Alexander Suvorov - biography, photos, personal life, war



Russian Military Genius, Great Communion, Generalissimus Victory - Whatever epithets did not use in its relationship, exaggerate the merits of the outstanding military strategist difficult. He won more than 60 battles in which he participated. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov took care of the soldiers as a father, developing a practical uniform for them, replaced by narrow Prussian uniforms, improving the charter and the rules of education.

Portrait of Alexander Suvorov

Historians call the commander unique, because for half a century of service he led an exceptionally offensive operations and never participated in the defensive war. Suvorov managed to secure the country from aggressive neighbors for many decades, making the borders of the state incense.

Childhood and youth

The future generalssimus was born in the family of General Vasily Suvorov, Peter's first godpiece, which started the service of the twin and translator with the king. Under Catherine, Vasily Ivanovich served in the secret office and served to the general title. Shortly before the resignation became a senator. The mother of the famous commander Avdota Manukova comes from an old nobility. Her father was the Vice-President of the Voted College.

Alexander Suvorov

Perhaps in the veins, Alexander Suvorov flowed not only Russian, but also Swedish and Armenian blood. The family legend says that the genus of the commander occurred from the notable Swede Suvorov, who became Russians subman in 1622. And the mother's roots are buried in Armenia ("Manuk" in translation from the Armenian language - a child).

About the year and month of the birth of Alexander Suvorov argue, which he himself. In the autobiography, the warlord indicated that he began to serve a 15-year-old guy in 1742 (i.e., date of birth - 1727). In another note, Alexander Vasilyevich indicates the 1730th. There is a third date - 1729, indicated in the regimental journal, where he entered the teenager.

Alexander Suvorov and his father Vasily Suvorov

The name of his son gave his father, famous for writing the first military dictionary in Russia. It is not surprising that Vasily Suvorov called the offspring in honor of the ancient Russian commander Alexander Nevsky. Interest in the military case, the boy took over from the parent: Thanks to Vasily Ivanovich in the estate was the richest library. In the shelves were kept by manuals on artillery and fortification, to which young Sasha was addicted, barely learned to read.

Alexander Suvorov in childhood

But the Father, who dreamed of the successor of a military man, was very skeptical of the future of the Son: the boy was painful and sick. Vasily Ivanovich saw Alexander civil servants. But the boy who knew in the adolescent age about the military thing that was not known to any officer, aiming at the military career. Young Suvorov was harvested and every day put the body with exhausting physical exercises.

Once the Gunnibal Gunnibal, Gunnibal, celebrated in the house, noticed that the boy, playing the soldiers, very competently leads the "fight" and owns tactics. Hannibal advised Suvorov-senior to choose his son military specialty.

Military service

In 1742, Alexander Suvorov became the Musketeer of the Semenov Regiment. After 6 years, having received an officer rank, started a real military service. At this time, the young man has improved knowledge, visiting the classes of Cadets of St. Petersburg and studying foreign languages.

Monument to Alexander Suvorov

In the biography of Alexander Suvorov, a significant event happened at the dawn of a military career. When he stood in Karaul in Peterhof, the Queen of Elizabeth Petrovna passed by. The Empress approached Suvorov and, having learned, he whose son, stretching the young man with a silver ruble. But he refused, explaining that the charter does not tell the hour to take money. Elizabeth Petrovna praised the rifle watch and put the ruble to the ground, saying Suvorov to take after the service. Alexander Vasilievich coin kept all his life.

Alexander Suvorov and Elizaveta Petrovna

In the 1754th, the lieutenant Alexander Suvorov was seconded to the Ingermanland infantry regiment. A year later, they took to serve in the military collegium, where he stayed until 1758. In the early years, the seven-year-old War Suvorov served in the rear unit, passing the ranks from the provincial minister to the premier Major, having studied the work of the rear services and army supply.

Alexander Suvorov

In 1758, Alexander Suvorov was transferred to the current army. A year later, the future generalssimus participated in the first battle: heading the Dragun squadron, successfully attacked, forcing the German dragoons to escape.

The first battle, whose participant was Suvorov, was held under the Kunesdorf in August 1759. This military operation is known as a turning point in a seven-year war. She put a point in the defeat of the Prussian army. Having shown himself in the battle, Alexander Suvorov became an officer at the Commander-in-Chief Willima Fermore. He participated in a successful Berlin expedition with General-Annef.

