 1941 in the capital of Spain, Madrid. His father of Pitido Domingo and the mother of Pitit Embilles were Sarsuela's stars (Spanish variation of operetta). The head of the family was perfectly owned by Bariton, and his wife is soprano.

In 1949, the family moved from Sunny Madrid to Mexico City. In the capital of Mexico, parents of the future musician organized their own theatrical troupe.

The first lessons of the game on the piano Domingo received when he was 8 years old, and already at the age of 14, a placido junior entered the Mexican National Conservatory. At the age of 16, he first performed in the troupe of his parents as a vocalist. Also, the young man spent a couple of performances in the Sarseela Theater as a conductor.

In 1959, the son of a prominent Mexican diplomat Manuel Agilar arranged Domingo listening in the National Opera. Despite some blots in the execution of Aria, a contract was concluded with a young man.


His debut on the stage took place on September 23, 1959 in the boss party in Opera Rigoletto. In the 1960/1961 season, Domingo shared the scene with representatives of the opera elite Giuseppe di Stefano and Manuel Ausence. Among his roles were Remendado in Carmen, Spolet in "Tuske", Schiegol and Abbot in Andre Shhenie, Goro in Madame Batterfly, Gaston in Traviate and Emperor in Turandot.

Among the subsequent theatrical sites that have submitted a young singers, the Dallas Opera House, Opera in Tel Aviv, a scene in Verona, La Scala, Covent Garden and others.

In 1967, Domingo was brilliantly performed by Opere Richard Wagner "Lorangery". Few people know, but he learned this most complicated party for 3 days. In 1968, the performer debuted on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, fulfilling Maurizio from the opera Francesco Chile "Adrian Lekuzren." Here he continued to work over the next decades.

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The new round of international recognition of the opera singement occurred in 1990, when the Air Force of the Air Force was made of the World Cup of Football Championship Aria Nessun Dorma performed by Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and José Carreras. The project "Three Tenors" was so successful that the singers had given concerts throughout Europe for several years. The public especially loved the songs of Santa Lucia and "About Sole Mio."

In July 2006, a concert was held in Berlin dedicated to the closure of the World Cup. In addition to Placido Domingo, Anna Netrebko, Rolando Villason and the Berlin Opera Orchestra under the control of Marco Arvilito, participated in it. This performance was another iconic event in the creative biography of the opera singers.

The press recognized the television of this event with the brightest TV event since the debut speech of the "three tenors". The program sounded arias and duets from the operas of Rossini, Verdi, Pucchini and Masssel. In 2015, the famous tenor debuted as Macbeth in the State Opera in Berlin.

Placido Domingo is entered in the Guinness Book of Records as a singer, which caused the longest applause. In 1991, after the performance of "Othello" in Vienna, 80 minutes launched. In addition, he went to bows more than everyone (101 times), and in terms of the opening of the seasons in the metropolitan-opera (21 times) broke the record of Caruso (17 times).

Personal life

Placido was married twice. The first-chief of the famous tenor was the pianist Anna Maria Gerra. Young people got married in 1957, when Domingo was 16 years old. But the personal life of spouses did not work out, their union broke up a couple of months after the wedding. In this marriage, the singer was born the son of Jose.

With the second wife, the artist met while studying in the conservatory. The owner of the lyrical soprano Martha Ornelas at that time was just beginning to conquer the musical Olympus. Teachers in one voice propheted her the great future, but the career of the opera singer, the girl chose a family.

True, before getting married, Domingo had to gain the location of not only Martha, but also her parents. When Placido performed the serenade under their windows, the head of the family, in order to cool the dust of the cavalier, often called the police. According to vocalist statements, law enforcement officials have never applied physical strength to him and have always allowed to give the last song to the end.

Despite the categorithics of parents, Domingo did not retreat and continued to care for the beloved. As a result, he still managed to achieve the blessings of the Ornelace family. In 1962, young people legitched their relationship.

In 1965, Martha gave birth to the artist of the heir. The woman called the firstborn in honor of his father - Placido. The second child (1968th) was given the name of the hero of the opera Giuseppe Verdi "The Force of Fate" - Alvaro.

Contrary to the problem, music is not the only passion for Domingo. Placido grew at the sports guy. In his youth, he played football well, and now he is a fan of the team "Real Madrid". In 2002, the famous tenor performed the anthem in honor of the Century "Royal" club, and in 2011 he received the Golden Sign of Differences FC.

In June 2017, when the team won the "Juventus" and in the 12th time he became the winner of the Champions League Cup, Domingo personally congratulated the players by making a memorable photo with footballers. Later, the performer published him in "Instagram".


In the summer of 2019, a scandal associated with the accusation of Placido Domingo in sexual harassment broke out in the opera metropolitan-opera. In stock 20 women participated. Their application was published by the Associated Press Agency.

Domingo himself disagree with the accusations, and his Russian colleague called them speculation. Nevertheless, the contract with the theater was terminated, and the Opera San Francisco and the Symphony Orchestra of Philadelphia abolished the participation of the singer in their concerts. In the fall, the artist completed cooperation with the Opera House of Los Angeles, where he served as Director General.

The singer is not going to leave the scene. In October, he gave a concert in Moscow in Crocus City Hall. Together with him, the Akomfonic Orchestra "New Russia" was made by Russian artists Oksana Shilova and Maria Katheva. Domingo presented to the public the works of various genres, including the famous hits Besame Mucho and "Moscow Evenings".

The investigation of the scandalous case was engaged in lawyers who were hired by the American Guild of Musicians. 27 victims were interviewed, and only one of them agreed to publish their name - Patricia Wulf. The rest gave testimony under anonymity conditions.

Domingo brought apologized to women who suffered from any of his actions, and fully took responsibility for what happened. By the way, accusations toward the tenor were perceived differently in society. The North American media focused on the fact that the European Community properly did not respond to a resonant matter. For example, the planned concerts in the London Royal Opera were not canceled.

Marat Gali, the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, also spoke in with respect to the colleague. The artist called the scandal bloated and the goal to produce artificial rotation in the musical world. In the Internet community supported placido, recalling the presumption of innocence.

Placido Domingo now

After a big break, in May 2021, it became known that Placido will perform at the Charitable Festival in the National Concert Hall of Madrid. The singer thanked his colleagues who joked to the initiative, and was happy to return to the big scene and sing before the people.

While in Russia after a concert in the Bolshoi Theater in 2021, Domingo managed to meet with Ksenia Sobchak. In conversation, tenor reported that he plans to finish his career in a couple of years. The artist also declared the desire to try himself in different roles, including in the audience.


  • 1993 - Love Songs & Tangos
  • 1997 - De Mi Alma Latina 2
  • 2011 - Passion: The Love Album

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