Dev Patel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Actor 2021



The British of the Indian origin of the Dev Patel in his years achieved what colleagues-peers can only dream. The actor was nominated for the most prestigious awards of the global film industry. In the piggy bank of Virgo - work in the paintings of the world famous director Danny Boyla and his talented colleague Garta Davis.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the star "Millionaire from a slum" - immigrants from India, grew up in Kenyan Nairobi. They moved to teenagers in Britain, where they met and got married. The son of the Vis Patel was born in April 1990 in the North-West District of London Harrow. Father Raj Patel - a programmer and an IT consultant. Anita, mother, worked as a nurse. Son and elder daughter Kalval Parents brought up in Hindu traditions, but there was no close connection with a historic homeland near the young Patel.

At the 10th age, the boy first visited India at the wedding in a relative. For a week of staying on the shores of the Holy Ganges, the heat and the omnipresent mosquitoes were so inspired by the Virgin that he promised never to return here.

Childhood and youthful years of Patel were held in the suburb of Harrow - Rainers Lane. The future artist studied at Longfield Middle School. Interest in the theater woke up in high school: Devas came out to the School Theater's stage in the form of Sir Andrew from the Shakespeare "Twelfth Night". According to him, then for the first time he wondered about the career of the actor.

The young man has strengthened in a desire to become a guide when, when he went to the Higher School, Whitmore. Teachers involved the young artist in amateur productions and was amazed by his acting skills. When the name of the Pitel thundered after the exit of the Millionaire from Slumbovka, the school teacher of the dramatic art of Niamh Wright admitted that the teenager was still in school struck him congenital talent to transfer a wide range of characters characteristics.

Devs with pleasure came out on the theater scene, and on tatami. Mother took a 10-year-old son in the Taekwondo section, wanting to direct the blasting energy of the boy into a safe bed. Soon, the Patel was so carried away by martial arts that in 3 years he participated in national competitions. In Dublin, at the International Martial Arts Championship, an athlete awarded a bronze medal in the younger age group. At that time, Virgo had a red belt.

In the spring of 2006, a black belt appeared at the 16-year-old panel, and he was not going to stop on the achieved. But Anita's mother believed that martial arts although the son was excessive energy, but not all. Therefore, a persistent woman seeing the announcement of the casting to the youth series, took away the resting Virgo to the studio. She remembered the recommendation of the jury who was awarded the boy the Best Actor award for the role in Shakespeare's play: Authoritative teachers then urgently advised the young man to think about the acting career.

The 17-year-old Hindu passed the samples and was approved for the role. So began the cinematic biography of Virgo Patel.

Personal life

On the shooting of the star painting "Millionaire from the slums", the delegates became acquainted with the senior on 6 years old by Frieda Pinto. She is American and Indian actress, as well as Patel, famous after the release of criminal melodrama Danny Boyla.

Beauty so fascinated by the young colleague, which threw the groom Rokhan Antao for him, with whom he was engaged. High Patel (height 1.87 m, weight 86 kg) and fragile pinto looked great together. Their joint photos decorated with tabloid covers, were concerned on the Frida page in "Instagram". In 2009, Anita confirmed the rumors of the Son's Rumome who leaked into the press presses, but it did not reach the wedding. In 2014, after the 6-year-old Roman, Virgo and Frida broke up.

The personal life of the artist has undergone another changes again thanks to the profession. On the set of the film "Hotel Mumbai. The opposition "Patel was carried away by his partner. His girlfriend was the Australian actress Tilda Cobem Hervey. At one time, they hidden relationships, but Paparazzi became aware of the novel of the couple. We repeatedly saw them together, walking in Los Angeles. Nevertheless, on the Red Track of the Oscar Award Ceremony in 2017, the guy appeared in the company's company.

Often, the artist's statements about the career in Hollywood turned into quotes. So, the girls shared with the public with the principle that helps to withstand star disease. At home, he always performs household requests of the parents, which helps him return from Heaven to Earth after filming the next international project.


In 2007, the Youth Sitter "Molokososy" came out on the screens. In a dramatic television series, the premiere of which was held at the British Channel E4 in January, the life of Bristol teenagers was told. The girl got the role of Anvar Khagrala, a guy with a problematic character and a strange sense of humor. Anwar, despite the commitment of Islam, do not mind drink. It uses drugs and shocks those surrounding stupid outcomes and explosive energy.

Hannah Murray and Mike Bailey, who shot down with the Virgin, told reporters that the characters of Kharraly and Patel are partly similar, so the hero turned out to be real. The actor starred in two seasons of a popular project. Shooting took place in Bristol. In 2008, the tape nominated on BAFTA. The series became the winner of The Rose d'OR.

The role of a problem teenager opened the talented Hindu door to the cinema industry. The cult director Danny Boyle, famous after the release of the criminal comedy "on the needle", took up a new project - the shielding of the Roman of the Indian writer of Vikas Svarupa was translated into 40 languages ​​"Question - Answer." It remained to find an actor to the role of the boy of Jamal Malik, who grew up in the Bombay slums. But hundreds of adolescents who came to the casting were filmed, and the director did not find the right candidate.