Generalissimus Alexander Suvorov

In the early 1760s, Alexander Suvorov passed into submission to General Vista Berg. He was entrusted to command by the Gusar and Dragoon detachments, covering the waste of the Russian division to Brgeslar and destroyed the opponent's provision. In the autumn of 1762, Suvorov was produced in the Colonel Chin and put at the head of the Astrakhan regiment. For the excellent service, the Empress presented his portrait to Alexander Vasilyevich. From now on, according to Suvorov, his path to glory began.

From 1763 to 1769, Alexander Suvorov led the Suzdal regiment deployed in the new Ladoga. At that time, he wrote a "regimental institution" - the rules of educational work, internal service and combat training of soldiers. In the autumn of the 1768th Suvorov assigned the title of the Brigadier.


The formation of Suvorov as a commander fell into the age of Ekaterina Great and two victory Russian-Turkish wars. In the 1770s, Alexander Vasilyevich assigned the title of Major General. After the victory over the Turks under Turtukate and Kozlugi, he became a lieutenant-general. At this time, Suvorov was lucky to serve under Feldmarshal Peter Rumyantsev. The dating of the commander revealed in the second Russian-Turkish war. In 1788, General-Annef Alexander Suvorov distinguished himself during the defense of Kinburn. Here he got the first serious injury.

Taking the Kolberg fortress during the seven-year war

For the victorious battle, the warlord was presented by the Order of Andrei First Called. The second time Suvorov wounded during the storming of the Turkish fortress in Ochakov. Between the two Turkish wars, Alexander Suvorov proved its effectiveness as a military leader and strategist, suppressing the Bunken Emelyan Pugachev. The Empress thanked him with 2 thousand chervonians. In September 1789, the battle of Ramnica took place. 25 thousand Russian-Austrian soldiers defeated the 100,000-thousand Turkish army of Yusuf-Pasha. Russian forces in this battle headed Alexander Suvorov.

Alexander Suvorov and Emelyan Pugachev

The victory at Rhmnik demonstrated the advantage of Russian weapons at the military theater, changing the strategic environment at the front. The bright victory of the commander was the rapid taking in December 1790 by the Turkish fortress Ishmael, which was considered impregnable. The battle entered the annals of the history of Russia, it is put in one row with Poltava and Borodino battles.

Alexander Suvorov on horseback

After the death of the Empress in 1796, Paul was replaced by Pavel. Relations with the son of Ekaterina Alekseevna, Alexander Suvorov, were intense. A year later, the king published an order for the resignation of the commander. In February, Field Marshal was exiled to generic estate. But after the exacerbation of the political situation in Europe, Alexandra Vasilyevich was remembered. The rulers of Austria and Britain turned to Paul I asking to put Suvorov's allied troops at the head of the Allied Troops.

The Italian campaign conducted by the old warlord in the 1799th causes admiration for contemporaries. Alexander Suvorov held a number of lightning and brilliant battles. Feldmarshal occupied Turin and Milan, broke the power of the French on the River of the demand of the demand, reducing the army of the enemy half.

Transition Alexander Suvorov through the Alps

The French gathered the remnants of the army and led by General Jubener moved to Piedmont. In August, they took the city of Novi Ligure. The Allied Army, led by Alexander Suvorov, took the challenge. In the 18-hour battle at Novi, the French army was defeated, losing 7 thousand soldiers killed. The commander of Joubert died. This victory was decisive in the Italian campaign. The victory of the Emperor ordered to give Alexander Suvorov the same honors as the sex of the imperial family name.

The campaign of 1799 gold letters entered the history of the Russian army. The legendary transition of Suvorov through the Alps and today amazing imagination. Paul I with admiration stated the victory of Alexander Suvorov over the nature itself. The conquest of the Swiss mountain peaks and the longest list of previous victories brought the commander to the prominent glory and the title of Generalissimus - the highest in the military hierarchy.

Book Alexander Suvorov

Alexander Suvorov created a new military doctrine. Based on the personal experience of hostilities, developed the strategy and tactics of warfare. The tactical allowance "Science to win" written by the commander - the desktop book of Russian military leaders. Pupils of Suvorov became Mikhail Kutuzov, Nikolay Raevsky, Peter Bagration. The commander was awarded all the highest military awards, including the Order of St. George three degrees.

Order Alexander Suvorov

The monument to Generalissimus was erected during life. Suvorov schools appeared, in which they brought up future military. During the Great Patriotic War, Suvorov was awarded the heroes, and the name of the commander was called not one dozen ships. Among them, the bronnioles "Prince Suvorov" and the ship "Alexander Suvorov".

Alexander Suvorov - biography, photos, personal life, war 17295_15

The image of the genius commander was repeatedly operated by directors. Alexander Suvorova played Nikolai Cherkasov ("Suvorov"), Yuri Katin Yartsev ("Bagration"), Valery Zolotukhin ("Adjutants of Love"), Vadim Demchog ("Favorit").

Personal life

The only front on which Alexander Suvorov lost was personal. The passion for the military craft selected the young and youth in the commander. At 40 years, the warlord did not have any families or children. Father came to correct the situation. Vasily Ivanovich sucks the son of a beautiful bride. She was 23-year-old Varvara Proorovskaya, a girl from the impoverished nobleman.

Varvara Prozorovskaya, wife Alexander Suvorov

In December 1773, the engagement took place, in January next year - a wedding. Under the crown was two surprisingly unlike people: the unprecedented, punishment of Suvorov, next to which the blooming beauty of Barbara seemed even better.

But Alexander Suvorov was the smartest and educated man of the epoch, who knew 5 foreign languages, and the proorpets wrote with monstrous mistakes, and its circle of interest was limited to outfits and secular events.

Natalia Zudova, daughter Alexander Suvorov

Voltage between spouses grew. After the birth of the daughter of Natalia, the pair began begging and quarrels. Alexander Vasilyevich disappeared on the fronts and battles. Varvara Ivanovna led the way of life, which was led by all the ladies of that era.

Having learned from the "benevolers" about the treasures of the spouse, Alexander Suvorov entered in accordance with the nature: he filed a divorce into a spiritual consideration, describing the behavior of the wrong wife in detail. But it was not possible to terminate the marriage - the scandal was settled by the Empress. Ekaterina Alekseevna handed another medal to the commander and asked not to carry out sorrows from the hut.

Arkady Suvorov, son of Alexander Suvorov

But in 1784, Suvorov demanded a divorce for the second time, declaring the name of his wife's lover. After two months, the son of Arkady was gave birth to Varvara Ivanovna, whom Alexander Suvorov admitted after 12 years. Spouses did not divorce the second time, but together they no longer lived. The commander set his wife a modest content of 1,200 rubles, and Natalia determined his daughter to the Smolny Institute, banning the Mother.

Alexander, grandson Alexander Suvorov

In 1796, Suvorov admitted his son and determined the 12-year-old boy in Juncker. The fate of Arkady Suvorov was tragic: he drowned at 26 years old. But four grandchildren, his father managed to give. Six children gave birth and Natalia Suvorov. The warlord did not forgive his spouse to death, as he, in solitude.


After the end of the Swiss campaign, Alexander Suvorov returned to Russia. The transition through the Alps, the commander fell ill. Rotating to the generic estate in Kobrin, the run. In St. Petersburg, Generalissimus was waiting for a solemn meeting by preparing the hero. The doctor directed by the king was put by Alexander Vasilyevich on his feet.

Tomb of Alexander Suvorov in the Blagoveshchensk Church

Having arrived in the northern capital, Suvorov stopped in the house of the niece and went down again. This time - forever. The commander died in the house on the hook channel. The emperor for the funeral did not come. Alexander Suvorov buried in the Blagoveshchensk Church of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


  • Eyemer, speed, Natisk - Here are my leaders.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. The master is afraid of the Master, and since the peasant does not know how to own the Self - bread is not born.
  • Bey enemy, not sparing him nor himself, wins the one who regrets himself less.
  • From the young age to take care of the misconduct of the neighbor and never forgive their own.
  • Learn to obey before you command the other.
  • Shoot rarely, yes. Kolya Kolya firmly. Bullet fool, bayonet, well done.
  • The idleness is the mother boredom and many vices.
  • Who brave is alive. Who rested - that intake.
  • There are no two deaths, but one not to power.
  • The war is finished only when the last soldier who deceased on it is buried.

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