He helped the boilel 17-year-old daughter Keitlin, remembered Virgo Patel from the beloved Sitkom "Molokososy". The director arranged a strict exam - after five auditions, it was approved.

In order to better get into the image of Malik, Dev visits in India, in the Mumbai slums of Dharaavi - a huge dump, stretching at 215 hectares and sheltered Million Indians. Here Danny Boyle and filmed the scene of the criminal melodrama "Millionaire from a slum."

According to Patel, in the second visit to the historic homeland, he learned and loved India. A picture of Mumbai Syrote Jamale Malik brought an incredible success actor, turning it into a world-class star. The premiere of the drama took place in August 2008 in Toronto and was shrouded in prestigious prizes: eight Oscars, seven bafta and four Golden Globes. And these are just the largest awards.

From this point on, Dev regularly receives offers from directors and does not know what is easy to shoot. In 2010, two projects were published with the participation of celebrities. The artist appeared in the short film "Passenger" and the adventure fantasy "Lord of the Elements". But luck, it seems, turned away from Virgin: for work in the "Lord of the Elements" he was presented with anti-strain "Golden Malina". Critics and viewers are very cool appreciated and fantasy, and the game of the Patel, which appeared in the image of Prince Tuko.

Rehabilitated virgins managed in 2012, while playing the hotel manager Sonny Kapura in the comedy tape of John Madeden "Hotel" Marygold ". Best of exotic. " The world premiere of tragicomedia about the elderly people settled in a luxury hotel took place in Sorrento. In Glasgow, the picture has won the main prize. For the role of Sonyni V. He learned to talk to an Indian accent.

In the same year, the Dramatic series "News" Aaron Sorkin and the drama "Cherry" came to the screens, where the audience saw Patel in the lead role of Andrew. Cherry has shown at the International Festival in Berlin.

In 2014, the artist pleased the fans by work in the dramatic comedy "TRONTY", where he appeared in the company Zoe Kravitz and Robert Shien. In Russia, the film was seen in March 2016. This is a black comedy about the eccentric Trinity - Vincent, Marie and Alex, from the crazy beaches of which parents are so tired, which determined children in the clinic for insane. But they ran away from there and moved on a journey. Virgo Patel played Alex.

The 2015th marked for the actor with the release of three notable projects. The continuation of the comedy "Hotel Marygold" came out. Settlement continues, "where the audience saw the Virgo again in the image of Sonny Kapura. Little success, despite the star composition (Hugh Jackman and Sigurnie Weaver), enjoyed the thriller "Robot named Chappi." But the biographical drama "The man who knew infinity" about the Indian Mathematics-Self-taper received positive feedback from film critics. Virgo played mathematics. Together with him, Jeremy Irons appeared in the picture and Stephen Fry.

In 2016, the drama Garth Davis Lion was released on the screens, where the panel got the main role. Together with him, Nicole Kidman and Rooney Mara appeared in the picture. In the US, the ribbon was shown in November 2016, and in Australia - in early 2017.

The drama "Lion" was warmly met by the audience and received a high (87%) rating on the specialized website Rotten Tomatoes. Filmists celebrated the film with six nominations for Oscar.

One of the bright paintings with the participation of Patel was the Thriller "Hotel Mumbai. Confrontation "based on the real events that occurred in India. In 2008, guests and staff of the luxurious hotel "Taj Mahal Palace" have experienced a serious test - the seizure of the building by terrorists. In addition to Virgo, the project was attended by Army Hummer, Jason Isaacs and others.

In 2018, Patel appeared in the cast of the thriller "Guest at the Wedding", a year later he participated in the voicing of the French animation tape "I lost my body." Together with Ann Hathaway and Sophia Butello, he starred in the series "Modern Love."

Virgo Patel now

Now the film driver of the British artist is developing rapidly. 2020 gave it to fans two big premieres with the participation of idols. This is the English comedy "History of David Copperfield", the screening of the Roman Charles Dickens. The film made a favorable impression on film critics.

In addition, Patel second time decided to work in a fantasy film, despite the previous unsuccessful work in the "Lord of the Elements". In the drama "Legend of the Green Knight", he appeared in the lead role with Alicia Wikander and Joel Edgeton.


  • 2007 - "Molocosos"
  • 2008 - "Millionaire from a slum"
  • 2009 - "Mr. Eleventh"
  • 2010 - "Lord of the Elements"
  • 2010 - "Passenger"
  • 2012 - "Marygold Hotel. Best of Exotic »
  • 2012 - "Cherry"
  • 2012 - "News"
  • 2014 - "Touched"
  • 2015 - "Marygold Hotel. Settlement continues. "
  • 2015 - "Robot named Chappi"
  • 2015 - "A man who knew infinity"
  • 2016 - "Lion"
  • 2018 - "Hotel Mumbai: confrontation"
  • 2019 - "History of David Copperfield"
  • 2019 - "Modern Love"
  • 2020 - "Legend of Green Knight"

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